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单元教学内容:Unit 8Is there a post office near here?


本单元主题是问路和指路。通过本单元的学习,学生能够熟练地掌握指路和问路的句型,并将这一句型熟练地运用到日常生活中。本课设计了许多小地图和平面图,让学生得到全面的发展。本单元以对指路和问路的学习为重点,设计了两个部分内容:SectionA 部分一共有三个模块,第一模块以简单的指路和问路为主要话题,以对地名,街道名和运动词汇的学习为重点,第二模块以听说训练为主,扩展训练指路问路的句型,训练学生的会话连贯性和语言交际能力。SectionB部分一共有四个模块,第一模块以新单词认知情景交际和听力训练为主,让学生进一步熟练本课重点句型,扩大词汇量。第三模块以填空和写作为重点,训练学生的英语综合应用能力。 单元教学目标:

词汇: post, office, police station, hotel,restaurant………… 语法:掌握描述性形容词的用法。 1.He?s really tall.

2She has long straight hair.

功能用语和话题:There be句型的疑问句形式: Be+there+地点?

问答:Yes,there be./No,there be not. Is there a bank near here? Yes,there is.It?s on Center Street.

单元教学重点:1.掌握如何运用There be句型来问路和指路。 2掌握正确的描述某地附近地点的方法。 单元教学难点:1.本课重点句型的实际运用。 2.指路时词汇的正确使用。 单元教学安排:


Period 1 SectionA(1a-2d) 1课时



Period 2 SectionA(Grammar Focus—3d) 1课时 Period 3 SectionB(1a--1e) 1课时 Period 4 SectionB(2a—Self Check) 1课时 Period 5 Review Lesson 1课时

课题 The Fist Period (SectionA 1a-2d) 1. 语言知识目标: 1) 能掌握以下单词:post, office, post office, police, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, pay, near, across, across from, front, in front of, behind, town, around 能掌握以下句型: 1. ① —Is there a hospital near here? —Yes, there is. ② The pay phone is across from the library. 教学目标 ③ The pay phone is between the post office and the library. 2) 能了解以下语法: ——Where 引导的特殊疑问句及其答语。 ——学会There is / are…。Is/are there..的句型及用法。 2. 情感态度价值观目标: ① 通过运用简单的问路和引路的交际用语,学会相互合作,培养乐于助人的精神。 ② 通过运用问路和引路的交际用语,帮助各个层次的同2


学树立自信心,敢于用英语进行交际. ①Where 引导的特殊疑问句。 ②there be 句型的肯定式、一般疑问句及其回答方式。 教学 ③方位介词的用法。 重、难点 1.A tape recorder. 教学准备 2.A computer for multimedia use. 教法学法 教学时间 Make conversations freely using the target language. 1课时 Ⅰ. Lead-in: T: Hello, everyone, please think about prepositions for position S: in, on…… T: Good, today we are going to learn other prepositions for position and several nouns. Please look at the following new words. post, office, post office, police, police station, hotel, restaurant, bank, hospital, street, pay, near, across, across from, front, in front of, behind, town, around At first, ask a few students to try to read them, then the 3


teacher corrects their pronunciations. Ⅱ. Presentation: 1. T: Hello, class, how to say about a general question and negative of ―there be‖ S: When it is a general question, ―be‖ should be put in the first word of a sentence. When it is negative, it should add ―not‖ behind ―be‖. T: T: Excellent, then please think about What a positive answer and a negative answer are? S: A positive answer is―Yes, there is ―or―Yes, there are.‖ A negative answer is ―No, there isn’t ―, or ―No, there aren’t.‖ T: Good. Now please finish the following exercises: 1) There ______ (be) a lot of books on the desk. 2) There ______ (be) a bank and two ________ (library) on the street. 3) ______ ________ (有) a post office near here? Ⅲ. Listening: T: Now let’s listen to the tape, and circle the places you hear in 1a. (听力指导:做好听力题的两个关键:一是听前看图片或者文字材料;二是听时抓住关键词。) 4


Listen again: finish the following dialogues: Conversation 1: A: Is there a restaurant _______ on Bridge Street? B: Yes, _________ ________. Conversation 2: A: _______ there a post office ________ here? B: Um, Yes, there ______. ___________ one on Long Street. Conversation 3: A: Is there a ______________ on Center Street? B: No, __________ _______. IV. Listening: 1. Work on 2a; T: Now, look at 2b, listen and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. The students check the answers. 2. Check the answers: Ⅶ. Pair work 1. Ask the Ss to ask and answer questions about the places in 1a on page 43. Ⅷ. Role-play 1. Ask Ss to look at the conversations in 2d. Then Ss 5

