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2013级教育研究方法课程作业 (2014年6月)
The Term Paper for Educational Research Methods
A Research proposal
Taking a small-scale issue arising either from reading or from your own experience, write a research proposal in which the following should be included:
1. The reason why it needs to be researched
2. A literature review of previous studies relevant to the research question 3. Formulation of the research question(s), or hypothesis/hypotheses 4. The design of (an) appropriate method(s) for collecting relevant data 5. Suggested ways of analyzing your expected data
6. A discussion of limitations and suggestions for further research
The proposal will be evaluated according to the following checklist. I. Introduction
Is the framework of the study clear? II. Literature Review
1. Can you tell where the study fits in? 2. Is the background or rationale provided? 3. Is the relationship to previous research clear?
4. Are key terms defined and are these definitions used consistently? 5. Are the purpose(s) and research questions/hypotheses included? III. Method
Is the study replicable? 3.1 Participants
1. Is the description of the participants adequate? 2. Is the method of selection clear? 3.2 Materials/instruments
1. Is there a description of tests, questionnaires, rating scales, and so forth? 2. Are the materials included as appendixes?
3. Do the variables represent reasonable operational definitions of the underlying constructs or characteristics involved? 3.3 Procedures
1. Is there a description of the preparation of materials, administration, scoring, and so on?
2. Is there a check of the reliability and validity? Any pilot studies? 3. Is there a description of the conditions during the study? 3.4 Suggested Data Analyses
1. Is there a description of the arrangement and/or grouping of the data? 2. Are the statistical tests listed in order of use? 3. Is the confidence level (alpha) specified? IV. Expected Results and Discussion
1. Are all the statistical tests previously listed represented as results? 2. Is there a prose explanation?
3. Is the original research question, or questions, answered?
4. Is there an explanation of why the results were as they were? 5. Does the discussion refer back to the literature review? V. Conclusion (for research project)
1. If the conclusion is based on previous research, is it well supported and reasoned?
2. If the conclusion is speculative, is it qualified as such and well reasoned? 3. Is there a discussion of limitations?
4. Are suggestions for further research provided? VI. References
1. Are all the references cited in the text included? 2. Are any pertinent references missing? 3. Is the list of references in APA style? VII. Appendixes 1. Are they necessary? 2. Are they complete? Note: 1. Your research proposal is due on July 7, 2014.
2. It should be formatted in APA style with no less than 6 pages in length.
3. The “METHOD” part is very important. It should be written in a great detail. 4. Do remember to include a cover page.
5. 字体:Times New Roman; 字号:小四;行距:2倍;标题加粗;每段首行缩
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