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Unit1 Where did you go on vacation?

go on vacation去度假 stay at home待在家里 go to the mountains去爬山 go to the beach去海滩

visit museums 参观博物馆 go to summer camp去参观夏令营 quite a few相当多 study for为……而学习 go out出去 most of the time大部分时间 taste good尝起来很好吃

have a good time=have fun玩得高兴 +v.ing of course当然 feel like给……的感觉;感受到

go shopping去购物 in the past在过去 walk around四处走走 because of因为 one bowl of… 一碗…… the next day第二天 drink tea喝茶 find out找出;查明 go on继续 take photos照相 s

omething important重要的事 up and down上上下下 come up出来 buy sth. for sb. / buy sb. sth.为某人买某物 taste + adj. 尝起来…… look+adj. 看起来…… nothing…but+动词原形 除了……之外什么都没有 seem+(to be)+ adj. 看起来…… arrive in+大地点 / arrive at+小地点 到达某地

decide to do sth.决定去做某事 try doing sth.尝试做某事 / try to do sth.尽力去做某事

forget doing sth.忘记做过某事/ forget to do sth.忘记做某事 enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某事 want to do sth.想去做某事 start doing sth.开始做某事 stop doing sth. 停止做某事 dislike doing sth. 不喜欢做某事 keep doing sth.继续做某事 keep sth+adj.使…保持…状态 Why not +v.?=Why don’t you+v.?为什么不做……呢?

so+adj.+that+从句 如此……以至于…… tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 feel like +n./v.ing sth 想要…想要做…


1.We decided (go) to the beach near our hotel. 2.I really enjoy (walk) around the town. 3.Did you have a great time (talk) in groups? 4. ---Where did you (study) last night?

---No, I (help)my mother (clean) the room. 5.Do you feel like (drink) some orange? 6. It’s very interesting ( feed) the pets. 二.单项选择。

( )1.Our teacher often keeps us ________ classroom every day,so we must keep our classroom . A.clean,clean B.cleaning,cleaning C.cleaning,clean ( )2.What bad weather it was! We decided _______ A: to go out B. not to go out C. to not go out

( )3.I felt _____________when I heard the __________ news. A.exciting;excited B.excited;exciting C.exciting;exciting

( )4. Mrs Brown is nice. Every day she tried to cook __for me during my stay in Canada. A. something different B. different something C. nothing different ( )5.The problems _______difficult _______ few students can solve them. A. so; and B. so; that C. so; to 三.句子翻译。

1.你买特别的东西了吗?Did you buy ? 2.所有的东西尝起来真的很好吃! Everything tasted ! 3.因为坏天气,我们也没有看见下面的任何景色。

the bad weather,we couldn’t see anything below.

4.我为爸爸买了一些东西。 I bought my father. 5.除了读书没什么事可做! There was much to do read. Unit2 How often do you exercise?

help with housework帮助做家务 on weekends在周末 how often多久一次 hardly ever几乎从不 once a week每周一次 twice a month每月两次 every day每天 be free有空

go to the movies去看电影 use the Internet用互联网 swing dance摇摆舞 play tennis打网球 stay up late熬夜;睡得很晚 at least至少 have dance and piano lessons上舞蹈课和钢琴课

go to bed early早点睡觉 play sports进行体育活动 be good for对……有好处 go camping去野营 not…at all一点儿也不…… in one’s free time在某人的业余时间 the most popular最受欢迎的 such as比如;诸如 old habits die hard积习难改 go to the dentist去看牙医

more than多于;超过 less than少于 help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事

How about+n./v.ing? ......怎么样?/ ……好不好? want sb. to do sth.想让某人做某事

How many+可数名词复数+一般疑问句? ……有多少……? 主语+find+that从句. ……发现…… spend time with sb.和某人一起度过时光 It’s+ adj.+ to do sth. 做某事的……的。 ask sb. about sth.向某人询问某事 by doing sth. 通过做某事 leave for…动身去某地 What’s your favorite……? 你最喜爱的……是什么? the best way to do sth.做…的最好方式 一. 选择填空。

( )1. Mr Wang is leaving ________ Guangzhou next week. A. to B. with C. in D. for

( )2. --________ is it from your home to school? --Three miles. A. How far B. How much C. How soon D. How long ( )3. It will take the men half a year ________ the work. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finishes ( )4. I often go to work ________.

A. ride my bike B. by bike C. by a bike D. on bike ( )5. .—______do they play basketball?—Every day.

A.How soon B.How much C.How many D.How often 二. 完成下列对话。

从下列方框中选择恰当的句子,完成下列对话。 A: ____1____

B: Yes, please. Could you tell me the way to the First People's Hospital? A: Let me see. Oh, it's far from here. B: ____2____

A: About five miles. ____3____

A. That's OK. B: Which bus should I take?

B. You can take a bus to go there. A: The No.1 bus will take you there.

C. Can I help you? B: ____4____

A: It's about 30 minutes. D. How long does it take to get there? B: Thanks for your help. E. How far is it? A: ____5____

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 三.句子翻译。

1.你多久锻炼一次? do you exercise?

2.他周末通常做什么?What do you usually do ? 3.晚上你通常睡几个小时? hours do you usually sleep at night? 4.她几乎不看电视。She watches TV.

5.多喝牛奶对健康有好处。Drinking too much milk your health. ( )1.Tom studies _______. He _______plays with his friends.

A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. Hard; hardly D. hardly; hard ( )2.Jane is high school student in the United States.

A. a 18-year-old B. a 18-years-old C. an 18-years-old D. an 18-year-old ( )3. —How often do you drink milk? —I don’t like it, so I _____drink it. A. always B. usually C. hardly ever D. often

( )4.“85%of the students in our class like English.”means “ _____students in our class like English.” A. All B. Most C. Few D. No

( )5—Does Antony always finish his homework on time?

—Yes, of course. He_____ leaves today’s work until tomorrow. A. also B. never C. only D. usually

( )6.—How often does the train run to Jinan ? —_____twenty minutes. A. Any B. Each C. Every D. Another

( )7.Mr.Li asks the students_____ in the river, because it’s too dangerous. A. swim B. to swim C. not to swim D. to not swim

( )8..If you have a toothache(牙痛),you can go to see a _____ . A. doctor B. dentist C. teacher D. policeman ( )9. Reading aloud is the best way English. A. to learn B. learning C. to learn D. learns

( )10.—I can’t find my CDs. —_______you put them in that bag. A. Must B. May be C. Maybe D. May

( )11.Peter is my best friend. He often helps science. A. me with B, my with C. me on D. me of

( )12.—What about_______ a rest? —OK! Let’s go for a walk.

A. to have B. had C. have D. having

( )13.—How many books in the bag are yours? — of them is mine. A. No one B. None C. Not one D. Noone

( )14. —____do you watch TV every week? —Less than two hours. I often have much homework to do. A. How many B. How much C. How long D. How often ( )15.What do you usually do weekends? A. on B. of C. in D. with

( )16.Did you find the answer the question about TV very interesting? A. to, watching B, of, watching C. to, watched D. of , watched ( ) 1.— do you exercise? —Hardly ever.

A. How many times B. How often C. When D. How ( ) 2. Jane stay up late because she didn’t finished his homework. A. had to B. must C. should D. must to

( ) 3. Tom studies _______. He _______plays with his friends.

A. hard; hard B. hardly; hardly C. Hard; hardly D. hardly; hard ( ) 4. Jane is high school student in the United States.

A. a 18-year-old B. a 18-years-old C. an 18-years-old D. an 18-year-old

( ) 5. _____ it was very cold, _____ my friend still went swimming in Jialing River this morning. A. Although; but B. Although; / C. But; although D. /; although

( ) 6. —How often do you drink milk? —I don’t like it, so I _____drink it. A. always B. usually C. hardly ever D. often

( ) 7.“85%of the students in our class like English.”means “ _____students in our class like English.” A. All B. Most C. Few D. No

( ) 8. —How often does the train run to Jinan ? —_____twenty minutes. A. Any B. Each C. Every D. Another ( ) 9. My dad ________ a teacher when I grow up .

A. wants me to B. wants me to be C. wants me D. wanted

( ) 10. Mr. Li asks the students _____in the river, because it’s too dangerous. A. swim B. to swim C. not to swim D. to not swim ( ) 11. Reading aloud is the best way ___ English.

A. to learn B. learning C. to learn D. learns

( ) 12. —I can’t find my CDs. —_______you put them in that bag. A. Must B. May be C. Maybe D. May ( ) 13. Peter is my best friend. He often helps science.

A. me with B. my with C. me on D. me of

( ) 14. Did you find the answer the question about TV very interesting? A. to, watching B. of, watching C. to, watched D. of, watched 1.We decided (go) to the beach near our hotel. 2.I really enjoy (walk) around the town.

3.We wanted (walk) up to the top.

4.My family (go) to the beach every summer. 5.Did you have a great time (talk) in groups? 6. Lucy usually_ ______to school early. But today she ________to school late. (go) 7. ---Where did you______ (study) last night?

---No, I__________(help)my mother_______(clean) the room. 8.Do you feel like (drink) some orange?

9.Our teacher often keeps us (read) English in the morning. 10. It’s very interesting _____ ( feed) the pets.

1. Mike goes to see his grandparents _________ (one) a week. 2. He spends more than an hour __________ (exercise) every day. 3. He didn’t go to school. He could ________ (hard) read or write. 4. It’s a good habit to brush your (tooth) every day.

5. To keep healthy,I decide _______ (exercise) half an hour every day. 6. Look! Your pet dog is (die).

7. Exercise is (health) for the mind and the body. 8. Your sweater is beautiful. I want _________(buy) one,too. 9. How about (go) shopping on Sundays? 10. He usually study English by (read) it in the morning. 1.They always go to bed early, they never (熬夜). 2.I go shopping (一周三次). 3.Vegetables are (对……有好处)our health.

4.Most students use internet (为了好玩)and not for homework. 5.He plays soccer (至少) four time a month.

6.We found only (百分之十五) of the students exercise every day. 7. --_________ _______(多久一次)does your brother exercise? --Every day. 8.She is (一个五岁的) girl.

9.Her parents are not very because she (几乎从不)helps with housework.

10.We think (放松的最好办法)is through exercise. Unit3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.

more outgoing更外向 as…as…与……一样…… the singing competition唱歌比赛 be similar to与……相像的/类似的 the same as和……相同;与……一致

be different from与……不同 care about关心;介意 be like a mirror像一面镜子 the most important最重要的 as long as只要;既然 bring out使显现;使表现出 get better grades取得更好的成绩 reach for伸手取 in fact事实上;实际上

make friends交朋友 the other其他的 touch one’s heart感动某人 be talented in music有音乐天赋 be good at擅长…… be good with善于与……相处

have fun doing sth.享受做某事的乐趣 be good at doing sth擅长做某事 make sb. do sth.让某人做某事 want to do sth.想要做某事 as+adj./adv.的原级+as 与……一样……

It’s+ adj.+for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说,做某事……的。as…(原级)as与……一样……

not as/so…as不如Eg:Liming is as tall as Jim. Jack runs as fast as Tom. Lily is not as/so tall as Lucy. =Lily is shorter than 单元强化练习


1.Sue is______ (quiet)than Ann.

2.My brother is very______ (tall). 3.I have______ (many)books than you.

4.The story is______ (interesting)than that one. 5.Do you know any famous Chinese ______ (saying)? 二.单项选择。

( )1.Your bag is smaller than______.

A.his B.his's C.him D.their ( )2.Lucy is______of the two.

A.quiet B.quietest C.quieter D.the quieter ( )3.Thank you ______ me about this.It's very kind______you. A.to telling;for B.for tell;of C.for telling;of ( )4.Li Lei's parents ______ doctors.

A.are all B.are both C.all are D.both are ( )5.Every day his parents make him ______ on the farm.

A.to work B.working C.work D.works 三.句子翻译。

1.我比我的姐姐更外向。I’m than my sister. 2.我很腼腆,因此对我来说交朋友不是很容易。I’m shy so it’s not easy for me friends. 3.塔拉学习和蒂娜一样努力吗?Does Tara work Tina? 4.我认为好朋友就是真的关心我。I think a good friend truly me. 5.朋友如书,你不需要很多,只要他们好就行。

Friends are like books. You don’t need a lot of them they’re good. Unit4 What’s the best movie theater?

movie theater电影院 close to…离……近 clothes store服装店 in town在镇上 so far到目前为止 10 minutes by bus坐公共汽车10分钟的路程

talent show才艺表演 in common共同;共有 around the world世界各地;全世界 more and more……越来越…… and so on等等 all kinds of……各种各样的 be up to是……的职责;由……决定 not everybody并不是每个人

make up编造(故事、谎言等) play a role in…在……方面发挥作用/有影响 for example例如 take…seriously认真对待 give sb. sth.给某人某物

come true(梦想、希望)实现;达到 Can I ask you some…?我能问你一些……吗? How do you like…?你认为……怎么样? Thanks for doing sth.因做某事而感谢。 What do you think of…?你认为……怎么样? much+ adj./adv.的比较级 ……得多 watch sb. do sth.观看某人做某事

play a role in doing sth.发挥做某事是作用/在做某事方面扮演重要的角色 one of+形容词或副词的最高级+可数名词的复数 ……之一 单元强化练习

一.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1.Thanks for (tell) me. 2.Dumpling House is (cheap) restaurant in the city. 3. 3. She is good at (show) her talent.

4.It’s always interesting (watch) people (show) their talents. 5. However,not everybody enjoys (watch) these shows. 6. The people who watch the show usually play a role in (decide) the winner. 二.单项选择。

( )1.The girl sings .

A.beautiful,beautiful B.beautifully,beautifully C.beautiful,beautifully D.beautiffully,beautiful ( )2.China is one of in the world.

A.larger country B.larger countries C.the largest countries ( )3.What do you this new watch? A.think at B.think of C.think over ( )4.We hope life can get .

A.best and best B.better and better C.good and good ( )5.We should study hard to make our dream . A.come over B.come back C.come true ( )6.It’s fun _________ the talent show.

A. watch B, to watch C, watched

( )7. His dog is lost. He is_ _________ it .

A. looking for B. finding C. finding out D. looking at ( 8.The students should take the exams__________ . A. serious B. seriously C. bad D. worse ( )9.— is the book? —Only one dollar.

A.How much B.How many C.How often D.How far ( )10.Parents play a role in _________ their children. A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching 三.句子翻译。

1.谢谢你告诉我。Thanks for me.

2.到目前为止,你认为它怎么样?How do you like it ? 3.你家离学校有多远? is it from your home to school?

4.才艺展示越来越受欢迎!Talent shows are getting popular. 5.各种各样的人都可以参加这些表演。 people join these shows.

1、—________ did you go on vacation? —Hong Kong. A. What B. How C. Where D. When

2、Of all the students, Angie is the _________but studies ______than others. A. shorter, best B. shortest, better C. shortest, best D. shorter, better 3、I’m sure you can jump as ________as Jim if you wear your sports shoes. A. tall B. taller C. higher D. high 4、The news _________ pretty educational. A. be B. is C. are D. am

5、Our math teacher was ill yesterday, so Mr. Li took _______ place. A. he B. him C. he’s D. his

6、He is different _____his brother, but he is similar _____his father. A. from, from B. to, to C. from, to D. to, from 7、Lin li is _______ in her class.

A. the younger B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest 8、I think math is as _________ as music.

A .interesting B. more interesting B. most interesting D. the most interesting

9、In China, many families are ______ to buy cars these days.

A enough rich B rich enough C very rich D. too rich 10、I think English is ________than PE.

A.much important B. important C. much more important D. more much important 11、—I can’t find my CDs. —_______ you put them in that bag. A. Must B. May be C. Maybe D. May

12.---When ___ Jack ___ for Shanghai? ---Tomorrow morning. A. is ; leaving B. does ; leave .D .did ; leave 13. I don’t think the kid can ____ the stories.

A. finishes reading B. finish reading C. finishes to read D. finish to read 14. My mother ______ one hour cooking every evening . A. spends B. takes C. needs D. pays

15. It will ______ you much time to finish the hard work . A. spend B. take C. use D. need

A. watch B, to watch C, watched

( )7. His dog is lost. He is_ _________ it .

A. looking for B. finding C. finding out D. looking at ( 8.The students should take the exams__________ . A. serious B. seriously C. bad D. worse ( )9.— is the book? —Only one dollar.

A.How much B.How many C.How often D.How far ( )10.Parents play a role in _________ their children. A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching 三.句子翻译。

1.谢谢你告诉我。Thanks for me.

2.到目前为止,你认为它怎么样?How do you like it ? 3.你家离学校有多远? is it from your home to school?

4.才艺展示越来越受欢迎!Talent shows are getting popular. 5.各种各样的人都可以参加这些表演。 people join these shows.

1、—________ did you go on vacation? —Hong Kong. A. What B. How C. Where D. When

2、Of all the students, Angie is the _________but studies ______than others. A. shorter, best B. shortest, better C. shortest, best D. shorter, better 3、I’m sure you can jump as ________as Jim if you wear your sports shoes. A. tall B. taller C. higher D. high 4、The news _________ pretty educational. A. be B. is C. are D. am

5、Our math teacher was ill yesterday, so Mr. Li took _______ place. A. he B. him C. he’s D. his

6、He is different _____his brother, but he is similar _____his father. A. from, from B. to, to C. from, to D. to, from 7、Lin li is _______ in her class.

A. the younger B. younger C. youngest D. the youngest 8、I think math is as _________ as music.

A .interesting B. more interesting B. most interesting D. the most interesting

9、In China, many families are ______ to buy cars these days.

A enough rich B rich enough C very rich D. too rich 10、I think English is ________than PE.

A.much important B. important C. much more important D. more much important 11、—I can’t find my CDs. —_______ you put them in that bag. A. Must B. May be C. Maybe D. May

12.---When ___ Jack ___ for Shanghai? ---Tomorrow morning. A. is ; leaving B. does ; leave .D .did ; leave 13. I don’t think the kid can ____ the stories.

A. finishes reading B. finish reading C. finishes to read D. finish to read 14. My mother ______ one hour cooking every evening . A. spends B. takes C. needs D. pays

15. It will ______ you much time to finish the hard work . A. spend B. take C. use D. need

