B1 Unit 11 Text 1 英汉对照(原Unit11)

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英语泛读教程1--Unit Eleven-Text 1英汉对照(原Unit11)


Text One

The All-American Slurp by Lensey Namioka

1. People in different places have different lifestyles and eating habits. Ignorance of the differences may sometimes lead to cultural shocks. Read the following story and see how the author feels towards her own culture and that of the West even over trivial matters such as table manners.

2. The first time our family was invited out to dinner in America, we disgraced ourselves while eating celery. We had immigrated to this country from China, and during our early days here we had a hard time with American table manners.

3. In China we never ate celery raw, or any other kind of vegetable raw. We always had to disinfect the vegetables in boiling water first. When we were presented with our first relish tray, the raw celery caught us unprepared.

4. We had been invited to dinner




1. 不同的地方有不同的生活方式和饮食习惯。不了解这些不同,有时会导致文化上的误会。读下面这则故事,了解一下作者在诸如餐桌礼仪这样的日常小事上对本国文化和西方文化的看法。

2. 到美国后,我们一家人第一次应邀出席晚宴,就在吃芹菜时出了洋相。我们是从中国移民到美国的,刚到这里的那段日子里,我们深感棘手的一个问题,便是美国的餐桌礼仪。

3. 在中国,我们从不生吃芹菜,也不生吃其他任何蔬菜。我们总是先用沸水给蔬菜消毒。主人呈上第一道美味时,摆在我们面前的生芹菜着实让我们措手不及。

4. 邀请我们共进晚餐的是我们的邻


英语泛读教程1--Unit Eleven-Text 1英汉对照(原Unit11)


5. 格林森夫人把盘子端给了母亲。盘子非常漂亮,上面摆着红红的小萝卜,弯弯的胡萝卜,还有那细细长长的淡绿色芹菜。“一定要尝尝芹菜,林太太,”她说:“这是从当地一个农场主那里来,味道很不错。”

6. 妈妈拿起一根,爸爸随即效仿,然后我和弟弟也都拿起一根来。就这样,我们全家人坐在沙发上,每个人右手都拿着一根芹菜。

7. 格林森夫人一直满面笑容:“林太太,你想尝尝蘸料吗?这是我自己设计的配方:酸奶油和洋葱片,加了一点塔巴斯可酱油。”

8. 大多数中国人是不喜欢吃奶制品的,而且当时我连鲜牛奶都不爱喝。酸奶油听上去很让人反胃,所以我们一家人一致摇了摇头。

by our neighbors, the Gleasons. After arriving at the house, we shook hands with our hosts and packed ourselves into a sofa. As our family of four sat stiffly in a row, my younger brother and I stole glances at our parents for a clue as to what to do next.

5. Mrs. Gleason offered the relish tray to mother. The tray looked pretty, with its tiny red radishes, curly sticks of carrots, and long, slender stalks of pale green celery. \she said. \from a local farmer, and it's sweet.\

6. Mother picked up one of the green stalks, and Father followed suit. Then I picked up a stalk, and my brother did too. So there we sat, each with a stalk of celery in our right hand.

7. Mrs. Gleason kept smiling. \Lin? It's my own recipe: sour cream and onion flakes, with a dash of Tabasco sauce.\

8. Most Chinese don't care for dairy products, and in those days I wasn't even ready to drink fresh milk. Sour cream sounded perfectly revolting. Our family shook our head in unison.

英语泛读教程1--Unit Eleven-Text 1英汉对照(原Unit11)


9. Mrs. Gleason went off with the relish tray to the other guests, and we carefully watched to see what they did. Everyone seems to eat the raw vegetables quite happily.

10. Mother took a bite of her celery. Crunch. \not bad!\she whispered.

11. Father took a bite of his celery. Crunch. \it is good,\he said, looking surprised.

12. I took a bite, and then my brother. Crunch, crunch. It was more than good; it was delicious. Raw celery has a slight sparkle, a zingy taste that you don't get in cooked celery. When Mrs. Gleason came around with the relish tray, we each took another stalk of celery, except my brother. He took two.

13. There was only one problem: long strings ran through the length of the stalk, and they got caught in my teeth. When I help my mother in the kitchen, I always pull the strings out before slicing celery.

9. 格林森夫人端着餐盘向其他客人走去,我们仔细地看别人怎样做,可每个人似乎都在津津有味地享用着这些生蔬菜。

10. 妈妈咬了一口芹菜,咯吱一声,“还可以,”她低声说。

11. 爸爸也咬了一口,咯吱,“是不错,”他说,满脸惊奇。

12. 我和弟弟咯吱咯吱地咬着,味道不仅不错,简直是美味可口。生芹菜微微发亮,味道与熟芹菜截然不同。格林森夫人端着餐盘走过来,我们每个人又都要了一根芹菜,弟弟除外——他要了两根。

13. 只有一个问题需要解决:芹菜里面有长长的细丝,塞在我的牙缝里。以前在家帮妈妈做饭时,我总是在切芹菜前把里面的丝抽掉。


英语泛读教程1--Unit Eleven-Text 1英汉对照(原Unit11)

14. 我把丝从芹菜里抽掉,嗤,嗤,弟弟也学我一样,嗤,嗤,嗤。在我的左首,我的父母也在忙乎着,嗤,嗤,嗤。

15. 突然间,我意识到周围一片静寂,只有我们发出的嗤嗤声。我抬起头,看见屋子里每个人都在盯着我们一家人。格林森夫妇,他们的女儿麦格,也就是我的朋友,还有他们的邻居巴戴尔一家——他们都盯着我们一家四口忙着给芹菜抽丝。

16. 可这还不算完。格林森夫人说晚餐准备好了,请我们到餐桌旁去。桌子上摆满了一盘又一盘的丰盛食品,但桌子旁没摆椅子。于是我们主动帮忙,搬来了几把椅子,然后坐了下来。这时其他的客人们仍然站在那里。

17. 格林森夫人俯下身来,对我们低声说:“今晚是自助晚餐,你们可以随便选,然后到客厅去吃。”

14. I pulled the strings out of my stalk. Z-z-zip, z-z-zip. My brother followed suit. Z-z-zip, z-z-zip, z-z-zip. To my left, my parents were taking care of their own stalks. Z-z-zip, z-z-zip, z-z-zip.

15. Suddenly I realized that there was dead silence except for our zipping. Looking up, I saw that the eyes of everyone in the room were on our family. Mr. and Mrs. Gleason, their daughter Meg, who was my friend, and their neighbors the Badels—they were all staring at us as we busily pulled the strings of our celery.

16. That wasn't the end of it. Mrs. Gleason announced that dinner was served and invited us to the dining table. It was lavishly covered with platters of food, but we couldn't see any chairs around the table. So we helpfully carried over some dining chairs and sat down. All the other guests just stood there.

17. Mrs. Gleason bent down and whispered to us, \is a buffet dinner. You help yourselves to some food and eat it in the living room.\

英语泛读教程1--Unit Eleven-Text 1英汉对照(原Unit11)


18. Our family beat a retreat back to the sofa as if chased by enemy soldiers. For the rest of the evening, too mortified to go back to the dining table, I nursed a bit of potato salad on my plate.

19. Next day Meg and I got on the school bus together. I wasn't sure how she would feel about me after the spectacle our family made at the party. But she was just the same as usual, and the only reference she made to the party was, \your folks got enough to eat last night. You certainly didn't take very much. Mom never tries to figure out how much food to prepare. She just puts everything on the table and hopes for the best.\

20. I





18. 象被敌兵追赶似的,我们一家人又撤回到了沙发上。剩下的时间里,由于羞于再回到餐桌旁,我整晚都只守着盘子里那一点点土豆沙拉。

19. 第二天,我和麦格一同乘校车去学校。我们一家人在晚宴上洋相百出,我不知道她现在会怎样看我。可是她和往常完全一样,唯一提到晚餐的话是:“我希望你们昨晚都吃饱了,你吃的真是不多。妈妈从来不注意该准备多少吃的,她只是把东西都摆在桌子上,然后就万事大吉了。”

20. 我松了一口气,其实格林森家的晚宴与中国的无甚区别。我妈妈也总是把所有菜都摆在桌上,然后万事大吉。

21. 麦格是我在美国交的第一个朋友,后来我与学校里其他的孩子也熟识了起来,但是麦格一直是我唯一的真朋友。

Gleasons' dinner party wasn't so different from a Chinese meal after all. My mother also puts everything on the table and hopes for the best.

21. Meg was the first friend I had made after we came to America. I eventually got acquainted with a few other kids in school, but Meg was still the only real friend I had.

