八年级英语新目标性Unit 1 复合不定代词练习题

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复合不定代词练习 一、选择题:

( ) 1. I’m hungry. I want ______ to eat.

A. anything

B. something

C. everything

D. nothing

( ) 2. —Do you have ______ to say for yourself? —No, I have ______ to say.

A. something; everything C. everything; anything A. everyone A. are

B. nothing; something D. anything; nothing C. anyone C. be

D. none D. were

( ) 3. Why not ask ______ to help you?

B. someone B. is

( ) 4. Everything ______ ready. We can start now. ( ) 5. There’s ______ with his eyes. He’s OK.

A. anything wrong B. wrong something C. nothing wrong D. wrong nothing ( ) 6. —The story is so amazing! It’s the most interesting story I’ve ever read. —

But I’m afraid it won’t be liked by ______. A. everybody A. anyone

B. somebody B. someone B. anything B. isn’t he B. isn’t it B. Every one

C. anybody C. everyone

D. nobody D. nothing D. nothing

D. isn’t everyone

( ) 7. She listened carefully, but heard ______.

( ) 8. I agree with most of what you said, but I don’t agree with ______.

A. everything A. isn’t it A. is it

C. something C. aren’t they C. do they C. Everyone

( ) 9. —Everyone is here today, ______? —No, Han Mei isn’t here. She’s ill. ( ) 10. Everything goes well, ______?

D. doesn’t it D. Anybody

( )11. ________ of us is active in English class.

A. Every

二、用something, anything, anyone, nothing, everything, no one, every one填空。 1. —Look! Can you see_____ behind the tree? —Yes, I think it’s a cat. 2.—Do you know _____ in the store? —Sorry, I don’t know them. 3.______ is in the room. It’s empty(空的)。

4. This was my first time in Wuhan, so_______ was really interesting. 5. —Could you give me______ to drink? —Sure!Here you are.

6. — Kangkang, is______ here today? —No, Jim isn’t here. He is in hospital. 7. —Jim! Can you see the words on the blackboard? —Sorry! I can see _______. 三、写出与some, any, no, every构成的复合词。

