
更新时间:2023-03-13 13:36:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



一、Ⅱ. 知识运用第一节 语法填空

1.(3分)﹣Do you know if Cindy will drive to Italy this weekend? ﹣Cindy?Never!She ______driving.( ) A.has hated


C.will hate D.hates

2.(3分)I live far from my school,so I always go to school ________ bus.( ) A.by B.on C.in D.at

3.(3分)﹣Have you got anything to do this afternoon,Lucy and Lily? ﹣Yes.______ of us are going to the home for the elderly.( ) A.Each B.Either

C.Both D.All

4.(3分)﹣When did your school hold the sports meet?( ) ﹣Last week.And I _______ the girls'400﹣metre race. A.will take part in B.took part in C.will join

5.(3分)﹣Do you need any help?( ) ﹣Thank you,but I can do it by ______. A.I

B.me C.myself

6.(3分)I don't know if Jack _____ tomorrow.If he _____,call me please.( ) A.comes; come B.will come; will come C.will come; comes D.comes; comes

7.(3分)\?\,you ____.\( ) A.No,may

B.No,can C.Yes,may not


8.(3分)﹣Have you seen my brother?

﹣Yes.I _____ him in the library five minutes ago.( ) A.met B.have met


9.(3分)The movie The X﹣man is_____ exciting_____ I'd like to see it again.( ) A.too; to

B.so; that

C.as; as D.such; that

10.(3分)﹣﹣﹣Could you tell me______ to Beijing?﹣﹣﹣Sure.Next


week.( )

A.when will you travel B.when you will travel C.when you traveled

二、第二节 词语填空

11.(10分)My father was a self﹣taught mandolin(曼陀林琴)player.He was one of the best players in our town.He could not (41) music,but if he heard a tune(曲子)a few times,he could play it.When he was young,he was a (42) of a small country music band.They played at local dances and the radio station. At home Dad often got out his mandolin and played for the family.We three children sang along.(43) played the mandolin like my father.He could(44) your heart with the music that came out of that old mandolin.He seemed to shine when he was playing.You could see his(45) in his ability to play so well for his family.

But Dad had to find another(46) in a factory later because the money he made at the band wasn't enough to(47) the family.Unluckily he had an(48) one day and lost one finger.He couldn't play as(49) as before.From then on,every time we asked him to play,he would make up reasons to(50) down our request.However,we missed his performance so much.(51) ,he agreed and said\,but remember,I can't hold down on the strings(琴弦)the way I (52) to\.When he played the old mandolin,it carried us back to a (53) ,happy time in our lives.

Dad was that kind of man.(54) was what he was doing all his life.If he could give (55) to others,he would,especially his family.He was always there,sacrificing(牺牲)his time to see that his family had enough in their life.

D.when did you travel

41.A.express 42.A.dancer 43.A.Nobody

B.raise B.member B.Somebody

C.read C.driver C.Anybody

D.lead D.friend D.Everybody


44.A.shut 45.A.doubt 46.A.job 47.A.start 48.A.action 49.A.deep 50.A.turn 51.A.Nearly 52.A.regretted 53.A.careful 54.A.Giving

B.touch B.truth B.wallet B.work B.accident B.fast B.break B.Exactly B.used B.forgetful B.Receiving

C.cover C.pride C.game C.value C.argument C.well C.close C.Certainly C.kept C.cheerful C.Changing C.purpose

D.hurt D.worry D.hobby D.support D.exam D.loud D.lay D.Finally D.pointed D.helpful D.Taking D.patience.

55.A.production B.pleasure

三、Ⅲ. 阅读技能第一节 图表理解


41.Talk helps students to A.make a speech B.feel better C.learn English

42.Which of the following is NOT true? A.The telephone service is free.


B.They can keep the secret

C.You can telephone except on Sunday.

13.(6分)The way we spend our time can be divided into three\.These are the necessary tasks bottle,the voluntary(自愿的)tasks bottle and the happiness bottle.

Every day,we spend time filling the necessary tasks bottle with useful things,like making money,doing housework,buying food and paying bills.We then fill another bottle with voluntary tasks.These are things that we do for others,but we may not enjoy them.This bottle gets filled with tasks like taking children to activities,cooking family meals,and doing laundry.Those bottles are very important.If we don't fill them each day,our family won't run properly.

However,we often forget to fill the third bottle﹣﹣﹣﹣the happiness bottle that we fill with activities that make us happy.Is your happiness bottle sometimes empty at the end of the day?Between doing all the necessary and voluntary tasks,time flies by,and before we know it,it is time for bed.We all have days like that. This is why each day we have to make an effort to fill our happiness bottle.I fill mine by going to the dancing class.And I always leave classes more happily than when I enter.This week,I had the pleasure of taking part in a guitar practice in my neighborhood.We show our musical talent and practice music for charity.It was a time of fun,friendship and music﹣making.At the end of the evening,my happiness bottle was filled to top.

Will your activities bring joy to your life?Or are the other two tasks eating up all your time?Try to find ways to achieve a balance between how you fill your three bottles.At the end of the day,hopefully we've done all we can to make sure that our happiness bottle is filled.

42.Which activity belongs to a necessary task according to the passage? A.Going to work though it is raining heavily. B.Buying a birthday gift for your good friend. C.Having a yard sale to raise money for sick kids.


D.Sending your son to a piano lesson Sunday.

43.What does the underlined word\? A.We require enough time to fill the necessary tasks bottle. B.Necessary and voluntary tasks are less important. C.All the three bottles are filled to top at the end of the day. D.We need time to do something to make ourselves happy. 44.How did the writer fill the happiness\? A.By cooking meals for family. B.By going to the dance class. C.By practicing music for charity. D.By listening to some nice music.

45.Which of the following is the best for\ \? A.Make sure to fill all the three bottles. B.So consider how your time will be spent. C.People will have more happy activities. D.It's not enough to fill the happiness bottle.

三、第二节 短文理解

14.(10分)Hello,boys and girls.I'm Cindy Smith.Eric Brown is my friend.His phone number is two four five eight seven six four.And this is my friend,too.Her first name is Grace.Her last name is Black.Five six eight nine four three one is her phone number.

26.Eric Brown is Candy's friend. 27.Eric's last name is Jones. 28.Grace's first name is Black. 29.Eric's phone number is 2458764. 30.5689431is Grace's phone number. .

15.(10分)Many years ago,a French naturalist,Comte de Buffon,wrote some books


about natural history.The books were a great success even though some critics(批评家)did not like them.

Thomas Jefferson did not like what Comte de Buffon had said about the natural wonders(奇观)of the New World.It seemed to Jefferson that Comte de Buffon had spoken of natural wonders in America as if(好像)they were unimportant. This troubled Thomas Jefferson.He was also a naturalist,as well as a farmer,an inventor,a historian,a writer and a politician(政治家).He had seen the natural wonders of Europe.To him,they were no more important than those of the New World.

In 1788,Thomas Jefferson wrote about his home state,Virginia.While writing,he thought of its natural beauty and then of the words of Comte de Buffon.At that moment,Jefferson created a new word﹣belittle.He said,\that nature belittles her productions on this side of the Atlantic(大西洋).\ Noah Webster,the American word expert,liked this word.He put it in the English language dictionary in 1806,\﹣to make small,unimportant.\

Americans had already accepted Jefferson's word and started to use it.In 1797,the Independent Chronicle(独立纪事报)used the word to describe a politician the paper supported.\,\,\try to belittle him as much as they please.\

In 1872,a famous American word expert decided that the time had come to kill this word.He said,\shouldn't become English.And more critical writers of America,like those of Britain,feel no need of it.\

This expert failed to kill the word.Today,belittle is used where the English language is spoken.

53.Thomas Jefferson was NOT a .

A.naturalist B.historian C.politician D.musician 54.We can infer(推断)that Jefferson created the word\ . A.anger B.excitement C.kindness D.responsibility 55.What can we know about the word\?


A.It has already disappeared from the English language.

B.It had been used before it was put in the English language dictionary. C.It is used to describe natural wonders now.

D.An American politician decided to kill this word in 1872. 56.What's the passage mainly about? A.How the word\. B.The argument about natural wonders. C.Every word has a long history behind. D.Noah Webster supported Jefferson's idea.

16.(10分)[1]We all have our own ways of sharing our life experiences with others. [2]Photographers use cameras,artists use brushes,musicians use songs and writers use stories.

[3]Spencer Johnson's story Who Moved My Cheese?shows changes exist in(存在于) our life.Life changes and so we do.We must change ourselves to face the changing environment,or we will fail.

[4]Just look at the cycle(循环) of .Trees bud(发芽) in spring and in summer their leaves turn green.In autumn,their leaves start to fall onto the ground.When winter arrives,there are no leaves on trees.Next spring the cycle begins again.Since we know there are cycles in nature,we can prepare for them.We know it is colder in winter and hotter in summer,so we can dress properly.

[5]Since we accept the cycles of nature,we should also accept the changes in our life.

[6]We can prepare ourselves for changes by becoming more flexible(灵活的).We can regard the changes in our life as chances.As we keep changing ourselves,we can keep up with the changes in our life.

81.What's the main idea of this passage?(no more than 10 words) 82.How do writers share their life experiences?(no more than 3 words) 83.What does Who Moved My Cheese?tell us?(no more than 5 words)


84.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 2 words) 85.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph into Chinese. .

三、第三节 阅读表达

17.(10分)Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to work.Every evening my mother looks through magazines at home.And every night,I look at the posters with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep.Can we imagine life without paper or printing?

Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago,and has been made from silk,cotton,bamboo,and since the 19th century,from wood.People learned to write words on paper to make a book.But in those days,books could only be produced one at a time by hand.As a result,they were expensive and rare.And because there weren't many books,few people learned to read.

Then printing was invented in China.When printing was developed greatly at the beginning of the 11th century,books could be produced more quickly and cheaply.After that,knowledge and ideas spread quickly.

Today information can be received online,downloaded from the Internet rather than only

found in books.And information can be kept on CD﹣ROMs or machines such as iPads.

Computers are already used in classrooms,and newspapers and magazines can already be read online.So will books be replaced by computers one day?No,I don't think the Yao Ming poster on my bedroom wall will be replaced by a two﹣metre﹣high computer!

Answer the questions according to the passage. 76.When was paper first created?

77.Before the invention of printing,were books produced by hand or by machine?


