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朱益华,陶 果 (CN PC 测井重点实验室(中国石油大学)


方 伟 (中油测井技术服务有限责任公司,北京100043)[摘要]岩石物理的研究对象是由形状极其复杂的孔隙、岩石骨架及多相填充物组成的体系。而在传统的模拟油气藏条件下的岩心试验中,岩心的微观孔隙结构是不可被直接观察和控制的。用图像处理技术对从现场得到的二维铸体薄片进行处理,进而由二维岩心结构重构三维数字岩心。这种数字岩心能最大程度地与实际的岩石接近,能反映地层的一些真实的信息。这对岩石物理的研究有着十分重要的意义。


[中图分类号]TE19[文献标识码]A   [文章编号]1000-9752(2007)05-0054-04  

传统的数值模拟孔隙微观结构的方法之所以有局限性,其重要的原因之一就是建立的孔隙介质模型过于理想化和简单化。数字岩心,尤其是能最大程度上反映出地层信息的数字岩心是一个必然的发展方向。目前,数字岩心的研究工作在国内外已经取得了一些进展[1~8]。该研究所采用的孔隙介质建模方法是从铸体薄片中提取一些地层信息,结合这些信息来建立数字岩心,这样做将使所建立的孔隙介质模型的孔隙结构最大程度地与实际的岩石相同。不仅可用来精确地预测物理特性,而且还可以用来了解不同的物理响应之间的内在关系。尽管现在有高分辨率的图像技术,可以用X 衍射超薄片图像来得到3D 孔隙结构,但这种方法是非常昂贵和耗时的。而2D 的铸体薄片却很容易得到,由薄片来建立3D 数字岩心,从而可通过模拟得到岩心渗透率;另外,这种数字岩心还可以用来作为其他物理特性模拟所共享的对象。1 图像处理

111 真彩图像转换为二值图像


11111 索引图像分割

通过观察图像中每一个颜色的像素值rgb ,发现rgb 按照一定的规则取值时候,这个像素点会显示不同的颜色,当然存在深浅不一的情况。但是,深浅不一的同一种颜色具有某种意义上的一致性,也就是说同一颜色不同浓度的像素点的rgb 值之间有相同的规律。根据这一规律,理论上就可以很容易地得到图1 铸体剖面真彩图像          图2 调整后的调色板要提取的颜色了。


首先将rgb 图像转换成








2007年10月 第29卷 第5期Journal of Oil and G as T echnology (J 1J PI ) 

Oct 12007 Vol 129 No 1

5? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 49a29c0f6c85ec3a87c2c590

图3 索引图像分割法孔隙提取后的二值图像像的索引值进行分割,这样可以大大减少计算机的计算


11112 二值图像滤波








图4 滤波后的二值图像(白色为孔隙空间,黑色为骨架)像素点的孔隙值(白色),如果不满足这个值时候,将





11113 图像处理人机互动


理,这些参数就代表了不同颜色显示时rgb 之间的不同



112 求取二值图像的自相关函数A (h )二值图像用指示函数f (r )表示:

f (r )=1  r 位于孔隙空间0  其他

(1)式中,r 表示二值图像中的粒子位置。

孔隙度<和自相关函数A (h )(2点相关函数)用统计平均〈〉能表示为:

<=〈f (r )〉    A (h )=〈f (r )f (r +h )〉

(2)式中,h 是2个数据点间的滞后矢量。二值图像的自相关函数有如下2个重要特性[1]:

A (<)=<

(3)  lim |h|?∞A (h )=<2


A (h )=F -1{F{f (r )}×F 3{f (r )}}

(5)式中,F{?}、F -1{?}分别表示傅里叶变换和傅里叶逆变换;F 3{?}表示傅里叶变换的共轭。

图5表示二值图像的2D 自相关函数。图6表示2个直交的自相关函数(水平和垂直),从图6中可知,二者的差别可以忽略不计,所以二值图像基本上是各向同性的。图6中从起始直到自相关函数停止下降为止,横坐标方向的长度(2箭头之间的长度)即为自相关长度a 。这个样品的自相关函数大约为20个格子单位。从二值图像中测量出的孔隙度为0


?55?第29卷第5期朱益华等:图像处理技术在数字岩心建模中的应用 ? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 49a29c0f6c85ec3a87c2c590


图5 二值图像的2D 自相关函数       图6 水平方向和垂直方向的自相关函数(1D)

113 证明薄片的代表性

为了尽量减少计算量,因此需要从整个二值图像中选取能代表该图像的所有信息的一块适当大小的图像来进行计算。统计学认为,当岩石是均质的时候,统计平均能被空间平均代替。如果也是各向同性的,空间(3D )平均能被表面(2D )平均代替。根据该理论,来证明薄片的使用是否具有代表性,即代表单元(REV )尺度。首先,图像统计参数的计算需要图像长度的选择大于相关长度,否则,计算就不会具有统计代表性,同时也会为局部扰动所影响。从二值图像中选择不同大小的正方形来计算统计参数,如图7、8、9所示。不同面积的孔隙度如图8所示,用自相关函数长度(a )来标定正方形的长度(L ),图中不同颜色的曲线表示正方形的起始点的不同选择。选取3个比较有代表意义的起始点,当L/a 非常小时,孔隙度有扰动;当L/a 大于10时它收敛到一个固定值,达到稳定。图9则表明,自相关函数的情形与孔隙度非常相似。当二值图像的大小(L )大于10a 时,能比较稳妥地假设它是一个有代表性的元素的面积。通过比较岩心样品的2个直交的薄片的这些统计参数,也能证实岩石样品的各向同性,2个直交的薄片中的孔隙度和自相关函数之间都非常接近。因此,样品各向同性和均质的假设是合理的。为了精确地计算统计参数———孔隙度和自相关函数,采用大小不小于20a 的薄片图像,薄片上的所有孔隙度都与实验室测量的非常一致,误差很小。因为接下来的处理过程在很大程度上依赖于计算的孔隙度,所以需要比较准确地进行孔隙度的估算

 图7 估算统计参数的不同大小的薄片图像    图8 不同起始点位置的正方形二值图片所对应的孔隙度2 重构3D 数字岩心

从薄片的二值图像上得到统计特性参数,用地质统计学中的顺序指示模拟法[2](Sequential indica 2tor simulation ),沿着随机的路线,对所选立方体中的所有节点进行处理,从而得到一个新的3D 二值

?65? 石油天然气学报(江汉石油学院学报)2007年10

月? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 49a29c0f6c85ec3a87c2c590

图9 不同大小的正方形二值图片所对应的自相关函数

图10 由2D 薄片的二值图像重构得到的3D 数字岩心场,如图10所示。这样模拟出来的3D 孔隙


到的3D 孔隙介质模型更接近于真实的岩石



3 结  论


2D 铸体薄片进行一系列的处理,能比较准确地提取孔隙与骨架信息。

2)从二值薄片图像中,得到地层的统计特性,根据这些统计特性,进而由2D 岩心结构重构3D 数字岩心。这种数字岩心能最大程度地与实际的岩石接近,能反映地层的一些真实的信息。


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[编辑] 弘 文



 ? 1994-2009 China Academic Journal Electronic Publishing House. All rights reserved. 49a29c0f6c85ec3a87c2c590

and reserves producing status and reserves that canπt be controlled by well prtterns and bottom water distribution and ad2 vancing1

K ey w ords:restraining barrier;non2permeable rock;barrier property;bedded gas pool;massive gas pool;bottom water 44Structural Characteristics and Exploration Direction of Block69in Yemen

WANG Y ou2ning (College of Oil Resources and Envi ronment,S outhwest Pet roluem University,Cheng du610500,S ichuan,China;Yemen B ranch of

I nternational Oil Ex ploration and Development Co1L t d1,S I N O P EC,B ei j ing100083,China)

Abstract:In Yemen Marib2Shabra Basin was the main oil2gas bearing basin with abundance oil resources1It was Mesozoic marine rifted basin in south Arabia with striking of NW1The primary reservoir was clastic rock and basement fissure in the middle and late J urassic1Locating in the middle of the basin,Block69was structurally high in the south and west, low in the north and east1The structure of its main target formations was complex with faults developed1The main faults were NW striking1Under the regional stress,the thick Sabatayn salt was vertical plastic flow with uplift and piercing of the overlying sedimentary seal which formed a series of different salt diaper structures1The traps were mainly anticline, faulted anticline and faulted nose1Based on the structural characteristics study and reservoir condition,in combination with oil2gas exploration in adjacent blocks,it is proposed that the southern block is the most favorable exploration belt and the target for oil and gas exploration1

K ey w ords:structural characteristics;Yemen;Marib2Shabra Basin;diaper structure;oil and gas exploration

49Establishment and Application of C arbonate Lithologic Predicting Model

 ———By T aking Longjuba T ectonic in Jiannan R egion for Example

H UANG Han2dong (CN PC Key L aboratory of Geophysical Ex ploration,Faculty of Resources and I nf orm ation,China University of Pet roleum,B ei2

j ing102249,China)

LUO Qun,LI U H ong2cheng (S hi dabochuang Technical Development Center of Com plex Oil and Gas Reservoi rs,China University of Pet roleum,B ei2 j ing102249,China)

LI NG J uan2hua,WAN Y un2qiang (Research I nstitute of Pet roleum Ex ploration and Development,J ianghan Oil f iel d Com pany,S I N O P EC,Qian2 j iang433123,Hubei,China)

Abstract:The reserves capacity of carbonate gas reservoirs was constrained by lithology1Based on the data of Longjuba Tectonics in Jiannan Region,methods and procedures for establishing carbonate lithologic prediction model were de2 scribed1Application data were used for analyzing the reliability of model1The model was used for predicting the lithology of Longjuba Tectonics,the predicted result was basically consistent with that of drilling1It indicates that the model is suitable for using in operation1

K ey w ords:carbonate;lithologic prediction;model seism;Jiannan Region

54Application of Im age Processing T echnique in Digital Core Modeling

ZH U Y i2hua,T AO G uo (CN PC Well L og ging Key L aboratory,China Universit y of Pet roleum,B ei j ing102249,China)

FANG Wei (China Pet roleum L ogging Service Co1L t d1,B ei j ing100043,China)

Abstract:Petrophysical research object was a system consisting of complex pore geometry,rock matrix and multi2phase filling1But the traditional core experiment was on the condition of simulating oil/gas reservoir1In this case the micro2 pore structure was not be observed and controlled directly12D epoxy2saturated thin section,which was obtained f rom field cores,was processed by image processing technique,and then3D digital core was reconstructed f rom the2D thin section1This digital core resembles real rock1It can show some true information of the formation1It is a great signifi2 cance of petrophysics study1

K ey w ords:image processing;digital core;petrophysics

66Formation W ater Chemical Characteristics of Coalbed Methane(CBM)R eservoir Formation WANG Bo (L ang f ang B ranch of Research I nstitute of Pet roleum Ex ploration and Development,CN PC,L ang f ang065007,Hebei,China) LI Jin,ZH ANG Min (Department of Geochemist ry,Yangtze University;Key L aboratory of Ex ploration Technologies f or Oil and Gas Reservoi r (Yangtze Universit y),M inist ry of Education,J ingz hou434023,Hubei,China)

Abstract:CBM resource was enough in China,which included the low rank and high rank CBM reservoirs1Both were im2 portant,but the chemical characteristics of formation water of high2low rank CBM reservoirs were different1It constrains the progress of physical simulation of low rank CBM reservoirs,the geochemistry characteristics of the high2low rank CBM reservoirs are compared and discussed1It is proved that the high salinity is the advantageous factor for the high rank CBM reservoir enrichment and formation,while the salinity of low rank CBM reservoir is beneficial for the enrich2 ment and formation of low rank CBM reservoirs1

K ey w ords:coalbed methane;formation;rank;formation water geochemistry

76On E arly Evaluation of H ydrocarbon Source R ocks B ased on Seismic Data

ZH AO Sheng,LI U Lei (Research I nstitute of Geology,J iangsu Oil f iel d Com pany,S I N O P EC,Yangz hou225009,J iangsu,China)

FU Dong2yang (Faculty of Resources,China University of Pet roleum,B ei j ing102249,China)

Abstract:Exploration level was low in the south of Buridun Sag of Erlian Basin,where it lacked geological and geophysi2 cal data1Based on overlaying velocity data,mudstone thickness was predicted by using the rules of seismic wave velocity changes of itself and inherent relations between lithological properties,mudstone porosity was transformed by using inter2



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