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2015/2016学年 第2学期

专 业 英语 班 级 12-2 姓 名 徐思琦 学 号 201220801072 课程名称 大学英语视听说教程 授课对象 B18 指导教师 赵晓红

实习时间 2015年10月26日-11月8日


指导教师(签名): 第 2 次课 2 学时 授课题目:Unit1. Traces of the past 教学目的、要求: 1. Target:a. Summarize the main idea of the listening material and spot related important details from the listening material. b. Be able to keep a conversation going and conduct an interview. 2. Requirement:a. Make group discussion and correct the tense in time . b. Use the related stuff properly. 教学重点、难点: 1. Key points:Catch the specific information while listening and keep a conversation going. 2. Difficulties:Use the context to decide numbers and detailed information. Combine students’ background knowledge with unfamiliar material and use various words and structures actively. 教学组织 (含课堂教学内容、教学方法、 辅助手段、师生互动、时间分配、板书设计等): 1. Teaching contents and time allocation: (1) Opening up introduction: introduce the topic of“Traces of the past”;discussion. (15′) (2) Vocabulary task: learn about some culture notes , both famous people , places, and frequently-used words. (15′) (3) Sharing: watch a podcast from the beginning to the end for its general idea and discuss questions.(15′) Do you go out a lot? What did you do last weekend? Do you enjoy it? Why or why not. (4) Listening to the world: listen to a description of what one person do during a day (20′) First listening and explain the activity; second listening and exchange your opinions in group then the teacher check the answers to the questions (5) role-play:( 25′) a. explain the new words. b. listen to Part 1 of conversation and fill in the blanks. c. work in pairs and role-play the following situations. Use the skills for keeping a conversation going. Situation1: Seeing a movie. Situation2: Going out for dinner. (6) Conversations: listen to five short conversations and choose the best answer to each question you hear.(10′) 2. Approaches and methods in teaching: Expose students to large amount of listening material on a specific topic; check their understanding and encourage them to speak up in order to memorize the information 3. Teaching Aid PPT, reference books 4. Presentation layout Assignments:self-study exercises P15. Reference: (1) “College Experiencing English----Listening and Speaking” Reference book 1 (2) “Longman Contemporary English Dictionary” After class comment: Firstly, the students should have the consciousness of speaking Secondly, as a listening and speaking teacher, we’d better provide more opportunities for students rather than the teacher speaks all the time. Last but not least, “Interest is the best teacher”, why not do some interesting activities?

Presentation layout 1 (title, and theme of the lesson) 2 Introduction (Warming up topic Vocabulary Related information) 3 Textbook listening material (Expressions and explanation to the listening material) 4 Exercises or oral practice 5 Assignments

1. Title: Unit1. Traces of the past Theme: Listening to the world

2. Introduction: Introduce the topic of “Traces of the past” 3. Textbook listening material:

Carlos says about his home, and is your attitude to your hometown similar to Carlos Acosta’s to Cuba?

4. Exercises or oral practice: what do you think about your hometown, did your parents make you take up a hobby when you were a child, why . 5. Assignments:

Self-study exercises P12.


姓名: 徐思琦 学号:201220801072 指导教师签名:

授课时间:2015年11月6日 授课班级:B18 授课地点:教D306


Unit 1

Teaching Aims:

In this unit students are required to:

1. Practice reading strategies such as listening specific information, keep a conversation going,

conduct an interview, etc.

2. Grasp some new words and expressions to enrich student’s vocabulary;

3. Do some oral work such as pre-reading questions, role play and interaction activities to help to

develop the students’ oral communicative abilities;

4. Appreciate the two narrations in this unit and learn some listening skills in narration and practice it

along while listening;

5. Do some other after-class exercise including listening and translation to improve students’

comprehensive skills.

Teaching Emphasis:

1. The comprehension and appreciation of Text I; 2. New words and expressions:

Socialize; clubbing; fish and chip; orphanage; pitch; Brazil; championship; album; setting; microchip; issue; opportunity.

Procedure: (2 hours)

1. Greeting;

2. The whole plan for this semester; 3. Begin the new lesson:

1). Talk about your weekend activities;

2). Allow students 3 minutes to fill in the blank rapidly; 3). Do the guesswork of vocabulary;

4) Watch part 1 of the podcast intensively;

5) fill in the blank with the words that Hina uses.

6). Listen to the tape and study part 1 extensively to enlarge their vocabulary and widen the scope of their knowledge; 7). Do oral work;

8). Study the main points of listening skills, including the information about précis listening , keep a

conversation going, conduct an interview 9). Homework, finish all the exercise P16, P17.

Language points for Listening Skills

1. listen with a focus or purpose rather than try to understand every words.

2. What information to listening for depends on what questions you need to answer in the listening

task or what purpose you what achieve in real-life communication.

3. When you listen to news reports, weather forecasts, or airport announcements, you should listen

carefully to specific information and details such as numbers, times, dates, places and events.

Language points for keeping a conversation going

Firstly, ask questions. For example, both Marek and Isabel ask many questions about each other’s weekend, such as What did you do? and Who did you go with?

Secondly, give extra information. For example, when asked what did you do? Isabel gives extra information it was great! In addition to the direct answer I went for a walk.

Thirdly, make comments. Just as Isabel and Marek do in their conversation, you may use expressions such as That sounds good! Really? or I don’t believe you!

