ASM铸造缺陷的国际分类7大类(学习版0228)详解 - 图文

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· Metallic projections 金属多肉缺陷 · Cavities 空洞类缺陷

· Discontinuities 断、裂缺陷 · Defects


· Incomplete casting 铸件不完整

· Incorrect dimension 尺寸不符合

· Inclusions or structural anomalies 夹杂或结构异常

Table 1 International classification of common casting defects 表1 一般铸造缺陷的国际分类 No. Description 描述 Common name 一般名称 Sketch 图 Metallic Projections A100: A110: A111 Metallic projections in the form of fins or flash 飞边尾翅、披缝形式的多肉 Metallic projections in the form of fins (or flash) without change in principal casting dimensions飞边尾翅(披缝)形式的多肉,不改变铸件基本尺寸 Thin fins (or flash) at the Joint flash or fins parting line or at core prints 飞边(飞翅) 在分型线或芯头上的飞边(飞翅) A112 Projections in the form of Veining or finning veins on the casting 毛刺 Surface 铸件表面的毛刺 A113 Network of projections on Heat-checked die the surface of die castings A 114(a) Thin projection parallel to a Fillet scab casting surface, in re-entrant 圆角夹砂 angles 平行于铸件表面,在凹角处小块多肉 Thin metallic projection Fillet vein located at a re-entrant 圆角毛刺 angle and dividing the angle in two parts 在凹角处小块多肉将圆角分成两部分 Metallic projections in the form of fins with changes in principal casting dimensions 飞边多肉改变了铸件的基本尺寸 Formation of fins in planes related to direction of mold assembly (precision casting with waste pattern); principal casting dimensions change 合型不精确在平面上形成飞翅,改变铸件基本尺寸 Massive projections 大块多肉 Swells胀箱 Excess metal in the vicinity of the gate or beneath the sprue 在内浇口附近或直浇道下方有大块金属 Erosion, cut, or wash 冲砂 Cracked or broken mold 铸型裂纹或塌箱 A115 A120 A 123(a) A200 A210 A 212(a) A 213(a) Metal projections in the form of elongated areas in the direction of mold assembly 在合型延长方向上的多肉 Projections with surfaces on the cope surface of the casting 铸件上箱面粗糙 Crush 掉砂 A220: A 221(a) Projections with rough surfaces表面粗糙 rough Mold drop or sticker 铸型掉砂

A 222(a) Projections with rough surfaces on the drag surface of the casting (massive projections) 铸件下箱面粗糙(成块的) Raised core or mold element cutoff 砂芯上浮,掉砂 A 223(a) Projections with rough Raised sand surfaces on the drag 型砂上浮 surface of the casting (in dispersed areas) 铸件下箱面粗糙(分散的) A 224(a) Projections with rough surfaces on other parts of the casting 铸件的其它位置表面粗糙 Mold drop 铸型掉砂

A 225(a) Projections with rough Corner scab surfaces over extensive 直角夹砂 areas of the casting 铸件上大面积表面粗糙 A 226(a) Projections with rough surfaces in an area formed by a core 由砂芯形成的表面处粗糙 Broken or crushed Core 断芯 Cavities B 100: B 110: Cavities with generally rounded, smooth walls perceptible to the naked eye (blowholes, pinholes)裸眼看孔洞壁感觉是圆的、光滑的 Class B 100 cavities internal to the casting, not extending to the surface, discernible only by special methods, machining, or fracture of the casting B100类型孔洞是在铸件壁内,未延伸至铸件表面,只能由特殊方法、设备或破碎铸件才能辨别 Internal, rounded cavities, usually smooth-walled, of varied size, isolated or grouped irregularly in all areas of the casting 在铸件壁内,圆的孔洞,通常洞壁光滑,有不同的大小,有单个的也有多个的,可以在铸件的各个部位 Blowholes, pinholes 气孔,针孔 B111(a) As above, but limited to the vicinity of metallic pieces placed in the mold (chills, inserts, chaplets, etc.) 和上面一样,但只限于在金属薄片放入铸型的邻近区域(过冷物、冷铁嵌入物、芯撑等) Blowholes, adjacent to inserts, chills, chaplets, etc. 气孔,邻近过冷物、嵌入物、芯撑等 B112(a) Like B 111, but accompanied by slag inclusions (G 122) 象B111类型,但是伴有渣 Slag blowholes 渣气孔 B113(a) B120 Class B 100 cavities located at or near the casting surface, largely exposed or at least connected with the exterior B 100 类型,位于或接近铸件表面,大部分暴露或与外部相连。 Exposed cavities of various sizes, isolated or grouped, usually at or near the surface, with shiny walls 裸露的各种大小的孔洞,单个的或是成片的,经常在表面附近,洞壁有点反光 Exposed cavities, in re-entrant angles of the casting, often extending deeply within 裸露的孔洞,在铸件的转角处,经常延伸到铸件的内部 Surface or subsurface blowholes 表面或皮下气孔 Corner blowholes, Draws 拐角处气孔、吸气 B 121(a) B 122(a) Fine porosity (cavities) at the casting surface, appearing over more or less extended areas 铸件表面小的孔洞,或多或少的有延伸 B 123(a) Small, narrow cavities in the form of cracks, appearing on the faces or along edges, generally only after machining 小的、窄象裂纹一样的孔洞,在表面或边沿,通常加工后才发现 Dispersed shrinkage 分散的缩孔 Surface pinholes 表面针孔 B 124(a) B 200: B 210: B 211(a) Cavities with generally rough walls, shrinkage 通常洞壁粗糙的孔洞,缩孔 Open cavity of Class B 200, sometimes penetrating deeply into the casting B200型的开放型孔洞,有时候穿透到铸件的内部 Open, funnel-shaped cavity; wall usually covered with dendrites 开放式漏斗状孔洞,壁面常覆有树枝晶 Open or external shrinkage 开放式缩孔 B 212(a) Open, sharp-edged cavity in fillets of thick castings or at gate locations 开放式尖锐状孔洞,在厚大铸件的圆角处或浇口位置 Corner or fillet shrinkage 圆角处缩孔 B 213(a) Open cavity extending from a core 从砂芯延伸出来的开放式孔洞 Core shrinkage 砂芯缩孔 B 220: B 221(a) Class B 200 cavity located completely internal to the casting B 200型孔洞,完全在铸件内部 Internal, irregularly shaped cavity; wall often dendritic 内部不规则,孔壁呈树枝晶状 Internal or blind shrinka 内部缩孔 B 222(a) Internal cavity or porous area along central axis 沿着中心轴线的内部孔洞或多孔区域 Centerline or axial shrinkage 中心轴线缩孔 B300: B311: Porous structures caused by numerous small cavities 由大量小孔洞引起的多孔结构 Cavities according to B 300, scarcely perceptible to the naked eye

非金属夹杂:熔渣、浮渣、溶剂夹渣 G 121(a) Nonmetallic inclusions whose appearance or analysis shows they arise from melting slags, products of metal treatment or fluxes 非金属夹杂,外观或经分析来源于铁水中的渣上浮,用来处理铁水的产品或熔剂 非金属夹杂,外观或分析表明其来源于熔化的渣上浮,用来处理铁水的产品或熔剂 Slag, dross or flux inclusions, ceroxides 熔渣,浮渣,熔剂夹杂, G 122(a) Nonmetallic inclusions generally Slag blowhole impregnated with gas and defect accompanied by blowholes (B 渣气孔缺陷 113) 非金属夹杂,通常包裹气,伴有气孔 Nonmetallic inclusions; mold or core materials 非金属夹杂,型芯材料 Sand inclusions, generally very Sand inclusions close to the surface of the casting 夹砂 夹砂,通常非常接近铸件表面 Inclusions of mold blacking or dressing, generally very close to the casting surface 铸型石墨涂料夹杂,通常非常接近铸件表面 Blacking or refractory coating inclusions 石墨涂料或耐高温涂层夹杂 G130: G 131(a) G 132(a) G140: G141 Nonmetallic inclusions; oxides and reaction products 非金属夹杂、氧化物和反应产物 Clearly defined, irregular black Black spots spots on the fractured surface of 黑斑 ductile cast iron 很明显,在球墨铸件的断裂面上有不规则的黑点 G 142(a) Inclusions in the form of oxide skins, most often causing a localized seam 氧化皮夹杂,经常产生局部缝口 Oxide inclusion or skins, seams 氧化夹杂、氧化皮、疤痕 G 143(a) G 144 Folded films of graphitic luster in Lustrous carbon the wall of the casting films, or kish tracks 铸件壁上石墨光亮层起皮 光亮碳薄层 Hard inclusions in permanent Hard spots molded and die cast aluminum 硬点(硬疤) alloys 金属型和压铸铝合金硬质点夹杂

