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2017动 词 汇 总

1.accept vt.&vi. 接受,同意 receive 收到(但不一定接受) 2.ache vi. 痛

n. 疼痛

aches and pains 各种各样的病痛 3.achieve vt.完成,实现,达到 n. achievement achieve one’s goals 达到目的 4.act vi.行动 vt.扮演 其他意思:n. 行为

act as (临时)担任,充当;扮演……的角色;起……的作用 catch sb. in the (very) act (of doing sth.)(=catch sb. red handed) 当场捉到某人

donkey act [美俚]蠢笨的行动 Dutch act [美俚]自杀 5.add vt.&vi. 添加,加

add in 算入; 包括 add to增加, 加到

add up 加起来, 总计; 和预期产总数相等; add up to总计共达; (总起来看)等于说; 意味着 6.address vt. 写地址 其他意思:n. 住址,演说 accommodation address 临时通讯处

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be addressed to ab. 寄给…… 7.advise vt. 劝告,建议,通知

advice un.建议 a piece of advice

advise sb. to do sth . 建议……做…… 8.afford vt. 负担得起,买得起,提供

afford time/money (动词前往往有情态动词can或can’t) 9. agree vt.&vi. 同意,赞成

agree like cats and dogs 水火不相容 agree to do 同意做……。

agree with同意...的意见; 与...一致; 对...适合 10.aim vi. 瞄准,针对 其他意思:n. 目标,目的 11.allow vt. 准许 allowance 津贴 allow doing 允许做…… allow sb. to do 允许某人做…… be allowed to do 被允许做……

12.answer vt. 回答,答复 其他意思:n. 答案,回答

soft answer 温和[委婉]的回答 answer the door /telephone the answer to the question

answer the question = reply to the question 13.arrive vi. 到达 n arrival

arrive at/in 到达(目的地); 达到, 得出(结论等)(没有明确地点

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=get to = reach (够到……,达到某种水平或数字) 14.ask vt. 询问,请求,要求

ask sb. for sth 要; 请求, 征求 要(价) 找 ask sb. (not) to do sth. 15.avoid vt.避免,撤销

avoid doing 避免做某事

16.awake vt.唤醒 vi.醒 其他意思:adj. 醒着的

be wide/broad awake 完全醒着 警觉; 不易上当受骟 完全知道, 充分觉察到

awake to the fact that 认识到...的事实 be/keep awake 醒着 17. wake v. 醒 wake up 醒来

e.g. James usually wakes up early. wake sb up 叫醒……

e.g. My mother wakes me up at six o’clock. 辨析:

① wake多用于不及物动词 ② waken只用于及物动词

③ awake指唤醒(意志……) 也可为adj指清醒的

18.be (is am are was were being been) v. 是 存在 aux.v (无词义)

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Let it be. 随它去

be+及物动词过去分词 构成被动语态 be+现在分词 构成进行时

be+有to的不定式 表示约定 计划 职责 义务 愿望 可能 命运等 The book is to come out.

You are not to do that. 你不该那样做. be for 到…去 赞成 I’m for Shanghai. We are for just war. be from 从…来 生在(某处) be gone. 走开,不见了。 have been to+次数 去过某地几次

have been in +地点+时间段 在某地带了多长时间 19.beat v.打败 敲打 (心脏等)跳动 打动(心)

win (won won) vt获胜,赢得(比赛荣誉等等)


beat 在运动比赛中获胜,打败了其他人或其他队,常跟sb,class,some team等表示人的单词(beat=defeat)

n.(连续的)敲打(声) (时钟等的)滴答声 (心脏 脉搏等的)跳动 悸动 节拍

off/on the beat (不)和节拍

20.bear v. 容忍 负担,孕育 n. 熊

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bear and forbear 一忍再忍 be born in /at 出生

born adj 天生的 He was a born poet . 他天生就是个诗人。 21.become v. 变得 成为

表变化的系动词 become be get go 22.begin v. 开始 在完成时态中须变成be on begin with 以…开始 begin to do/doing 开始做… to begin with 首先 第一 To begin with, he is too young.

Well begun is half done . 良好的开端是成功的一半。 23.behave v. 行为举止 behavior n. 行为举止 behave oneself=behave well

24.believe v. 相信 认为 否定前置 believable adj. 可信的 believe sb.=believe what sb.said believe in sb.=trust sb

believe it or not 信不信由你 25.belong v. 属于 belong to 属于 26.blow v. 吹 blow one’s nose 擤鼻子 27.boat v. 划船

go boating/swimming/shopping/sightseeing

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at the cost of 以……为代价 at all costs 不惜任何代价

eg. We must avoid war,at all cost. 我们必须不惜任何代价避免战争。

cost of living 生活费用 59.cough vi 咳嗽 n 咳嗽;咳嗽声 have a cough

60.count v.计算;数

count down 倒计时 count in 包括 eg If you are planning a trip to Florida,count me in. 如果你们计划到佛罗里达,把我算在里面。

Don’t count your chicken before they are hatched .不要过早乐观。 61.cover v. 覆盖,遮蔽;包括,网罗,涉及;旅行,走;采访(事件);够;

eg.I want to cover 100 miles before it gets dark. 我希望在天黑前走100英里

n. 覆盖物;靠垫;封皮

be covered with/by 由……覆盖 62.create v 创造;创建 create friendships with sb

creation n.创造;创造品

creator n. 创造者 造物主 creative adj 有创

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63.cross v.穿过,渡过;

across prep. 穿过 (表面) through prep. 通过 (中间)

cross adj. 生气的 Your mother will be cross if you are late. n. 十字架

crossing n 十字路口 64.cry v. 哭;大声哭喊;叫喊;

cry out against 大声疾呼反对…… cry out for 急需;迫切需要 eg. The garden is crying out for rain. 这个花园急需雨水。

65. cut v.切;坎;删除;减少;停止(供煤气、电等) cut down 砍倒 cut up 切开

cut into pieces 切成碎片


66.eat v.吃, 腐蚀 eatable adj. 可食用的

eat up吃光,

eat like a bird吃得极少 eat like a horse 吃得多

eat like a wolf贪婪地吃, 狼吞虎咽 eat one's words食言, 取消诺言, 认错道歉

67.end v&n. 结束, 终结, 终止

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We play football when school ends.

in the end最终地;终于=at last=finally

at the end of 在……的尽头/末尾

by the end of 到……时为止(后接过去的时间,用过去完成


68.enjoy vt.享受...的乐趣, 欣赏, 喜爱

enjoyable adj.(形容词) enjoyment n. 快乐,乐事 enjoy oneself过得快乐

69.enter vt.进入, 加入, 参加, 登录, 开始

vi.进去, [戏]登场, 参加 enter for报名参加

enter the competition 70. examine v&n.检查, 调查, 考试 look sb. over = examine sb 71.excite vt.刺激, 使兴奋, 使激动

vi.<口>兴奋, 激动 excitement n.

72.excuse vt. 原谅, 申辩, n. 借口

excuse me int. 对不起 excuse oneself 为自己辩解 make up an excuse 编借口

73.expect vt.期待, 预期, 盼望, 指望,

expect (sb.) to do =look forward to doing

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74.experience vt.经验, 体验, n(c) 经历, 阅历 n(u)经验

experienced adj 有经验的

75. explain v. 解释, 说明 explanation n. 76.express vt. 表达, 表示

expression n. 短语

77.fail ①fail to do 未能做某事

②failure n. 失败

78.fall fall off 从……跌落 =fall down from

fall in love(with) (与……)坠入爱河 fall over 落在……上;跌倒 翻车 fall behind 落后

79.feed ①feed on 以……为食物

②feed up 供给食物 3 be fed up with 厌倦了……

80.feel ①feel like doing 想要做某事=would like to do = want to do

②作系动词,后加adj. 没有被动态

81.fetch 去取来=get

take 拿走 take sb to sp /take sth with sb /take sb around sp bring 带来 bring sb sth = bring sth to sb 82.fight v&n ①fight against sth. 与……抗争

②fight back 还击 ③fight for 为……而战

83.fill ①be filled with ……里……充满……=be full of

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②fill in 填写

84.find ①find out 查出,查明(事情的真相) look for 寻找(强调动作) find 找到 (强调结果) search sb for sth 搜查某地找某物

②find+it+adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth.

85.finish finish doing 完成做某事

86.fish v. 钓鱼 n 鱼(可数,单复同形。)鱼肉fish in troubled waters 浑水摸鱼 趁火打劫 87.fit v. 合适 (大小,肥瘦) suit v 合适 (式样,风格,颜色等) 88.fix v. 修理=mend=repair 把某物钉在某地 88.fly v. 飞 n.苍蝇 Time flies !

89.follow v. 跟随.理解,听从 I didn’t quite follow what he was saying . It will be better if you follow my advice . 90.force v. 强制

force sb to do sth 强迫某人做某事 91.forget v. 忘记 forgetful adj 健忘的 forget to do 忘记去做某事

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forget doing 忘记做过某事

92.freeze v. 冻结;愣住 freezing adj 极冷的 Smile froze on his face . He shouted , ―Freeze!‖ 别动!

93. get: 得到;到达;取来;变得;理解;准备(饭); 患 ;登


get down: 写下,记下;咽下,拿下 get to: 到达

get on/off (a bus): 上/下车; get into/out of(a car): get together; 聚会,相聚 get up: 起床 get in 收割

get sth. done = have sth done get on well with

94.give: 给,交给,递给;赠送;提供;交付;举 give sb. sth = give sth. to sb,

give in: 妥协,让步,屈服 give up doing/for sth: 放弃做某事 give sth back to sb: 把…归还给某人

95.go: 去;离开;变得;处于(某种状态);去某地 be gone: 离开了,消失了 go ahead: 做计划中的事情

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go back to: 追溯到 go by: 经过;(时间)逝去 go for: 试图得到某物

go off: 中断;(铃)大声响;爆炸 go on with/doing sth: 继续做某事

go on to do sth: 接着做某事(另外一件事) go out: 出去;(火;灯)熄灭 go over: 仔细查看

go through:经历, 仔细检查 go bad 变坏(质)

96.grow: 长大;(植物)生长;种植;逐渐变成;严重

grow up: 长大成人;(习惯、习俗)形成 bring up 抚养 grown-up: 成年的;大人 grow vegetables 种蔬菜 grow tall 长高 97.guess: 猜测;推测,估计

98.hand n 手,(表的)指针 vt 交出,传递

hand in hand out hand on hand in hand

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(问题)变得更大give sb. a hand on the other hand 99. hang v. 悬挂;吊死,绞死 100.happen v 发生 happen to sb happen to do.

Great changes have taken place in my hometown since 1999. 101.hate v 憎恨,厌恶

hate doing sth. 102.have v 1)有

2)使,让 have sb do have sth. done 3) (don’t) have to 4) have done 103.hear v 听见 (强调结果) 1)hear sb. do 2) hear sb. doing sth. 3)hear from sb. 4) hear of /about 5)I’m sorry to hear that. listen to 听(强调动作) 104.heat v. 加热 n 热量 105 help v&n 帮助

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1)help sb. with sth 2)help sb (to)do sth 3) help oneself to + n. 4) can’t helping 106. hide v 藏 hide –and –seek 107. hit v打,击中

hit sb. on the back/shoulder/nose/head hit sb in the face/stomach 108. hold v 拿,举行

hold on (打电话专用语)稍等 109.hope v. 希望 hope to do hope that I hope so. 110. hurry v 匆忙

hurry to do = do sth in a hurry 111 .imagine v. 设想,猜想,想象

imagine doing sth

例:It’s hard to imagine living in a palace.

imagine that

例:I magine that you’ve won a million pounds.

imagine someone doing sth

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例:I simply can’t imagine George helping with the baby!

n. imagination 想象力 adj. imaginative 富有想象力的 112.improve v. 改善,改进,提高

improve yourself 求上进的 n. improvement 改进;进步

例:There has certainly been an improvement in his behavior. 113.include v. 包括,包含 The price includes postage charges.

prep. including

例:There were 20 people in this room, including the teacher.

114. increase v./n. 增长

increase rapidly 增长迅速 increase by/to 增长了/到 adj. increasing 增长的 adv. increasingly 越来越多的

反义词 v. decrease 减少,降低

115.injure v. 使受伤,弄伤 injured adj 受伤的

wound v 受伤 n 伤口 wounded adj 受伤的 hurt v 疼,伤着…… n (精神上的)伤痛 adj 的

be badly/seriously injured/hurt

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例:She was badly injured in the accident. 受到枪、剑、刀的攻击而负伤可用wound

用其他武器致伤或在事故中受伤用 injured 或hurt 用wound和injure比用hurt严重 116、insist v. 坚持,强调

insist on doing sth/ n.

insist that (坚持让别人做事用虚拟,should+v. 坚持自己做事无需用虚拟)

例:Tom insisted that he was mistaken.

Tom insisted that everyone should come to the party . 117.interview v. 采访

have/do an interview with sb = give an interview to sb n. interviewee 接受采访者

interviewer 采访者

118. introduce v. 介绍 n. introduction 介绍;引言

introduce sb to sb/sth

例:He introduced us to Thai food. 119. invent v. 发明

n. inventor 发明家 invention 发明 虚构;捏造 例: The whole story was invented.

120. invite v. 介绍

invite sb to sp invite sb to do sth

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n. 邀请;请柬 invitation 例:Did you get an invitation to the wedding.

121.join 连接;加入

join sb/team/club/Party/League/army join (sb) in sth/doing sth 跟某人一起做某事 take part in the sports meeting

122.jump 跳 the high / long jump jump the queue a queue jumper 123.keep v. 保持

keep ……away …… keep (sb.) doing keep +adj.

keep sb from doing

129. land n. 陆地 v. 登陆

by land 由陆路 on land 在陆地上 124. last adj. 最后的 adv.最后 v. 持续 last for 持续多久

at last 最后 =in the end = finally 125. laugh n.& vi. 笑 laughter 笑声 laugh at sb 嘲笑某人

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126. lie-lied-lied –lying

lie-lay-lain-lying lay-laid-laid-laying 127. lead 领导; 带领

lead to 通向; 引导 导致,引起 lead /live a (dog’s ) life 过着……的生活 lead the way 领路

All roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马

128. learn 学习

learn to do 学着去做…… learn about sth. 了解……

learn from sb./ sth. 向……学习…… learn sth by oneself= teach oneself sth 129. leave 离开 leave for sp. 前往某地

leave sp. for sp. 离开某地去某地

leave sb. alone/ on one’s own/ by oneself 把某人单独留在…… leave sth. +prep. + sp. 把某物落在某地 leave a message 留言

We have a few minutes left .(作剩下讲,往往用过去分词放在所修饰名词的后面)

Leave +n +done/doing/adj 使…处于某种状态…

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He left the room ,leaving the window open . 130. lend 借出

lend sb. sth. 把某物借给某人 = lend sth. to sb.

131. let make have 让

Let /make have sb. do sth 让某人做某事 be let /made had to do make 的强迫意味最浓 ,have次之,let有允许的意味 132. lift vt. 举起 vi 云彩的消散 n. 电梯 lift sb./sth. up 把某人/某物举起 The radio says the clouds will lift soon . 133. list v 列表 n. 单子 134. listen 听

listen to 听 (强调听的过程) hear 听见 (强调结果) listen up 注意听

135. litter v 扔垃圾 n 垃圾 No littering !

136. live v 居住 adj&adv 实况转播

living adj 活着的 放在所修饰的词的前面

alive adj 活着的 放在所修饰词的后面 living fish = fish alive lively adj 生动的 (story) 活泼的 (girl ) 热闹的 (station) make a living by doing 以……谋生 137. lock lock the door 锁门

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138. look 看 look after 照看 look for 寻找

look forward to doing 盼望 look like 看起来像

look out 留神;当心=watch out =take care =be careful look the same 看起来像 look through 浏览

look up 向上看; 在字典里查 look out of 向外看 look at 看

have/take a look at 看

look sb in the eye 直视某人的眼睛

look down on sb 藐视某人

look after sb well = take good care of sb = care for sb well (变被动态时介词别掉了)

Look before you leap .

139. lose v 丢失 adj lost丢了

miss v 错过, 想念 adj missing He is missing = He is lost . They are looking for the lost boy . be /get lost 迷路

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lose one’s way 迷路

140.spread: 传播

141.stand: 站立,忍受,使直立

stand in line 站在队里

142.start: 开始

start doing/ to do 开始做某事 n. at the start = at the

beginning 开始时

143. stay v. 留下,暂停,保持某种状态

stay up 熬夜

stay fit /cool 保持健康 /凉爽

144. steal v. 偷

steal sth. from sb. 偷某人的东西

145.stick v. 粘住,粘贴 n.: 木棒,枝条

146.study vt.&vi. 学习,研究 n. 书房 147.succeed vi. 成功

success n. 成功,成功的人或事 successful adj. 成功的 succeed in doing 成功做成谋事 fail v. 失败 failure n. 失败 fail to do 失败做某事

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Failure is the mother of the success. 失败是成功之母。 148.suggest v. 建议,指出,暗示 suggestion n. 提议,意见,暗示 suggest that 表明(不虚拟)

建议(虚拟) should do doing 建议做某事 make a suggestion 提建议

149.supply vt.. 补给,供应,提供,代理 vi. 替代他人职务 n.补给供应品 (supplies)

supply sb. with sth./sth. to sb. 给……提供…… offer sb. sth./sth. to sb. 给……提供…… provide sb with sth. / sth. for sb. 150.suppose vt. 推想,假设 vi. 料想 be supposed to do 理应,应该

151.surprise vt. 使惊奇,使吃惊 n. 惊奇 to one’s surprise 让某人感到吃惊 surprise sb. 使某人吃惊

be surprised at sth. 对……感到吃惊 be surprised to do 吃惊地做…… do sth. in surprise 吃惊地做…… surprised adj. 惊奇的 surprising adj. 使人吃惊的 152.sweep vt.&vi. 扫,扫除

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sweep the floor 扫地 153.swim vi.&n. 游泳 go swimming 去游泳 swimmer 游泳者 swimming pool 游泳池 swimming suit 游泳衣 swimming cap 游泳帽 swimming trunks 游泳裤 154.swing vt. 摆动

n. 秋千,摇摆

155.share vt.分享,均分,共有,分配 vi.分享

share a room 共用,分摊,共有 share sadness 分担 share ideas 交换想法 156.shine v.照耀,发光

shine in through the window 透过窗户照耀进来157.shop v .买东西,购物

do some shopping = go shopping shop for sth 158.shout vi&vt 喊

shout at sb.对某人大喊大叫 shout one’s name大声喊某人的名字

159.show vt.给……看,上映,演出;说明,表明,引领第 28 页 共 47 页

be on show 在展览,在演出 show off 炫耀,夸耀,卖弄 show sb sth = show sth to sb show sb around = take sb around 160.shut v.关上,闭上,关闭 shut down 把……关上

shut off 切断,中断(供水,供气) 与…隔绝

shut up 关上全部门窗 ,囚禁,把…存放在箱子里,住口,停止谈话 161.sing v.唱,演唱

eg: She sang as she worked.她工作的时候唱歌. 162.sit v. 坐 sit down坐下

163.skate v. 滑冰 ski v. 滑雪 164.sleep v. 睡觉 asleep adj 睡着的

sleepy adj 困的 165.smell 闻

166.smile 微笑

smile at sb 向某人微笑

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167.smoke v. 抽烟 n.烟, 烟雾 No smoking 禁止吸烟 168.snow v&n下雪,雪

169.sort v&n.把(物品)分类, 种类

sort sth out 把某物分类

170、sell v 卖

(1) sell sb sth = sell sth to sb 卖给某人某样东西 (2) sell sth for +money 卖…多少钱

sale n 卖 (1) sales 销售额

(2) on sale for sale 待售 171、send v 发送

(1) send sb sth =send sth to sb 发送给某人某样东西 (2) send for 派人去请 (3) send up 发射 (4) send away 送走

(5)send to 把……送到…… 172、separate v 分开 (1) separate…from…使…分离 (2) separate…into…把…分成…

173、serve v 服务

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(1) service n 服务—servant n 仆人 (2) serve sb 招待某人 174、shake v 摇晃 n. 奶昔

(1) shake one’s hand=shake hands with 握手 (2) shake one’s head 摇头

175、set v 安放 放置;对准,装设,指定 (1)set about 开始,着手 (2)set fire to sth 点火 (3)set off 出发 (4)set out 开始,出发 (5)set up 设立

176、shape v 定形,形成,成长 n. 形状 177.make v制作;使得

be made in /of/from/by/up of /into make sb do ---- be made to do make sb +n ----- make him a writer make sb +adj ---- make him famous

make sb +done ----- make himself heard/understood 178. manage v 处理,管理

manage to do sth

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179.be/get married to sb

marry sb

180.master v 征服,精通,掌握。n. 大师

master the language

181.match n 火柴,比赛 v。 匹配,相称

His weak voice matched his thin body. The color of the bag matched her clothes . 182.mean v 意思是,意欲,打算

mean to do sth mean doing sth

What do you mean by ……? What’s the meaning of ……? 183.meet v. 见面,会面 接

Can you go to the station to meet me ? 184.mind v 介意 n. 心,头脑,想法,记忆

change one’s mind make up one’s mind Would you mind doing sth ? Out of sight, out of mind . 185.mistake v. 犯错误 n.错误

make mistakes by mistake 错误地

186.move v搬动,移动;感动

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187.murder v 谋杀 188.name n 名字 v. 命名 name after ---be named after

189.need v 需要 aux.需要 (用于否定句和疑问句中) n.需要 Sb needs to do sth

Sth needs doing = sth needs to be done 190.nod v点头

191.notice v.注意,看到 n.通知 192.offer v 提供 offer to do

off sb sth = offer sth to sb 193. open v 开放adj 开放的 open up 开设,开业 be open to 对……开放

194.order v 命令,订购 n.命令

195.own adj. 自己的 This is my own car .= This car is my own . v. 拥有

195.progress n&vi vi:前进,前行 n:前进,发展;进步

make a(big)progress in 在…取得进步 in progress 在进行中 196. promise n&vt允诺,答应 promise to do sth

promise that…

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promise sb sth

make/keep/break a promise 197.pronounce vt发音,断言 pronunciation n 198.protect vt保护 protection n

protect sb/sth against/from sth 保护…免受… 199.prove vt证明,检验 原来(是)证明 prove that

prove sb . wrong/innocent prove to be

200.provide vt供应,预防 provide sb with sth provide sth for sb

offer sb sth = offer sth to sb offer to do sth

201.pull v&n vt拉拖,拔 vi拉,拖 202.push vi 推vt驱使,催促,推 203.punish vt惩罚,处罚

punish sb for sth/doing

204.put vt放,记录,翻译,提出 vi放 put away 储存,收拾

put down 把…放下来,平定,镇压(revolution ,rebellion)

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put off 推迟,延期 put on 穿衣 举(手)

put on weight 增加体重=gain weight put up 挂起,举起 put out 扑灭(火) put up with 忍受

205.spell: 拼写

spelling mistakes 拼写错 pardon 原谅,宽恕【法律】赦免 pardon sb. for sth.

Pardon me for interrupting (you). 对不起打搅(你)了。 There is nothing to pardon. 好说好说,哪里哪里。

206. park 停放

Don't park the car in this street. 不得在这条街上停车。 207.pass

(1)经过,通过;穿过;越过;超过;掠过 (2) 时间流逝,推移;转化,变化 (to; into)

(3) 及格,合格;(议案等)获得通过;被批准;;被忽略过去 pass sth to sb= pass sb sth 把……递给某人

pass away 1. Vi. 经过;去;终止,完;废;过时;消灭;消失;死。 pass by 1. 〔by 作副词〕忽略,不过问。 2. 〔by 介词〕打…旁边

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208.pay v支付, 交纳, 给予, 有利, 值得, 合算 sb. pay (sb.) sm. for sth. pay back 还钱 pay off 还清 209.phone v (给...)打电话

phone up =call sb = ring sb (up)=make a phone call to sb 给……打电话叫人

210.pick v选择 采;摘 ,挖、掘. 窃取 pick sb.up 顺便捎带某人 pick a pocket 扒窃

pick up捡起 拿起:(偶然地,无意地)获得(收益,生计,知识,消息等),学会(语言) 212.plan v计划, 打算, plan to do 打算做

make a plan for为...作计划, 打算 213.plant v. 栽培, 种植, n 植物 plant trees grow vegetables

214.play v.1)(常与with连用)玩;做(游戏) play with snow play with fire

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The children were playing with a ball.

2)(演员)扮演,演出 She plays a princess in the play. 3)演奏(乐器);弹

She plays the drum /violin/piano /guitar play a joke on sb开某人的玩笑 play cards 打牌 play football 踢足球

215.raise vt.1)使升高,举起 raise your hands/voice 2)养育 raise the children alone 3)筹集 raise the money

rise vi. 1)升起 The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west .

The price is keeping rising . 2)站起 He rises and says, ―Welcome!‖ 216.read v 读书 do some reading 习惯用法 read a book see a film watch TV

watch a football match look at the blackboard 217.realize v. 认识到;使实现 218.Recite v 背诵,朗读,叙述

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219.record v.记录,标明 220.refuse v. 拒绝,回绝 refuse to do

221.regard v 认为,把……看作;凝视;重视 regard ……as …… 222.regret v&n. 遗憾,后悔, 223.relax v 放松

relaxing adj (形容事)放松的 relaxed adj (形容人)放松的 224.remain v 保留,剩余,残存 225.remember v. 记住,记起,记得 remember to do sth remember doing sth 226.repair v &n 修理,修补 227.repeat v 重复

228.reply v 回答 (见answer) 229.report v & n 报告,报导 It’s reported that …… 230.require v.需要,命令 Sb requires to do sth.

Sth requires doing sth. = sth requires to be done 231.rest v&n 休息

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have a rest 232.retell v 重复,重讲

233.return v 返回,回来=come back 归还 = give back 回到…… return to

把……还给…… return …… to …… 234.review n. 回顾,评论 v. 复习,检阅 235.ride v 搭乘,骑马(等),

n. 乘骑;搭乘旅行(的路程,供骑乘的马或牲口) 236.ring v (钟,铃)响,给……打电话

n 鸣钟,铃声;电话声;戒指,耳环

给……打电话 call sb.=phone sb.=ring sb (up)=make a phone call to sb 237.rock n 岩石,石头

V.摇晃 The earthquake rocked Sichuan on May 12th . 238. rule n 条例,习惯,管辖 V. 统治,支配,裁定 239.run v 1)赛跑 do some running run away 流失,逃跑 run out of 用完,用尽

2)运转,经营 ,管理 run a company run a city run a machine

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240.understand v.懂得,了解 241.used used to do sth

be/get used to doing sth

be used to do sth.= be used for doing be used as used to be there used to be 242.visit v.参观

visit sp = be on a visit to 243. trouble v&n 麻烦

ask for trouble [口]自讨苦吃 in troubles 有麻烦 get into trouble 陷入麻烦 borrow trouble 自寻苦恼; 杞人忧天 get into trouble 招致不幸, 陷入困境 get out of trouble (使)摆脱不幸[困境];

make trouble 闹事, 捣乱 trouble maker 闹事的人Don’t trouble the trouble till trouble troubles you.

244.trust vt. 相信,新人;盼望

245.try vt.&vi. 试,试图,努力 n. 尝试

have a try 试试看, 尝试一下 try on试穿(衣服);

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try out试验;

try/do one’s best to do sth 尽最大努力去做某件事 try to do 努力去做…… try doing 试着做……

246.turn vt. 旋转 vi.绕;翻动 n. 次序 It’s one’s turn to do sth 轮到某人做…… take turns to do = do sth in turn 轮流做……

One good turn deserves another. [谚]以德报德。 turn on/off/up/ down/into/to sb for help 247.translate vt.&vi. 翻译 n.translation

translate ... into 把...译成... 248.travel vi&n. 旅行 travel to /around 249.thank


thanks for sth / doing (为某物/某事)道谢 be thankful to sb 对某人充满感激 Thank goodness! 谢天谢地! Thank you all the same. 仍然感谢你。


Thanks to sth 多亏了

250.think vt.思索,打算,预料 vi.思考

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think about 考虑 think of 想起,想到 think over 仔细考虑

think well/highly of =speak highly of sb 对…高度评价,对…印象很好

251.throw 投,掷,扔 throw about 乱丢

throw away 扔掉,抛弃;浪费 throw at 扔向…;向…暗示 throw yourself/sth into sth 投身于,热衷于

252.tie vt.结,缚,系;束缚; vi.打结,结起

tie up 包紧,系牢 tie … to … 吧……拴到…… 253.touch vt.接触,碰到 vi.触,碰,摸

254.train v.训练,培养

train sb to do 训练某人做某事

255. visit v. 访问,拜访;游览,住 visitor n. 游客 ⑴ visit (sb) 拜访某人

e.g. Aunt Janeusually visit us for two or three weeks in the spring. ⑵ visit sp 游览某地

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e.g. We hope to visit the Grand Canyon. 228.wait v. 等候 ⑴ wait for 等候

e.g. He kept me waiting for him yesterday. ⑵ wait for a minute/second/moment 等一下 ⑶ can’t wait to do 等不及做某事 e.g. Tina can’t wait to get home. ⑸ wait to do 等着去做

e.g. Are you waiting to use the phone? 256.walk v.散步 ⑴ walk the dog 溜狗

e.g. Grandma’s out walking the dog. ⑵ go walking =go out for a walk 散步 e.g. I went walking in Snowdonia last summer. 补:① walk on eggs 小心翼翼

② walk on air 得意洋洋

257.want v. 想要

⑴ want (sb) to do =would like to do = feel like doing 想要某人做某事

258.warn v. 警告,告诫 ⑴ warn (sb) of/about

e.g. I warned him about those stairs.

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You were warned of the risks involved. ⑵ warn (sb) not to do 警告某人不要做某事 e.g. I warned you not to walk home alone. ⑶ warn (sb) against doing

e.g. The police have warned tourists against going to remoter regions.

259.wash v. 洗

⑴ wash the dishes/clothes 洗盘子/衣服

do some washing

260.waste v&n. 浪费 ⑴ waste (sth) on

e.g. Don’t waste your money on that junk. ⑵ waste no time in doing

e.g. Hurry up! We waste no time finishing (3) a waste of time

261.water n.水vt.浇水,浇灌

water a plant浇灌植物 water the horses饮马 n.boiling water boiled water running water自来水 fresh water淡水

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mineral water矿泉水

262.wear vt穿戴,穿;留着(胡子);带着(表情等);vi用坏,磨损

wear out 用坏(物,被动),筋疲力尽(人)


put on动作(反义词是take off,take off 有4种含义) dress 的相关短语

dress up 盛装打扮

dress oneself(sb)给某人(自己)穿衣服 dress as……打扮成……的样子 get dressed=put on clothes穿衣服 be dressed in+colour

be in(宾语可以是colour,表衣物、帽子等词) try on试穿(衣帽鞋等)

263..weigh vt.称……的重量 weight n.重量

put on(gain) one‖s weight增重 lose one‖s weight减肥 watch you weight注意体重

What is your weight?=How much do weigh?(询问体重的方法) 264.will(would) modal v(未来)将要,要,会n意志,意志力


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Eg.I will be 16 next year. (2)用于疑问句,表示请求

Eg.Will you go with me?你和我一起去吗? (3)用于陈述句,表示意愿,可用于各种人称 (4)作为名词,意志,意志力 Where there is a will, there is a way .

265.wish vt希望、想要;但愿;祝福 n希望心愿

wish to do sth wish sb to do sth Best wishes to sb for sth wish that+虚拟语气

266.wonder v 对….感到疑惑,想知道

It’s a \\no wonder that….毫不奇怪/奇怪 an ancient wonder 古代奇迹 a modern wonder 现代奇迹 a natural wonder 自然奇迹

wonderful adj (1)惊人的, 奇妙的,精彩的 (2)极好的

267.worry v (使)担忧 ,(使)烦恼 Don’t worry. 不要担心

be worried about=worry about 为…… 而担心

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worry sb. 使…… 担心

268.would modal v (will 的过去式) 要,想要;(用于虚拟语气)


Would you like to do? Would you mind doing?

Would (Could / Will)you please do?

269.write v 写;写信 write down 写下

write to sb .给某人写信 write with a pen 用笔写 write in ink 用墨水写 write on a paper 在纸上写 write in a notebook 在笔记本里写

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