中国上市公司环境、社会责任及公司治理- IFC

更新时间:2024-06-12 01:45:02 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Ru Ting Ting

中国上市公司环境、社会责任及公司治理 The ESG of China’s Listed Companies


China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) has always been highly valuing the social responsibilities and environmental impact of listed companies. Article 86 of the Guiding Principles on Governing Listed Companies (“Guiding Principles”) promulgated in 2002 provides that “a listed company shall be concerned with the welfare, environmental protection and public welfare etc., of the community where it is located, and shall pay attention to the company's social responsibilities”, which sets fundamental requirements to the practice of listed companies’ environmental and social responsibilities. CSRC has gradually improved its commitment regarding the environmental and social responsibilities of listed companies after that. In practice, CSRC has enhanced requirements for the disclosure of relevant information for listed companies, strengthened information disclosure responsibilities and agencies’ verification responsibilities as to companies applying for listing, and strictly enforced laws and regulations relating to environmental and

social responsibilities. In the future, the CSRC will further improve the social responsibility information disclosure rules




I. Enhance Listed Companies’ Social Responsibilities

The Company Law of the People’s Republic of China was revised in 2005 for the first time, which explicitly put forward that companies shall undertake social responsibilities from legal perspective. CSRC requires that enterprises which have major impacts on social safety should disclose relevant information in the board of directors’ reports in their annual reports, and encourages other listed companies to disclose social responsibility reports. Shenzhen Stock Exchange requires companies

whose shares are included in the Shenzhen 100 index to disclose social responsibility reports. Shanghai Stock Exchange makes mandatory disclosure request to companies whose shares are included in the Shanghai Stock Exchange corporate governance sector, companies listed in domestic and foreign stock markets simultaneously and financial companies. Currently the stock exchanges encourage listed companies to disclose social contribution value per share and hire third-party to verify the company’s situation regarding carrying out its social responsibilities, and encourage social agencies to evaluate the social responsibility fulfilment status of listed companies and create listed company social responsibility index.

The stakeholders may also learn from the CSR Report issued by listed companies about what has been done in the protection of employee rights and interests, product safety guarantee, environmental protection and charity and welfare. The number of listed companies that disclose social responsibility reports shows an upward trend.



1. 积极支持绿色产业企业上市融资和再融资。中国证监会积极支持符合条件的绿色产业企业在资本市场融资。同时,积极引导市场参与主体增强环保责任意识、严格执行国家环保法律法规。拟公开发行股票的企业生产经营活动、募集资金投资项目应当符合法律、行政法规和公司章程的规定,符合国家产业政策及环境保护政策;最近36个月内存在违反环保法律、行政法规和规章,受到行政处罚且情节严重或者受到刑事处罚的,不得公开发行股票。

II. Develop Green Finance

Currently China is actively promoting the development of green, low-carbon economy and establishing green finance system. The capital market’s promotion on green finance is mainly reflected on the following aspects:

1. Support financing by listing and refinancing of green industry enterprises actively.

CSRC actively supports green industry enterprises that satisfy relevant requirements to raise capital in capital market. Meanwhile, CSRC actively guides market participants to strengthen environmental awareness and strictly enforce state environmental protection laws and regulations. Production and operation activities and projects invested by the raised funds of companies intend to issue stock publicly shall comply with provisions of laws, regulations as well as their articles of associations, conforming to the state industrial policies and environmental protection policies. Companies that have been administratively penalized for serious violation or have been criminally penalized for violation of any environmental protection laws or administrative regulations in the past 36 months shall not issue any stock publicly. In the future, CSRC will work with the Ministry of Environmental Protection to work out the rules of the environmental information disclosure for listed companies


2. Establish and improve the mandatory environmental information disclosure system for listed companies.

In December 2016, CSRC formally issued the revised Guidelines on Contents and Formats of Information Disclosure for Listed Companies, and has obliged the listed companies and their subsidiaries, which are major pollutant discharging companies announced by the Chinese environmental protection departments, to disclose environmental information in their annual and semi-annual reports. At present, Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange have enacted strict requirements for the use of raised funds and information disclosure on the duration of green corporate bonds.


3. Develop the green bond market and reduce financing costs for green enterprises.

Shanghai Stock Exchange and Shenzhen Stock Exchange both have established the special “green channels” for acceptance and examination of application for issuance of green bonds to encourage the development of green corporate bonds and green asset securitization. In March 2017, CSRC issued Guidance on Supporting the Development of Green Bonds to stimulate the investment in green corporate bonds by market participants and support the establishment of the green corporate bond sectors in stock exchanges.


In addition, CSRC encourages the development of green financial products, guides a variety of institutional investors to invest in green financial products, and

promotes international cooperation in green finance.



Good governance of listed companies is conducive to further consolidate the foundation of the capital market, enhance investor confidence, reduce the cost of corporate financing, and optimize the allocation of resources in the market. The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance underwent two major revisions in 2004 and 2015. In 2002, China promulgated the Corporate Governance Code. It is obviously lagging behind, compared with the current situation of Chinese capital market development and the new principles and standards of global corporate governance. In May 2016, CSRC officially initiated the revision of Listed Company Corportae Governance Code.


China is the advocator and supporter of The OECD Principles of Corporate Governance. At present, China is making efforts to amend CG Code. A country's Listed Company CG Code, while following international codes, must be influenced by its own history, politics, economy, culture, and law etc. Improving corporate

governance in China should be based on Chinese national conditions, absorb new achievements of international practices and strengthen the transparency of information disclosure of listed companies.


During revising CG Code, we will take into account the actual operation of the mainland capital markets over the years, the completeness and effective cohesion of relevant legal systems, the practical experience of corporate governance in overseas mature capital markets, and the special requirements of domestic corporate governance practice. We will strengthen the regulation and supervision of key shareholders and actual controllers, enhance the company's commitment of social responsibility and improve the internal supervision system, like the independent director, the board of supervisors etc.

