1368个单词就够了- 书摘

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1 四个skill

挑个大的 捡实心的 捏软乎的 自产自用


? ?


只统计了词汇的单一形式:多义、派生、词形、 没歌词都有多个词意和用法

3 如何解决表达问题

3.1 挑个大的


上义词(大词) 下义词(小词)

? ? ? ? ?

Her youngest son inherited all her property. Her youngest son got all her property. She gave all the property to her youngest son. All her property goes to her youngest son. She gave her youngest son all she had.



I get a lot of E-mails every day. The policeman finally got him. I’ll get the doctor. Let’s get some fresh air. She gets $19 an hour. He didn’t get the joke.

We need to get the four-twenty bus if we are going to be there by six. Can you get the phone, please? I’m making dinner. I’m going to get you for that, you little brat! That stupid dog tried to get me. I’ll get dinner if you get the movie. What time will we get there?

Receive – Catch – Call –

Breathe – Earn – Understand - Ride -

Answer - Punish - Attack - Treat - Arrive -

Persuade, convince, induce, influence, sway, entice, coax, incite, impel, wheedle, manage, fix, succeed, arrange, contrive, wangle, annoy, upset, anger, bother, disturb, trouble, bug, irritate, aggravate, gall, madden, exasperate, nettle, vex, irk, rile, pique, buy, obtain, gain, acquire, win, land, score, achieve, net, secure, attain, reap, glean, procure, collect, realize, gross, reap, fetch, bring, collect, prepare, cook, follow, notice, appreciate, perceive, grasp, comprehend, fathom, develop, contract, experience, sustain, undergo, grab, capture, trap, seize, mail, collar, nab, apprehend, contract, reach, puzzle, confuse, baffle, bewilder, confound, perplex, mystify, stump, beat, flummox, nonplus, touch, affect, excite, stir, stimulate, arouse.



Doubt Suspect Consider Suppose Guess Believe Anticipate Judge Ponder Contemplate


Feeling 有感觉的都是feeling

I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. I still have feelings for her. You have no feelings for others

I got the feeling that he didn’t like me much. I don’t have any strong feelings about it. Who care about my feeling?

Emotion - Love - Sympathy - Impression - Opinion - Attitude -

Understanding - She has a wonderful feeling for colors. Sensation - Sense -


I had a strange feeling in my neck. I’ve lost all feeling in my legs.


I thought it was a very bad article. Smoking gives you bad breath. You’re a bad liar. He had a bad accident.

Inferior - Unpleasant - Poor - Serious -

Inappropriate - Evil -

It is a bad time to call him. I don’t think I am a bad person. You are a bad boy.

Too much work is bad for your health. I’ve got a bad back.

She felt bad about leaving him. I’m afraid I’m feeling pretty bad.

Naughty - Harmful - Painful - Guilty - Ill -

Rotten – 腐烂 Rancid – 酸败 Sour – 不新鲜了

The apple is rotten. The butter is rancid. The milk is sour.


3.2 捡实心的


具体的概念词(实心词) 抽象的概念词(空心词)

? ? ? ?

It is an important decision. It is a big decision.

If it means that much to you, I’ll go find something else. For him, family comes before everything.


Size 实心词,表达“严重性”、“艰巨性”、“那么多”三个空心词

Nobody realized the size of the problem. She knows the size of the task.

We were shocked at the size of his debts.

3.3 捏软乎的





错误 – I like to eat thin meat. 正确 – I like to eat lean meat. 正确 – I don’t like fat meat.



Lean 瘦肉

正确 – This potato is not cooked.

正确 – This potato is raw.


三招:1- 正着不会反着说;



零钱不用找了。You can keep the change.You can keep it. 这事儿不能对别人说。Keep it to yourself.

他对妻子隐瞒了什么。He keeps something from his wife. 宝宝闹腾的我们一夜没睡。The baby keeps us up all night. ?


All the shirts are 20% off. 比用“discount”简洁些。

首先,最好的方法是用单词OFF,不用DISCOUNT,比如:三折:70% off ,八折:20% off,九折:ten per cent off,打几折,就是100减掉几十的百分数,然后off。这是最正规的说法。 然后,DISCOUNT这个单词有名词,动词等用法。

这打几折?How much discount will you give me for it? (名词用法)

八五折:at 15% discount (名词用法)(AT) 可用可不用。(AT换成WITH也可以) 九七折:discount three percent (动词用法) 七折:discount of 30% (名词用法)

六折:make an allowance(reduction) of 40%(其他单词)

你希望头发留多长啊? How much do you want your hair off? (你想剪掉多少头发?) 他罚球没有罚中。 His free throw shooting was off.

他骑车的时候不扶车把。 He rides bicycle with his hands off the handle.


三招:2- 我不会说你来说;



Her youngest son got all her property. She gave all the property to her youngest son.

银行批了我30万元按揭贷款。 Mortgage (按揭)。I borrowed 300,000 yuan from the bank. 你把感冒传染给了我。 You infected me the cold. I got the cold from you. You gave me the cold.

你们这儿可以刷卡吗? Can I use bank card?


三招:3- 人不会说东西说;




Her youngest son got all her property.

She gave all the property to her youngest son. All her property goes to her youngest son. ?


获奖的是XXX。The award goes to XXX.

我的头疼老是好不了。 My headache just doesn’t go.

我不知道钱都花到哪儿去了! I don’t know where all my money goes! 这些盘子要放到哪儿呀? Where do these plates go? ?

Come, bring, say, speak, wait, stay, stop

这条裙子有三种颜色。 This dress comes in three colors. 今天什么风把你给吹来了? What brings you here today? 这些数字说明了什么? What do these figures say? 她的成功说明了一切。Her success speaks for itself.

案头工作可以明天再做。The paperwork can stay till tomorrow. 我的帽子老戴不住。My hat wont stay.

你该干的事情还没有干完呢! Your responsibility doesn’t stop here.

3.4 自产自用



兽医 – vet – a doctor for the animals 意大利面 – pasta – Italian noodle

同事 – colleague – He is someone in my company. He is someone from work.



Frequency – What is the frequency of earthquake in Japan? How often does earthquake happen in Japan? ?

优先权 – Priority

结婚是头等大事 – Getting married is the first priority.

Getting married is more important than other things and should be done first. Apologize – You should say sorry to me.

Greet somebody (欢迎某人) – say hello to somebody. Accept – say yes to something.

Propose – I asked her to marry me last night. I asked her to marry me last night and she said yes.

Smuggle – He takes weapoons into china illegally and secretly. Appeal (上诉) – He formally asked the court to change their decision.

Naked (赤裸的) – She wears nothing. She las nothing on. There’re no clothes on her. Chronic (慢性的) – This disease will last for a long time. ?

Smuggle (走私),各种说法不统一,所以才发明了这个单词。

Someone takes something to somewhere secretly. Someone brings something to somewhere illegally. ?

interview & marry 解释起来比较复杂,属于更习惯用的词儿

Interview – a formal meeting at which somebody is asked questions to see if they are suitable for a particular job, or a course of study at a college, university, etc.

Marry – to take someone as your husband or wife. (would u like to take Sarah as your wife?)


中文组词方式,在单字前后增加修饰字,英文则是增加一个全新的单词,不容易记忆。 车 卡车 火车 吊车 出租车 救护车

car truck train crane taxi Ambulance bus van

白酒 liquor 啤酒 beer 葡萄酒 wine 香槟酒 champagne

松树 橡树 榆树 柳树

pine oak elm willow

猪肉 pork 牛肉 beef 鸡肉 chicken 羊肉 mutton

大一生 大二生 大三生 大四生

freshman sophomore junior senior

足球裁判 referee 网球裁判 umpire

公共汽车 厢式货车

凝视 窥视 扫视 怒视 小声说 大声说 含糊地说 不耐烦的说

Stare – to look at somebody/something for a long time Peep – to look at somebody/something secretly Glance – to look at

Glare – to look at somebody/something angrily Whisper – to speak quietly to somebody Shout – to speak loudly to somebody Mumble – not to speak something clearly Snap – to speak something impatiently

4 四个SKILL的好处

4.1 短时间内速成口语,集中精力办大事儿

4.1.1 词汇越少,花在每个单词上的时间就越多。 4.1.2 分类精确,可在最短的时间内找到所需要的词汇




表达意见 say : agree approve deny cancel promise 告知信息 tell : suggest claim warn introduce recommend 提出要求 ask : beg charge order

带有情感 say : argue blame praise encourage complain insist kid shout

生气的说 : argue shout 开心的说 : kid

否定的说 : blame complain 肯定的说 : praise encourage 坚定的说 : insist ? ?

中文思维:被老板骂了 – 汉语“骂”的概念 – 对应的单词 – 可能运用不恰当的词代替 英文思维:被老板骂了 – 没有掌握对应的词 – 骂是说话 – 选择用“say”这个词

My boss said it was my fault. 普通的说 (向上寻找上义词) My boss blamed me for that. 带有感情的说 (向下寻找精确的词)




硬度:hard firm soft tough tender 力量:strong weak

soft tender weak 三个词是反义词 hard firm 指不容易变形 tough 侧重于嚼不动 strong 最合适

所以: The light is very strong.

4.1.3 能轻松搞定以前不会表达的东西

我把脚脖子扭了。 - I turned my ankle.

挪过去一点儿,给她腾出位子来。 - Move over, make room for her. 这辆车的抓地力很好。 - This car holds the ground very well. 我的工作有一定的危险性。 - Danger is part of my job.

4.2 好懂好记好用

make 这个词汇几乎可以跟除了属性之外的所有名词类型的词汇进行搭配。Everything can be made! 春风得意时要对人好一点,因为当你失意的时候还会见到他们。

Be kind to the people on the way up, and you will meet them again on your way down.

“得意”、“失意”在汉语中的抽象概念,可以用两个具体概念的英文表达“the way up”、“the way down”

4.3 进阶的必由之路


Overwhelm – 压到、征服

To have such a strong emotional effect on somebody that it is difficult for them to know how to react.

She was overwhelmed by feeling of guilt. 错误翻译:她被内疚征服。正确翻译:她羞愧难当,不知所措。 Launder 洗衣服、洗钱。

To put money that was been obtained illegally into legal businesses and bank accounts, so that you can hide it or use it.


Fault & Mistake

Fault (一种责任) : the responsibility for something wrong that has happened or been done Mistake (一种不正确的言行思想) : an action or an opinion that is not correct 正确:take the fault 错误:take the mistake 正确:make the mistake 错误:make the fault


Health (一种状况):the condition of a person’s body or mind

拥有健康,失去健康(中文句式表达) 错误:possess health、lose health good or bad health. improve or damage your health.

4.4 学到真正的口语


遗弃: abandon – leave 判刑:sentence – give、get 要求:request ask for 报复:revenge get back on 调查:investigate look into 合作:cooperate work together

取出:withdraw take out 建立:establish set up 消减:decrease cut down 组装:assemble put together 拒绝:reject turn down 归还:return give back 加速:accelerate speed up



? ?







4.5 学会英语思维


生孩子是两个人的事儿。 It takes two to make a baby.

实战中解决主语问题的方法 强大的动词,表达多种意思 对应汉语中太多意思

It Take Make

? 惯用表达:

这个职位是配车的。 There’s a car for you if you get this job. 刚才我们说到哪儿了。 What did we just talk about? 证据对他不利。 The evidence doesn’t benefit him.

我昨天上班迟到了。 I was late when I went to work yesterday. 我的演讲被压缩到六分钟。 My speech was reduced to six minutes. ?


A car goes with this job. Where were we?

The evidence is against him. I was late for work yesterday. My speech was cut to six minutes.

4.5.1 英语、汉语的具体差别:



2- 3- 4- 5-

汉语强调动作,英语强调方位; 汉语中的动词经常被介词来代替;

英语的语序是先说主谓后说其他成分,汉语经常把其他成分放在谓语前面; 英语口语中形象词汇用的比较多;

4.5.2 英语思维模式对掌握英语的具体作用体现在哪里

? ?

掌握思维模式让我们英语说得更加地道; 避免中式英语;

错误:Don’t forget to return the book back. Don’t forget to return the book. dress – put on clothes

正确: dress up / dress somebody 错误: dress clothes

错误:Throw the ball into the basket. 正确:Throw the ball through the basket



不地道: My proposal describes a way to cut the budget and keep the functions. 地道:

My proposal describes a way to cut the budget without losing the functions.


名词 单词类别及个数种类

具体名词 抽象名词 构成类名词 属性名词 355 166 65 70 114 219 208 48 123 动词 单纯动词 世故动词 形容词 介词 副词及其他

