
更新时间:2023-03-08 04:36:04 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载




2015全国I:应用文、写信约稿、介绍美节日风俗和中学生生活。 2015全国II:应用文、邮件邀约、去敬老院陪老人过重阳节。 2014全国I:应用文、写信咨询、英语学习班广告的咨询。 2014全国II:应用文、报社正文、十年后的我

2013全国I:应用文、写信问是否接机(带着中国画) 2013全国II:应用文、写信让友代卖中国结 2012课标卷:应用文、写邮件、申请参加夏令营


二、综上分析,干货如下: 1.都是应用文。



生活相关:15I、15II、14II、13I、13II、12大纲 学习相关:14I、12 交友相关:12大纲




这方面的词汇还是要适当准备一些滴。例如:paper cutting 剪纸,Lantern Festival 元宵节, Mid-autumn Day 中秋节,tang yuan/ sweet rice dumpling 元宵,Chinese New Year’s Eve 除夕,Dragon Boat Festival 龙舟节,DoubleNinth Festival 重阳节, Chinese tea 中国茶

4.生活、学习、交友三大话题·必须掌握的【词汇 + 短语】

①school\'s English newspaper, Chinese / foreign cultures, more information, volunteer, great fun, opportunity, confidence in, experience, lecture, excellence in, speech competitions, a better idea,

②be popular with/among, especially, exciting, excited, patiently, be patient with, be interested in, the most important, various, outgoing, successfully, successful, be good at/for, more than glad, be willing to help you with, be familiar with,delicious, with joy ③welcome, spend their holidays, invite you to join us, make dumplings, intend to join, enjoy, invite sb. to, gave him a warm welcome, have a try, give me a piece of advice, take?seriously, depend on, get a higher education, improve ourselves, would like to, interview, I believe, learn a great deal

from?about?, organize class activities, deal with, stick to, share?with?, express myself, go for an outing, manage to do, persuade, accept, receive, have a good/wonderful time, benefit, benefit from, different, give up, have a picnic, go to a museum, have lots of fun, take pains to improve, get prepared for, be able to, get along well with, have a good command of, appreciate, made up my mind to do, make a great difference (to someone), think highly of, pay much attention to, take notice of, keep it in mind that, in return, help?with?, feel nervous, make you familiar with, long to, broaden my mind, have trouble doing, communicate, suffer from, speak English fluently, visit some famous places, chat with, participate in, take part in, won prizes, take ?into consideration, it’s necessary to do, respect, trust, protect ?from?, agree with, in order to, encourage sb. to do, organize

5.必须熟练运用的【句型 + 连接词】 I\'m writing to tell you? I wonder if you\'d like to?

I\'m writing to apply for the position as a student volunteer. I am writing an e-mail to tell you something about? Only in this way can we make a great contribution to? If I could ?,I would? Hard work pays off.

We should?We’d better?It is better to do?

I am sure that I can perfectly live up to your expectations. I will be grateful if you could give me a kind consideration.

Only if we put our heart into our lessons could we make great progress Could you give me some advice on how to?

If you are able to come with us, please let us know and? I\'m looking forward to hearing from you. Looking forward to your reply. May I have your attention First,?Second,?Third?

so long as,even though, at the same time, By the way, Besides, not only?but also?, What’s more, as well as




1.栏目介绍; 2.稿件内容; 3.稿件长度:约400词;4.交稿日期:6月28日前。 注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头语已为你写好。 Dear Peter,

I\'d like to ask you to write an article for our school\'s English newspaper.



称呼,已给: Dear Peter, 开头语,已给:

I\'d like to ask you to write an article for our school\'s English newspaper.

开篇,介绍“外国文化”栏目概况 (要点1:点出栏目名称、特点popular、进行栏目介绍): The “Foreign Cultures” section in our newspaper is very popular among us students. It carries articles written by foreign friends about the cultures of their home countries. (搭配be popular among、carry一词用得好、过去分词短语written by?作后置定语)

进行约稿 (写作目的,这可是正事儿):

Would you please write something about the culture in your part ofthe United States 稿件内容 (要点2): And (and一词虽然简单,但用得巧妙,呈上衔接,过渡自然,读起来还有抑扬顿挫之感觉) we would especially (强调递进) welcome articles about how Americans spend their holidays and festivals (节日风俗,扣栏目) and the life of American high school students (中学生生活,扣栏目).


You can write anything relevant so long as it\'s interesting and informative. (高级词汇、so long as好句式) 稿件长度 (要点3):

400 words would be fine. 交稿日期 (要点4):

Could we have your article before June 28 合适的结尾 (万能句式,一定背下):

I\'m looking forward to hearing from you. Yours, Li Hua

四、2016作文模拟猜押如下: (一)书信/邮件

Passage 1(建议信、学习、文化)

你打算毕业后到美国留学, 想咨询你的美国朋友Chris。请你根据以下提示写一封信。 1.目的:增长见识,体验文化;2.困惑:语言障碍,学业压力;3.征求建议。

注意:1.词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Chris,

Yours, Joe One possible version DearChris,

I’ve finally made my decision to go to America for further study after high school. I’ve been longing to go to America, mainly for two reasons. One is that I can experience American culture, and the other is that I can broaden my mind in this country. But I have some worries. My English is a bit poor, especially spoken English. I’m afraid I’ll have trouble communicating. Besides, I may suffer from heavy pressure from college courses.

I hope you can offer me some practical advice. Looking forward to your reply.

Yours, Joe


假如你是李华。开学之初,你的英语老师Ms Li希望了解每位同学的英语学习情况,并征求教学建议。请按以下要点用英语给她写一封信。 1.对英语学习的认识。 2.自己目前的英语水平。

3.自己英语学习存在的主要问题。 4.对英语教学的两点建议。

注意:1.词数100左右。2.信的开头和结尾已给出。 Dear Ms Li,

I’m very happy to have you as our English teacher

_________________________________ Thank you! Li Hua One possible version Dear Ms Li,

I am very happy to have you as our English teacher.

As the world is becoming a global village, English is getting more and more important, so mastering English means we can see the world through a new window. My English is just OK and the two main problems in my study are that I feel it difficult to learn words by heart, and that I often feel nervous when speaking English. I really hope that you can give me good advice on how to memorize new words. Another suggestion is to give us more chances to practice speaking. I believe we can make much progress in English with your help. Thank you!

Li Hua


作为班长,请你根据以下内容给新任外教Mr. Smith 写一封信,向他表示欢迎并转达同学们对英语课的希望:

1.介绍西方文化;2.组织多样活动;3.关注学生发音。 注意: 1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Mr. Smith,

_____________________________________________________________ Yours, Chris One possible version Dear Mr. Smith,

I’m writing on behalf of my class to extend our warm welcome to you. Here are some of our expectations for your English class.

First, we’d like to have topics in class about Western culture. We are all very interested in knowing more about culture behind the language. Besides, we’d appreciate various activities to get everyone involved in speaking English. Last but not least, please give us some guidance and training in our pronunciation, because we all hope to speak English fluently and clearly just as you native speakers do. Thank you very much. Looking forward to meeting you! Yours, Chris

Passage 4(生活) 假定你是刘芳。今年暑期加拿大的一所中学将组织该校的学生来你所就读的学校访问。其间,Lucy将借住在你家。请你给她写封信,代表全家欢迎她的到来并告之有关事宜,内容要点如下:

上午:参观学校各教学场所及设施。 下午:游览繁华市区及周遍景点。 晚上:看电视、玩游戏、聊天等。 注意:词数100左右; Dear Lucy,

_____________________________________________________________ I’m looking forward very much to meeting you soon. Yours, Liu Fang One possible version Dear Lucy,

I am glad to learn that you are coming to China and will stay at my home.

My parents and I are very pleased to have you with us. Now let me tell you what we have arranged for you. As far as I know, you will be shown around the school in the morning, but in the afternoon I’ll take you to the downtown and then some places of interest. We’ll mostly stay at home in the evening watching TV, playing games, or meeting people. I’m sure you will have a wonderful time and learn more about Chinese culture.

I’m looking forward very much to meeting you soon.

Yours sincerely, Liu Fang



何更好地体验中国文化。请你根据以下提示回信。 1.参观景点,比如长城、颐和园等。 2.欣赏传统艺术:如京剧、中国剪纸等。 3.品尝美食,比如饺子、北京烤鸭等。

注意: 1.词数100左右。2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear Chris,

I’m glad that you’re planning a trip to Beijing in August. _____________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua One possible version Dear Chris,

I’m glad that you’re planning a trip to Beijing in August.

I know you’re very interested in Chinese culture so this time you can experience it more. I think you can go to visit some famous places of interest in history, such as the Great Wall and the Summer Palace. You may also enjoy Chinese traditional arts by listening to the Beijing Opera or appreciate the Chinese paper-cutting. Besides, you could try a lot of typical food, for example, dumplings and the Beijing Roasted Duck. They’re delicious and I’m sure you’ll like them.

I hope it will be helpful. If you need more information, just let me know. Yours, Li Hua

Passage 6(生活、文化、品茶、邀请)

你的美国朋友Chris目前在杭州学习汉语,他对中国传统文化非常感兴趣。本周五下午你校将要举办一个文化讲座,请你根据以下提示给他写一封电子邮件,邀请他来参加。 1.农业大学张教授讲解中国茶文化的历史和传播。 2.讲座后有交流和品茶活动。

3.你将陪同Chris并帮其翻译讲解。 注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Hi Chris,

_____________________________________________________________ Yours, Joe One possible version Hi Chris,

Good news! There will be a lecture in our school this Friday afternoon. Professor Zhang from University of Agriculture will tell us about the history and spread of Chinese tea. This will be followed by a tea party and you can taste different kinds of tea while chatting with teachers and students of our school. I wonder if you want to participate in it. Don’t worry about the language. I’ll be with you and explain

what you don’t understand.

If you do not have any appointment then, I am looking forward to your coming. Yours, Joe (二)通知

Passage 7(生活、学习)

假设你是校图书馆馆长的学生助理李华,图书馆要进行网络系统升级,请在阅览室向在场的留学生口头通知相关事宜,并请他们转告其他留学生。 1.时间:6月1日至6月10日。

2.在此期间,关闭阅览室、暂停电子阅览。 3.仅周二和周五可以借、还图书。

注意:1.词数100左右。2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 One possible version

Hello everybody! May I have your attention The library will soon be carrying out an update of the Internet system. I would like everybody to know that between the dates of 1st June and 10th June, the reading room will be closed and the e-reading system will be temporarily stopped. You will only be able to take out and return books on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please pass on this message to those who are not here today. Thank you all. (三)申请

Passage 8(校园生活、应聘)




Dear Sir or Madam,

_____________________________________________________________ Yours, Li Hua One possible version Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m Li Hua, an 18-year-old boy from Class 1, Grade 3. I’m writing to apply to be the host for the New Year evening party.

I’ve been learning English since my childhood. Due to my excellence in English, I have participated in many speech competitions and won prizes. Also, as the vice monitor of my class, I’ve been experienced in organizing different kinds of activities. I’m sure you’ll find me your best choice as the host.

I’ll be grateful if you can take my application into consideration and I promise I’ll get everything well done if I’m chosen.

Yours, Li Hua


Passage 9 (生活,交友父母)

加入你校要举办一次主题为How to communicate with parents的英文演讲比赛。请你用哪个英语写一篇演讲稿。要点如下:


注意:1.词数100左右。2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3.参考词汇:换位思考:put oneself in one’s shoes。4.行文必须符合演讲稿的格式。 How to communicate with parents

Hello, everyone_______________________________________________ One possible version

How to communicate with parents Hello, everyone.

I’d like to share my ideas with you about this topic. Parents are the people who love us most, so it’s necessary to keep a good relationship with them. Here are my ideas on how to make it easier to communicate with parents.

First, we should respect and trust our parents. Don’t be rude to them if they have done something wrong. They have experienced more and always try their best to protect us from dangers. Second, if we often talk with them about our life and experience, we will know each other better. Third, if sometimes we don’t agree with our parents’ decision, we should try to put ourselves into their shoes and we will soon understand them,

Thank you for listening. (五)倡议书


近些年来,随着网络的普及,越来越多的学生的书写能力明显退步了。为了改变这种局面,保护传统民族文化-----汉字,我校学生会提出以下倡议: 1.课外上网时间,多读书;




注意:1、词数:100左右,开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:普及:popularity 汉字:Chinese characters Dear friends,

Let’s take action now!

Students’ Union One possible version Dear friends,

In recent years, many of us don’t write as well as we did in the past with the popularity of the Internet. In order to improve our handwriting and protect Chinese characters, we’d like to offer some suggestions:

First, we should spend less time online and read more books. Besides, we’d better form the habit of keeping diaries every day to practise handwriting. What’s more, it is better to write letters to our relatives and friends by hand rather

than send e-mails.

Beautiful and neat handwriting is beneficial to us . So please pay more attention to our handwriting.

Let’s take action now!

Students’ Union (六)报 导

Passage 11(生活)

星光中学(Xingguang High School)近期举行了一次登山活动。假定你是学校英语报记者,请写一篇短文,报道此次活动。内容包括:

1.时间与地点:4月10日,大青山(Daqing Mountain); 2.活动的过程。

3.你对于这次活动的评论。 注意:1.词数100左右。

2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 One possible version

In order to encourage the students to take outdoor exercise, our school organized a mountain-climbing on April 10.

It was a nice day. At 8:00 am. We gathered at the foot of Daqing Mountain and set out for the top in high spirits. All the way we were chatting, singing and laughing, enjoying the beautiful scenery. Two hours later, we reached the top. Bathed in sunshine, we jumped and cheered with joy.

The activity benefited us a lot. Not only did it get us close to nature, it also promoted our friendship. What a wonderful time! 6

