
更新时间:2023-09-14 12:04:01 阅读量: 初中教育 文档下载




遵义会议会址位于遵义市红花岗区老城中心的子尹路96号,原为国民党师长柏辉章的私人官邸,是一幢砖木结构的中西合辟的两层建筑,,在当里称得上是遵义最好的一栋房子了。现在我们来到了遵义会址的门口,各位抬头请看,大六的正中高挂着“遵义会议会址”六个金光闪闪的达字是毛泽东书写的,苍劲有力,形飞神舞,金碧辉煌。会址大门两侧是八间铺面,是当年柏家经营酱醋和纸张的店铺,现在我们进了大门绕过垣墙,看见的就是一青石铺成的天井,南侧的这个小门是通往一个自成格局的小四合院,那就是柏家旧宅,天井的北侧就是会址的主楼了,整个主楼的建筑面积为620.18平方米。在会址的后面,苍翠的柏树环绕, 是一个幽静、雅到的花园。




Zunyi conference site

Mentioned mentioned in guizhou zunyi, maybe you don't know, but if the zunyi meeting, surely I don't need to say more, you can also know a little. Because it without the zunyi meeting, also won't have the communist party of China the great victory of the liberation of the whole of China, so, zunyi has become an important turning point in the Chinese revolution, in the revolution of the communist party of China was important, also makes the meeting had profoundly memorable.

Zunyi conference site located in the center of the red flower city district benefits zi Yin road 96, was formerly a private residence of the kuomintang teachers BaiHuiZhang, Chinese and western is a brick structure of the monarch of two layers of buildings, to be in when is the best house in zunyi. Now we came to the door of the zunyi site, everyone looked up to see, the center of the big six high hung \word is MAO zedong's writing, vigorous, flying dance, glittering. Side of the site of the gate is paved between eight, is the family business of sauce vinegar and paper parker store, now we rounded walls wall into the door, saw is paved with a bluestone courtyard, the south side of the door is the gateway to a small courtyard, pattern of its own that is home curtilage, parker is the site of the main building on the north side of the atrium, the main building construction area of 620.18 square meters. In the back of the site, surrounded by lush cypress, is a quiet, elegant to the garden.

Now we came to this little sitting room is the Chinese red army long march to zunyi in January 1935, from 15 to 17, the famous zunyi conference room, this room is a rectangle, area of 27 square meters. Now you can see the indoor decoration, still retains the style at that time. Military commander in chief of the office in zunyi conference site is right downstairs, covers an area of 56 square meters, of two rectangular room, cloth folding along liuhe door in the middle. Then, zhou enlai, chu teh, commander in chief of the red army, vice President of military

commission, the chief of the general staff often to work here, such as liu to operate smoothly, deployment of the red army to get rid of the kuomintang army under siege, lead the reds to victory along the way. Zhou enlai's office set and accommodation in the main building of the site of the first room, west, intimate and Kang Keqing office and accommodation on the site of the main building of the east, between the first and zhou enlai's office, in the process of the visit, I will introduce the background of the zunyi meeting for you. The communist party of China in land revolution period, to 300000, the red army development, the number of the communist party of China has reached more than 30, ten thousand people, with the improvement of the revolution, the party's left-leaning mood and developed, represented by wang Ming's leftist adventurism accounted for dominant position in the central party committee, the party and the red army and the revolutionary base areas, serious loss in September 1933, Chiang kai-shek launched the fifth military siege, has mobilized 1 million troops ji revolutionary base areas, of which 500000 army ji central poor base, in an attempt to destroy the red army. Under the leadership of the left and the fifth time against encirclement and suppression fails, since then, in October 1934 in the red army had to big shift in strategy - the long march. In the long march on the way, because the antique, read the flightism mistake, cause the reds lost more than half, reduced from 86000 to 86000 the number of the red army, under the harsh truth of education, gradually aware of the dangers of left-leaning errors. On January 7, 1935, the red army first army second division conquer zunyi, evade the enemy under the intercept and attack, scored 12 days in zunyi, break time, January 15 to 17, the central committee of the communist party of China held in zunyi enlarged politburo conference, such as antique, read at the meeting people criticizing mistakes in the military command and established by MAO zedong, zhou enlai and other military leadership, cancel the military command of antique, read and others.

After the zunyi meeting, the Chinese communist party (CCP) under the correct leadership of MAO zedong, the red army crossing chishui the fourth times, get rid of the enemy under siege, raised the example of the red army, from then on, the red army speedily cross the dadu river, FeiDuo luding bridge, climb mountains, grassland, and join forces with the red army victory of shaanxi, the Chinese red army of workers and peasants to complete the feats of the world-famous long march of twenty-five thousand li. The zunyi meeting was held the reds locust moment in an emergency, it has saved the party and the red army in a timely manner, this is the first time that the communist party of China independently by using the basic principle of marxism and Leninism to solve their own line, principles and policies, be a great turning point in the Chinese revolution, is the sign of the Chinese revolution from infancy to maturity, has important historical value. Can say, zunyi is a milestone of the history of the Chinese revolution.

