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Unit14 I remember all of you in Grade 7


1、 She wants to learn more about American history、 She is thirsty________such knowledge、

A、at B of C、for D、with

2 I will congratulate him ________ winning the singing competition 、

A 、of B、 with C、on D、in

3、Lucy remember________her mother 、But her mother has’t received the letter 、

A 、to write B、writes C、writing D、wrote

4、If you want to study abroad , why not consider ________to USA、


B、to go



5、 The little girl _______her seat to an old man on the crowed bus 、 How kind she is 、

A 、 took B、brought C、borrowed D、offered

6、 The first question is ________harder than the second one 、

A 、a lot of B、a lot C、very D、more

7、The firefighters tried their best to __the fire 、 A work out B look out C put out D keep out

8、 She can play the piano ________than me 、 A good B well C、better D best

9、The sttudents are interested in English and they all hope ________an English club 、

A join

B joining

C to join

D joined

10、 I can’t go to the movies with you 、I have to stay at home and ________my sick sister 、

A look at Blook after C look for D、look up \

11、They are looking forward ________an interview with the star、

A have Bto have C having D to having

12、There _____a show last night and we had fun 、 A is going to be B will be C was D were13、

I ________most of my money on snacks and drinks 、 A paid B spent C cost D took

14、 I don’t remember ________my new glasses yesterday、

A where I put

B where did I put

C where I will put

D where will I put

15、 I will face the difficulties ________hard they are 、

A whatever

B wherever

C however

D whoever

16、We have no more vegetables 、I ____and buy some 、 A go B went C will go D was going

17、Choose wisely and be________for your own decisions actions 、

A thirsty

B separate

C thankful

D responsible

18、Don’t be afraid of making mistakes 、Please ________it 、

A go on

B go over

C go ahead

D go for

19、I ________you 、Please do it by yourself 、

A believe

B believe in

C believer with

D believe to

20、Do you remember ________the star last month ? A meet B to meet C meeting D met

21、The teacher gave us some ________、 A advice B advices C advise D advises

22、We are ________forward to ________the great spaceman 、

A look , see

B looking ,seeing

C looking , see

D look ,seeing

23、I still remember my first teacher ________we haven’t seen each other for a long time 、

A if

B until

C though

D because

24、How long have you ________in this school ? For 3 years、I will graduate in July、

A、 come




25、I will never forget the day________ we spent in the old town with samll houses、





26、 ________ fast the time flies! ----Yes,we’ll leave school in a month、Let’s study harder、


A、what a

B、how a



27、Mum,I’ve got te first prize in the photo competition、 ________ !

A、 good luck

B、not at all

C、good idea


28、I can hardly believe my eyes、Is that you,Lucy?

---Yes、It has been almost 20 years ________we were together、 A、 since B、before C、after D、until

29、After Steven sent some e-mails,he ________ surfing the Internet、


B、has strarted

C、will start


30、I think students need strict rules、---- ________Teenagers can’t control themselves、

A、I agree

B、not at all

C、please help them、

D、I don’t like it


1.They did a __________ (调查) about how students go to school last week、

2.I bought a _____________ (键盘) in the supermarket yesterday、

3.I try my best to meet the high (标准) of that school、

4.___________ (将会) we visit France next week?

5.“Dinks” means ____ (双倍得) Income No Kids、

6.The price of that bike has d __ since last year、

7.Many people search for treasure at the b __ of the sea、

8.There is an a __ near our neighborhood、It makes lots of noise every day、

9.He used to v __ his time to help those disabled children、

10.When the little girl saw her father, she ran to him in e_________________、

11.They take p __ in their son's success、

12.New c __ will appear when you go to a new school、Be brave to face them、

13.My grandpa g __ from Cambridge University、He was one of the cleverest person I've ever seen、

14.I couldn't b __ my ears when I heard the news、

15.I'll be in a __ __ (级别高得) high school in September、

16.Our English teacher asked us to read as many __ (文本) as we could、

17.The top of this mountain is three kilometers above the sea __ __ (水平).

18.Our class won the school soccer __ _ (竞赛) in Grade 7、

19.Many __ __ (志愿者) went to Ludian, Yunnan to help the people in need、

20.I'm sorry I can't deal with your problem、Wait for a moment, please、Our m __ is coming soon、

21.It is very hot、The temperature is above 36 d______________、

22.We are doing a s __ about how to study for a test、

23.These books are not o __、They're theirs、

24.Helen got two goals in a r _______ during the soccer match、

25.They flew there in order that they might be in time to attend the opening __ (仪式).26.I'm very __ (口渴得), could you fetch something to drink for me?

27.The children and their fathers must finish their __ __ (任务) before they had lunch、

28.I think most mothers are more __ (负责任得) than fathers、

29.We'd better _________ (分开) the good apples from the bad ones、


1.Follow those __ (instruction), and you'll learn to operate it soon、

2.The teacher's voice is too low that I can't hear her __ _ (clear)、

3.My father often encouraged me __ __ (be) brave when I was young、

4.Do you remember __ __ (lose) your bag last year?


5.All these plastic bags can __ _ (recycle).

6.They __ __ (overcome) all the difficulties and succeeded in the end、

7.Those are their backpacks、__ __ (we) are over there、

8.After __ __ (graduate) from a famous university, he volunteered in a village school for three years、

9.Duoduo is loved by many people because she is very __ _ (care).

10.His income __ (double) in he past three years、

11.Luckily, I have __ __ (success) passing the important exam、

12.I hope the __ _ (friend) between us will last forever、

13.We have studied so hard that we will pass the final exam __ __ (easy)、

14.__ _ (look) back at these three years, I have lots of good memories、

15.The noise outside kept me __ (wake) all night、

16.Mr、Wang guided me __ _ (do) much better in math、

17.Are you looking forward to __ __ (go) to senior high school?

18.He __ __ (change) since he started junior high school、

19.— What does your uncle do? — He is a (manage) of a hotel、

20.We invited Mr、White to come to our party and he was happy to accept the (invite)、21.There are many __ _ (gentleman) and ladies in the meeting hall、

22.Welcome to attend the __ _ (graduate) ceremony at No、31 Junior High School、23.Be __ (thank) and happy for the gifts you have、

24.__ __ (last), I would like to ask about your future plans、

25.First, I'd like __ __ (congratulate) the students who have passed the exams、


1.She said, “I like swimming、” (改为间接引语)

She said __ swimming、

2.I can work it out however difficult it is、(改为同义句)

I can work it out __ difficult it is、

3.She asked me, “When will the meeting be held?” (改为间接引语)

She asked me __ be held、

4.Thanks to Ms、Lin's help, I arrived at the airport in time、(改为同义句)

__ Ms、Lin's help, I __ the airport in time、

5.Sally is the girl、Mr、Smith is looking for a girl、(将两句合并为一句)


6.Linda said, “My father likes mountain climbing best、”(改为间接引语)

Linda said that __ __ father mountain climbing best、

7.“Close your books, please,” the teacher said to us、(合并为一句话)

The teacher ___________us _______ _____ ________ books、

8.Wherever you go, I'll follow you、(改为同义句)

_________ _______ _________ you go, I'll follow you、

9.He fell_off_his_bike_and_hurt_his_leg yesterday、(对画线部分提问)

_______ _________ to him yesterday?

10.Three years has passed since we came here、(改为同义句)

We ________ ________ ________ here ________ three years、



He failed the driving test three times_________ ________ _________、



__________ __________ the good time we spent together, I felt very lucky to be with you、3.当父亲为我们做饭时,总就是弄得一团糟。

My father always __ when he tries to cook for us、


Our chemistry teacher always __ when some of our classmates talk or make trouble in class、


He decided to __ after his failure、


Please __ about your favorite festival、


His mother told him to come back _________he __ 、


My brother many old clothes last week、


The environment is getting __________ __________ __________、


You can __ this girl、She'll never _________ you_________、


I think we should __ __ _______ ________ _______、、


China is going to __ a new journey soon、


Each student should __ __ their own schoolwork、


The young man __ power、


__ ,you must answer my question、

