quiz 英语 浙江农林

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1)In that year, the invaders, __C___ with modern weapons, went to the country, _____ to_____ them.

A. arming; hoping; controlling

B. armed; to hope; to be controlled

C. armed; hoping; control

D. arm; to hope; to be controlling

2)Reading the newspaper __D___ one of my parents' life habits since they retired.

A. become

B. have become

C. are becoming

D. has become

3)My uncle was made ___B___ his research work due to his ill health.

A. giving up

B. to give up

C. given up

D. give up

4)Each parent and child __D___ asked to attend one of the lectures given by Professor Wang during this term.

A. were

B. are

C. has

D. is

5)He will never ___C__ the window this afternoon when he was playing football in the front yard.

A. admit to break

B. admit to have broken

C. admit having broken

D. admit him break

6)She ___D__ polite at the party last night. But actually she is not the least bit polite.

A. has been

B. would be

C. were

D. was being

7)If he __C___ his mother's advice, he _____ be much better now.

A. should have taken; would

B. took; would

C. had taken; would

D. took; will

8)Last Saturday Mary ___B__ for Washington to take part in her grandmother's birthday party.

A. is leaving

B. left

C. was leaving

D. would leave

9)It is the first time that we ___D__ such an interesting trip since we've been in college.

A. took part in

B. take part in

C. will take part in

D. have taken part in

10)___C__ his support, I think we'll win the election.

A. To give

B. Giving

C. Given

D. Having given

11)The hero's funeral is the most ____D______ scene in the play.

A. domineering

B. conforming

C. conflicting

D. striking

12)Try _____B____ the shoes to see if they fit.

A. out

B. on

C. out for

D. for

13)The nurses do all they can to make the patients feel _____B_____.

A. at stake

B. at ease

C. at hand

D. at random

14)The trip to the museum has been ___B______ until Thursday 11th March.

A. lengthened

B. postponed

C. prolonged

D. cancelled

15)I'm sure Harry will remember, but why not give him a ring _____C_____ he forgets?

A. in the case

B. in case of

C. in case

D. in the case of

16)He seemed very young, but ______B____ he was older than all of us.

A. in nature

B. in reality

C. by nature

D. in origin

17)The talks had been _____A_____ but much remained to be done.

A. fruitful

B. effective

C. advantageous

D. valid

18)Only under special circumstances _____B_____ to take make-up tests.

A. freshmen are permitted

B. are freshmen permitted

C. permitted are freshmen

D. are permitted freshmen

19)People have little information on the ___A_______ of air pollution near the factory.

A. extent

B. range

C. grade

D. limit

20)We are in _______A___ of extra pay for extra work.

A. favor

B. general

C. view

D. terms

21)There were no tickets ___C_______ for Friday's concert.

A. achievable

B. accessible

C. available

D. acceptable

22)It's impossible to _____C_____ exactly how our reactions will affect the future.

A. expect

B. assess

C. foresee

D. guess

23)This middle school is ___C_______ to a key university.

A. attained

B. attacked

C. attached

D. attracted

24)Farmers will have a bumper (特大的) harvest, ___B_______ that the whether is favorable.

A. consuming

B. assuming

C. assuring

D. resuming

25)This might explain the _____A_____ feeling I have long had about pop music.

A. intuitive

B. instructive

C. inventive

D. incentive

26). The general strike is a means of _C____the total authority of the government. (罢工挑战政府的权威)

A. incorporating

B. reinforcing(加强,巩固)

C. challenging

D. transforming

27). These weapons(武器) add a new __D____ to modern warfare.(这些武器引导了一种新规模的现代战争)

A. flavor

B. factor

C. respect

D. dimension

28).She went round the room, talking to each woman in turn but __A___little response from any of them.

A. eliciting

B. arousing (她走进房间,跟每个女人轮流交谈但只引起了小小的反应)

C. commanding

D. engaging

29). This aircraft __B___ several new safety features in addition to the standard ones.

A. absorbs

B. incorporates(包含吸收,合并引用) (这些飞机运用了一些新的安全措施防止意外发生)

C. accumulates

D. insulates

30).I'd rather marry a man who had a(n) ___D__ of humor than one who was stunningly (非常地) attractive.

A. capability

B. insight (a sense of humor )

C. knowledge

D. sense

31).They work hard to _A___ a barren (贫瘠的) landscape into an area of beautiful pastureland.

A. transform

B. transition (他们勤奋的劳作把一块贫瘠的土地转换成了美丽的牧场)

C. transit

D. transport

32). With the hospitality(好客) so __B___ of these people, they opened their house to over fifty guests.(客人)

A. unique

B. characteristic

C. special

D. particular

33). Prehistoric fish have __C___ into some 30,000 different species.

A. grown

B. descended(evolved into 进化到...)

C. evolved

D. transformed

34)If we have time this summer, I'd like to _C___ some of the less well-known parts of the country.

A. investigate(调查,研究)

B. search(寻找)

C. explore(探索)

D. settle(解决,定居)

35).The two events led to __B__ changes in the international situation.

A. typical(典型的)

B. dramatic (这两个事件使情况引起了戏剧性的变化)

C. impulsive(冲动的)

D. terrifying(令人害怕的)

36). What could have __A__ him _____this state of despair?

A. brought; to

B. brought; on

C. brought; about

D. brought; forward

37). He thinks he can get away with cheating me, but I'll make him __D___ .

A. pay off(还请债务)

B. pay up(全部偿还)

C. pay for(支付...钱)

D. pay(因为某原因而要偿还)

38). She strode quickly down the street, ignoring the beggars who were___C_ out their hands for money.

A. extending()

B. lending

C. stretching(伸展,张开)

D. reaching(伸手够)

39). Don't __C__your mother ____ everyday difficulties even if she is old.

A. separate; from

B. keep; out of

C. insulate; from

D. distract; from

40)No two leaves from the same tree are __A______.

A. identical

B. original

C. analytical

D. critical

41)He made such a ___D_____ contribution to the university that they are naming one of the buildings after him.

A. genuine

B. modest

C. minimum

D. generous

42)One method by which stores advertise their goods is to ___B_____ them in attractive ways in the store windows.

A. convey

B. display

C. consult

D. confront

43)There are no tickets ____D____ for Monday's performance.

A. preferable

B. considerable

C. possible

D. available

44)I thought your idea was a good one, so I ___B_____ it.

A. treated

B. adopted

C. acquired

D. adjusted

45)James is no ____A____ a good student than his brother.

A. more

B. much

C. more of

D. much as

46)_____D___ the advances of science, the discomforts of old age will no doubt always be with us.

A. Except

B. Besides

C. As for

D. Despite

47) A large part of human activity, particularly in relation to the environment, is ____B____ conditions or events.

A. in contrast to

B. in response to

C. in favor of

D. in charge of

48)Mary and her father are _____D___ in many ways.

A. liking

B. likely

C. likable

D. alike

49)Children are ____C____ to have some accidents as they grow up.

A. apparent

B. obvious

C. bound

D. keen

50)This is a(n) ____C____ time in his life, so he may think twice before taking any action.

A. abstract

B. amazing

C. critical

D. ambitious

51)They are not the kind of people to ___A_____ to threats.

A. yield

B. classify

C. contend

D. comply

52)The French pianist who had been praised very highly __B______ to be a great disappointment.

A. proved out

B. proved

C. turned

D. turned in

53)Half the people didn't _____D___ until nine o'clock.

A. show in

B. show off

C. show over

D. show up

54)Much ___C_____ I love him, I can't forgive his action.

A. that

B. like

C. as

D. of

55)The buses, ______A_____ were already full, were surrounded by an angry crowd.

A. most of which

B. both of which

C. few of them

D. those of which

56)There's only one man ____A________ the job.

A. qualified for

B. qualifying of

C. qualified to

D. qualifying for

57)The topic is _____B_______ my field.

A. off

B. beyond

C. below

D. beneath

58)Very seldom ____D________ that two clocks or watches exactly agree.

A. you find

B. you will find

C. you do find

D. do you find

59)I was ____C_______ by my grandmother in the western suburbs of Hangzhou.

A. brought on

B. brought about

C. brought up

D. brought out

60)I'm sorry to ___C_________ on your conversation.

A. cut across

B. cut out

C. cut in

D. cut down

61) A fire ______D_______ during the night when all the workers were asleep.

A. broke up

B. broke through

C. broke in

D. broke out

62)The plane ______A_______ despite the dense fog.

A. took off

B. took down

C. took up

D. took on

63)Burning leaves ______C_______ thick smoke hovering over the small village.

A. gave out

B. gave up

C. gave off

D. gave in

64)After Tom passed his driving test, he _____B______ an application for his driver's license.

A. filled away

B. filled out

C. filled up

D. filled with

