八年级英语下学期8B Unit5 reading牛津英语

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Unit5 International charities Reading(1)

What do these logos stand for? World Wide Fund for Nature World Vision Oxfam What about their purposes? UNICEF


What is its duty? Its duty is to help blind people and train local doctors and nurses.blindness(名)

Listening :We know blind people are so painful. In the world how many people are blind, do you know? affect , 45 million 80 per cent , be cured , be prevented, not have money, medical treatment

How does ORBIS help ?ORBIS uses a flying _____ a flying _____ poor eye plane to visit hospital countries to help blind perform an operation ______ people. volunteer doctors _______ volunteer doctors performoperations ________ on the plane. And voluntary doctors the plane is also used as a teaching _______ centre.

Answer these questions: 1.Why doesn’t Dr Ma work in hospital? Because their patients are so poor that they don’t have the money to travel to hospital. 2.Why do local doctors and nurses come to the plane? They want to learn new skills and knowledge about eye operations.

3.What’s ORBIS purpose by training local doctors and nurses? They want to help more people. 4.How many orperations does Dr. Ma perform during his last visit? He operated on 150 patients during his last visit. 5.How do people feel about ORBIS treatments? be thankful to sb They are grateful to them. =be grateful to sb 6.How can people support ORBIS?

By sending donations to ORBIS.

True or false:1.About 45 million people have heart eye problems. 2.All of the cases of blindness can be cured or prevented. 80 percent 3.ORBIS doctors do operations in local hospital. on the plane 4.Patients go to the plane to learn about eye operations.Local doctors and nurses 5.Dr Ma says he is used to the hard work. 6.People can help by sending donations to ORBIS.(F) (F) (F) (F) (T) (T)



Patients : …so poor that…. Local doctors and nurses: new skills and knowledge, help more people …. Blind people : be grateful to Dr Ma :operate on 150 …during…be proud that …see again , try one’s best to …all they need ….carry on with… support their work…send donations to..

So far you have known some information about ORBIS . Would you please help Amy put the sentences in a correct order?

English book P79

1. There are more blind a. to learn new skills. e people in poor countries _____ 2. Many blind people do not get help because_____ f

b. are volunteers.

3. Local doctors and nurses c. can be prevented or a come to the ORBIS plane _____ cured. 4. Dr Ma said that 80% of d. people all over the _____ c the cases of blindness world donate. 5. ORBIS is supported by the money that 6. All the doctors and nurses on the ORBIS plane_____ d

e. than in rich countries.

f. they are so poor that they can’t go to a _____ b doctor.

donations grateful knowledge operations patients skills treatThe ORBIS plane travels all around the world. Many people with eye problems visit the ORBIS plane. Doct

ors can perform ___________ on them to help them see again. operations Many people in poor countries do not have enough money to go to hospital, but ORBIS doctors can go to them. ORBIS doctors can also teach local doctors and nurses new _______ and knowledge ___________. skills Dr Ma is a doctor on the ORBIS plane. Many people are very ________ to him because he has helped them see grateful again. The patients do not have to pay because ORBIS is ________ a charity. Dr Ma believes that modern medicine can _______ most eye problems, but their work needs money. treat He hopes that more people can send ___________ to donations support their work.

English Book : P78---79 P78---79 ---

harity ORBIS is a c_________ that helps lind ye b________ people. Most e____ problems ured revented can be c_______ or p_________. However, many people do not have enough money to go ospital octors to h_________. The d________ on the ORBIS plane fly to poor areas to reat t________ people with eye problems and to each t________ local doctors and nurses new kills s_______. The local doctors and nurses can watch the o________ on v______. After perations ideo earning l________ from the ORBIS doctors, the local doctors can help people in their areas.

Useful expressions:1.mostly in poor countries 2.80 percent of the cases of blindness 3.have the money for medical treatment 4.a flying plane // volunteer doctors 5.perform / do operations on sb = operate on sb e the plane as a teaching centre 7.new skills and knowledge 8.Watch the operations on video 9.by training doctors // during a visit

10.be used to working 11.Be grateful to sb for sth thankful 12.try// do one’s best to do sth 13.send donations to sb

Thank you ! Have a nice day ! Goodbye!

