
更新时间:2023-10-06 01:00:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



1. ________ is spoken the most widely in the world.

A. Chinese B. English C. French D. Russian 2. I am thirsty. Would you bring me_______, please?

A. some bread B.some tea C.some cakes D. some eggs 3. What’s wrong with my son’s ________? He can’t see things clearly

A. eyes B. ears C. mouth D. nose

4.The Alps(阿尔卑斯山) an area of 200,000 square kilometers. A. is B. are C. has D. have

5. A pair of glasses what I need at the moment. A. is B. are C. has D. have 6. we live in the Westen .

A. Beijing’s outskirt B. Beijing’s outskirts C. outskirt of Beijing D. outskirts of Beijing 7.Five pounds as much as it used to. A. don’t buy B. doesn’t buy C. are buying D. is buying

8. plastics are made in this chemical works.

A.Many kind of B. Many kinds of C. Many kinds D.Many kind 9.“Lao wang has just moved into a new flat.” “Did he have to buy for it?”

A.many new furniture(家具) B. much new furnitures C. much new furniture D.many new furnitures 10. changed; whatever men can do, women can do too.

A.The time has B.The times C.Times have D.Times 11.He has on his farm.

A.20 head of cattles B.20 heads of cattles C.20 heads of cattle D.20 head of cattle

12.I wish I could give you .

A.many advice B. much advice C.many advices D.a lot of advices

13.If you go to the hills, you will see there.

A.much fine scenery B.few fine sceneries C.a few fine sceneries D.many fine sceneries

14.The news of the losses suffered by our enemy much worse than expected.

A.was B.were C.are D.has 15.He opened the letter and it contained .

A.an important information B.some important informations

C.many important informations D.some important information

16.Our national football team reorganized(重新组建)。

A.have been B.are being C.has been D.is to

17.Remember ; thank your friend when you leave the party.

A.your manner B.your manners C.his manner D.his manners

18.The students hope that they won ’t have to do today.

A.much homework B.many homeworks C.a lot of homeworks D.few homework

19.They say the police always stopping people from doing what they want to do.

A.is B.are C.has D.have

20.Where is China Daily?

A.today B.today of C.today’s D.of today

21.The Lu Gou Bridge is described in Marco Polo’s “Travel” as most beautiful bridge.

A.the world’s B.world’s C.the world D.world

22.Have you ever had in your country?

A.a women’s boxer B.a woman’s boxer C.a women boxer D.a woman boxer 23.“How far is the new library from here?” “It’s about away.”

A.ten minute walk B.ten minutes walk C.ten minutes’ walk D.ten-minute walk

24.They agreed to meet at .

A.Peter and Helen B.Peter and Helen’s

C.Peter’s and Helen D.Peter’s and Helen’s friend 25.There is on television this evening. A.a Beethoven (贝多芬)piano concerto(协奏曲) B.a Beethoven’s piano concerto

C. Beethoven piano concerto D. piano concerto of Beethoven

26.Mr Wang gave us_____on how to improve our English. A.so good an advice B.a good advice C.some good advices D.a piece of good advice

27.The suggestion has been made___the basketball match___put off.

A.for; to B.that; be C.which; should be D.to; being 28.Tom’s and John’s_____came to London last week.

A.father-in-law B.fathers-in-law C.fathers-in-laws D.father-in-laws 29.His “Selected Stories”_first published in 1990.A.were B.was C.has been D.have been 30.These tables and desks are all made of_____.(MET’79) A.a wood B.some wood C.the wood D.wood

31.—— Did you find your pen this afternoon? —— No, I didn’t find_, but I’ve bought__.A.it; itB.one; one C.it; one D.one; it

32.If these trousers are too big, buy a smaller___.(MET’82)A.set B.one C.copy D.pair

33.Three-fourths of the surface of the earth_sea.(MET’88) A.is B.are C.were D.has been

34.We have worked out the plan and now we must put it into_. A.factB.realityC.practiceD.deed

35.Here’s my card. Let’s keep in_. (NMET’94) A.touch B.relation C.connection D.friendship

36.He gained his___by printing___of famous writers. (NMET’95) A.wealth; work B.wealths; works C.wealths; work D.wealth; works 37.—— Hello. Is Laura there, please? A.message B.letter C.sentence D.notice —— I’m sorry, she is not here right now.Can I take a_____?

38.The city government decided to keep the old temple for its historical___. A.price B.cost C.value D.usefulness

39.Shortly after the accident, two___police were sent to the spot to keep order. (MET’92)

A.dozen of B.dozens C.dozen D.dozens of

40.Come along now and sit down. Tom, can you make_____for Mary? A.a face B.room C.some difference D.space 41.Four years had passed, and I found Mary had_____. A.little white hair B.some white hair C.much white hairs D.a few white hairs 42.Although the city had been attacked by the storm several times, _____was done.

A.a few damages B.few destroy C.little hurt D.little damage 43.Sometimes I have a cup of coffee after lunch, but I don’t make a habit___it. (HK’91)

A.for B.of C.about D.from

44.The price of vegetables is_than before.A.much cheaper B.even higherC.still dearer D.a lot more expensive

45. Such a magazine has_____except when you have time to kill.

A.little value B.much value C.a lot of values D.great value 46.I’m sorry I’m forgetting your name for_. A.a moment B.moments C.the moment D.the moments

47.Opinions of that kind are best kept to yourself, and not voice_____.

A.by public B.in public C.in a public D.in the public

48.Such men have made_____by developing oil businesses. A.great fortunes B.a huge fortune C.some huge fortune D.a great fortune

49.There are ten___teachers and two hundred___students in the school. A.women; girl B.woman; girls C.women; girls D.woman; girl

50.The boy wrote__last week.A.a two-thousand-words article B.two two-thousand-words article

C.a two-thousand-word article D.two two-thousand-words articles


(1).B (2).B (3).B (4).C (5).A (6).D (7).B (8).B (9).C (10).C (11).C (12).B (13).A (14).A (15).D (16).C (17).B (18).A (19).B (20).C (21).A (22).D (23).C (24).B (25).A

26.D。advice 表示“忠告;建议”,为不可数名词,指数量时,常与a piece of连用。

27.B。suggestion,advice 等名词后面接 that 引导的名词性从句时,从句中的谓语常用“(should)+动词原形\构成的虚拟结构。

28.B。A's and B’s 表示“A 和 B 各自的”,后面的可数名词要用复数形式;father-in-law 为复合名词,复合名词的复数形式通常是将其中的名词或主要的名词变为复数。


30.D。wood 指“木头”,为不可数名词,此处的 wood 指材料,是物质名词,不与 the 连用。

31.C。it 指代前面的同一物品;one 则指代与前面事物同类的物品。

32.D。trousers, scissors, gloves, socks, glasses等表示成双成对物品的名词,其数量单位为 pair。


34.C。put... into/in practice 为习惯用语,意思是“把??付诸实施”。 35.A。指“(与??)保持联系”,应说 keep in touch (with...)。

36.D。wealth 指“财富”,为不可数名词;work 指文学、艺术作品时,常用复数形式。37.A。注意这几个词的含义不同:message 指“口信”、“短信”;letter 指“信件”;sentence 指“句子”;notice 指“(书面)通知”。

38.C。price 指物品在金钱上的“价格”;cost 指事物的生产“成本或费用”;value 指事物内在的“价值”;usefulness 指事物“有用”。

39.C。dozen 指数量,意思是“十二”,常用于“数词+dozen +复数名词”及“dozens+of+复数名词”这两种结构。如:two dozen eggs二十四个鸡蛋;dozens of apples 几十个苹果。

40.B。make room for“给??腾出地方”,其中的 room 为不可数名词。 41.D。hair 指满头“头发”,为不可数名词;指具体的某种“头发”或一根一根的“头发”,为可数名词。

42.D。此处主句的含义应是否定的,故可排除选项A。destroy 为动词,不可作主语,所以也不对。hurt是对感情或身体部位的伤害,在此语意不符;damage 表示“损害”,为不可数名词。

43.B。habit 表示“习惯”,后面的介词常用 of。如:make a habit of, be in the habit of,have the habit of,fall into the ha猓imof 等。

44.B。英语中,price“价格”只能说 high(高)或 low(低),不能说expensive/dear(贵)或 cheap(便宜)。

45.A。value 指事物具有的实用“价值或重要性”,为不可数名词。

46.C。for a moment 的意思是“一会儿,片刻”,指动作持续的时间;for the moment 的意思是“当这时候、目前、暂时”,指一时的情况。 47.B。in public“当众;公然”,为习惯用语,不与冠词连用。

48.A。make a fortune 的意思是“发财;致富”,其中的 a fortune 有单复数的变化。此句的主语 men 为复数,故 fortune 也用复数。

49.A。名词作定语时,通常用单数。但 man 与 woman 作定语时,如果后面的名词是单数,这两个词也用单数,如果后面的名词是复数,这两个词也用复数,如:a man doctor, two men doctors 等。

50.C。由“数词+连字符+名词”构成的合成形容词,其中的名词必须用单数。此句若选 D,应将 words 后面的“s”去掉。

