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1. abroad 国外

2. absence n. 缺席 (absent adj.) 3. accepted (NMET1997)

4. accident事故 (accidental adj. 偶然的,accidentally adv. 偶然地)

5. achievement成就 (achieve v. 获得) 6. address地址 7. admire钦佩

8. admitting (2000北京春季卷) 9. agreement 协议

10. agriculture农业 (agricultural adj. 农业的)

11. altogether总共 12. ancient 古代的 13. announced(NMET1999)

14. anxiety 忧虑 (anxious adj. 焦急的,anxiously adv. 焦急地)

15. apologize v. 道歉 (apology n. 道歉apologetic adj. 道歉的,apologetically adv.道歉地)

16. apologize/apologise (2000全国卷) 17. appreciate感激/欣赏 (感激人用thank sb;谢谢某人做的事用appreciate sth.) 18. Asian(NMET1996) 19. assistant 助手

20. astonish吃惊 (astonishment n. 吃惊,astonishing,astonished) 21. astronaut 宇航员 22. atmosphere气氛

23. attempt尝试 (可作名词也可作动词) 24. attentively 专心地 25. attentively(NMET1996) 26. attitude 态度


27. attract 吸引 (attraction吸引力) 28. average 平均 29. average(NMET1999) 30. balance平衡 31. beauty 美 (beautiful)

32. believe相信 (belief n. 信念,其复数是beliefs) 33. beyond超过 34. biology生物 35. birthday生日 36. bravery 勇敢 37. broadcast(NMET1996)

38. broadcast广播 (过去式、过去分词同原形)

39. carefully 小心 (carefully) 40. ceiling天花板

41. celebrated (2000北京春季卷) 42. celebration 庆祝 (celebrate n. 庆祝) 43. century 世纪 44. challenge 挑战 45. character 性格 46. charge收费 47. cinema电影院

48. comfort v. & n. 安慰 (comfortable adj. comfortably adv.舒适地) 49. comfortably(NMET1997) 50. comment 评论 51. communication 交流

52. competition 竞赛 (compete v. 竞赛competitor 竞赛者) 53. composition 作文 54. concert 音乐会

55. conclude v. conclusion n. 结论

56. condition情况 (conditions条件) 57. confessing (2000北京春季卷) 58. congratulations 祝贺 (congratulate v.) 59. constantly 不断地 60. construction(NMET1996) 61. continue继续

62. contribution 贡献 (contribute v.) 63. conveniently方便 (convenient adj.) 64. conversation 谈话 65. coughing(NMET1997) 66. cousin表兄弟

67. cruelty 残酷 (cruel adj. cruelly adv.) 68. curious 好奇 (curiosity n. 好奇) 69. curious(NMET1996) 70. customer 顾客

71. customers (2000北京春季卷) 72. custom习俗 73. damage损坏 74. declared(NMET1999) 75. delicious 美味

76. destroy毁灭 (其过去式是destroyed) 77. determined 有决心的 78. develop

发展 (development n.

developing 发展中的,developed发达的) 79. dialogue 对话

80. diary 日记 (dairy 奶制品) 81. difference 不同点 (有复数形式) 82. disappointed失望 (disappointing 让人失望的)

83. disappointment 失望 84. discovery 发现

(其复数是discoveries,其动词是discover,discoverer发现者) 85. disturb打扰

86. dollar美元 (其复数是dollars) 87. Downstair楼下


88. dream梦想 (其过去式是dreamed或dreamt)

89. electricity电 (electrical电的,electric 电的)

90. employ 雇用 (employment n. employer 雇主,employee雇员)

91. empty倒空 (可用动词,其过去式是emptied) 92.




encouraged, encouragement n.) 93. energy能量 94. envelope 信封

95. envy n. 妒忌 (envious adj.) 96. equal(NMET1998) 97. equipment设备 98. especially 尤其是 99. essential(NMET1999) 100. European 欧洲人 101. event事件

102. excellent极好 (excellence n. excellently adv.)

103. exhibition(NMET1997) 104. exhibition展览 105. expense 耗费

106. experience 经验 (experienced 有经验的)

107. expert 专家 108. expression 表达 109. failure 失败 (fail v.) 110. familiar(NMET1999) 111. familiar熟悉的

112. Favourite 最喜爱的 (即作形容词也作名词,作名词时有复数) 113. figure人物/数字 114. finger手指

115. flight飞行 116. forehead前额 117. foreign(NMET1998) 118. fortunately幸运地 119. forward向前

120. freezing 极冷的 (frozen 冷冻的) 121. frequently 经常地 122. furniture 家具 123. further进一步的 124. generally (2000全国卷) 125. geography地理 126. Germany德国

127. government(NMET1996) 128. gradually逐渐地

129. graduation毕业 (graduate) 130. grammar语法 131. habits (NMET1997)

132. handkerchiefs (2000北京春季卷) 133. honesty 诚实 (honest) 134. honor/honour 荣誉

135. imagination 想象力 (imagine v.) 136. immediate (2000北京春季卷) 137. immediately马上

138. impress 印象 (impression n.) 139. incident小事件

140. including包括 (include v.) 141. indispensable (NMET1999)

142. industry工业 (industrial adj. 工业的) 143. information 信息

144. inspire激励 (inspiration n. inspiring, inspired) 145. institute学院 146. instrument 仪器 147. interest 兴趣 148. interrupt 打断 149. interrupt打断


150. introduce介绍 (introduction n.) 151. irregular 不规则的 152. journey旅程

153. judge判断 (judgment) 154. kindergarten幼儿园 155. knowledge 知识 156. labor/labour劳动 157. late1y(NMET1999) 158. laughter笑声 159. lawyer律师 160. librarian图书馆理员

161. loss损失 (lose, lost 是其动词形式) 162. luckily幸运地 163. magazine杂志

164. majority (2000北京春季卷) 165. majority大多数

166. manage 设法 (manager, management) 167. market(2000全国卷)

168. marriage 结婚 (marry v. 结婚,married已婚的)

169. material(s)/cloth(NMET1996) 170. material物质/材料 171. mayor市长 172. mean (NMET1999) 173. measure测量

174. medal 奖章 (比较:model 模型) 175. memory记忆力 (memorize v. 记住,remember 记得)

176. messages (2000全国卷) 177. metal 金属 178. modern现代的 179. modest谦虚的 180. monitor 班长/监控 181. moustache 胡子

182. murder谋杀 (murderer 凶手) 183. musician 音乐家

184. mysterious 神秘的 (mystery 神秘) 185. nationality国籍 (nation 国家,national国家的)

186. naturally(NMET1998) 187. naughty 淘气的 188. necessary(NMET1999) 189. ninth(NMET1998) 190. normal 正常的 191. obey (NMET1997) 192. obviously明显的 193. offering (2000全国卷) 194. operation手术 195. opportunity 机会 196. ordinary 普通的

197. organized/organised(NMET1996) 198. particularly 特别是 199. passenger 旅客 200. passengers(NMET1999) 201. patience耐心 (patiently) 202. patient病人/耐心 203. perfect 完美 (perfectly) 204. performed(2000北京春季卷) 205. perhaps 或许 206. period 时期 207. permission许可 208. persuaded(NMET1996) 209. phenomena 现象 210. physicist 物理学家 211. pilots (2000全国卷) 212. poisonous 有毒的 (poison) 213. political 政治的 (politics) 214. popular受欢迎的 215. population人口 216. position 职位

217. possibility(-ies)可能性 (possible 可能的)


218. poverty 贫穷 (poor) 219. poverty贫穷 220. practical (NMET1997) 221. preparing(NMET1998) 222. pressure(NMET1997) 223. pretend假装 224. professor 教授 225. profit 利润 226. progress进步

227. pronunciation (2000北京春季卷) 228. provide 提供 (比较:offer, supply) 229. public 公众 230. purpose目的 231. quality(NMET1996) 232. quantity数量 233. realistic(NMET1997) 234. receive 收到 235. recently(NMET1999)

236. recognised/recognized(NMET1999) 237. recognize 认出 (recognition 承认) 238. regards 问候 239. remind提醒

240. repeat (repetition)重复 241. respect尊敬 242. restaurant 餐馆 243. restaurants(NMET1999)

244. satisfaction满意 (satisfy, satisfied, satisfying)

245. satisfactory 满意的 246. Saturday(NMET1998) 247. scientific 科学的 248. scientific科学的 249. secretary秘书

250. secretly (2000北京春季卷) 251. separately单独地 252. separates (NMET1998)

253. serious 严重的 (seriously) 254. service服务 255. shortcoming缺点 256. silence 安静 (silent) 257. similar (2000北京春季卷)

258. similar 类似的 (similarity –ies相似之286. unusually不寻常 (unusual不寻常的) 287. unwilling 不愿意 (willing adj. 愿意 will n. 意志)

288. upstairs(2000全国卷) 289. upstairs楼上 290. vacation假期


259. situation形势/情况 260. slightly(2000全国卷)

261. society 社会 (social adj. 社会的) 262. southern(2000全国卷) 263. special特别的

264. species 物种 (单复数同形) 265. spring(NMET1997) 266. square 平方 267. stolen(2000全国卷) 268. straight(NMET1997) 269. suitable合适的 270. support支持 271. surprise吃惊 272. surround 包围 273. swimming(NMET1998) 274. technique 技术 (technical adj.) 275. technology技术 276. temperature温度 277. theory 理论 278. thirsty口渴

279. thorough (NMET1997) 280. total合计 281. traffic 交通

282. translated(NMET1998)

283. translation 翻译 (translator翻译家,interpret 解说, interpreter 口语翻译) 284. umbrella(NMET1999) 285. umbrella伞

291. various各种各样的 (variety n. 种类) 292. victim受害者 293. victory胜利 294. vocabulary词汇 295. voyage航行 296. waste (NMET1999) 297. wealth财富 298. weather(NMET1998) 299. whisper 低语 300. worship崇拜

301. youth年轻人 (复数加-s) 302. zero 零




1.His parents are really ____________ about his returning home late.(焦虑)

2.Living in the countryside has many ___________ over living in the city.(优势) 3.As most of the population in China are farmers, ______ plays an important part.(农业) 4.There





___________ today's conference.(参加) 5.There are 60 students in class 12 Senior III _____________.(总共)

6.You are not ____________ to smoke here.(允许)

7.If we do things ______ nature, we will be punished by it.(违背)

8.On __________(平均), he has an income of 3,000 yuan per month.

9.You should pay more __________ to your pronunciation.(注意)

10.Please write your telephone number and _________ here.(地址)

11.When I arrived at the __________, the plane had taken off.(机场)

12.They restarted the Long March, _______ at experiencing the hardship that the Red Army had suffered.(主旨) 13.He succeeded in reaching the summit at his first _________.(尝试)

14.There are four seasons in a year, namely, they are spring, summer, a_____ and winter. 15.He was so tired that he fell a_______ quickly.


16.___________(无论如何) I must finish the work today.

17.__________ to the agreement, Shylock can have a pound of flesh near the chest.(根据)

18.Egypt is an _______ country.(非洲) 19.Only through hard work can we __________ our goals.(实现)

20.The teacher is very ________ with Peter as he is always telling lies.(生气)


1. The whole city was ________(美丽) lit up on the mid-autumn night.

2. He is to b__________ for he has done a great fault.

3. The World Service _____(播放) program in English and 35 other languages all over the world.

4. At a height of four miles the air becomes so thin that it almost impossible to ___(呼吸).

5. China is a country _____ (属于)to a developing country.

6. _____ (生物学) is the science of life and living things.

7. The knife is sharp, please put it b the children's reach.

8. The road was (堵住)by the big fallen tree,so all the cars had to take a round about route.

9. The man (洗澡),dressed and went downstairs for supper.

10. George was born on June1, so Children's Day is also his __________ (生日)

11. Eric came running into the room, out of _________ (呼吸)

12. We had great difficulty in _______ (呼吸), for the air is thin.

13. The car was a ________ (廉价货) at that price.

14. They traveled across the world in 80 days with a hot ______(气球).

15.At the sight of his former girl friend, he felt his heart _____(心跳) fast

16.Most of the tourists are struck by the ______(美丽) of the West Lake

17. KFC has many __________(分店) in China.

18. It being cold tonight, you might as well cover yourself with the _________(毛毯). 19. Don't disturb him, as he is _________(埋葬) himself in study.

20. Press this ______(按纽), and the door will open of itself. 21.Please






_________(底部) of this article

22.--Look, your milk is _____ (沸腾) ! --- Sorry, I was just listening to what you said. 23.He lost his sight gradually, and at length he became totally ______(瞎的).

24. He is a handsome man with wide eyes and _________(宽的) shoulders

25. Bread and _________(奶油) is his favorite food.

26. Though this medicine is a little ________(苦的), it does good to your health 27. The patient is being operated on, and he is in great need of _______(血).



1. In face of danger, you should keep ________. (冷静)

2. You were so __________ (粗心的)that you made so many mistakes in your homework. 3. David Beckham, _______ (队长)of the UK football team, is playing football in Spain.

4. Bring your umbrella in ________ (万一) it rains.

5. Nowadays, many teenagers waste time ________ (聊天)on the Internet. 6. It is said that Father Christmas climbs down the _________ (烟囱)on Christmas Eve.

7. There are many islands off the _______ (海岸)of China.

8. Columbus was _________ (认为) to have discovered America in 1492.

9. The old tend to raise pets to keep their __________.(陪伴)

10. If the bad weather _____________,(继续) we will put off the conference 11. If it is ________ (方便), please write back to me quickly.

12. The MNET is around the __________(即将到来),so you can never be too hard-working.

13. The connection of telephones and __________ (电脑)gave birth to the Internet.

14. When in the foreign countries, you should follow the local ___________(风俗). 15. The newly-married __________ (夫

妇)decided to adopt that orphan.

16. My uncle's son, my _______(表弟), has won a scholarship to Cambridge University. 17. It is their wisdom and _________(勇气) that won over the hardship.

18. As the play begins, the __________(幕布) is drawn slowly.

19. The famous singer announced that he would give two ________ (音乐会)recently, one is in Beijing, the other in Hangzhou . 20. Would you like to go to the _______ (电影院)to see the film called \21. As we all know, ________ (牛) mainly feed on grass.

22. I'd like to have an appointment with whoever is in ________ (负责)of your company.

23. After years' hard work, he is a __________ (首要的)leader now. 24. We have no ________ (选择) but to wait. He __________(选择) teacher as his job when he was young.

25. Can you fetch me a box of __________ (粉笔)?

26. Don't you think it is a good _________ (机会) to learn English?


1._________ is the twelfth month in a year.(十二月)

2.To _______ our country is the duty of each citizen.(保卫)

3.This food tastes ______, so would you like to have a try?(美味的)

4.The patient lost a lot of blood, so now he is


in ______.(危险)

5.Having failed in the English exam many times, he made a_____(决定)to study hard. 6.He has developed a good habit of keeping a ____(日记) every day from his childhood. 7.The postman's job is to have the letters ___________.(递送)

8.To learn English well, you should have a ___________.(词典)

9.Do you know the ____________ between AE and BE?(差别,不同)

10.I have _________(困难) in working out this problem. --- Can you help me out ? 11.Radium was ___________(发现) by Madam Curie.

12.Yesterday we had a heated _________(讨论) about \13.The ________(疾病) spread quickly and many people died of it.

14.There is no _______(疑问) that he will be selected chairman of our Party.

15.He did all he could to rescue the ______(溺水的) boy, and his effort was not in vain.

16.As their living habitats were __________,(毁坏) many animals died out.

17.I was _________(沮丧) to hear that the majority were against my plan.

18.Having left that village, they drove in the _________(方向) of London.

19.With the MNET_____(临近)near, we students are burdened with so much homework.

20.The UK can be ___________(分成) into

four parts.

21.According to her __________(描述),the police caught the robber at last. 22.He then on.

23.The sports meeting was_______(延24.Can you go ___________(楼下)to get me a cup of tea?

25.Tom is believed to have stolen the _________(钻石) ring.

26.In our English class, we often have a __________(听写)

27.We should _______ (培养) the habit of reading aloud.

28.To her _________(愉快), she has made great progress in her spelling.

29.Walking in the _______(无人的,荒芜的) street, she feels frightened.

30.We are moved by the _______ (真诚) of his love


1. Smoking has a bad _____(影响)on your health, so you might as well get rid of it. 2. The doctor did everything they could to save the patient, but their _______(努力) were in vain.

3. Can you tell me the _____(精确的) time by your watch?

4. He is employed as an __________(工程师) in the company.

5. Don't forget to stick the stamp at the top of the ________(信封).


6. These buildings are pulled down after having stood _____ (空)without use for many years. a

7. It rains a lot in the coastal area, _________(尤其) in summer.

8. The bird ________(逃脱) being killed and flew away.

every day we should take in plenty of food. 10. They purchased a lot of electrical ___________(设备) to decorate their Multi-function hall.

11. For the sake of the future generation, we should attach importance to the development of ___________(教育).

12. This flat is too _______(贵的) for me, because it is beyond my purchasing power. 13. There _______(存在) the generation gap between our parents and us today.

14. This is an __________(极其地) tough task, but I think you can fulfill it.

15. On Granny's _________(八十) birthday, we held a party to celebrate it.

16. China is an ____________(东方) country.

17. Greatly ___________(鼓励) by the teacher's words, we students put our hearts into study. 18.






_____________(检查) tomorrow.

19. Tom, a hard-working student , has set you a good ___________(榜样).

20. We all went there, ___________(除了) Tom ,because he caught a bad cold.

left home without

word,_________(决心)never to return from

迟)because of the bad weather. 9. We need ________(能量) to live, so

21. There will be an _________(展览) in the museum.

22. The students are going to carry out ___________(实验) in chemistry.

23. The students are busy preparing for the entrance _____________(考试).

24. A successful man often has many ____________(敌人).

25. ________(电) ,water and gas were cut off due to the heavy storm.


1. _________(面对) with difficulty, he never loses heart.

2. Many chemical ___________(工厂) are the main causes of pollution.

3. ____________(失败) is the mother of success.

4. ____________(熟悉) with you ,I can tell your shortcomings right away.

5. The question needs ___________(进一步) discussion.

6. Though ________(捆) to a big tree, the horse was able to escape at last.

7.Will you do me a _______(帮忙)---- turn down the radio a bit while I am on the phone? 8. ___________(二月) follows January. 9. Cattle






___________(以…为主食) chiefly on grass. 10. These ___________ (小伙子) are not handsome but pleasant-looking.

11. Tom, please __________(去取) some chalk for me. 12. Look







13. The workers have _________(抗争) for better working conditions.

14. These burned _________(手指) hurt her from time to time.

15. I regret to tell you that your __________(航班) is delayed because of bad weather. 16. Did




__________(漂) on the river.

17. I regretted not having ____(采纳) your advice. Look! What bad conditions I am in. 18.You are _________(禁止) to take photos. 19.____________(法国) is famous for its grape wine.

20._____________(法语) is the most beautiful language in the world.

21.The __________(法国人) are people with good manners. 22.The workers ________(自由).

23..A good many __________(外国) guests are attracted by the scenery.

24. ____________(幸运), he picked up a wallet containing 1'000 Yuan.

25.__________(建立) in 1921, our great party has become mature.

26.It's _________(冰) cold today. Put on more clothes.

27. Children should go home _________(经常) to see if everything goes well.

28. Put the meat in the fridge to keep _______(鲜).

29._______(星期五) is the sixth day of the week.


on strike for

30.Seeing a snake, she let out a _______(吓人) cry.

31.To get enough vietmine, you should eat various _________(蔬菜) and _______(水果).

32.Coal used to be the only _______(燃料). 33. He bought a new set of _________(家具) yesterday.


1.There exists a g__________ gap between our parents and us.

2.Ladies and __________,(先生)I have an announcement to make.

3.Please read the text quickly and get the g_______ (全面的,大体的)idea of each paragraph.

4.With trees cut down, grassland turned into desert __________(渐渐地).

5.He g_________ from a key university, but he is still unemployed up to now.

6.__________(集合) at the school gate at 8 am. Tomorrow.

7.Our ____________(地理)teacher is strict with us and in our study.

8.Is____________(德语)the most beautiful language in the world?

9.He has no______(天赋)for music, Let him learn something that interests him!

10.______(给)more time, we can finish it much better.

11.He______(瞥)at his watch and went out hurriedly.

12.The twin dogs are quite different in character .One is ______(温柔),while the


other is fierce.

13.Mum bought a______(金) necklace and some______(金)fish the other day. 14.The______(货物)were immediately.

15.The local______(政府)is trying its best to protect the environment.

16.I find______(语法)much more difficult for me to learn than listening. 17.Sheep mainly feed on______(草). 18.To our______(很)surprise, such a little boy can speak five different languages. 19.______(希腊)is an ancient country with a long history.

20.You______(眼镜)need mending 21.Look



of______(玻璃)are easy to break.

22.Put on your______(手套),or you'll get burnt.

23.The pupils offered ___________(问候) to the guests.

24.He entered the hall, ______(组) of students following him.

25.On climbing up to the hill, he found wild flowers______(长)here and there.

26.Since we are ______(成年人),we must do whatever we can to help our parents. 27.The __________(警卫) in our school are very strict.

28.With the experienced______(向导)leading us, we had a good time.

29.My aunt used to keep ________(鹅)in the county.

30.He came back after work, parking his car


in the __________(车库).


1. Once you get into the_____ (习惯)of smoking, you'll find it hard to give it up. 2. Please clean your dirty hands with this ____________(手帕).

3. I feel it an ______ (荣幸)to be invited to his party.

4. I suggested the patient should be taken to the _________ (医院)immediately. 5. As all the three-star ______(旅馆)in Hangzhou have been booked, I don't know where to live in.

6. He felt so _______(饿) that he swallowed the food without chewing it. 7. I had a ______(假日), so can I ask for a day's leave, sir?

8. The ______(校长)gave us an inspiring speech.

9. A person in ______(健康)is happier than one in wealth.

10. Eat more fruits and vegetables to keep ______(健康). 11. Speak






12. On ______(听见)the exciting news, we jumped about.

13. We should put our______(心)into what we should do.

14. If ______(加热), water can be turned into steam.

15. The mother told her little son that his grandfather was in______(天堂)

16. The case is ______(重)for me to carry.


Can you lend me a hand?

17. The building is twice the______(高)of that one.

18. The ________(历史) teacher is a girl who is very beautiful.

19. To be ________(诚实) ,I don't like him at all.

20. She rushed out in a ______(匆忙)what happened to her?

21. ___________ (丈夫) and wives should have heart-to --heart talks frequently. 22. Five______(百) soldiers and ______ (百) of nurses were sent there.

23. What______(发生)to him yesterday 24. He was ______(绞死)in 1945. 25. What a ______(潇洒)boy!

26. Look! How______(高兴)they are talking!

27. ______(刚)had we got home when it began to rain.

28. A heavy snow promises a good ______(丰收).

29. He didn't attend school because of a bad______(头痛).

30._____________(藏) himself behind the door, he waited the man to come.


1. Realizing his English is so poor, he decided to _________ (提高)it.

2. A friend in need is a friend ________(确实).

3. He has an ______ (收入)of 3,000 dollar per month.

4. Nothing is __________ (不可能)for a

willing mind.

5. Every boy and every girl has gone to see the play, _________ (包括)Bob. / Bob ________.(包括)

6. Before taking the medicine, please read the _________(说明) on the bottle carefully. 7. We have no _________(信息) about where she has gone.

8. Can you ________(想象) a boy of five years old speaking five languages?

9. ____________(一…就) I see Mary, I will give it to her.

10. We all should take the meeting of great ___________(重要).

11. To the teachers' delight, the salary will __________(增长) by 200 Yuan also. 12. Which continent does __________(印度) lie in?

13. Agriculture and _________(工业) should go hand in hand.

14. What can you _________(推断) from his mark?

15. Keep me ____________(通知) of the fresh development.

16. The man __________(坚持) he didn't steal the watch and be set free.

17.Tom went to a designing_________(学院) the other day.

18.Few children show ________(兴趣) in playing musical __________(器械). 19. Many places of ___________(名胜) attract the foreigners.

20. English is used in ______________(国际) conferences.


21. Sorry to __________(打断) you ,but I have something important.

22. Let me make a self __________(介绍) first.

23.Who is considered to have _______(发明) the telephone.

24.I won't go to the party even ______(邀请). 25. What a lot of _________(请贴) to send out.!

26. There are many _______(岛屿) in the South Sea of China.


1.I wish you a safe __________(旅程)home. 2.New Years Day falls on __________(一月) first.

3. __________(判断) from his accent, the man must come from South Africa. 4. With the new ________(夹克) on, he looks very handsome.

5. _________(日本) lies to the east of China. 6.The _________(日语) is a bit more difficult than Chinese.

7.Do you know the _________(日本人) who are standing over there?

8.Where does this stream__________(汇入) the Yellow River?

9.I'd like a mixture of fruit _________(果汁). 10.Hearing the news, the boy can't help __________(跳跃).

11.In __________(六月),we will have an important examination.

12.Don't play ________(玩笑)on the disabled.

13.Grandma is good at __________(饲养)


14.Don't play with the guns, or you'll get ________(杀).

15.Yesterday when I was going along the street, I saw big boys ________(踢) a little boy.

16.The sound of the waterfall can be heard __________(公里) away.

17.Children in __________(幼儿园) can learn something quickly.

18.The _________(厨房) is full of nice smell.

19.Get down on your ____________(膝盖), or I will kill you.

20.Please give me a _____(刀) to cut the meat with.

21.____________(撞) into a lady, Tom apologized to her immediately.

22.Lying in bed, I could hear the rain _____(敲打) the windows.

23.To make yourself ___________(知道) ,you should do something usual. 24.Not ________(知道) what to do, he asked the teacher for advice.

25.____________(知识) is power.

26.Yesterday my mom bought 5 _________ (千克)apples.


1. Construction workers are paid for their ______ (劳动)by the hour.

2. There are a large collection of books in our school ______(图书馆).

3. Madam Curie devoted her ________(一生) to doing research into Radium.


4. He lived alone on that ______(偏僻的) island for twenty years.

5. The young plants died _________(缺) of water.

6. Stand the ___________-(梯子) up for me please!

7. The English _________(语言) is the most easier to learn.

8. Room 201 is the ___________(大) of the two.

9. Keep me informed of the _________(最近) news.

10. On hearing the news , we burst into ________(大笑). 11. Whoever




__________(法律) will be punished.

12. Tom is on the way of becoming a _____________(律师).

13. His __________(讲座) are so interesting that each time he gives one , the tickets are all sold out.

14. Cloth of this kind is sold by __________---(长度).

15. Before ____________(解放), women were looked down upon. 16.






17. Life is ____________(有限)

18. \ou are a _________(幸运) dog \is not a bad sentence.

19. Take good care of your _________(行李) while you are in the station.

20. What do you have for _________(午饭)?

21. ___________(陷入) in thought , Marx knocked into a tree.

22. There will be a ________(现场) football match this afternoon. Don't miss it. 23. Never have I _________(撒谎) to my parents.

24. We all sat in the chairs , __________(听) to the teacher carefully.

25. ____________-(管理员) are very strict in their work.

26. The English use __________(运货汽车) very often.

27. The detector spent the whole night __________(锁) in the lady's room.

28. In the old days, children of your age made a __________(生计) by begging. 29. What a ____________(好) day it is! 30. The meeting ___(持续) three hours. How boring!


1. Don't leave the washing _________ (机器)running all the time, otherwise it will go wrong.

2. This kind of ________ (杂志) sells well, especially among the teenagers.

3. Do you need help? ---- Thanks , but I can _____(胜任) it myself.

4. Are you _______(结婚), Bob? ---- No, I am still single.

5. Early in the morning, farmers will go to ________ (市场)to sell their vegetables. 6. To _______ (掌握)a language skillfully, you should practise more.

7. Which _______(材料) is this blanket


made of, wool or cotton?

8. To our great astonishment, he wrote down the long poem from _________.(记忆) 9. An experienced teacher should acquire various teaching ________.(方法) 10. I am sorry that I took your umbrella by ______.(错误)

11. Who will be elected _______ (班长)of our class, Peter or Bob?

12. Martin Luther King was _______ (谋杀)because of his work for the black. 13. We need a lot of m_____(音乐) instruments to give a concert.

14.________(精神上的) wound is harder to heal than physical wound.

15. ____________-(措施) should be taken to prevent pollution. 16. John would further.

17. As league __________(员), we should be more strict than others.

18. The coal ___________(商人) in the ship has a strong Sccotish accent.

19. I said it was _____________(仅) a joke. 20. Wish you a ____________(快乐) Christmas! 21. CAN me?

22. Is it made of wood or __________(金属)?.

23. ___________(百万) of stars are glittering in the sky.




______________(信息) to your brother for






______________(医学) college to study

24. Keep it in _______(心中) that you should grasp the important points.

25. The _________(时刻) my head touched the pillow, I fell asleep.

26. With a ________(镜子) reflecting light, the boy saved his mother.

27. IN ____________(现代) society, people realized health is the most important. 28. ___________(星期一) is followed by Tuesday.

29. Could you tell me the way to the Science ________(博物馆)?

30. I hate it when people speak with their ___________(嘴) full.

31. The ____________(大多数) of the ss come to realize the importance of English. 32. The old man, with shaking hands, struck several ________(火柴) to light the oil lamp.


1.China is rich in its _______(自然) resources.

2.We all think it __________(必要的) to master a foreign language.

3.It is time that he had an interview, so he feels a bit ________.(紧张)

4.China Daily is one of my favorite n___________.

5.September is the ____(第九) month in the year.

6.It is so ______ in the dancing hall that I can't hear your voice clearly.(吵闹) 7.____________(现今), more and more teenagers are addicted to tobacco.

8.What's the _____ temperature of a person?


---- It's 37 degree centigrade.(正常) 9.The






______________(勉强) escaped at last. 10.At the news of Zhou En lai's death, the whole __________(国家) was in deep sorrow. 11.---What's 12.English

your is





_______________(国家) affairs.

13.Chinese is our ____________-(本族) language.

14.Whoever goes against ____________(自然) will be punished.

15.There is a hospital _______(附近) where you can send the patient as soon as possible. 16.He has a dream that he can turn _________(海军)when he grows up. 17.Keep your papers __________(整洁) and clean please!

18.Haven't you ___________(注意到) your teacher staring at you ?

19.Our meal is usually interrupted by our __________(邻居) boys.

20.Tom is the taller of the two ______(侄儿) ,while Mary is the cleverest of the three _______(侄女).

21.__________ (从没) have I had such a delicious meal.

22.Saturday ____________(晚上) are the best time to gather with the family.

23. _______(九十) students included, there were altogether 2000 people going abroad . 24.What a surprise! It is his ________(九十))


25. He was a ___________(小人物) ten years ago, but now he is a somebody.

26.I greeted the students by __________(点头) to them.

27.After several days' treatment, Tom came back to his ________(正常) temperature. 28.The couples want to buy a house whose windows face _________(北部).

29. He looked the pen every where, but _________(无处) to be found.

30.____________(十一月) is the last but one month of the year.


1.There two _______(官方的) languages in Canada, that is, English and French 2.Black is the ______ (相反) of white 3.Why did he give up this job? ----- Because he was ______ (提供)a better position. 4._______(一旦) you grasp the spirit of the language , you will find it easy to learn. 5. Keep the door __________(开着) to let the fresh air in.

6.Tell me who __________-(经营) the company. 7.





____________(手术) on his leg last week. 8. In their ________(观点) , it is the family gene that is to blame for their obesity. 9. Divide the ___________(橘子) into two please. 10. Though pleasant-looking.


11. The partly was well-___________(组织), so it went smoothly.

12. When you join the ________(组织), you must fill in the form. 13. Do





told;_________(否则) you will be punished. 14. _______--(十月) is the harvest season when the farmers are busy getting in the crops.

15. There are seven ____________(大陆) and four ___________(海洋).

16. She ____________(点) herself two black coffees. 17. Their



too small,


_________(我们的) is much larger.

18. When the teacher entered the classroom, he found we had seated _______(自己). 19. ----Mum is nowhere to be found, where is she?

----She is __________(在户外). 20. Tom _________(欠) me 500 Yuan. 21. _________(由于) to the terrible management, the shop was closed down. 22. I_________(拥有) the hose-that is to say, it _________(属于) to me.

23. I'm dreaming of having a car of my _________(自己)。

24. _________(公牛) are raised in this area. 25. The rent is high, but __________(在其他方面) the house is satisfactory.

26. I went to the cinema hurriedly




_______-(结果) to find the tickets were sold out.

27. I'm very thirsty. Please give a bottle of

__________-looking (相貌平平)man, he is



1. With time ________(过) by, he adapted to the environment.

2. The bus can carry 60 ________(乘客). 3.The thief was caught in the _________(走廊).

4. None of the __________(过路人) noticed the girl kneeling on the street. 5. The __________(病人) in the hospital are well taken care of .

6. I like the cloth because of its ________(样式) but I didn't like the color. 7. China is in _________(和平) with neighboring countries.

8.He lives _________(和睦) with his neighbors

9.There are many __________(梨) trees in the village.

10. 75 percent of the population are ________(农民).

11. China has 56 _________(民族)。 12.Practice makes _________(完美). 13. The doctors _________(做) an operation on his heart last Sunday.

14. It is reported that Beyond Band will put on __________(演出) in Tibet.

15. Weather _________(容许), we'll go out for a walk.

16. Without the teacher's _________(容许), none of you can enter the lab.

17. He likes asking others' _________(个人的) affairs.

18. At last we ________(说服) father into


giving up smoking.

19. Keep still while I take __________(照片) of you.

20. Our _________(物理) teacher is full of energy.

21. Tom is _________(身体) strong, but mentally weak.

22. Can you tell me some famous ___________(物理学家).

23. There is not enough room left for two such _________(钢琴).

24. ---Last week the Smiths had several __________(野餐).

25. I was so tired that I fell asleep the moment my head touched the _______(枕头).

26. That flying school graduates a hundred _________(飞行员) per year.

27. Who is the _________(先驱) in the field? 28.Say it in _________(简明) English. 29. These model _________(飞机) can fly high in the sky. 30. There





__________(种植) trees in the desert. 31. ________(塑料) Should not be used. 32.He found it hard to ________(取悦) his wife.

33. ----Thank you for helping me with my English.

----My ________(乐事)

34. ___________(政治) is more difficult than physics.

35. The guard shouted at the naughty boy with his finger ________ (指) at him.

36. Be ________(礼貌) to others! 37. China has a large __________(人口). 38. Measures should be taken to stop the earth from being ________(污染)

39. He applied for the _________(职位) of assistant manager.

40. Who is in _________(拥有) of the property?

41. If __________,(可能)he will pick you up.

42. These ______(土豆) has gone bad. 43. Don't play with fire at a place where gun _________(火药) is stored.

44. When did the president come into ____________(当权)?

45. We've got to be ____________(实际) and buy only what we need.

46. Keep __________(练习) it, and you'll master the spirit of it.

47. Time is _______(宝贵), so we must make full use of it.

48. When he was a small boy, he _________(较喜欢) walking to cycling. 49. The students are well ___________(准备) for the coming NMET.

50. Make good __________(准备) for the coming NMET.

51. The people __________(出席) at the meeting showed great interest in his lecture. 52.____________(总统) Obama came into power.

53. __________(按) the red button in case of fire. 54. The


55. Seeing the teacher enter the room, the students _______(假装) to read the books. 56. Mary is such a _________(漂亮) girl as we all love.

57. Measures should be taken to _______(阻止) the earth from being _______(污染). 58. The couple was __________(骄傲) of their son. 59.






__________(印刷) next week.

60. The _____(囚犯) thrown to ______(监狱) last month are planning to escape.

61. The _______(生产) of crops is increasing year by year.

62. ________(教授) Smith had a strange way of making his lessons lively and interesting. 63. Great ______(进步) has been made in English so far.

64. Heavy snow________(预示) a good harvest.

65. I ________(承诺) myself a quiet weekend.

66. He ________(发音) the word, and I found his _________(发音) was a bit strange. 67. The





_________(保护) against the weather. 68. What he said _________(证明) right. 69. The library _________(提供) the citizens with various magazines. 70. Don't spit in _________(公众). 71. No one can escape being _________(惩罚).

72. A _________(纯) Negro was looked


students are under great

down upon.

73. You sometimes hurt yourself by accident, but you don't hurt yourself on _____(故意).


1.To our sorrow, every year large ____(数量)of waste water are poured into the Yangtze River directly.

2.He is a man with many good _________(品质).

3. The thieve _________(争吵) with each other about how to divide the money. 4. This clock strikes the hours, the half-hour and the ________(一刻钟).

5. To please the _________(女王), they built a palace.

6. Hearing his story, the people present __________(质疑) his honesty. 7. Tom is _________(机敏) at figures. 8.You speak too _______(快). I beg your pardon?

9.The ________(宁静) was broken by some knocks at the door.

10.You are _________(很) right.

11. I'm sorry to have mistaken your __________(雨伞).

12.We have difficulty in ______(理解) you. Please speak clearly to make yourself ________(理解).

13.He looks handsome in __________(制服). 14.Through this new telescope, the scientists can have a further study of the _______(宇宙).

15. We all dream of being admitted into famous __________(大学).


16.____________(不知道) to the people present, he felt a bit nervous.

17.You'll fail ______(如果不,除非) you really put your hears and soul into it. 18.As _______(平常), he went to school by bike, but on the way he found something _____(不寻常). 19.---Where






20.The boat is on the beach, bottom __________(朝上).

21.He traded the ________(用过的) cars for sth. _____(有用).

22.The Blacks are on ____________(度假). 23.You can find sth. ______(价值) in the __________(山谷) around. 24.You city.

25. There are now several __________(种类) of dogs.

26.When asked the reason for his being late, he always gave________(多种) reasons. 27.The





28.With Mao leading the way, the Red Army won many ___________(胜利) over the enemy.

29.The ___________(村庄) near the chemical factory suffer a lot from the pollution.

30.He used to __________(拜访) his grandparents once a week.

31.The _________(游客) are not required to







___________(价值) when traveling in the

touch the exhibits.

32.Which ball games do you prefer, ________(排球) or football?

33.The long-lasting ___________(旅行) across the Atlantic tired the boy out.


1. The new couple _______(收到) an invitation to the ball, but they didn't accept it. 2. I begged the truck driver to give me a lift, but he _______(拒绝) to help me. 3. Can you _______ (重复)what you said just now? because I didn't hear you clearly. 4. The flowers ________(需要) watering every two days.

5. Whoever can answer my question please _____________(举) your hands.

6. Thanks to X ________(射线) ,many operations can be performed. 7. The







8. ---It's a __________(真) diamond necklace.

--- Oh,____________(真的)? How much does it cost you?

9. Tom didn't go to school for some ___________(原因).

10. Great changes have taken place in __________(最近) years.

11. I didn't _____________(认出) Mary because of her newly cut hair.

12. Has the country __________(恢复) from the effects of the war yet?

13. The number of the obese children in our country is ____________-(减少) by five


percent each year.

14. The student ____________(提及) to in my last letter is good at English. 15. They permission.

16. They went on separate holidays ___________(不顾) of high expense. 17. I ___________(抱歉) to say I can't help. 18. He walked up and down with __________(规律) steps.

19. ____________(相对) speaking, the matter is unimportant.

20. Mike turned manager , while John __________(仍然) a worker.

21. The house needs ___________( 修理). 22. The People's ________(共和) of China is a large country with a long history. 23. The teacher, __________(尊敬) by all her ss and their parents, died of cancer. 24. It has many chain _________(饭店) around the world.

25. All books are to be __________(归还) to the library before Friday.

26. The French ___________(革命) broke out in 1789.

27. The sun____(升起) in the east and sets in the west.

28. Would it be ___(粗鲁) to ask when you are likely to leave.

29. King Charlies 1 ___(统治) England for a long time.

30. ____(俄国) lies on the north of China.


1.Captain Cook is not only strict with but also



kind to his _________(水手).

2. Is this house for _________(出售)? 3. Children like playing with __________(沙子). 4. This






__________(咸) water.

5. ___________(星期六) are usually the time for a good rest.

6. Much to my ___________(满意), they all got good marks. 7. We





___________(节省) us a lot of expense. 8. _________(科学) instruments is widely used nowadays.

9. The children rushed in and out of the crowds,__________(尖叫) with laughter. 10. Do you spend much time _____(寻找) through dictionaries for words to use? 11. The machine runs every second __________(秒).

12. Look! They are talking about something __________(秘密地).

13. __________(秘书) are wanted in our company.

14. The policeman ________(抓住) him by the collar.

15. His new novel _______(销售) well. 16. He ______(感知) his suggestion was unwelcome. 17. You'd






18. As we joined the crowd, I got ______(分开) from my friends.

19. Be quite! The boss looks _________(严



20. 20.School usually begins in ____(九月). 21. The ______(仆人) to the lady are all devoted.

22. With all the problems __________(解决), he had a sound sleep.

23. Put the young plants in the ______(阴凉) from the strong sunlight.

24. Seeing a snake, the girl stood there, her legs _________(颤抖) with fear.

25. Be careful when driving! There is a _______(急) turn to the left.

26. He hated _______(分享) a bedroom with a stranger.

27. In our _______(鞋) shop, you can buy whatever you want.

28. He _________(射击) at the birds but failed.

29. He doesn't like go _______(购物) with his wife. It's a waste of time.

30. I'd like a house on the __________(海滨).

31. The days are getting ________ (短) now that autumn is here.

32. He looked over his ________(肩膀) and found someone was following him.

33. He is a man who is always ________(炫耀) off.

34. He is a _______(病) man.

35. If you catch _________(看见) of the murderer, please call the police.

36. While driving cars, the drivers must pay attention to the road _____(标记).

37. Tom remained _________(沉默) when

spoken to.

38. China won 24 __________(银) medals in the Olympic games.

39. Teaching is an art ________(相似) to act.

40. Her health is in a good _____(状况). 41. Will you go ________(滑冰) this weekend?

42. He is already in his ___________(60). 43. He was so tired that he ______(睡) like a log, that is to say, he had a sound ____(觉). 44. She had a __________(轻微) headache. 45. While studying, I _________(闻) something burning. 46.







47. He is a danger to the ___________(社会).

48. Some _________(士兵) got wounded in the war.

49. When water freezes and becomes ________(固体), we call it ice.

50. Pop music is the ______(种类) she likes most.

51. How sweet her voice _____(听起来)! 52. The ________(汤) tastes delicious. 53. The _____(南) area is high in iron, so the _______(南方人) become rich soon. 54. Surely you can carry a ___________(备用) wheel in the back of your car.

55. These are English ________(讲) countries.

56. The ______(演讲) given by the famous teachers are of great importance to us.


57. What are your _______(特殊) interests? 58. The train ___________(加速) up soon. 59. _________(春) is a time when the living comes back to life.

60. The fire _________(蔓延) from the factories to the houses nearby.

61. There are many tall trees on every side of the _________(广场). 62. In






___________(饿死)to death.

63. Tell me how many __________(州) there are in America.

64. The bus get _______(陷) in the mud. 65._______(坚持) to the task until it is finished.

66. As you know, the ant has two _______(胃).

67. There are many goods in ______(储存) 68. You must go _____(直接) home after school.

69. We are______(陌生人) to the city. 70. _________(严格)speaking, you did a good job.

71. The clock _____(敲) twelve when we got home.

72. The wounded soldier _________(挣扎) to his feet.

73. With seven _________(科目) to learn, we are always busy.

74. In spite of great difficulty, we __________(成功) in doing the experiment. 75. All of a ________(突然), the dog rushed in.

76. Tom __________(建议) us to go out for

a walk.

77. It doesn't ________(适合) you to have your hair cut short.

78. The ________(供应) of water is cut off, which we feel very inconvenient. 79. Father







80. As we all know, 75 percent of the earth ' s______(表面) is covered by water.

81. We are ___________(吃惊) at his accent .

82. They were at _________(晚饭) when we called on them.


1.This book is said to have been ________(翻译) into many languages.

2.To tell you the _____,(事实) I don't agree with your decision.

3.This ________(领带) really goes with your T-shirt.

4.Today it is his _________(二十) birthday, after which he will live on his own.

5.I'll go to the ________(裁缝店) this afternoon.

6.After _________(吃) the medicine, he went to bed.

7.Don't leave these __________(龙头) running.

8.Stick to the _____(任务) until you are successful.

9.The cook _________(尝) the soup and found it ________(尝起来) terrible. 10.How much income ____(税) did you pay last year?


11.He ________(教) English in the small town for 30 years, and now he retired. 12.On hearing the news, he burst into __________(泪).

13.He was so angry that he _______(撕) the letter into pieces.

14.The job calls for ___________(技术).__________(技术的) training is necessary.

15.He received a ________(电报) from his son yesterday.

16.There are many ____(电话) boxes in the area./You are wanted on the phone.

17.Did you see the horse race on _________(电视)?

18.He was _________(告诉) to start at once. 19.After taking his _________(体温), the doctor asked some questions.

20.The atmosphere becomes a little ___________(紧张).

21.I didn't know that you and he are on good _________(关系)

22.The soup tasted ________(糟糕的,可怕的) .

23.__________(多亏) to the teacher's help, we made great progress in English.

24.Let's go to the __________(剧院) to see Shakespeare play.

25.They have a house of _________(他们) own. That room is _____(他们), not ours. They dressed ________(他们) well and hurried out.

26.They are hardworking and ________(因此) they did a good job.

27.Trees grow ____________(茂密) on the hill.

28.The district is __________(稀少) populated.

29.The ________-(贼) were caught stealing. 30.We are _____(考虑) of visiting the Smiths this weekend.

31.Highly __________(评价) of by the people present, the boy felt inspired. 32.They lived on the _______(三) floor. 33.Little Tom is __________(渴望) for knowledge.

34.Exercise ___________(十三) is too much for us.

35.Mike became a VIP in his _________(三十).

36. On the _________(三十) day of the operation, he recovered.

37.I'll come, ________(尽管) ,I don't think I can manage it.

38.There are _________(千) of stars in the sky.

39.A _________(线) of light came through the keyhole.

40.Immediately the inspiring news spread ________(整个)the country.

41._________(投) into prison, Tom realized he was wrong.

42._________(脱) off his clothes, he went to bed.

43.Will __________(周四) suit you? 44.The boy was seen ________(系) the horse to the tree when we passed him. 45.These shoes are so _________(紧) that


they hurt.

46.Do you know how people lived in ancient _______(时期)?

47.In our eyes, the ant is _____(微小) in figure, but strong in mind.

48.His _________(指尖) of fingers got burnt while cooking.

49.The long walk ________(使累) the child out

50.This is a mixture of the best ______(烟叶).

51.All his troubles seemed to come ________(同时).

52.Show me the way to the _________-(洗手间) please.

53.My little son prefers _________(西红柿) to potatoes.

54. Chinese is our mother __________(语言).

55. We'll have exams __________(今晚). 56. These bad _________(牙) should have pulled out earlier.

57. Hearing the boy's story, the people present were in _________(完全) silent. 58.One of the branches is _________(触及,接触) the water.

59.The old couple will take a one day ________(旅行).

60.Entering the district, you'll see many tall _________(塔) here and there.

61.Each time he comes back from journey, he will buy his son some ___(玩具) bears. 62.Follow the _______ (足迹) left by the bears, you'll find them.

63.The farmers went on working by the light of the ________(拖拉机). Trade was good last year.

65.________ (交通) in large towns is very busy.

66. There is a shortage of _________(受训) nurses..

67.________(运送) these goods by lorry is practical in price.

68. Believe it or not, _______(旅行) was slow and danger in the old times.

69. They buried their ______(财宝) in a deserted house.

70. Instead of taking it seriously, you'd better __________(视为) it as a joke. 71. He _____(骗) the girl into marrying him by pretending that he was rich.

72. Mental ________(疾病,麻烦) is a common disease among ss.

73. His ______(裤子) are worn out. 74. To tell you the ________(实话), I felt _______--(真的) grateful for your help. 75. It's no use _________(尝试) your tricks on with me.

76.__________(周二) suits me well. 77. He couldn't fall asleep , __________(辗转反侧) over and over.

78. He got ________-(十二) in the exam. 79. Room ________(十二) is our bedroom. 80. What will happen in the ________(二十) century?

81. In his ___________(二十), he was admitted into Oxford University.


82. The room is _____(两倍) as large as that one.

84. I like men of this _________(种).


1. __________(热情) received by the farmers, we had a good time.

2. Having been __________(警告) that there were pickpockets in the crowd, we were more cautious.

3. The ________-(洗衣机) machine is of great use in our daily life.

4. All his efforts were ________(浪费). 5. Bob ________(挥手) goodbye to his family.

6. Can you see the flags _________(飘动) in the wind?

7. He is a man of ________(财富), ie, he is __________(富有).

8. The shoes that he ________(穿) yesterday are ________(破) out.

9. What's the _________(天气) like today? 10. He invited all his friends to his _________(婚礼).

11. He would learn a composition by heart on _________(周三) and visit his grandparents on _________(周末). 12. How






13. He has put on __________(重) recently. 14. _________(欢迎) to Qian'an.

15. Warmly _______(欢迎) by the American family, she didn't feel nervous any more.

64.He is in the furniture ________(贸易). 83. She _________(打字) well.

16. They lie in the _______(西部) part of the city.

17. Bread is made from __________(小麦). 18. Nothing can prevent the _________(车轮) of history.

19. --- What are they _______(低语)? 20. The _________(整个) class is in entire silence.

21. Open your mouth __________(大) please!

22. English is __________(广) used in the world. It's widely known that..

23. He is quite __________(愿意)to pay the price I ask.

24. We admired him very much because he _______--(赢得) fame and fortune.

25. Do you like __________(冬季) sports .

26. How I _______(期望) I had gone to the party last night.

27. Give my best _______(祝福)to your family.

28. There are many _____ ______ (女教师) in our school.

29. No _________(难怪) you were so late. 30. --- Can I lend you a hand?

--- Thank you! I was _______(相知道) where I was.


1. Grass grows thickly in my _____(庭院) 2. I called him ___________(昨天) but didn't get through.

3. Books for the __________(青年) should


be strictly checked.

4. My ________(小) brother is fond of playing volleyball.

5. Boys and girls , can you express __________(你们) in English?

6. It was ten degrees below ________(零度).

7. ___________(星期一) is followed by Tuesday.

8. ___________(星期二) suits me well. 9. W__________(星期三) is the fourth day of the week.

10. Will ____________(星期四) suit you? 11. _______(星期五) is the sixth day of the week.

12. ___________(星期六) are usually the time for a good rest.

13. I have my piano class regularly on every ______________(星期日)

14. ___________ (一月) is the first month of a year.

15. Is the Spring Festival in F______(二月). 16. I like _________ (三月) the most. 17. There is much fun on _________ (四月) Fool's Day.

18. I visited Beijing last __________ (五月) 19. We will take an important exam in ________ (六月)

20. We have our summer holidays in _________ (七月)

21. I was born in ________ (八月) 22. ________ (九月) is the ninth month in the year.

23. _______ (十月) is the harvest season

when the farmers are busy getting in the crops.

24. ____________(十一月) is the last but one month of the year.

25. _________ is the twelfth month in a year.(十二月)

26. It is his ________ (二十) birthday. 27. He got the _________ (第十二)in the exam.

28. In his _______(二十) ,he was admitted into university.



1. anxious 2. advantages 3.agricultures 4.attending 5.altogether 6. allowed 7.against 8. average

9. attention 10. address 11. airport 12. aiming 13. attempt 14. autumn 15. asleep

16. Anyhow,Anyway 17.According 18. African 19. achieve 20. angry 答案:

1. beautifully 2. blame 3. broadcasts 4. breathe 5. belonging 6. Biology 7. beyond

8. blocked 9. bathed 10. birthday 11. breath 12. breathing 13. bargain 14. balloon

15. beating 16. beauty 17.branches 18. blanket 19. burying 20. button 21. bottom

22. boiling 23. blind 24. broad 25. butter 26. bitter 27. blood 答案:

1. calm, 2. careless, 3. captain, 4. case, 5.

chatting, 6. chimney, 7. coast, 8. considered, 9. company, 10. continues, 11. convenient, 12. corner, 13. computers, 14. custom, 15. couple,

16. cousin, 17. courage, 18. curtain, 19. concerts, 20. cinema, 21. cattle, 22. charge,

23. chief, 24. choice, chose, 25. chalk, 26. chance 答案:


10.difficulty11.discovered12.discussion13.disease14.doubt15.drowning16.destroyed17.discouraged18.direction19.drawing20.divided21.description22.determined23.delayed24. downstairs25.

Diamond26.dictation27.develop28.delight29.deserted 30.depth 答案:

1. effect 2. efforts 3. exact 4. engineer 5.





9.energy 10. equipment 11. education 12. expensive 13. exists 14. extremely 15.eightieth 16.eastern 17.encouraged 21.exhibition 22.experiments 23.exam 24.enemies 25. Electricity 答案:

1. Faced, 2. factory, 3. Failure, 4. Familiar, 5.


further, 6. fastened, 7. favor, 8. February, 9. feeding, 10. fellows, 11. fetch, 12. fierce, 13. fought, 14. finger, 15. flight, 16. floating,

17. followed, 18. forbidden, 19. France, 20. French, 21. Frenchman, 22. freedom, 23. foreign,

24. Fortunately, 25. founded, 26. freezing, 27. frequently, 28. fresh, 29. Friday, 30. frightened,

31. vegetables, fruits, 32. fuel, 33. furniture 答案:

1.generation 2. gentlemen 3. general 4. gradually 5.graduated 6. Gather7. geography8. German

9. gift 10. Given 11. glanced/ 12. gentle 13. gold 14. golden15. goods 16. government 17. grammar 18. grass/great19. Greek 20. glasses 21. Glasses; glass 22. gloves 23. greetings

24. groups 25. growing 26. grown-ups 27. guards 28. guide 29. geese 30. garage. 答案:

1. habit 2. handkerchief 3. honor 4. hospital 5. hotels 6. hungry 7. holiday 8. headmaster 9. health 10. healthy 11. heaven

16. heavy 17.height 18.history 19. honest 20. hurry 21. Husbands 22.hundred; hundreds 23. happened 24.hanged 25. handsome 26. happily 27. Hardly 28. harvest 29.

18.examined 19.example 20.except heard 12. hearing 13. heart 14. heated 15.

headache 30. Hiding

1. improve, 2. indeed, 3. income, 4. impossible, 5. including, included, 6. instructions,

7. information, 8. imagine, 9. Immediately, 10. importance, 11. increase, 12. India, 13. industry,

14. infer, 15. informed, 16. insisted, 17. institute, 18. interest, instruments, 19. interests, 20.





introduction, 23. invented, 24. invited,25. invitations, 26.islands 答案:

1. journey 2. January 3. Judging 4. jacket 5. Japan 6. Japanese 7. Japanese 8. join 9. juice 10. jumping 11. June 12.jokes13.keeping 14.killed 15. kicking 16.kilometers 17. kindergartens 18. kitchen19. knees 20. knife 21. Knocking22.knocking 23. known 24. knowing 25. Knowledge 26. kilos 答案:

1. labour 2. library 3. lifetime 4. lonely 5. lack 6. ladder 7. language 8. larger 9. latest

10. laughers 11. law 12. lawyer 13. lectures 14. length 15. liberation 16. lightening

17. limited 18. lucky 19. luggage 20. lunch 21. Lost 22. live 23. lied 24. listening 25. Librarians 26. lorries 27. locked 28.


living 29. lovely 30. lasts 答案:

1. machine 2. magazine 3. manage 4. married 5. market 6. master 7. material 8. memory 9. methods 10. mistake 11. monitor 12. murdered 13. musical 14. mental 15. Measures

16. medical 17. member 18. merchant 19. merely 20. Merry 21. message 22. metal 23. millions 24. mind 25. moment 26. mirror 27. modern 28. Monday 29. Museum 30. mouths 31. majority 32.matches 答案:




official opposite offered operates operation opinion orange ordinary organized



October continents oceans ordered ours ourselves outdoor owed own belongs own oxen otherwise only orange 答案: 1~40


passengers/passage/passers-by/patients/pattern/peace/peacefully/pear/peasant/peoples/ perfect/performed/performances/permitting/permission/personal/persuaded/photos/physical/

physically/physicians/pianos/picnics/pillow/pilots/pioneer/plain/planes/planting/ Plastic/please/

pleasure/Politics/pointing/polite/ population/polluted/ position/possession 41~73


published/prisoners/prison/produce/Professor/progress/predicts/promised/pronounced/ pronunciation/protected/proved/provides/public/punished/pure/purpose 答案;

quantities/qualities/quarrel(l)ed/quarter/queen/questioned/quick/quickly/quiet/quite/umbrella/understanding/understood/uniform/universe/university/Unknown/unless/usual/unusual/upstairs/upward/used/useful/vacation/valuable/valley/value/varieties/various/vegetables/victories/villages/visit/visitors/volleyball/voyage 答案:

received refused repeat require raise Ray reach real really reasons recent recognize

refused regardless regret regular Relatively remained repairing Republic respected restaurants returned Revolution rises ruled Russia 答案: 1~40

sailors/sale/sand/salty/Saturday/satisfaction/saving/Scientific/screaming/seeking/second/secretly/Secrectary/seized/sells/sensed/sentences/separated/serious/September/servants/solved/shade/shaking/sharp/sharing/shoe/shot/shopping/shore/shorter/shoulder/showing/sick/sight/sign/silence/silver/similar/situation 41~82

skating/sixties/slept/sleep/slight/smell/smoothly/society/soldiers/solid/sort/sounds/soup/south/southerners/spare/spoken/speeches/special/speeds/Spring/spread/square/starved/states/stuck/Stick/stomachs/store/straight/strangers/Strictly/struck/struggled/subjects/succeeded/sudden/advised/suit/supply/support/surface/surprised/supper 答案:+




recovered reducing referred



64-83:tractor/trade/Traffic/trained/Transporting/travel/treasure/treat/tricked/trouble/trousers/truth,truly/trying/Tuesday/turning/twelfth/twelve/twentieth/twenties/twice/typed/type 答案:

Warmly warned washing waved wave wealth wealthy wore worn weather wedding Wednesday weekend weigh weight Welcome welcomed west wheat wheel whispering whole wide widely willing won winter wish wishes 答案:








