译林牛津版初中英语7B U6复习导学案

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7B U6复习导学案



hurry that outside by pass fall hit alone

locked notice through surprise period become excited enough

decide enter towards forget reach climb fail


hurry up carry…for sb. go riding take…out of… stand up get away go through put up a little

from then on

become smaller and smaller too…to… pass by look up jump down ran after climb up


1. hurry匆忙

_______, we still have some time. 不要匆忙,我们还有时间。 hurry up 快点 hurry to 赶往某地 in a hurry 匆忙地,仓促地

hurry away 匆匆离去

2. You complain too much. 你真会抱怨。 complain to sb. 对某人抱怨 complain about/ of sth. 抱怨某事

I am going to __________________________.就这件事我准备向经理投诉。

3. carry 及物动词 后常跟名词或代词做宾语,意为运送,提,挑。 carry, bring, take的区别

4. go riding= go for a ride

go swimming/skating/camping/skiing…

5. take…out of… 从…里拿出…

6. fall 意为倒,掉落,掉下,过去式为fell,其他意思有―瀑布‖,―秋天‖。 fall down fall over fall off fall behind

7. hit 打,敲,击中,撞 hit sb. in the face hit sb. on the head

8. alone 单独的,独自 形容词 sb. be alone

副词 The old man lives alone alone, lonely做形容词时的意义区别

9. notice 注意,察觉 notice sb. doing sth. notice sb. do sth.

10. through 介词,意为通过,穿过

through表示从立体空间内部穿过,可和forest,city,window搭配; across 指从表面穿过,可和street,bridge等搭配。

11. look up 查阅; 抬头往上看; 看望

12. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事

13. by prep. 在…旁边,靠近 adv.经过 pass by 通过;经过…旁边 pass away pass on pass through

14. practise 练习,训练 practise+名/代/动词ing形式

15. put up 意为举起,建造 put常见短语如下: put away put back put down put on

put off put out

16. period 学时,课,一段时间,时期,阶段 a period of time a free period

17. have a picnic 去野餐 have a look have a seat have a chat

18. smaller and smaller 越来越小 比较级+and+比较级,意为越来越…

Our life is getting better and better. 我们的生活越来越好。 the +比较级,the + 比较级,表示越…越… he says , ―the busier, the better.‖他说:‖越忙越好。

19. decide 决定,对…做出抉择

及物 decide to do sth./带疑问词的动词不定式/从句

不及物 decide about/on/upon (doing) sth. 20. forget

forget to do sth. forget doing sth.


21. too…to…太…而不能…

too…(adj./adv.)to…结构可与not+ adj. enough to do sth.结构转换使用

have a try have a rest have a bath

22. reach够得着;伸手

还有到达的意思,相当于get to或arrive at/in arrive+ at/in+ 地点名词 reach+ 地点名词 arrive +to+ 地点名词

23. excited, exciting的区别

excited指某事物令人兴奋、激动 exciting 指某人对某事物感到兴奋激动

24. in, into的区别

in 在…内,表示静态的介词,into 到…里面,表示动态的介词。


25. enough 足够的

修饰名词,enough一般放在名词前, enough money/ time

修饰形容词、副词,enough放后面 good enough She sang well enough.



1. 动词种类为be动词时

肯定句:主语+be动词的过去式(was/were)+其他. 否定句:主语+be动词的过去式(was/were)+ not +其他. 疑问句:be动词的过去式(was/were)+主语+其他?

Yes, 主语+was/were./No, 主语+was/were+not.

2. 动词种类为实义动词时

肯定句:主语+动词的过去式+其他. 否定句:主语+did not+动词原形+其他.

―OK, I‘ll tell a sad story,‖ said John, ―It‘s not long but very sad. I forgot to bring the key to our room with me. It‘s still in the hall.‖

19. ( ) The three friends came to New York to .

A. sing songs B. tell jokes C. spend their holiday D. find work 20. ( ) They had to walk up to their room because .

A. there was something wrong with the lifts B. the man of the hotel wanted them to do that

C. they wanted to take exercise D. they came back very late 21. ( ) They felt very sad because .

A. they were tired B. they lost their key in the cinema C. the man didn‘t make beds for them D. they didn‘t have the key to the room with them

22. ( ) The best title (标题) for this passage is ― ‖.

A. A sad story B. A long journey C. A large hotel D. A bad lift 四.缺词填空。

The mobile phone is a useful thing, but maybe I don‘t know h 1 to use it. Sometimes it makes things difficult for me.

One day I wanted to see my friend nearby. I could a 2 at his house in five minutes, but I looked at my mobile phone and thought i 3 would be better to ring him up. I r 4 him for the first time, but the line was busy. Five minutes later, there was an answer, but it was the wrong number. Then I tried a 8 and this time I got an answer from him.

I asked him if(是否) he was at home in the afternoon. And he said--at least I t_______ he said--he would be at home all afternoon. So I went to his house, but then I found n 7 in. I called him for the fourth time. This time I got so angry that I s 8 , ―You are not at home? But you just told me over the telephone that you would be at home all afternoon!‖

Here w 9 his answer, ―No, I said: ?I will NOT be at home all afternoon.‘‖ I went back to my room, sat down in front of the mobile phone and looked at it. What e 10 could I do? Nothing!

1.___________ 2.___________ 3.___________ 4.___________ 5.___________ 6.___________ 7.___________ 8.___________ 9.___________ 10.___________

7B Unit6 复习B卷


1.We are so __________(excite) to hear the good news.

2.The old China went through lots of ________(dynasty).

3.Remember __________(take) the umbrella when you are away.

4.Can you think of a new way _________(help) the poor? 5.Now almost everyone has a m_________ phone with them. 6.Shall we go on ____________(野餐) this weekend? 7.Zhenjiang is f__________(著名的) for vinegar(醋)

8.The computer games become__________(受欢迎的) among the boys. 9.The ________(Italy) are proud(自豪) of Venice– the city over the river. 10. It‘s dangerous __________(swim) in the lake. 二.翻译句子

1. 中国是一个悠久历史的国家。

_____________________________________________________________________ 2. 爱丽丝找到了走出这个洞的新方法。

_____________________________________________________________________ 3. 昨晚,他和同学整晚呆在外面。

_____________________________________________________________________ 4. 你想要尝试什么户外活动?

_____________________________________________________________________ 5. 不要总是向你的父母抱怨你的回家作业。

_____________________________________________________________________ 6. 爱丽丝抬起头看,看见一只穿着白色外套的兔子经过。

_____________________________________________________________________ 7. 这扇门太小了以致于我不能穿过。

_____________________________________________________________________ 8. 他告诉西方人怎么用竹子制作风筝。

_____________________________________________________________________ 9. 我弟弟足够大去上学了,所以他决定进入家附近的学校。

_____________________________________________________________________ 三.完形填空。

I hate to say,but I have a problem.Actually,I‘m not sure what my problem is.But whatever it is,I need 1 .

It seems like I‘m always doing favors (帮忙) for people,and I 2 have time for myself.I mean,I like people,and I want them to like me,but it‘s getting to be too much.

You see,like this week,I‘m talking care of Rex.It‘s a dog that 3 a woman in my office.How did I 4 up talking care of this dog?I don‘t even like dogs.It was in the office,and Sheila 5 that she was having trouble finding a dog-sitter,and she said 6 she couldn‘t find a dog-sitter,she couldn‘t go on vacation.And

suddenly I said,―Oh,I can take care of the dog for you.No,problem.‖ 7 did I say that?I always seem to get into (陷入) this kind of 8 .

Just last week,this guy across the hall had a problem with his toilet.So he called me!And I don‘t even 9 this guy.He said that another neighbor said that I was really 10 fixing things,and that she was sure I would be willing to help him,so how could I say 11 ?So I fixed it,and I really didn‘t mind,it only took me about an hour.

It‘s not only my 12 and people in my office.Like yesterday,my brother needed helping fixing a broken window.I drove two hours to his house to help.It only took ten minutes to repair, 13 my whole day was shot.And Rex chewed up my sofa while I was gone.These kinds of things happen to me all the time.

Oh,there‘s the 14 .That‘s probably Emily.She‘s moving out this weekend,and I told her I‘d help her 15 ,I just couldn‘t say no.

Oh,what am I going to do?

( )1.A、help B、money C、challenge D、confidence ( )2.A、even B、only C、just D、never

( )3.A、depends B、holds on to C、belongs to D、gets along with ( )4.A、end B、look C、stay D、make

( )5.A、supposed B、suggested C、imagined D、mentioned ( )6.A、whether B、unless C、if D、that ( )7.A、Why B、What C、When D、Where

( )8.A、danger B、situation C、friendship D、happiness ( )9.A、see B、know C、like D、care

( )10.A、good at B、proud of C、used to D、interested in ( )11.A、sorry B、yes C、no D、thanks

( )12.A、classmates B、neighbors C、friends D、parents ( )13.A、and B、or C、so D、but

( )14.A、letter B、phone C、bus D、train ( )15.A、travel B、stay C、leave D、pack 四. 任务型阅读。

You may play ping-pong but perhaps you don't know who invented it. The story is that it started when two students at Cambridge University began knocking a cork(软木塞) to each other across a table, using old boxes.

In about the year 1800, an American businessman of sports goods produced a game that he called Indoor Tennis. The Americans showed no interest in it. He shipped it to London and it soon became popular in Britain. The game was then played across dining room tables, or on the floor with the net string(网子) between chairs. The players used a ball made of cork or rubber.

A few years later a hollow(空的) ball like the one we use today was invented. People all over the world loved it at once. A man called Mr.Wood of London, had the idea of covering the bats (拍子) with rubber. The London businessmen who first sold the game in England called it \—\the ball, and \everywhere, but not everybody likes it. Some even think it is a silly game. The History of Table Tennis Time At the very 1 ______ In about the year 4________ Characters and Events Two students at Cambridge University first 2 _______ table tennis, 3________ a cork and old boxes. A game called Indoor Tennis was 5________ by an American businessman. 6_______ the Americans didn't like the game, the 7________ showed great interest in it and it became popular. Hollow balls were invented, and soon after that the bats 8_______ with rubber were invented by Mr. Wood. Many people like the game 9________ the world, but some people aren‘t 10_________ in it. A few years later Nowadays

