
更新时间:2024-06-11 01:45:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



lump-sum withdrawal preferred shares underwriting treasury bills commission

advanced payment guarantee interest rate risk face value rate of return mutual fund convertible bonds down payment equity-debt ratio interest rate risk certificate of deposit rate of return savings account finance

mutual fund

liquid assets dividend




cash flow inflation rate convertible bonds time deposit

primary monetary policy foreign exchange dividend interest rate commercial paper portfolio paying liability fluctuation stockbroker treasury bills pension fund premium intermediary

short-term securities survival strategy initial public offerings


certificate of deposits

load fund

market correction

credit line


beneficiary long-term loan balance sheet IPO liquidation risk profile certified cheque


融资 旅行者支票 投资组合 资本利得 衍生证券 波动幅度 履约价格 违约风险


投资银行 流动性 中间业务 书面申请 个人贷款 多功能借记卡银行本票 破产 牛市 资本亏损 固定利率 价格不确定性资本收益率 清仓 内在价值 卖空 基础工具 期权 对冲基金 风险资本 行业划分


股票估价 优先股 贷款审批 蓝筹股 国内市场基金 期望收益率 优先股 货币市场 金融衍生品 总部 价格透明度 投资组合 资本利得 规避风险 波动幅度 履约价格 普通股 商业银行

匹配题 11面 Skill building B2 (20分)

15面Skill building D3 (20分) D3内容如下

Match the words and definitions.

1. A person who has the same age as the other.


2. Selling and buying of stocks, bonds, etc.

3. A very large loan for one borrower and arranged by several banks.

4. Supply and distribution of securities. 5. To control and direct corporate affairs.

6. Commission to those who buy and sell products for others.

7. A bank that provides services in buying shares and asset for the purpose of making a profit.

8. To come together, combine and to gain by purchasing. 9. In one’s own country but not abroad.

10. Without precedent; never happened, been done or been known before. a. Unprecedented b. Domestic

c. Merger and acquisition d. Investment bank e. Brokerage

f. Corporate governance g. Peers

h. Syndicated loan

i. Securities sales and trading j. Issuance of stocks and bonds

完形填空 (20分)

作文 (20分)参考平时作业


2. Selling and buying of stocks, bonds, etc.

3. A very large loan for one borrower and arranged by several banks.

4. Supply and distribution of securities. 5. To control and direct corporate affairs.

6. Commission to those who buy and sell products for others.

7. A bank that provides services in buying shares and asset for the purpose of making a profit.

8. To come together, combine and to gain by purchasing. 9. In one’s own country but not abroad.

10. Without precedent; never happened, been done or been known before. a. Unprecedented b. Domestic

c. Merger and acquisition d. Investment bank e. Brokerage

f. Corporate governance g. Peers

h. Syndicated loan

i. Securities sales and trading j. Issuance of stocks and bonds

完形填空 (20分)

作文 (20分)参考平时作业


