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Unit 1(第一单元抽象的理论很多,只做了名词解释和简答)


Culture: In other words, culture is the set of values and beliefs, norms, and customs, rules and codes that socially defines a group of people, binds them to one another, and gives a sense of commonality

Communication is a process by which a source transmits a message to a receiver through some channel.

Intercultural communication occurs whenever a minimum of two persons from different cultures or microcultures come together and exchange verbal and nonverbal symbols.


1. What is Characteristics of Culture? 1) Culture is learned.

2) Culture is transmitted from generation to generation. 3) Culture is based on symbols. 4) Culture is subject to change. 5) Culture is ethnocentric.

具体解释如下: 1. 1 Culture

1.1.1 A Definition of Culture

In 1993, two anthropologists, Alfred Kroeber and Clyde Kluckhorn examined 300 definitions of culture , and they found none of them are the same;Yet there are some fundamental properties about culture on which most people agree. Culture is the collective answer to questions as: Who am I? How should I live my life? Where do I fit in the world? In other words, culture is the set of values and beliefs, norms, and customs, and rules and codes that socially defines a group of people, binds them to one another, and gives a sense of commonality (Trenholm and Jenson, 2000) 1.1.2 Characteristics of Culture

Despite of the different opinion about the definition of culture, most people agree about the main characteristics of culture. Larry A. Samovar and Richard E. Porter summarized the

characteristics of culture as followings:

Culture is learned. If one can’t learn from those who live before, we would not have culture. Therefore, we say learning was the most important of all the characteristics of culture. If a baby was cut off from all adult care, training. He can still instinctively eat, drink, defecate, urinate and cry. But what and when would he eat, where would he defecate and urinate, it is most likely he would do all these things randomly.

But where and how can we learn culture is hard to explain. We learn our culture through interactions with other people. It’s hard to name who are the “other people”, we receive instructions from family and friends and numerous other “teachers” without knowing it.

Culture is transmitted from generation to generation. For culture to exist, endure, and perpetuate, they must make sure that their crucial “message” and elements get passed on. Brislin once said “ if there are values considered central to a society that have existed for many years, they must be transmitted from one generation to another” (p. 6). Keesing said, “ any break in the learning chain would lead to a culture’s disappearance” (p. 28).

Culture is based on symbols. Culture is learned and passed from generation to generation, but how to learn and pass? It is our symbol-making ability enables us to learn and pass on our culture from individual to individual, group to group, and generation to generation. The portability of symbols allows people to package and store them as well as transmit them. Culture is historical as well as preservable. Each new generation might “write”

Culture is subject to change. Cultures are dynamic systems that do not exist in a vacuum and therefore are subject to change. Cultures are constantly being confronted with ideas and information for “outside” sources.

When we talk about culture change, we should keep two points in mind. First, cultures are highly adaptive. In history, there are a lot of examples of how cultures have been forced to change their course because of natural disasters, wars, and etc. Second, although many aspects of culture are subject to change, the deep structure of a culture resists major alterations. Barnlund clearly make this point when he writes: “The spread of Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and Confucianism did not homogenize the societies they enveloped. It was usually the other way around: Societies insisted on adapting the religions to their own cultural traditions” (p.192)

Culture is ethnocentric. The important tie between ethnocentrism and communication can be seen in the definition of the term “ ethnocentrism”. Summer defined it as “ the technical name for the view of things in which one’s own group is the center of everything, and all others are scaled and rated with reference to it” (p.13) Keesing summarized the power and impact of ethnocentrism “ Nearly always the folklore of a people includes myths of origin which give priority to themselves, and place the stamp of supernatural approval upon their particular customs” (p. 45).

2. What are the Prosperities of Communication? 1) Communication is a process 2) Communication is dynamic.

3) Communication is interactive/ transitive. 4) Communication is intentional 5) Communication is symbolic 6) Communication is contextual 7) Communication is ubiquitous.

8) Communication is cultural


1. Communication is a process. “Communication theory reflects a process point of view… you cannot talk about the beginning or the end of communication…”(Berlo)

2. Communication is dynamic. “ Communication is a transaction among symbol users in which meanings are dynamic, changing as a function of earlier usages and of changes in perceptions and metaperceptions. Common to both meanings is the notion that communication is time-bound and irreversible.” (Bowers and Bradac)

3. Communication is interactive/ transactive. “ Communication occurs when two or more people interact through the exchange of messages.” (Goss)

4. Communication is symbolic. “… all the symbols of the mind, together with the means of conveying them through space and preserving them in time.” (Cooley)

5. Communication is intentional. “… communication has as its central interest those behavioral situations in which source transmits a message to a receivers with conscious intent to affect the latter’s behavior.” (Miller)

6. Communication is contextual. “Communication always and inevitably occurs within some context.” (Fisher)

7. Communication is ubiquitous. “… communication is the discriminatory response of an organism to a stimulus.” (Stevens)

8. Communication is cultural. “… culture is communication…communication is culture.” (Hall)

Unit 3(加粗的要重点记忆,考查方式多样,可能是判断选择或翻译,汉译英英译汉都有!)


1.天何言哉? 四时行焉,百物生焉,天何言哉?

Heaven does not speak in words. It speaks through the rotation of the four seasons and the growth of all living things. 2.天地之大德曰生

The great virtue of Heaven and Earth is creating life. 3.获罪于天,无所祷也

He who offends against Heaven has none to whom he can pray 4. 仁者,爱人,亲亲为大.

The greatest love for people is the love for one’s parents. 5. 己所不欲,勿施于人

Do not do toward others anything that you would not want to be done to you 6. 父母在,不远游,游必有方.

Children should not travel far while their parents are alive. If they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint.

7. 父母之年,不可不知也。一则以喜,一则以惧。

Children should think often of the age of their parents. They should feel happy for the health and longevity of their parents. They should also feel concern for the aging of their parents.

8. 老吾老以及人之老,幼吾幼以及人之幼

Expend the respect of the aged in one’s family to that of other families; extend the love of the young ones in one’s family to that of other families 9. 非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil and do no evil 10. 礼之用,和为贵。

The role of Li is to maintain harmony among people. 11. 无为而无不为 Acts through non-action 12. 顺其自然。

Let the nature take its course. 13. 上善若水

The greatest virtue is like water.

14. 天下莫柔若于水,而攻其坚强者,莫若于水

Nothing is weaker than water in the world. Yet nothing is stronger than water when it comes to breaking something strong

15. 道可道,非常道;名可名,非常名。

The Tao that is utterable is not the eternal Tao; the name that is namable is not the eternal Name.

16. 无,名天地之始;有,名万物之母。

The Nothingness is the name of the beginning of the heaven and earth; The Being is the name of the mother of all things


In practicing the rules of propriety, a natural ease is to be prized. In the ways prescribed by the ancient kings, this is the excellent quality, and in things small and great we follow them. Yet it is not to be observed in all cases. If one, knowing how such ease should be prized, manifests it, without regulating it by the rules of propriety, this likewise is not to be done


The Tao begets the One; The One consists of the Two in opposition (the Yin and Yang); The Two begets the Three; The Three begets all things of the world. 19.人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然

Man takes Earth as his model; Earth takes heaven as its model; Heaven takes the Tao as its model; The Tao takes what is natural as its model


Rule the state with peace and inaction

21. 天下神器,不可为也,不可执也。为者败之,执者失之

The kingship is so sacred。That cannot be obtained through force. Those who try to obtain it by force will ruin it; Those who keep it by force will lose it. 22.大巧若拙

Great ingenuity appears to be stupid. 问答题



3.1.1 Confucius

Confucius is known as Kong Zi in China, whose given name is Qiu. He was a native of Zouyi, known as Qufu nowadays in Shandong Province, of the State of Lu during the period of the Spring and Autumn Period. Confucius is a great thinker, educator and founder of Confucianism and also an ancient sage to the Chinese people. His words and life stories were recorded by his students in a book, known as Lun Yu which has influenced China for more than 2000 years in history.

Much of Confucian thought on Heaven and people represents universal human values. And the concept of “heaven” had a kind of certain holy element, relating to the source of life. Confucius held the view that humans are born with a sense of “heavenly mission” and a person of virtue must “respect his heavenly mission” which is the meaning of human life. Therefore, the ancient Chinese people developed a sense of awe and belief in Heaven. Human beings should listen to the voice of nature, respecting and loving it as the world of life, as Confucius said “He who offends against Heaven has none to whom he can pray.” The Confucian respect and belief in Heaven represented a kind of religious spiritualism of the ancient Chinese. So the Confucian philosophy is the backbone of Chinese philosophy and culture, which influences various aspects of Chinese culture, such as consciousness and customs.

3.1.2 Confucianism Confucianism on the Doctrine of Ren

Ren is one of the core concepts of Confucianism, which is the highest principle of morality. The original meaning of “ren” refers to the friendly relationship between people, while Confucius further emphasized “ren” to be the highest category and standard of personality.

Confucius defined “ren” as “love people” and it is the core meaning of “ren”. Confucius believed that ren should begin with the love to one’s parents and no one could love people in general without love for their parents. Love for people is the universal love to achieve the doctrine of ren. He further proposed,

A student of Confucius, Mencius, was a great scholar in history and he summarized ren as “loving one’s parents, loving the people, loving everything in the world.” Therefore, it’s easy to understand that the extended families are rather popular in China and the grandparents would take care of their grandchildren. Meanwhile, the idea that the sons and daughters, especially the sons of each family, are certainly to be born with the responsibility to support their parents when their parents are old. Confucianism on the Doctrine of Li

Li is the other core concept of Confucianism and refers to rituals, moralities and norms of the social life in our society. It was said by Confucius to deny self and return to propriety to achieve the goal of ren. As one doctrine of Confucianism, it can ensure that every person must obey the social rules of morality. Therefore, Confucius gave strong emphasis on li in order to maintain the social order, rules and regulations, stability and harmony. Confucianism on The Doctrine of Mean

The doctrine of mean is a kind of philosophical category that was proposed by Confucius with the inheritage and summary of the neutralization thought. The doctrine of mean is regarded as the supreme principle of morality, which refers to the mastery of appropriateness to keep balance and to make the words and behaviors of human beings fit for the established moral standards.

In the Analects, Confucius said: “In practicing the rules of propriety, a natural ease is to be prized. In the ways prescribed by the ancient kings, this is the excellent quality, and in things small and great we follow them. Yet it is not to be observed in all cases. If one, knowing how such ease should be prized, manifests it, without regulating it by the rules of propriety, this likewise is not to be done.”(“礼之用,和为贵。先王之道,斯为美。小大由之。有所不行,知和而和,不以礼节之,亦不可


Consequently, the core thought of the doctrine of mean is doing things according to “li”. To some degree, the doctrine of mean regulates people's thought, words and behavior in the range of social and moral rules and regulations. This can also explain why Chinese people are usually subtle, modest and indirect in expressing and doing, which has become a kind of ideal in their mind. This is good for analyzing the cases of Chinese people' words and behavior, such as “bu gan, bu gan.” When they are praised, they usually respond with the expression like “Na li, na li” and “No, no, not at all.”、



3.2.1 Laozi’s Philosophy on Naturalness

Naturalness is a kind of concept of Laozi’s philosophy. It points out that everything has its own way of being and development. It is the origin of the world and refers to a state of being, a king of attitude of following way of the nature. The divine law is formless and invisibly empty; but its use is inexhaustible or extremely plentiful. It is profound, when it springs all things 1ike the

originator or ancestor in the universe. (道冲,而用之或不盈;渊兮,似万物之宗。) Therefore, Laozi said that the Tao is the mother of all things, thus it begets all things as “The Tao begets the One; The One consists of the Two in opposition (the Yin and Yang); The Two begets the Three; The Three begets all things of the world. (Ch. 42)”(Gu, 2000:27) It is believed that the Tao does not beget all these things at one time, but it undergoes a gradual evolutionary process independently and naturally without following any human being’s will.

That can explain the idea that people should not try to change the world or control the world according to their will. So following the way (Tao) of nature is the best way to solve the conflicts between human and nature to keep harmony.

Hence, it can be concluded that the supreme way of nature is naturalness, following the natural way as it goes. Therefore, Laozi said, “Man takes Earth as his model; Earth takes heaven as its model; Heaven takes the Tao as its model; The Tao takes what is natural as its model.(Ch. 25)” (Gu, 2000:33)

3.2.2 Laozi’s Philosophy on Non-action

Non-action is another core thought of Laozi’s philosophy, which is the methodology to realize the naturalness. It does not mean that people should not do anything and wait for something passively. Laozi meant that human beings should do things according to the way of nature or Tao, but not attempt to disobey the way of nature.

Non-action or inaction is a kind of political idea in governing the world. Such as the words said by Laozi “ Rule the state with peace and inaction.” “Those who hold it by force will lose it. Thus the sage never ruins anything because of his inaction; He never loses anything.” So this saying has great influence in people’s action nowadays. It can analyze the idea that people can learn to give up sometimes. It is the very inaction that makes people do whatever they like, just as “when reaching the state of inaction”. An old saying, that is “Great ingenuity appears to be stupid.”, really shows the essence of “naturalness” and “non-action”. The core thought of non-action doesn’t mean weakness. On the contrary, it means strength. just like water, “Nothing is weaker than water in the world. Yet nothing is stronger than water when it comes to breaking something strong.\

3.2.3 Taoism

Taoism mainly focuses on the self-cultivation. The main doctrine of Taoism is, as said in the Book of Tao, “The Tao that is utterable is not the eternal Tao; the name that is namable is not the eternal Name. The Nothingness is the name of the beginning of the heaven and earth; The Being is the name of the mother of all things. Hence one should gain an insight into the beginning of the Tao by constantly observing the Nothingness; and should perceive the end of the Tao by constantly observing the Being. These two things, the Nothingness and the Being, are of the same origin but different in name. They are both so profound as to be a key to the door of myriad secrets.” (Gu, 2000) According to Laozi, Taoism instructs people to observe the mystery of Tao from Nothingness and to gain an insight of Tao from Being. Only by understanding the

Nothingness and Being can people observe the mystery and change of the universe.

Taoism also views that all the things in the world rely on are mutually interdependent, which emphasizes the characteristics of change, law and imperceptibility. It enlightens people to follow the natural rule and take the world as you find it and to purge one’s mind of desire and ambitions and be indifferent to the reputation and wealth. Meanwhile, it educates people to be content with one’s lot and self-representation and to promote health and vitality, cultivate morality, develop virtues and fight against dynamics with statics.

Therefore, it has great influence on the Chinese traditional culture in the dialectic view, which marks the peak of classical Chinese philosophy. It promotes the development of Chinese dialectic view, golden mean strategy, modest communication principle and the humanity of goodness, etc. Taoism has also affected the language system of Chinese in a profound way, such as Yin and Yang, big and small, beautiful and ugly, strong and weak, good and evil, etc.

Unit 4


1. Both English and Chinese people have two kinds of personal names-a surname (family name) and a given name.

2. In some families in Western countries, some children address their parents or grandparents directly by their first names. 3. Westerners regard as private matters, so Chinese should therefore be careful about discussing religion or politics unless you know that you already agree on that specific topic, a person his or her age, money and salary, bad health. 4. If a visit is business rather than socially related, the Westerners prefer to arrange the time in advance, and they expect the visitor to come straight to the point, rather than go through lengthy preliminary chatting.

5. Chinese like to press their guests to drink or eat to show their hospitality. 6. Western and Chinese culture are at polar opposites about compliment. 7. In fact, “Thank you” is uttered in English for more than acknowledging favor or gratitude, and it is often a means to show politeness. 8. Hall, an anthropologist, has classified culture into high context and low context culture according to the way people communicate.

9. Chinese high context culture comes from Confucianism, Lao Tzu and Zen 10. Taboo refers to some words or actions that are avoided by a particular group of people, or in certain culture for religious or social reasons.


1. In China, it’s common to address a person by ____

A. his/her title B. his/her office, C. his/her profession, D. all of the above 2. There are many topics that are acceptable to both Westerners and Chinese except___

A. Hobbies B. Travels C. Holidays D. Marriage 3. When you are asked about your bad health, you should___ A keep it simple and avoid details. B. monopolize a conversation

C. offer the details as much as possible D. talk about medical stuff

4. In the West, if people go to visit someone, they are almost immediately asked if they would like to ____. If they do not take off what is obviously out-door clothing, it is assumed that they are only going to stay a few minutes. A. take off the shoes B take off their coat C. take off the hats D. take off the glasses

5. In Chinese society, during the closing phase of and encounter, usually, from a _____perspective.

A. “you” B. “I” C. “others” D “time”

6. ---Thanks for the Christmas present you sent me. It’s so nice and just what I needed.


A. No, thanks B. Not at all

C. I’m glad you like it. D. I just bought it casually

7. In Chinese, “谢谢” is not frequently used between intimate friends and family members because____ between the addresser and the addressee. A. they are not polite

B. it may imply a certain distance C. each person in a family is not an equal individual D. they are so shy

8. A: Oh, I’m sorry. I forget it. B.____

Which is a common pattern in western cultures to respond to apologies? A. It doesn’t matter. B. That’s all right. C. I forgive it D. I forget it too

9. The western low context culture is influenced by ______ A. Old Greeks and Romans. B. India and Egypt C. Middle East D. European Continent

10. Euphemism is also used to describe physical shortcomings, old age, certain functions of the body and sexual acts, if you want to express ugly in English, you can use____

A. not beautiful B. plain C. less pretty D. far from beauty


1.verbal communication:Verbal communication is simply the communication that is expressed through words. Verbal communication is vital to healthy relationships, businesses and groups.

2. High context culture: High context culture relies heavily on subtle, often nonverbal cues to maintain social harmony. It can be found in Asia, and mid- eastern countries. Cultures in which less has to be said or written because more of the meaning is in the physical environment or already shared by people are labeled high-context culture. The information exchanged is not in the words, but rather in the context and in the shared meaning and experiences. People from high context cultures

often send more information implicitly, have a wider “network”, and thus tend to stay well informed on many subjects.

3. Low context culture: Low context culture uses language primarily to express thoughts, feelings and ideas as directly as possible. The low context cultures are Germany, the United States, Switzerland and Scandinavian countries. In these cultures, little of the meaning is determined by the context because the messages are encoded in the explicit code. People from low context cultures usually verbalize much more background information, and tend not to be well informed on subjects outside of their own interests.


1. Why the surname comes before given names in Chinese cultures?

Being a subsystem of language, address forms are under the strong influence of culture, hence they are subject to cultural interpretation. Under the influence of Confucianism, China is a typical Collectivist culture. The Chinese place little value on individual identity and great value on group identity. In China, going one’s own way is not valued; uniformity and conformity are stressed. Thus, the surname comes before given names.

2. How to start a conversation when you have nothing to talk about?

Step 1: Introduce yourself if necessary. If you don’t know the person, breaking the ice is very simple: look approachable, tell the new person your name, offer your hand to shake, and smile.

Step 2: Remark on the location or occasion. Look around and see if there is anything worth pointing out. Examples of location or occasion comments: “This is a gorgeous room!”, “Such incredible catering!”, “I love this view!”, or “Great dog!” Step 3: Ask an open-ended question. Most people love to talk about themselves; it’s your place as the conversation starter to get them going. An open question requires an explanation for an answer rather than just a simple yes or no. Open questions tend to begin with who, when, what, why, where, and how, whereas closed questions tend to start with do, have, and is/am/are.

3. What are social functions of compliments?

The social functions of compliments can be classified as following: Creating or reinforcing solidarity, greeting people, expressing thanks or congratulations, encouraging people, softening criticism, starting a conversation, and overcoming embarrassment.

Unit 5


1. Nonverbal messages are often used to convey how we feel about other people and how we see our relationship to them.(T)

2. Nonverbals can not complement, accent, repeat, substitute for, or contradict verbal messages, substitute for, or contradict verbal elaboration of the verbal message.


3. Nonverbal messages never contradict verbal ones. (F)

4. Gestures are an important component of non-verbal communication. As with any other language, the language of gestures also differs from culture to culture, and the same gesture may convey quite different messages. (T)

5. When walking along the street, you can stare at the approaching strangers when they are about 8 feet away, because it’s a polite behavior. (F) 6. Nodding the head always means I agree. (F)

7. In North American, direct eye contact means a sign of untruthfulness, shame or embarrassment. (F)

8. The V-sign no matter palm to others or palm to yourself means the same, that is: peace &victory. (F)

9. Eye contact is an important aspect of body language. One could draw up quite rules about eye contact: to look or not to look, when to look and how long to look, who to look at and who not to look at, etc. And these rules vary from culture to culture. (T) 10. Written texts have nonverbal elements such as handwriting style, spatial arrangement of words, or the physical layout of a page. (T)


1. what would indicate high responsiveness during nonverbal communication? A. Bursting into tears B. without laugh C. a blank stare

D. an ever-so-slight chuckle

2. when one of your professors may say she has plenty of time to go over a quiz with you, but if she remains standing, doesn’t offer you a seat, and keeps fidgeting with her watch, all of the above behaviors show that ______ A. She likes to stand

B. her sincerity of the verbal remark is questionable C. her watch is valuable

D. she doesn’t like to talk with you

3. When two people converse, nonverbals are primarily responsible for the following except ___

A. the smoothness of taking turns, B. avoiding long pauses, C. changing topics,

D. the contents of the conversation

4. what is the meaning of the ring gesture---form an ‘O’ by holding the tip of the forefinger to the tip of the thumb, in South American culture? A. you think something is good, B. It means ‘go to hell’. C. zero and worthless D. I’ll kill you

5. For public speakers, they should always make a lot of _____to audience to see their

responds---whether they are interested in the speech, whether they can understand, etc.

A. facial expression B. gestures C. eye contact D. posture

6. Your are invited to a cocktail party tonight To a German or Sweden home at 7:00. When are you supposed to get there? A. 6: 45 B. 7:00 C. 7:15 D. 7:30 or 8:00

7. Latins and Mediterranean Arabs prefer ____distance. A. medium distance B. long distance C. personal distance D. short distance. 8. The single finger beckon: means ____ in American. A. it simply means: come here. B. it is only used for beckoning animals; C. it is used for beckoning prostitutes D. it means aggressiveness

9. what is an intense feeling or attitude of regarding someone or something as inferior, base, or worthless—it is similar to scorn? A. fear B. painful C. contempt D. shyness

10. Accenting refers to nonverbals that underline or focus attention on a specific word or phrase. What could you do at the same time you say “ I’ve had it!” makes that particular phrase stand out.

A.Pounding the table with your fist B. Smiling at the addressee C. Shrugging the shoulder D. Ear-tugging


Nonverbal communication: is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless (mostly visual) between people.

Paralanguage is the set of audible sounds that accompany oral language to augment its meaning. In other words, speech carries symbolic cues, not only through verbal and nonverbal. cues, but also through vocal qualities.


1. What are the Functions of Nonverbal Communications?

We use nonverbal communication to achieve some very specific purposes. While researchers have proposed several ways to classify these functions, we have grouped

them into three general types. Nonverbal communication may be used to (1) express meaning in and of themselves, (2) modify verbal messages, and (3) regulate the flow of interaction.

2. Can you list at least five kinds of Facial expression?

Facial expression can be divided into eight kinds: interesting, happy, surprise, painful, fear, shyness, disgust, anger. Generally speaking, the most abundant facial expressions are the muscles near the eyes and mouth.

3. Analyze the following case from the perspective of intercultural communication.

Peng Zhang was a visiting scholar in an American university. On one of the first days he went to the university, he saw an American coming his way along the corridor. He looked at him and was about to turn his head away when he found the American smiling at him. He was puzzled, and turned around to see whether he was smiling at someone behind himself. There was no one behind. Peng Zhang was so surprised that he looked at the American again. Again the American smiled at him. Peng Zhang was sure that he was a stranger, and did not know how to respond to the smile.

Ans:①Chinese Perspective: Generally speaking, Chinese people do not smile at strangers. A lot of people do not start communicating without a good reason or without someone introducing them. Being friendly by nature is not enough for most people to smile at each other.

②North American Perspective: North Americans do not always go around smiling at strangers in a corridor, elevator, or other confined space, although it is not uncommon to see this happen. Acknowledging the presence of someone else is more common when there are few or no other people around. Thus, a North American will walk down a crowded street in a big city and not make eye contact with anyone. However, if that person goes into an office building and gets on an elevator with one other person already in the elevator, they are likely to exchange a brief smile or nod, or maybe even a quiet “Good morning” or other greetings. People do not want to intrude on a stranger’s privacy, but pretending they are not there by avoiding eye contact or other acknowledgment is seen as rude.

Unit 6


1. Red has traditionally been associated with courage and love in western culture, but in China, red is the color of happiness and good fortune. (T)

2. Green is another warm and comforting color, stimulating the appetite and actually making food taste better. (F)

3. westerners like the following expressions such as green with envy,green as jealousy. (T)

4.Expression both in China and western countries is connected with religion and

emperors, which is the coincidence of culture. (T)

5. To American people, “tiger” is referred to as the king of animals and stands for power, vigor and bravery. (F)

6. In English “fox” can be used to describe somebody who is cunning and dishonest. Similarly, Chinese people can understand the meaning of the sentence in Chinese “他是一只狐狸。(T) 7. Chinese euphemisms are widely used in their daily communications and have a long history and a very early origin, not the same as the English euphemisms. (F) 8.Euphemism plays a very important and constructive role in communication and it’s considered as the lubricating oil in communication without negative impacts on society. (F)

9.Taboos on names in English are mainly about the names which are connected with religions, which is different from the complex situation in Chinese. (T)

10.Taboos on ominous matters are common in China. People inherited the traditional concept of the force of language from the predecessors and believed that when they spoke of disasters, then they came. (T)


1. In Chinese, what color is associated with good luck, celebration, flourish, etc. A. Red B. Yellow C. Blue D. Purple

2. Chinese people always refer to both yellow and 黄 with the meaning of ____ in such expressions as yellow jacket, emperor’s edict. A.色情的 B.腐化堕落

C. 尊贵,皇权,崇高 D..经济术语

3. English people regard ____ as the national emblem of Great Britain. A. tiger B. lion C. elephant D. dog

4. But in Chinese, the figurative meaning of the word “owl” is described as ____ A. wisdom B. gravity C. calmness D. the devil

5. Which is animal word with commendatory figurative meaning in English, but with derogatory figurative meaning in Chinese? A. Fish B. Dog C. Magpie D. Monkey

6. Which is animal word with commendatory figurative meaning in Chinese, but with derogatory

figurative meaning in English?

A. Dog B. Owl C. Monkey D. Bear

7. What language is popular as a source of euphemisms when goat, cow, deer, and other animals with English names if they are alive and kicking are served up on the dinner table? A .Latin B. French C. English D. Greek

8.In daily life, too frank language may often be graceless and obscene. As a result, ______can avoid embarrassment, misunderstanding, and conflicts. A. Silence B. Nonverbal C. Taboos D. euphemism 9. Euphemisms are common in job titles; some jobs have complicated titles that make them sound more polite and impressive than the common names would imply, which is refer to peasants? A. sanitary engineer B. meat technologist

C. agricultural science specialist D. landscape architect

10.In our daily life, we usually prefer to some number and date and believe they will bring luck to us while we avoid mentioning certain number and date in that they will give us misfortune. Which number is taboo in English? A. 13 B.8 C.14 D. 4


Colour term: also known as a color name, is a word or phrase that refers to a specific colour. The colour term may refer to human perception of that colour (which is affected by visual context), or to an underlying physical property (such as a specific wavelength of visible light).

Denotational meanings refer to a definitional meaning depending upon the choice of word selection. Denotation means a dictionary definition. Most science terms only have denotational meanings.

Connotational meanings introduces into speech some additional information as to the speaker’s attitude to the subject matter as well as some information as to his relation with his interlocutor (listener).

Euphemism: Example of the use of pleasant mild or indirect words or phrases in place of more accurate or direct one.


1. In terms of word meanings, how many categories both in Chinese and English denotational meanings and connotational meanings?

There are three categories both in Chinese and English denotational meanings and connotational meanings. One is the same meanings The other is the same denotational meanings and different connotational meanings The rest is the different meanings in denotation and connotation.

2. Could you list some Taboos in English and Chinese cultures

There are taboos on names, on death, on vulgarities, on ominous matters, on discrimination, on number and date, on animals and on personal matters

Unit 8


1. The Spring festival is also known as the Chinese New Year, which is the most important traditional festival in China. (T)

2. Children get money in red paper or envelop from their parents or relatives during Christmas in western countries. (F)

3. The origin of the Spring Festival is associated with a monster called “Nian”. (T) 4. In the early December of lunar calendar, people begin to sweep the house for the New Year. (F)

5. December 24th is known as Christmas Eve. (T)

6. It is said that the Santa will knock the door and give presents to children. (F) 7. The cowherd and the weaving maid could meet each other once in a year on the day of the 7th July (F)

8. Tomb-sweeping Day is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. (T) 9. The Double-Ninth Festival falls on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month and has a history of more than 1,700 years. (T)

10. Thanksgiving Day in America is a time to offer thanks, of family gatherings and holiday meals. It is celebrated on the 4th Tuesday of November. (F)


1. Some people suggested that the demon of Nian was afraid of the following except___ A. loud noises B. red color C. flames. D. fish

2. What food do you know people will eat at Christmas? A. Dumplings B. Turkey C. Whole fish

D. New Year cake

3 At Christmas children will receive gifts from_____ A. Santa Claus B. Jesus

C. religious leaders D. God

4. What is on the top of the Christmas tree is believed to guide Three Wise Men to find Jesus?

A. gifts under the Christmas tree

B. the star on the top of the Christmas tree C. Christmas cards

D. strings of colored lights,

5. What did the grandmother created in the sky to keep the cowherd and the weaving maid apart?

A. Leifeng Tower B. Yellow River C. a milky way D. moon

6.Valentine was ___ who served during the third century in Rome.? A. a lover B. a priest C. a emperor D. a soldier

7. What do the lovers do during the Qixi festival? A. Chocolate B. Cards

C. Blossom water D. Flowers

8 Which festival to honor all of the saints that didn’t have a special day of their own? A. All Saints’Day B. Halloween

C. Tomb-sweeping Day D. Clear Brightness Festival

9. What do people usually do during Tomb-sweeping Day? A. Parade

B. Visit the graves of the ancestors C. Costume parties D .Trick or treat

10.A small ship called the Mayflower set sail from Plymouth, England and the passengers, most of whom were pilgrims, spent 66 days to arrive the mainland coast of_____. A. Michigan B. Montana

C. Mississippi D. Massachusetts


1. How many Chinese traditional festivals do you know?

In China, there are a number of old traditional festivals whose dates are determined by the lunar calendar, such as the Spring Festival, the Lantern Festival, the Qinming Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Double Seventh Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival and the Double Ninth Festival. Many minority nationalities also celebrate a number of other traditional festivals.

2.How many western festivals do you know?

Christmas, Easter, April Fools’ Day, Thanksgiving Day. Halloween, Valentine’s Day

2. Can you tell us the origin of one of your favorite festivals? (open ) 3. How do you usually celebrate your Spring festival? (open) 开放性试题尽量多写。能写什么就写什么。

