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confere nces, learne d superi ors polici es; re ports, y ou can lear n to deal with problems, art, just wante d to lear n, to lear n at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. T he complexity and comprehensiv eness of o ur work, deci de d to not only do w e want to be "professionals", or if "generalists", to dabble in different areas of knowle dge. Mastery of knowl edge not only to have k now ledge to rati onal a nalysis. Thi s on requirements we, not only to l earni ng national of route, a nd a pproa ch, and policy, also to learning nati onal of legal, and regulati ons; not only to with politi cal the or y armed mind, al so to w ith economic t heory g uide w ork; not only to read histor y, also to rea d hist ory; not only t o absorpti on SM of m irror, also to gets i s of road; not only t o from local le arn, al so to t o out side le arn; not only to to books lear n, also to field st udy le arn. Therefore, I woul d encourage you, and more to t he outside worl d whe n I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outsi de dev elopments, learn other pe ople's devel opme nt appr oach, a nd then come ba ck to gui de our work. Second, we must t hink. "Learni ng without thoug ht to overshadow, t hinki ng without lear ning is peril ous." We want to foster the character of advancing wit h the times, forge a head, often reflect themselves i n ada pting to the new situation on whet her ther e are delays, have anyt hing to fear in t he reform and innovation, whether i n terms of accelerating the devel opme nt of a relaxation, kee p pr omising State of mind. In order t o do i nvestigations, inve stigations is the r oad to heaven, God di sposes of the ba se. T o wa nts to real heard trut h, and justi ce to tr uth, a nd get truth, receive d effectivene ss, on must i n-dept h act ual, and outreach, and in-de pth masses, w orshi p masse s for Divisi on, a nd masses heart, with masses wit h discussi on every one care of problem, liste ning t hey of calls, underst nd they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experi ence, concentrated t hey of wisdom, e spe cially on masse s most hope, and most urgent, and most w orries, a nd m ost complai ned of hot, a nd difficulties a nd focus problem, more to active rese arch, caug ht not put. Dare to i nnovate, in our work, often remai n "the ol d way doesn't w ork, the new a ppr oach would not" situati on, he reason, t he key is that ma ny pe ople k now t hat copying other people's i deas, me cha nically, using some one e lse's old way s. To change t his pre dicame nt, requires us to break the sha ckles of traditi onal conce pts to overcome conservative, conformist, good at findi ng ne w problems a nd t o accept new thi ngs, summarize new experie nce, new i deas, developing new programmes and Maveri ck, a ne w approa ch to solve probl ems, spee d up devel opment. Especially i n impleme nt superior poli cy spirit of process in the, both impl ementation, and ca nnot mechani cally, t o to extraordi nary of courage a nd develop enter prisi ng of spirit, put flexibility a nd principl e com bine d up, put superi or of spirit a nd l ocal real ity com bine d up, Yong conspira cy t o breakthrough of poli cy, a nd exerci se innovation of lift, develope d out development w orks of, and grass-r oots wel come s of, and






























ccor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements, units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mass line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a aspe cts tol d: a, a nd f ull awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Party's 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus o n the party's adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the party's mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the party's major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expectations a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng-oriente d service i nnovation of Marxist party's major de ployment, i s the important measure to adva nce t he great ca use of socia lism with Chi nese characteri stics. First, carry out the party's mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful force for realizing t he great rejuvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds. Party's 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 100-year g oal, namel y, by 2020 China's gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2010 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well-off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr osperous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chinese dream of realizi ng the great rejuvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expounded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chinese dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi ness of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the spirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China, dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce self-aware ness, a chi eve self-relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China, Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the party's mass line, hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stressed that parties should have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". History ha

confere nces, learne d superi ors polici es; re ports, y ou can lear n to deal with problems, art, just wante d to lear n, to lear n at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. T he complexity and comprehensiv eness of our work, deci de d to not only do w e want to be "professionals", or if "generalists", to dabble in different areas of knowle dge. Mastery of knowl edge not only to have k now ledge to rati onal a nalysis. Thi s on requirements we, not only to l earni ng national of route, a nd a pproa ch, and policy, also to learning nati onal of legal, and regulati ons; not only to with politi cal the or y armed mind, al so to w ith economic t heory g uide w ork; not only to read histor y, also to rea d hist ory; not only t o absorpti on SM of mirror, also to gets i s of road; not only t o from local le arn, al so to t o out side le arn; not only to to books lear n, also to field study le arn. Therefore, I woul d encourage you, and more to t he outside worl d whe n I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outsi de dev elopments,

learn other pe ople's devel opme nt appr oach, a nd then come ba ck to gui de our work. Second, we must t hink. "Learni ng without thoug ht to overshadow, t hinki ng without lear ning is peril ous." We want to foster the character of advancing wit h the times, forge a head, often reflect themselves i n ada pting to the new situation on whet her ther e are delays, have anyt hing to fear in t he reform and innovation, whether i n terms of accelerating the devel opme nt of a relax ation, kee p pr omising State of mind. In order t o do i nvestigations, inve stigations is the r oad to heaven, God di sposes of the ba se. T o wa nts to real heard trut h, and justi ce to tr uth, a nd get truth, receive d effectivene ss, on must i n-dept h act ual, and outreach, and in-de pth masses, w orshi p masse s for Divisi on, a nd masses heart, with masses wit h discussi on every one care of problem, liste ning hey of calls, understa nd they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experi ence, concentrated t hey of wisdom, e spe cially on masse s most

hope, and most urgent, and most w orries, a nd m ost complai ned of hot, a nd difficulties a nd focus problem, more to active rese arch, caug ht not put. Dare to i nnovate, in our work, often remai n "the ol d way doesn't w ork, the new a ppr oac h would not" situati on, t he reason, t he key is that ma ny pe ople k now t hat copying other people's i deas, me cha nically, using some one e lse's old way s. To change t his pre dicame nt, requires us to break the sha ckles of traditi onal conce pts to overcome conservative, conformist, good at findi ng ne w problems a nd t o accept new thi ngs, summarize new experie nce, new i deas, developing new programmes and Maveri ck, a ne w approa ch to solve probl ems, spee d up devel opment. Especially i n impleme nt superior poli cy spirit of process in the, both impl ementation, and ca nnot mechani cally, t o to extraordi nary of courage a nd develop enter prisi ng of spirit, put flexibility a nd principl e com bine d up, put superi or of spirit a nd l ocal real ity com bine d up, Yong conspira cy t o breakthrough of poli cy, a nd exerci se innovation of lift, develope d out development w orks of, and grass-r oots wel come s of, and














ccor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements, units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mass line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a aspe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Party's 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the party's adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the party's mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the party's major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expectations a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng-oriente d

service i nnovation of Marxist party's major de ployment, i s the important measure to adva nce t he great ca use of socia lism with Chi nese characteri stics. First, carry out the party's mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir, summon a powerful force for realizing t he great rejuvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds. Party's 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 100-year g oal, namel y, by 2020 China's gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2010 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well-off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr osperous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chinese dream of realizi ng the great rejuvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expounded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chinese dream, is t he

national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi ness of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the spirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China, dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce self-aware ness, a chi eve self-relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China, Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the party's mass line, hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the p eople, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stressed that parties should have "com mon lang uage" so cialist countries must have "unity of will". History ha

confere nces, lear ned superior s poli cie s; reports, you ca n lear n to dea l with pr obl ems, art, just wante d to lear n, to lear n at any time. T o continuously expand t he scope of the st udy. T he complexity a nd compre hensiveness of our w ork, de cided to not only do we wa nt to be "pr ofessi onal s", or if "generalists", to dabble in different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowl edge not only to hav e kno wledge t o rational analy sis. T his on requireme nts we, not only to lear ning national of rout e, and approa ch, a nd poli cy, also to learning nati onal of legal, and regulati ons; not only to with politi cal the ory armed mind, also to wit h economic the ory gui de work ; not only t o read history, al so to re ad hi story; not only to a bsor ption SM of mirror, also to gets i s of roa d; not only to from loca l learn, al so to t o outside l earn; not only to t o books lear n, also to field study le arn. Therefore, I would e ncour age you, and more to the out side w orld w he n I have time to take a l ook at, take a stroll, outsi de

developments, learn other people's development a ppr oach, and the n come back t o gui de our work. Se cond, w e must thi nk. "Lear ning wit hout thought to overshadow, thi nking wit hout learni ng is perilous." We want to foster the chara cter of adva nci ng with the times, forge ahead, often reflect them selves in a dapti ng to the new situation on whet her ther e are delay s, hav e anythi ng to fear in the reform and i nnovation, w hether i n terms of accelerati ng the development of a relaxati on, kee p pr omising State of mind. In or der to do inve stigations, inv estigations is t he roa d to he aven, God dispose s of the base. T o wa nts to real heard tr uth, a nd justice t o truth, a nd get tr uth, re ceived effectivene ss, on must i n-dept h actual, and outreach, and in-de pth masses, w orship masses for Divi sion, and masse s heart, wit h masse s with discussion everyone car e of problem, liste ning hey of call s, understand they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experie nce, conce ntrated t hey of wisdom,

espe cially on masse s most hope, and most urge nt, and most w orries, a nd m ost complai ned of hot, a nd difficulties a nd focus pro blem, more to a ctive research, ca ught not put. Dare to i nnovate, in our w ork, often remai n "the ol d way doesn't work, t he ne w approa ch w oul d not" sit uation, the rea son, the key is that many people know that copying ot her pe opl e's ideas, mecha nically, usi ng some one el se's old way s. To cha nge thi s pre dicame nt, requires us to br eak the shack les of traditi onal conce pts to overcome conservative, conformist, g ood at findi ng new problems and to a cce pt new t hi ngs, summarize ne w experie nce , new i deas, devel opi ng new programmes a nd Maverick, a new a ppr oach to solve pr oblems, spe ed up dev elopment. Espe cially in impl ement superi or policy spirit of pr oce ss in t he, both impleme ntation, and ca nnot mechani cally, to to extr aordi nary of courage a nd develop enter prisi ng of spirit, put flexibility a nd principle combi ne d up, put superior of spirit an d local reality

combi ned up, Yong conspiracy to breakthr oug h of policy, a nd exer cise i nnovation of lift, devel ope d out devel opme nt works of, and gra ss-r oot s welcomes

of, and 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!

ccor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements, units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mass line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a aspe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Party's 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the party's adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the party's mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the party's major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expectations a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng-oriente d

service i nnovation of Marxist party's major de ployment, i s the important measure to adva nce t he great ca use of socia lism with Chi nese characteri stics. First, carry out the party's mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful f orce for realizing t he great rejuvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds. Party's 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 100-year g oal, namel y, by 2020 China's gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2010 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well -off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr osperous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chinese dream of realizi ng the great rejuvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expounded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chinese dream, is t he

national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi ness of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the spirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce self -aware ness, a chi eve self-relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the party's mass line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stressed that parties should have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". History ha 第 3 页 共 5 页 及基础阶段两个子阶段。










































confere nces, learne d superi ors polici es; re ports, y ou can lear n to deal with problems, art, just wante d to lear n, to lear n at any time. To continuously expand the scope of the study. T he complexity and comprehensiv eness of our work, deci de d to not only do w e want to be "professionals", or if "generalists", to dabble in different areas of knowle dge. Mastery of knowl edge not only to have k now ledge to rati onal a nalysis. Thi s on requirements we, not only to l earni ng national of route, a nd a pproa ch, and policy, also to learning nati onal of legal, and regulati ons; not only to with politi cal the or y armed mind, al so to w ith economic t heory g uide w ork; not only to read histor y, also to rea d hist ory; not only t o absorpti on SM of mirror, also to gets i s of road; not only t o from local le arn, al so to t o out side le arn; not only to to books lear n, also to field study le arn. Therefore, I woul d encourage you, and more to t he outside worl d whe n I have time to take a look at, take a stroll, outsi de dev elopments,

learn other pe ople's devel opme nt appr oach, a nd then come ba ck to gui de our work. Second, we must t hink. "Learni ng without thoug ht to overshadow, t hinki ng without lear ning is peril ous." We want to foster the character of advancing wit h the times, forge a head, often reflect themselves i n ada pting to the new situation on whet her ther e are delays, have anyt hing to fear in t he reform and innovation, whether i n terms of accelerating the devel opme nt of a relax ation, kee p pr omising State of mind. In order t o do i nvestigations, inve stigations is the r oad to heaven, God di sposes of the ba se. T o wa nts to real heard trut h, and justi ce to tr uth, a nd get truth, receive d effectivene ss, on must i n-dept h act ual, and outreach, and in-de pth masses, w orshi p masse s for Divisi on, a nd masses heart, with masses wit h discussi on every one care of problem, liste ning hey of calls, understa nd they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experi ence, concentrated t hey of wisdom, e spe cially on masse s most

hope, and most urgent, and most w orries, a nd m ost complai ned of hot, a nd difficulties a nd focus problem, more to active rese arch, caug ht not put. Dare to i nnovate, in our work, often remai n "the ol d way doesn't w ork, the new a ppr oac h would not" situati on, t he reason, t he key is that ma ny pe ople k now t hat copying other people's i deas, me cha nically, using some one e lse's old way s. To change t his pre dicame nt, requires us to break the sha ckles of traditi onal conce pts to overcome conservative, conformist, good at findi ng ne w problems a nd t o accept new thi ngs, summarize new experie nce, new i deas, developing new programmes and Maveri ck, a ne w approa ch to solve probl ems, spee d up devel opment. Especially i n impleme nt superior poli cy spirit of process in the, both impl ementation, and ca nnot mechani cally, t o to extraordi nary of courage a nd develop enter prisi ng of spirit, put flexibility a nd principl e com bine d up, put superi or of spirit a nd l ocal real ity com bine d up, Yong conspira cy t o breakthrough of poli cy, a nd exerci se innovation of lift, develope d out development w orks of, and grass-r oots wel come s of, and















ccor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements, units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mass line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a aspe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Party's 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the party's adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the party's mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the party's major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expectations a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng-oriente d

service i nnovation of Marxist party's major de ployment, i s the important measure to adva nce t he great ca use of socia lism with Chi nese characteri stics. First, carry out the party's mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir, summon a powerful force for realizing t he great rejuvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds. Party's 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 100-year g oal, namel y, by 2020 China's gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2010 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well-off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr osperous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chinese dream of realizi ng the great rejuvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expounded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chinese dream, is t he

national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi ness of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the spirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China, dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce self-aware ness, a chi eve self-relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China, Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the party's mass line, hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the p eople, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stressed that parties should have "com mon lang uage" so cialist countries must have "unity of will". History ha

confere nces, lear ned superior s poli cie s; reports, you ca n lear n to dea l with pr obl ems, art, just wante d to lear n, to lear n at any time. T o continuously expand t he scope of the st udy. T he complexity a nd compre hensiveness of our w ork, de cided to not only do we wa nt to be "pr ofessi onal s", or if "generalists", to dabble in different areas of knowledge. Mastery of knowl edge not only to hav e kno wledge t o rational analy sis. T his on requireme nts we, not only to lear ning national of rout e, and approa ch, a nd poli cy, also to learning nati onal of legal, and regulati ons; not only to with politi cal the ory armed mind, also to wit h economic the ory gui de work ; not only t o read history, al so to re ad hi story; not only to a bsor ption SM of mirror, also to gets i s of roa d; not only to from loca l learn, al so to t o outside l earn; not only to t o books lear n, also to field study le arn. Therefore, I would e ncour age you, and more to the out side w orld w he n I have time to take a l ook at, take a stroll, outsi de

developments, learn other people's development a ppr oach, and the n come back t o gui de our work. Se cond, w e must thi nk. "Lear ning wit hout thought to overshadow, thi nking wit hout learni ng is perilous." We want to foster the chara cter of adva nci ng with the times, forge ahead, often reflect them selves in a dapti ng to the new situation on whet her ther e are delay s, hav e anythi ng to fear in the reform and i nnovation, w hether i n terms of accelerati ng the development of a relaxati on, kee p pr omising State of mind. In or der to do inve stigations, inv estigations is t he roa d to he aven, God dispose s of the base. T o wa nts to real heard tr uth, a nd justice t o truth, a nd get tr uth, re ceived effectivene ss, on must i n-dept h actual, and outreach, and in-de pth masses, w orship masses for Divi sion, and masse s heart, wit h masse s with discussion everyone car e of problem, liste ning hey of call s, understand they of mood, feel they of suffering, summary they of experie nce, conce ntrated t hey of wisdom,

espe cially on masse s most hope, and most urge nt, and most w orries, a nd m ost complai ned of hot, a nd difficulties a nd focus pro blem, more to a ctive research, ca ught not put. Dare to i nnovate, in our w ork, often remai n "the ol d way doesn't work, t he ne w approa ch w oul d not" sit uation, the rea son, the key is that many people know that copying ot her pe opl e's ideas, mecha nically, usi ng some one el se's old way s. To cha nge thi s pre dicame nt, requires us to br eak the shack les of traditi onal conce pts to overcome conservative, conformist, g ood at findi ng new problems and to a cce pt new t hi ngs, summarize ne w experie nce , new i deas, devel opi ng new programmes a nd Maverick, a new a ppr oach to solve pr oblems, spe ed up dev elopment. Espe cially in impl ement superi or policy spirit of pr oce ss in t he, both impleme ntation, and ca nnot mechani cally, to to extr aordi nary of courage a nd develop enter prisi ng of spirit, put flexibility a nd principle combi ne d up, put superior of spirit an d local reality

combi ned up, Yong conspiracy to breakthr oug h of policy, a nd exer cise i nnovation of lift, devel ope d out devel opme nt works of, and gra ss-r oot s welcomes

of, and 凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务!

ccor ding to Office Party of mass line education pra ctice a ctivities le d group of unified arrangements, units main le d to for ca dres w orkers Shang a times party lect ure, due to himself level limited, only put t his stage conce ntrated lear ning of ex perience today and everyone common with lear ning exchange, pur pose is let w e further dee p understa ndi ng mass li ne of connotati on, i nsiste d party of mass line, do ma sses w ork, foll owing mai n from four a aspe cts tol d: a, a nd full awarene ss party of mass line educati on practice activities of major mea ning Party's 18 major disti nct pr opose d to focus on the party's adva nce d nat ure and purity, i n the party, with "pragmatic a nd clea n for the people" as the main conte nt of the party's mass li ne a nd e ducational pra ctice. This is comrade XI Ji npi ng as party General Secretary a nd a dher e to strictly a dministeri ng the party, strengthe n the party's major de cisi on i s in li ne wit h the public expectations a nd strengthe ning t he constructi on of learni ng-oriente d

service i nnovation of Marxist party's major de ployment, i s the important measure to adva nce t he great ca use of socia lism with Chi nese characteri stics. First, carry out the party's mass li ne i n education pra ctice, wa s carryi ng 18 of the party spir it, summon a powerful f orce for realizing t he great rejuvenation of the Chi nese nation the Chinese dre am of urgent ne eds. Party's 18 t o promote strategic de ployme nt to buildi ng sociali sm with Chine se characteristi cs, prese nts two 100-year g oal, namel y, by 2020 China's gross domesti c pr oduct and per capita i ncome of ur ban a nd rural re side nts in 2010 on t he ba sis of double complete the buildi ng of a well -off society; the mi ddle of this century i nto a pr osperous, democrati c, civi lized a nd harmoni ous Socialist modern country, a nd on t his ba sis, the Chinese dream of realizi ng the great rejuvenati on of the Chi nese nation. 18 Congress of the part y, Comrade XI Ji npi ng repeate dly expounded t he Chine se dream. T he ba sic connotation of the Chinese dream, is t he national prosperit y, nati onal revitalizati on, t he ha ppi ness of the pe opl e, China important to foll ow is to kee p China Roa d, carry forwar d the spirit and cohesi on stre ngth of China , dream dreams of the pe opl e of Chi na, but determi ned confidence, e nha nce self -aware ness, a chi eve self-relia nce, to bui ld a stronger Chi na, civi lization, harm ony, bea uty, China , Chi na, China. Strategic conce ption of China wa s 18 the spirit of the e nrichment a nd development of the party, conscie ntiously st udy the Chi nese dream, leadi ng pe ople t o hard t o realize the Chi nese dream, mass e ducation a ctivities i n depth t he fundamental starti ng point and ending poi nt. Strengthe n the e ducation of the party's mass line , hel ps to train t he collective consci ousne ss of the unity of the party and the people, playi ng the Chine se dream i deol ogical base s. Comrade Ma o Zedong stressed that parties should have "com mon lang uage" socialist countries must have "unity of will". History ha 第 5 页 共 5 页 和你一起的研友基本都没有跟你考同一个学校同一个专业的,你也不知道你的对手是什么水平。很长一段时间,都感觉不到自己的进步。可能你某年的真题做了130多分,然后你觉得自己的水平很高了,但你要知道,也有很多人做了135多分,甚至140,所以这是考研期间








