每日英语学习阅读材料(A4打印版) - 180510
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有声双语美文:精彩人生的11个快乐秘诀 1. How to count to 10. 1、学会如何(在发飙前)数到十
Anger isn't your friend. In fact, learning to control it could add years to your life.Besides, nobody really likes that guy who screams at the waiter because the soup is too salty, now do they?
愤怒可不是我们的良师益友。事实上,学会控制愤怒的情绪有助于延年益寿。还有,没有人会喜欢对着服务生吼叫抱怨汤太咸的人,对吧? 2. How to play nice with strangers. 2、学会如何对陌生人友好
Doing nice things for people makes us feel better. In fact, studies show that those who volunteer reap health benefits that may help them live longer. 对陌生人友好也会让自己感觉更好。更有研究显示乐于奉献的人身心会更健康,寿命会更长。
3. How to be content. 3、知足常乐
You have what you have and that's what you have. The acquisition of things rarely raises our happiness quotient, but the quest for them certainly lowers it. 拥抱你目前拥有的一切。我们所得到的很少能够提高幸福指数,而我们所渴求的必然会降低它。 4. How to love nature. 4、学会如何热爱大自然
The more time you spend outside, the happier you will be. 你在户外花的时间越多,就会越快乐。
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5. How to not abuse your body. 5、不要糟蹋自己的身体
After all, you only get one and spare parts are hard to find. An estimated 32 percent of fatal car crashes involve an intoxicated driver or pedestrian. 毕竟,身体只有一个,要找“备胎”可就难了。据估计,32%的致命车祸就是由醉酒的司机或是行人造成。 6. How to share. 6、学会分享
Share. Not in a Facebook sharing way, but really share. 去分享吧。不是指社交网站上的“分享”,是真正的“分享”。 7. How to make friends. 7、学会交友
Some people think it's that your friends keep you from doing things that are bad for you. Frankly, we think it?s just that they make your life more fun and worthwhile.
有人认为,好朋友能够阻止你做一些对你有害的事情。其实呢,他们只是给你的生活带来了更多的乐趣和价值。 8. How to listen. 8、学会倾听
Sure, you probably hear just fine. But do you really listen? Do you read body language, facial expressions, what the eyes are telling you and not just the mouth?
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9. How to forgive. 9、学会原谅
Everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of another. The difference is in how we react to that hurt. Forgive, even if you can't forget and you'll be better off for it.
每个人都会被他人的行为或是言语伤害到。不同之处在于我们如何应对他们。原谅他们吧,即使你无法忘怀,原谅了总会好受一些。 10. How to stick up for others. 10、学会站出来支持别人
Playground bullies don't go away after 5th grade. They grow up and become bosses, neighbors and somebody's in-laws. Everyone deserves to live a bully-free life. Remember that if you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
小学五年级操场上的霸凌者不会凭空消失。他们会长大,变成老板、邻居、娘家人、婆家人。每个人都值得活在没有霸凌的环境中。记住,如果你不是解决问题的那一方,你就相当于自动站到了制造问题的那一方。 11. How to say \11、学会多去肯定,而非否定
Negativity sucks the air out of a room. Life is less about what you make it and more about how you see it. See it positively or you will not only be miserable, but you?ll make everyone around you miserable to.
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What is your most memorable cultural shock? 你印象最深且感到震惊的文化差异有哪些?
获得568好评的回答@Dave Samwell:
Some friends and I go to a bar to have a few beers before dinner. Beer is expensive in Japan and so we order a couple of pitchers to save a few precious yen as opposed to bottles or individual pints.
We finish the beers, ask for the check, get it and leave some money on the table. It came to 4990 yen. We leave a 5000 yen note, thank the waiter and leave.
As we are an entire block away, we hear someone shouting behind us, and waving a piece of paper. We quickly realise it is the waiter from the bar. 当我们已经出了店,听到后面有人在喊,拿着一张纸币。我们很快认出是那家酒吧的服务员。
He doesn't speak English, we don't speak Japanese but he had chased us out of the bar for an entire block to give us the 10 yen in change. This is worth around 0.06 (10c USD).
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Tipping doesn't exist in Japan, or even simply leaving a tiny bit of change to save the waiter the hassle of getting you the change isn't a thing.
From there on in, I never tipped and waited for my change everywhere I went. 从那之后,我从不给小费,会等服务员找零钱给我。
获得4.4k好评的回答@Richard Muller
I was in Shenzhen, China, and a family stopped me and my wife and asked us (my friend interpreted) if they could have their children take a photo with us. They were visitors from the interior of the country, and had never seen an American before.
我在中国深圳的时候,有一家人拦住了我和我妻子,然后问我们(我的朋友翻译)是否可以和他们的孩子合张影。他们是来自内地,从没见过美国人。 A similar thing happened in Shanghai. This time I was alone walking across the Waibaidu Bridge, and a group of teenage girls asked me (using sign language this time) if I could pose with them for a photo. I was happy to oblige, and I recall them all giggling as the photo was taken. (I wish I had a copy.)
Another surprise: I was in Pudong (the newly rebuilt area of Shanghai) and I
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