
更新时间:2024-01-05 18:09:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




班级:___________ 姓名:___________ 分数:___________

题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 得分 注意事项: 1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上

评卷人 得 分 一、选择题

1.I often _____ TV on Sunday evening. A.watch B.see


【答案】 【解析】略

2.Can I have a rest? -_____ A.Of course, you can B.I’m afraid you can

C.Yes, I can

【答案】 【解析】略

3.选出与所给单词发音相同的单词。(10分) (1)tea A.bread B.read (2)big A.pig B.five (3)bread A.peach B.head (4)bike A.fish B.like (5)tomato A.tomorrow B.three 【答案】 【解析】略

4.Did Lucy ____ the noodles yesterday ? cooking B. cook C. cooked 【答案】

九 十 总分 D.look at



5. is the second season of a year. A. Summer B. Autumn C. Winter 【答案】A


6.Listen and judge.(听录音,判断,对的打√,错的打×。) 5% (1)Chen Lei is a salesperson. (2)He goes to work by bus. (3)He likes drawing pictures.

(4)He works in an air-conditioner company. (5)He is going to the bookstore this weekend. 【答案】 【解析】 【听力材料】

Chen Lei is a salesperson. He’s tall and strong. He works in a supermarket. He is very busy. He goes to work by bus. On the weekend, he likes reading books. He is going to the bookstore with his friends this weekend.

7.找出每组单词中不同类的选项。(5分) (1)A. pencil B. pear C.ruler D.pen (2)A. sad B. present C.excited D.happy (3)A. shoe B. head C.hand D.arm (4)A. ate B. went C.flew D.swim (5)A. monkey B.tiger C.kitchen D.giraffe 【答案】(1)B(2)B(3)A(4)D (5)C 【解析】

(1)A、C、D为文具类名称词,B为水果名称词,B不属于同类,选B. (2)A、C、D为文具类名称词,B为名词,B不属于同类,选B. (3)B,C,D 为身体部位名词,A为物品名词,A不属于同类,故为A. (4)A,B,C为动词过去式,D为动词原形,D不属于同类,故为D (5)A,B,D为动物名称词,C为居所名称词,C不属于同类,故为C

8.The students of our class want to some flowers our English teacher . A.give ; to 【答案】 【解析】略

9.看图片,找短语,把短语序号填写在图片下括号里。 (10分)

B.take ; to

C.get ; with

D.look ; at

(1)no left turn (2)ride a bike (3)answer the phone (4)clean the room (5)play ping-pong (6)eat good food (7)make a kite (8)clean the board (9)draw pictures (10)go fishing 【答案】 【解析】略 10. is his birthday? A. When B. Whose C. What 【答案】 【解析】略

11.( ) It’s late. Helen get up quickly. A、having to B、has to C、have to 【答案】B 【解析】

12. You are a teacher. What about_________? A.she C.her 【答案】C 【解析】


名师解析:B项形式不对,排除B,宾格放在动词和介词之后,about 是介词,后面接宾格形式,所以排除A主格,D形容词性物主代词。

B.Li Pin brother D.your

易错提示:注意主格和宾格在句中的具体位置。 13.Pay attention ________me . A . at B . for C . to 【答案】C


pay attention to 意思是“注意”,这是固定搭配,因此选C。 14.I like _____ computer game. A. played B. play C. playing 【答案】C

【解析】考查like doing sth.,故选C。 15.—Do you miss your family? —________.

A. Sometime B. Some times C. Sometimes 【答案】C 【解析】略 评卷人 得 分 二、填空题

16.听录音,填写下列所缺的字母或单词,使其完整,每空一字母或一单词。(填入所缺的字母: (1)___at (2)__ot (3)t___n (4)ze___t 填入所缺的单词:

(5)I’m going to ____________ a ____________ book. (6)Are you going to send this ___________ ____________? 【答案】(1)bat (2)pot (3)tin

4分) (4)zest (5)buy comic (6)post card 【解析】 【听力材料】 (1)bat (2)pot (3)tin (4)zest

(5)I’m going to buy a comic book. (6)Are you going to send this post card? 17.我有一个新的澳大利亚笔友。

I have a new _____________ ______________ ___________ Australia. 【答案】 【解析】略

18.猜一猜, 将正确的词语写在横线上。(8分)

(1)You take it on a rainy day. If you forgot it, you will get wet. It is an . (2)This is a season. It's warm and rainy. The flowers bloom. It is . (3)It's a man. It makes with snow. It's a .

(4)It's a kind of vegetables. It's round. When you cut it. It can hurt your eyes.It's an 【答案】(1)umbrella (2)spring (3)snowman (4)onion 【解析】略


【答案】eye nose mouth face leg foot hair ear arm hand 【解析】略


1. She sometimes___________(write) stories in English. 2. Sam and Ken often_______(play) football.

3. They sometimes __________(clean) the blackboard. 4. Lingling never ______ (play) with her dolls. 5. We always ______(read) English books. 6. I often______(go) swimming.

7. He never ______(have )dinner with a knife and fork. 8. Simon always ________(ride) his bike to school .

【答案】1. writes 2. play 3. clean 4. plays 5. read 6. go 7. has 8. rides 【解析】略 评卷人 得 分 三、阅读理解

21.阅读理解回答问题。(10’) Monday June7th Fine

Today is a happy day for me. I am glad to get a story book from Robert.Its name is Sleeping

Beauty.It is in English. Robert is an England boy. Now he lives in London. He took me to visit many places of interest in London when I was in England. I am learning English. I think this book will be helpful.

(1)Where did I get the story book? (2)What’s the name of the book? (3)Where’s Robert from? (4)What did I do in England? (5)Will that book help me learn Chinese well?

【答案】 【解析】略


It is eight thirty on Saturday evening. Wang Hong and her parents are in their sitting-room. They are talking about their plans for tomorrow’s picnic. They are going to the Blue Hill Park. Wang Hong is very excited. Her mother has bought (已经买了) a lot of delicious food and fruit. Wang Hong’s friend Ding Yuan is going to go with them. He is going to fly his kite there. They will meet at seven thirty at the school gate.

( ) (1)It’s half past eight in the evening. ( ) (2)They’re planning for Sunday’s picnic.

( ) (3)Wang Hong’s mother is going to buy food and fruit. ( ) (4)Wang Hong and Ding Yuan are classmates.

( ) (5)They will meet at the school gate tomorrow afternoon. 【答案】T T F F F 【解析】略


My name’s Rie. I have a younger sister called Emi. We get up early morning. I have to make the beds before I go to school. My sister has to wash the dishes after breakfast. We have to feed the fish but sometimes we forget. After school Emi has to practice the piano. On Saturdays I usually have to clean my room. On Sundays I usually have to clean my room. On Sundays we visit our grandparents and don’t any chores. (1)Rie gets up early . a. twice a week b. every day

(2) Rie and Emi _______________ forget to feed the fish. a. always b. sometimes

(3) On Saturdays Rie___________ does chores. a. never b. usually

(4) On Sundays they _______________ a. hardly ever b. never do chores 【答案】(1)b (2) b (3)a (4)b 【解析】

24. 我是智多星,选择我最行!

Hello, my name is Jane. I want to say something about my family. I am a girl and I am 14 years old. I have a happy family. I have a sister and a brother. We live in London. We speak English. But my mother can speak Chinese, too.

My sister is 12 years old. We study at the same middle school. Our school is east of our home, It’s near our house. So every morning, we go to school together on foot. We like our school. We play with ball together.

My father is a doctor. He is very busy every day. Sometimes we drive to the restaurant to have lunch, and sometimes we go to the park near our house to fly kites.

My mother is a teacher. She works in Beijing now, so my grandparents live with us. They wear glasses. They like walking in the evening. ( ) 1. Where does Jane’s family live? A. China. B. The U.K. C. The U.S. ( ) 2. What does Jane’s father do? A. A doctor. B. A clerk. C. A teacher. ( ) 3. How do her sister and Jane go to school? A. By bike. B. By car. C. On foot. ( ) 4. Where is Jane’s school?

A. It’s far from her home. B. It’s east of her home. C. It’s in Beijing. ( ) 5. What does Jane’s grandparents like doing?

A. They like flying kites. B. They like walking. C. They like studying. 【答案】1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 【解析】略 评卷人 得 分 四、单词拼写


【答案】1.star 2.Santa 3.Christmas 4.gift 5.toy 【解析】略 评卷人 得 分 五、书面表达


以“My Holiday”为题写一篇作文。

要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,不少于50个词 。

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 【答案】My Holiday

I had a busy and happy holiday.I flew to Beijing on the first day.I visited some interesting places.I went to the Great Wall on the second day.I went to the Summer Palace on the third day.I went to buy some presents for my friends on the fourth day.Beijing is very beautiful.I love Beijing very much. 【解析】略 评卷人 得 分 六、句型转换


1. I cleaned the room.(改为一般疑问句) __________________________________________ 2. I was at home last night.(就划线部分提问) __________________________________________

3. I watched a film with my friends yesterday evening.(就划线部分提问) __________________________________________ 4. We had a party last night.(改为否定句) __________________________________________ 5. He came here last month.(改为一般疑问句) __________________________________________ 6. They played football this morning.(就划线部分提问)

__________________________________________ 【答案】

1. Did you clean the room? 2. When was you at home?

3. What did you do with your friends yesterday evening? 4. We didn’t have a party last night. 5. Did he come here last night? 6. What did they do this morning? 【解析】略 评卷人 得 分 七、翻译

28.我会译 1.What's it like? 2.I like running.

3.What is Sara's water bottle like? 4.Is Sara's water bottle big? 5.What did Sara say? 【答案】 1.它什么样? 2.我喜欢跑步。 3. Sara的水瓶什么样? 4. Sara的水瓶大吗? 5. Sara说什么了? 【解析】

1. 考查句型 what is …like? “……怎么样?”。 2. like +doing “喜欢做某事”

3. 考查句型 what is …like? “……怎么样?”。water bottle“水瓶”。 4. 考查一般疑问句和形容词big。big “大的”。 5. 考查what引导的特殊疑问句。

评卷人 得 分 八、判断题

29.listen and tick or cross .听短文,判断对错。(10%) (1)Liu Ming is older than Wu Dong . (2)Wu Dong is 163cm tall.

(3)Chen Ling is 2 years older than Wu Dong . (4)Wu Dong is 3kg heavier than Liu Ming . (5)Chen Ling is stronger and taller than Liu Ming 【答案】 【解析】 【听力材料】

Hi ,I’m Liu Ming . I’m a Chinese boy . I’m 12 years old .Wu Dong is my good friend .He is 11 years old . But he is bigger and stronger than me . I’m 160cm ,he is 163cm tall. I’m 45kg .he is 2kg heavier than me .Chen Ling is my sister . She is one year older than me , she likes sports , So she is taller and stronger than me . 30.在正确单词下打√。

This summer ,we (went ,will go ) to the East Sea.I like (play , to play ) on the beach.We (are , will be ) very happy.Would you like (go , to go ) with me ? 【答案】 【解析】略

判断下列句子是否与短文意思相符,相符的写\,不相符的写“F\。 Mary: What are you doing in the garden, John?

John: I’m watering the flowers. My mother says we must water the flowers every day, or they will die (死).

Mary: But it's raining now.

John: Oh, it doesn’t matter. Mary, I have an umbrella. 31.There are flowers in the garden. 32.It’s sunny today. 33.John is wet with rain.

34.John waters the flowers every day. 35.John is a clever boy.

【答案】 31.T 32.F 33.F 34.T 35.F 【解析】

思路分析:本题应该先整体的通读文段,然后再通读试题问句,根据具体问句从文章中得出答案。 名师解析:

31.由第二句 I’m watering the flowers.“我正在浇花”可推断花园里有花,由此可知答案是T。 32.由句子But it's raining now.“但是现在正在下雨”可推断今天是雨天。由此可知答案是F。 33.还是由句子 I have an umbrella.“我有雨伞”可推断John没有淋湿。由此得知本题答案是F。 34.友句子My mother says we must water the flowers every day. “妈妈说我们必须每天浇花”,及雨天John 都在浇花可得知John 是坚持天天浇花的。由此得知本题答案是T。

35.根据全文翻译,及John 在雨天依然浇花,按常理下雨天花儿吸收雨水不需要浇花,可判断John 并不聪明。由此可知答案是F。 36.判断划线部分读音是否相同,用T或F表示。 1.( ) foot food 2.( ) room wood 3.( ) good book 4.( ) food afternoon 5.( ) cool school 6.( ) cook look 7.( ) wood foot 8.( ) classroom room 【答案】1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.F 【解析】略

37.根据对话内容判断正误,对的用T,错的用F。 Jim: Hello, Mingming. How are you? Mingming: Fine, Thank you. And you? Jim: I’m fine. Your English is very great! Mingming: Thank you.

Jim: When did you begin to learn English.

Mingming: Five months ago. Jim: Do you like English?

Mingming: Yes, I do. And I like our English teacher, Ms Green. Jim: How many English classes do you have in a week? Mingming: We have ten English classes in a week. Jim: Well, it’s time to have a class. Mingming: Yes. Let’s go!

( )1. Mingming can’t speak English.

( )2. Mingming begin to learn English five months ago. ( )3. Mingming doesn’t like English.

( )4. Mingming have 9 English classes in a week. ( )5. Jim and Mingming is going to the park. 【答案】1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5. F 【解析】

1.根据短文第三行 Jim: I’m fine. Your English is very great!可知,答案是F。

2.根据短文第五,六行Jim: When did you begin to learn English. Mingming: Five months ago.可知,答案是T。

3.根据短文第七,八行Jim: Do you like English? Mingming: Yes, I do.可知答案是F。 4.根据短文第十行Mingming: We have ten English classes in a week.可知,故答案是F。

5.根据短文最后两行Jim: Well, it’s time to have a class. Mingming: Yes. Let’s go!可知, 答案是T。 评卷人 得 分 九、连线题

38. 连线,给问句选择相应的答语。 (1)Have you got any books? (2)Do you collect stamps? (3)Is there a letter for me? (4)What’s your hobby?

(5)These stamps are for my letters. A.No ,I don’t. B.No , I haven’t.

C.That’s right. D.Painting. E.Yes ,there is .

【答案】(1)B (2)A (3)E (4)D C 【解析】

(1)你有任何书吗? 不,我没有。 (2)你有搜集邮票吗? 不,我不收集。 (3)这有我的信吗? 是的,有。 评卷人 得 分 十、排序题

39.Listen and number. (听音,为下列句子排序。)10% ( )Suddenly my kite flew into the lake. ( )Today was a fun day.

( )A dog saw the kite and returned it to me. ( )I went to a park by bike. ( )Then I flew kites in the park. 【答案】BCCCB 【解析】 【听力材料】

Today was a fun day. I went to a park by bike. Then I flew kites in the park. Suddenly my kite flew into the lake. A dog saw the kite and returned it to me.

