北京四中2017-2018学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 Word版含答案

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听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What will the man probably do? A. Take a rest. B. Go to a party. C. Meet his boss.

2. What do we know about the man?

A. He has been caught copying a report. B. He is not free at the moment. C. He won’t leave till the last minute. 3. What is the woman concerned about? A. Her health. B. Her character. C. Her appearance. 4. What does the man mean? A. The fridge will be fixed. B. The room will be warmer. C. The lights will be switched on. 5. What does the man imply?

A. The woman already has too many shoes. B. The new shoes do not look good enough. C. He doesn’t care where to put the new shoes.



听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. Why doesn’t the man want to fly? A. He wants to enjoy the scenery. B. He thinks it is dangerous. C. He likes taking the bus.

7. Which means of transport does the woman prefer? A. The bus. B. The train. C. The ear.

听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8. Why is the woman worried?

A. She doesn’t know what to read. B. She hasn’t finished her task. C. She has no time to write her book. 9. What do we know about the man?

A. He has been to Europe with the woman. B. He has forgotten to write his reports. C. He has finished reading all the books. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。

10. What helps to impress the interviewer in the first place? A. Appropriate body language. B. Excellent memory. C. Natural voice.

11. What should the man do before the interview? A. Practice handshaking.

B. Recite the answers to possible questions. C. Get some information about the company.

12. What advice does the woman offer about the topic of salary? A. Not to mention it at the first interview. B. Not to bring it up in a roundabout way. C. To let the interviewer mention it next time. 听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。

13. What kind of English lessons does the speaker recommend? A. Examination skills.

B. Reading and writing. C. Listening and speaking.

14. How can a learner take the lessons when he is not online? A. By using the downloaded sound files. B. By making conversations with others. C. By reviewing words, phrases and idioms.

15. What is mentioned as an advantage of the speaker’s online course? A. It improves learners’ English skills quickly. B. It offers learners better study methods. C. It helps learners to make friends.



Ronald Reagan (1911~2004) Time 1932 Important Events Got a job as a radio (16) announcer 1937 Became a movie actor Other Information During the next Appeared in more than (17) Playing supporting roles 27 years films as the hero’s friend From 1954 to 1965 Acted in some popular TV (18) From 1966 to 1974 Served as governor of Califomia From 1980 to 1988 Served as president of the United The (19) person to States After serve as U.S. president leaving (20) to his farm in California the White House 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)


21. Don’t be ___________ by products claiming to help you lose weight in a week. A. taken down B. taken in C. taken on D. taken over 22. At last, people ___________ in the collapsed building were rescued.

A. were trapped B. are trapped C. trapped D. being trapped 23. The police have ___________ tourists ___________ leaving the main tourist centers because they may get lost.

A. warned; against B. reminded; of C. informed; of D. warned; of 24. He asked me ___________.

A. whether I knew where his brother has gone B. if I knew where his brother had gone C. that if I knew where his brother had gone D. whether I knew where his brother went

25. ___________ is known to everyone, the moon travels round the earth once every month.

A. It B. As C. That D. What

26. They are college students and don’t realize ___________ to start and run a company.

A. what takes it B. what they take C. what it takes D. what takes them

27. In order to encourage the workers to work hard, the manager has decided to award __________ produces the most in the factory.

A. who B. whom C. whomever D. whoever

28. The new equipment ___________ the disabled during the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. A. was intended for B. was intended to C. intended for D. intended to

29. The Three-Body Problem is said ___________ into several foreign languages. A. to translate B. to be translated C. to have translated D. to have been translated

30. After he stayed in the mountain village for five days without a bath, his clothes really needed ___________.

A. to wash B. washing C. being washed D. be washed

31. Seeing the terrible situation of the children, he thought he finally found something worth ___________.

A. fighting for B. fighting C. being fought D. to fight for 32. —They have done a good job so far. —Yes, but much ___________.

A. remains to do B. is remained to do

C. remains to be done D. is remained to be done 33. ___________, his idea was accepted by all the people at the meeting. A. Strange as might it sound B. As it might sound strange C. As strange it might sound D. Strange as it might sound

34. Hearing the dog barking fiercely, away ___________. A. fleeing the thief B. was fleeing the thief C. the thief was fleeing D. fled the thief

35. —My room gets very cold at night. —___________.

A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mine D. So do I

36. Never before ___________ seen anybody who can play tennis as well as Robert. A. had she

B. she had

C. has she D. she has

37. His emotional problems ___________ the day when his father walked out of the home and never came back.

A. date back to B. dated from C. are dated from D. dated back

38. Digging in the garden, he ___________ a piece of broken pottery that looked as if it might be Roman.

A. came out B. came across C. came down to D. came up with 39. Fast-food restaurants are ___________ all over the town.

A. springing up B. bringing up C. taking up D. setting up 40. The flames ___________ dancing shadows on the walls.

A. committed B. squeezed C. cast D. underwent

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


One Bite at a Time

Stephen was on campus to register when I first met him.

One summer day 41 I was heading for the administration building, I heard someone call my name. I 42 around and saw Philip, one of my colleagues standing with another young man. As Philip introduced me to the young man, named Stephen, he reminded him that he would be taking one of my 43 , Introduction to Literature. With a somewhat 44 . expression, Stephen asked if my class was going to be “hard”. Would he be able to pass? I 45 he was concerned about failing before the 46 day of classes. We talked about what the class would 47 and I saw Stephen’s eyes getting big with 48 .

Then I remembered a bit of classical dialog: Question: “How do you eat an elephant?” Answer: “One bite at a time.”

I told him to 49 his work that way. To do his assignment, all of them, and to get them in on time. I added that most 50 students I knew made a timetable of all the assignment so they could 51 their workload.

As time went on, I learned more of Stephen’s story. He had 52 in middle school. It had taken him longer to finish than most young people. Family members, including his mother, kept reminding him that he was a 53 . Now, in the face of their negative-saying he had been admitted into college. He told me that before coming to our campus no one had believed he had much 54 .

Stephen didn’t become an “A” student. He didn’t make any honor rolls. Still, he managed to 55 most of his courses by being in class every day, turning in all of his assignment on time and breaking down his studying into 56 digestible parts. By passing course after course he began to gain a measure of self-respect. He was a great singer and he was 57 the school’s cross-country team.

Every time I saw him on campus, he would brighten up and say, “One bite at a time.” Whenever he introduced me to his friends, he would tell them that he was 58 when he was supposed to be failing. His 59 , he said, was that he was 60 what I taught him before classes ever started: “Take it one bite at a time.” 41. A. after B. when

C. until D. once

42. A. turned B. sat C. moved D. went 43. A. jobs B. tests C. classes D. projects 44. A. innocent B. angry C. inspired 45. A. sensed B. imagined

D. pained

C. heard D. admitted

46. A. gathering B. parting C. closing D. opening 47. A. change B. adjust C. cover D. produce 48. A. interest B. anger

C. fear D. excitement

D. approach D. successful

49. A. avoid B. continue C. present 50. A. quiet B. optimistic C. energetic 51. A. plan B. increase

C. reduce D. measure

D. progressed

52. A. fitted B. hesitated C. struggled

53. A. cheat B. failure C. winner D. leader 54. A. experience B. information C. potential 55. A. pass B. begin C. take 56. A. full-sized B. bite-sized C. pocket-sized medium-sized

57. A. in B. on

C. at D. of

D. succeeding D. honor D. design D.

58. A. changing B. recovering C. concentrating

59. A. secret B. skill C. reply D. theory 60. A. spreading B. considering C. practicing




New Jersey Botanical Garden Membership

It’s easy to join New Jersey Botanical Garden (NJBG) Membership or renew your membership online, by phone or by mail. And it’s so important to the Botanical Garden! Your membership dollars help to improve the Garden, and provide educational and recreational (娱乐的) activities for the general public. Thank you for your support!

To join or renew, please click on the appropriate section and membership category below for safe and convenient online payment processing by PayPal.

If you prefer to join by phone or mail, call the NJBG office at (973) 962-9534 or download and send in our membership brochure (Adobe Acrobat PDF file).

★Join NJBG Today Membership Category Annual Dues Special: Save $5 with Biennial Dues(两年会Individual $35 $60 Dual(两人共用) $60 $100 Student $25 $40 D. expressing

费) ★Renew Your Membership Membership Category Annual Dues Special: Save $5 with Biennial Dues Individual $30 $50 Dual $50 $80 Student $25 $40 The Botanical Garden started life as Skylands, a large area in the grand manner. It is famous for a 44-room Tudor Revival granite mansion (公馆) designed by John Russell Pope. Skylands has 96 acres of formal and naturalized gardens and is surrounded by over 1,000 acres of meadows (草坪) and woodlands. Purchased by the State in 1966 and officially named as the New Jersey Botanical Garden in 1984, the gardens contain approximately 5,000 species and varieties of trees and flowers.

For you, the NJBG is an exciting and beautiful place to visit where you may enjoy each season’s best. Members enjoy special events, festivals, lectures, and rewarding educational opportunities for both city and country gardeners.

Your NJBG membership offers you discounts at participating nurseries, garden centers and other fine businesses. Simply present your NJBG membership card when beginning your purchase:

· Goffle Brook Farm and Garden Center, (201) 652-7540 10% off your purchase

· Metropolitan Plant Exchange, (973) 638-7613 12% off your purchase

· Rohsler’s Allendale Nursery & Florist, (201) 327-3156 15% off your purchase

61. The NJBG membership dollars can be used to ___________.

A. offer further education B. update online payment C. provide better service D. protect the environment 62. To join NJBG membership, you can call its office at ___________. A. (201) 327-3156 B. (201) 652-7540 C. (973) 962-9534 D. (973) 638-7613

63. To renew the one-year membership for your parents, you need to pay ___________. A. $50 B. $60 C. $80 D. $100 64. New Jersey Botanical Garden ___________. A. was officially named in 1966

B. was designed by John Russell Pope C. invites members to organize activities D. gives members discounts for their purchase


Two of the saddest words in the English language are “if only”. I live my life with the goal of never having to say those words, because they convey regret, lost opportunities, mistakes, and disappointment.

My father is famous in our family for saying, “Take the extra minute to do it right.” I always try to live by the “extra minute” rule. When my children were young and likely to cause accidents, I always thought about what I could do to avoid an “if only” moment, whether it was something minor like moving a cup full of hot coffee away from the edge of a counter, or something that required a little more work such as taping padding (衬垫) onto the sharp comers of a glass coffee table.

I don’t only avoid those “if only” moments when it comes to safety. It’s equally important to avoid “if only” in our personal relationships. We all know people who lost a loved one and regretted that they had foregone an opportunity to say “I love you” or “I forgive you.” When my father announced he was going to the eye doctor across from my office on Good Friday, I told him that it was a holiday for my company and I wouldn’t be here. But then I thought about the fact that he’s 84 years old and I realized that I shouldn’t give up an opportunity to see him. I called him and told him I had decided to go to work on my day off after all.

I know there will still be occasions when I have to say “if only” about something, but my life is definitely better because of my policy of doing everything possible to avoid that eventuality. And even though it takes an extra minute to do something right, or it occasionally takes an hour or two in my busy schedule to make a personal connection, I know that I’m doing the right thing. I’m buying myself peace of mind and that’s the best kind of insurance for my emotional well-being. 65. Which of the following is an example of the “extra minute” rule? A. Start the car the moment everyone is seated. B. Leave the room for a minute with the iron working. C. Wait for an extra minute so that the steak tastes better. D. Move an object out of the way before it trips someone.

66. The author decided to go to her office on Good Friday to ___________.

A. keep her appointment with the eye doctor B. meet her father who was already an old man C. join in the holiday celebration of the company D. finish her work before the deadline approached

67. The underlined word \in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ___________.

A. abandoned B. lacked C. avoided D. abused 68. What is the best title for the passage? A. The Emotional Well-being B. The Two Saddest Words C. The Most Useful Rule D. The Peace of Mind


PhoneSoap: Charge and Clean Your Phone

You may charge your phone every day, but do you clean your phone as much? Whatever your hands touch, your phones touch. It has been discovered that some phones have 18 times more bacteria and viruses than any surface in a public restroom. So it probably won’t surprise you that a 2011 University of London study found that one in six of our phones have bacteria and viruses on them—specifically, the bacteria called E. coli.

The research on bacteria and viruses led to the invention of PhoneSoap. It is not actually liquid like dishwasher soap. It is a phone charger that uses the electromagnetic radiation used in hospitals to kill 99.9 percent of bacteria and viruses, cleaning your phone while it charges.

“There are really certain types of bacteria and viruses that we should not be in touch with, and they are really on our phones,” says Wes Barnes, the PhoneSoap co-founder. It all started while his cousin and co-founder, Dan LaPorte, was in his cancer research lab at college. “He realized he got the idea of getting rid of bacteria and viruses on the phones,” said Barnes. “In the lab they used UV-C light for destroying them. He realized this would be the fastest, most powerful way to kill any bacteria and viruses living on electronic machines.”

PhoneSoap looks like a little metal suitcase. Your phone rests in to charge and get cleaned at the same time. Instead of plugging your phone into the wall, you’d

