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Unit 1---3


football field 足球场World Cup 世界杯

lots of friends 许多朋友be born 出生

after school 放学后wake up 醒醒

work hard 努力工作wear glasses 戴眼镜love dancing 爱跳舞football player 足球运动员badminton court 羽毛球场swimming pool 游泳池English club 英语俱乐部at lunchtime 在午饭时间take the bus 乘公共汽车at the weekend 在周末look happy 看上去高兴have a good time 过得愉快do morning exercises 做早操make model planes 做模型飞机the sharp teeth 锋利的牙齿Dragon Boat Festival 端午节Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节Chinese New Year 春节

be good at swimming 擅长游泳twice a week 一周两次walk her dog 遛她的狗at the volleyball court 在排球场meet up with… 与……约好见面knock on the door 敲门

cut out 割出(某个形状)have fun 有乐趣rice dumplings 粽子play a trick on them 捉弄他们red packets 红包take my dog for a walk 带狗去散步like listening to music 喜欢听音乐play for 为……踢球have lessons 上课have breakfast 吃早饭

in winter 在冬天listen to the radio 听收音机on October 1st在10月1日at Christmas 在圣诞节dress up as a ghost 装扮成一个鬼lion dance 狮子舞

go running for half an hour跑半个小时

spend…(in)doing… 花(时间或金钱)干某事

enjoy playing computer games 喜欢玩电脑游戏

give us some candy as a treat 用一些糖果招待我们

a member of the Swimming Clu

b 游泳俱乐部的一位成员

watch football matches on TV 观看电视里的足球赛

know a lot about computers 知道许多有关电脑(的知识)

on the evening of October 31st 在10月31日的晚上

make lanterns out oranges 用橘子做出灯笼

shine through the eyes 透过眼睛闪烁着

on the other side of the flash card 在幻灯卡的另一面

give them a treat of some candy 用一些糖果招待他们

look forward to something / doing something 期盼某事/ 期盼做某事





A. 多数动词后面加s。如eat—eats, play—plays, swim—swims, walk—walks。

B. 以字母o, s, x, ch, sh 结尾的动词后面加es。

如do—does, go—goes, guess—guess, fix—fixes, teach—teaches, push—pushes。

C. 末尾为-y的动词分两种情况:

a. 若-y前为辅音字母时,则将-y变为-i,再加-es。

如study—studies, fly—flies, cry—cries。(-y前分别为辅音字母d, l, r。)

b. 如-y 前为元音字母时,则-y 不变,直接在-y后面加-s。元音字母共五个。它们

是a, e, I, o, u。

如say—says, buy—buys, enjoy—enjoys。(-y前分别为元音字母a, u, o。)

2) 一般现在时所表达的含义

A. 永恒的真理或事实。

The sun comes out from the east. 太阳从东方升起。

Light travels faster than sound. 光速比声速快。

Cats eat fish. 猫吃鱼。




My hair is very long. 我的头发很长。

Millie lives in Beijing. Millie住在北京。

His parents work in a supermarket. 他的父母亲在一家超市里工作。



表示时间的副词或词组伴随使用,如:often, always, usually, sometimes,seldom, every


He gets to his company at half past eight every day. 他每天八点半到公司。

Simon always plays football after school. 西蒙放学后经常踢足球。

At the weekend, I usually go running for half an hour. 周末我通常跑步半小时。

Sometimes my mother flies a kite with me in the park.




A. 人称代词分为主格和宾格两种形式。如果是作句子主语成分的人称代词就必须使用


如:She likes her dog. She often walks him. 她喜欢她的狗。她经常带他遛遛。(she是主格,him是宾格。)

Where are they? I can‘t find them. 他们在哪里?我找不到他们。(they、I是主格, them


Don‘t worry about me! I can look after it well. 别为我担心。我可以照看好它的。


B. 习惯顺序

如果主语是几个并列的人称代词时,习惯顺序是:we, you and they;you, he / she and I。

You, he and I are classmates. 你、我、他是同班同学。

C. 中性代词it的用法


如:I have a lovely cat. I like it very much. 我有一只可爱的猫。我非常喜欢它。(it指动物)English is very useful. It is my favourite subject. 英语很有用。它是我最喜爱的学科。(it 指事物)

It is about five kilometers from here. 离这儿大约五公里。(it指距离)

It‘s 9:00pm. I must go. 现在晚上九点了。我必须走了。(it指时间)

How windy it is today! 今天风多大啊!(it指天气)


弄不清婴儿或小孩性别时:What a lovely baby it is! 多么可爱的宝宝啊!

看不见对方时:--- There‘s a knock on the door. Go and see who it is. --- It‘s Jim.

--- 有人敲门。去看看是谁。--- 是吉姆。

(ring!)--- Hello! Who is it? --- It‘s Mary speaking. ---喂,谁呀?---是玛莉。

照片或图片中的人物:--- Who‘s the little boy? --- It‘s me. 那小男孩是谁?--- 是我。



如:The red one is her car. Mine is the blue one. 红色的那辆是她的车。我的是那辆兰色的。

(mine = my car, 且在句中作主语。)

I don‘t want their answers. Tell me yours. 我不要他们的答案。告诉我你的答案。

(yours = your answer, 且在句中作宾语。)

3. Some dogs just don?t know how to have fun.一些狗就是不懂怎么玩。

1)在此句中“how to have fun‖ 是know的宾语。“疑问词+to do”形“所表达的含义相当于一个名词,因此,它可充当句子的主语成分或是宾语成分。

如:Where to look for the lost boy is still a big problem now. (作主语)


We are talking about which book to buy first. (作宾语) 我们在谈论先买哪本书。

2)“have fun”的“思是“嬉戏”、“娱乐”。―un 是不可数名词,也可作定语,意为“有趣”、“逗笑”。“:We had lots of fun at the party today! 我们今天在聚会上玩得很开心!

It is a fun hat. 它是顶可笑的帽子。

4.My favourite lessons are Chinese and English.我最喜欢的课程是语文和英语。

Favourite 是形容词,意为“最喜欢的”。“可以和“like……best‖的形式替换。

如:What‘s his favourite colour? His favourite colour is blue. 可转换为

What colour does he like best? He likes blue best. 他最喜欢什么颜色?他最喜欢兰色。

5. Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week. 米莉一星期去读书会两次。twice a week 意思是“一周两次”。“是用来表示“频率”的“语,其中,twice 表示“两次、两倍”,―once 表示“一次、一倍”,“次或三倍以上用time表示。

如:Please take the pills three times a day. 请一天服用三次这种药丸。

How often do they go back to their hometown? Once a year.


Now my schoolbag is twice as heavy as it was. 现在我的书包的重量是以前的两倍。

6.He teaches us English. 他教我们英语。

teach somebody something 意思是“教某人某事”;―teach somebody to do something 意思是“教某人干某事”。“中的somebody是宾格形式,不是形容词性物主代词。

如:The man under the tree teaches them P.E. 树下的那个人教他们体育。

Could you teach me to drive a car? 你能教我开车吗?

7.Do you have any money? No, I don?t have any money.



如:Are there any eggs in the basket? Yes, there are some. 篮子里有鸡蛋吗?是的,有一些。

I only bought some drinks. I don‘t buy any food. 我只买了些饮料,没买食物。

Would you like some snacks? Yes, please. 你要些小吃吗?好的。(提问者希望对方接受他的建议。)

Could you give me some paper? 你能给我一些纸吗?(提问者希望对方给他纸。)

8.Every day except Monday. 除了星期一,每天(都开放)。

except 意思是“除了……之外”,“介词。

如:Everyone except me goes to school by bike. 除了我之外,所有的人都是骑车上学的。

We can see all the colures in this picture except grey. 除了灰色,我们能在这幅画里看到所有的颜色。

另外,except和besides虽都解释为“除了……之外”,“except是将紧跟其后的宾语“排除在外”,“besides则将宾语内容“包含在内”。― 如:We all have finished homework except him. 除了他之外,我们都已经完成了回家作业。(他还没有完成。)

We all have finished homework besides him. 除了他以外,我们大家也已经完成了回家作业。(他也完成了。)

9.Thank you for organizing the class trip. 谢谢你组织这次班级旅行。

Thank somebody for doing something 意思是“感谢某人做某事”。“词for后的动词要使用-ing形式。

如:Thank you for showing me the way to school. 谢谢你指给我看去学校的路。


如:Nick is good at singing.尼克擅长唱歌。It‘s time for playing games. 到做游戏的时候了。

I spent five minutes in drawing a dog. 我花了5分钟画了只狗。

The kids look forward to eating ice cream. 孩子们盼望着吃冰激凌。

You can drink it without getting fat. 你喝了它不会发胖。

10.We would like to go to Beijing Zoo in Xicheng District.


would like something 意思是“想要某物”,““want something”;―ould like to do something 意思是“想要干某事”,““want to do something”。―如:I would like a cup of tea. = I want

a cup of tea. 我想要杯茶。

Would you like to go with me? = Do you want to go with me? 你想和我一起去吗?

注意:would like to do something 与like doing / like to do something (喜欢干某事)不要混淆。

如:I‘d like to watch English movies. 我想要看英语影片。

I like to watch English movies. 我喜欢看英语影片。

11.I?m going to see the doctor at three o?clock in the afternoon on 12th O ctober.


12.What do you think of your new school? 你认为你的新学校怎么样?

What…think of … 意思是“认为……怎么样?”相“的表达方式还有“How…like…”。

―如:What do you think of her new novel? 你认为她的新小说怎么样?

How do you like my new dress? 你认为我的新裙子怎么样?

注意:What…think of… 虽解释为“认为……怎么样?”,“疑问词是what,而不是how。

13.Could you tell me the answer to number two? 你能告诉我第二题的答案吗?

the answer to… 的意思是“……的答案”。“词to的含义是“的”,“用介词of。类似的短语还有the key to … ……钥匙;the way to … 去……的路;the ticket to … ……的票。

14. Is it time for breakfast? 是吃早饭的时间了吗?

I t?s my first time to see it and I am very excited.


It is time for something / It is time to do something 意为“是做某事的时候了”。―It is time for somebody to do something. 意为“是某人该干某事的时候了”。―Is it time for breakfast? 也可转换成Is it time for having breakfast? 或Is it time to have breakfast?

如:It is time to play tennis. 可转换成It is time for tennis. 或It is time for playing tennis.

It is time for us to play tennis. 到我们打网球的时候了。

It‘s time for me to change now. 是我该改变的时候了。

而It is one‘s first/second time t o do something 意为“是某人第几次干某事了。”

“:It‘s my first time to see it. 这是我第一次看见它。

It is his third time to make the same mistake. 这是他第三次犯同样的错误了。

15.Can I borrow your pen? 我能借你的钢笔吗?

borrow意为“借进……”,“用的短语是borrow ..from … ;lend 意为“借出……”,“用的短语是lend … to …。

如:My friend borrowed a book from the library yesterday. 昨天我朋友从图书馆里借了本书。

(对于主语my friend来说是借进。)

Could you lend some money to me? = Could you lend me some money? 你能借我些钱吗?


16. I?m dressing up as a ghost. 我正在装扮成一个鬼。

dress up as … 的意思是“乔装打扮成……”;―ress up in … 的意思是“用……乔装打扮”;

―ress somebody 的意思是“给某人穿衣服”;―ress oneself 的意思是“自己穿衣服”。― 如:I‘ll dress up as Monkey King. 我要装扮成猴王。

She dressed up in red / red clothes this Tuesday. 本周二她穿了红衣服。

She has to dress her baby every morning. 她不得不每天早晨给她的宝宝穿衣服。

Look! Kate can dress herself now. 瞧!现在凯特可以自己穿衣服了。

17.Usually, they give us some candy as a treat. 通常他们用糖果招待我们。

The neighbours usually give them a treat of some candy.


give somebody something as a treat与give somebody a treat of something都解释为“用某物招待某人”。“此,“they give us some candy as treat.”等“于“they give us of a treat of some candy.”。―此外,as也有许多含义:好像(某人);当作、作为;作为(某种身份);当……

的时候;由于;按照;as … as … 意为“和……一样”。―如:He dressed as a policeman. 他穿得像个警察。

I treat her as my good friend. 我把她当作好朋友。

As a student, you should get to school on time. 作为一名学生,你应该按时到校。

We watched TV as he cooked dinner. 他烧饭的时候,我们在看电视。

As they were very hungry, they ate up all the food very soon. 由于很饿,他们很快吃光了所有的食物。

Do it as the teacher says. 按照老师说的做。

The boy is as tall as his father. 那男孩和他的父亲一样高。

I found the same book as hers. 我找到了和她的(书)一样的书。


1._________ your mother at home now?

A. Does

B. Do

C. Is

D. Are

2.He is not a good boy. He often _____________ his homework.

A. doesn‘t

B. don‘t does

C. do n‘t do

D. doesn‘t do 3.--- Can I _____________ your dictionary?

--- Sorry, I‘m using it. I can‘t _____________ it to you.

A. lend, lend

B. borrow, lend

C. borrow, borrow

D. lend, borrow 4.--- _________ the boys enjoy _________ the World Cup? --- Yes, they __________.

A. Does, watching; does

B. Do, watch; do

C. Do, watching; do

D. Do, to watch; do 5.Nick hopes he can meet all ____________ classmates in Beijing Zoo.

A. the other

B. the others

C. other

D. another

首先要弄清这四个答案的区别:the other可以指“两者中的另一个”,“成句型“one…, the other….‖,也可后接名词的复数形式,意为“其余的/剩余的一些……”;―he others中的“others‖是代词,后面不可再接名词;other的意思是“其他的,另外的”,“面必须接名词才构成有意义的短语,other前没有the, 也就没有范围限制;another的意思是“另一个”,“面可接名词(通常接名词的单数形式。若接名词的复数形式,则将这个复数形式看作一个整体。),也可直接作代词使用。因而,答案B与D可先排除了。然后要知道all后接名词时通常要在此名词前加上定冠词the。故答案应选A。

6.--- May I drink ___________ tea? --- Sorry, I don‘t have ____________.

A. any, some

B. some, any

C. some, some

D. any, any

7.I‘m going to visit the palace __________________ a warm afternoon.

A. in

B. at

C. for

D. on

8.Will you ____________ 100 yuan on this kind of toy?

A. spend

B. pay

C. cost

D. take


句意为“你会花100元买这种玩具吗?”spend、pay、cost都可解释为“花钱”,“take 则通常用于“花时间”。“么,spend的搭配是“spend … (in) doing something”或“spend …

on something”,“语为“人”;―ay的搭配是“pay … for something‖,主语为“人”;―ost 的搭配是“cost somebody …‖,主语为“物”。“中有个介词“on”,“与其搭配的只有spend,因此,答案应选A。

9.Great! It‘s time to _______ up with John and Amy. I‘m looking forward to _______ them soon.

A. meet, see

B. meeting, seeing

C. meeting, see

D. meet, seeing

10.--- Is this _________ pen? --- No, _______ doesn‘t have a blue pen. _________ is purple.

A. she, her, hers

B. hers, she, her

C. her, hers, she

D. her, she, hers



III. 单项选择(15%)

()1. ---_____________ are they? --- They are fine.

A. Where

B. What

C. Who

D. How

()2. --- Are you __________? --- No, I am ________________.

A. an English; an American

B. English; American

C. an English; American

D. English; a American

()3. __________ there a book and some pictures on the desk?

A. Is

B. Are

C. Have

D. Has

()4. My grandpa is 65. But he ____________ young.

A. look

B. looks

C. are

D. /

()5. My cousin ______________ with me on Sunday.

A. likes play

B. enjoys playing

C. like playing

D. enjoys to play ()6. Are they good at ____________?

A. draw

B. to draw

C. draws

D. drawing

()7. Her aunt has _______________.

A. small mouth

B. a long hair

C. a big eye

D. a big nose ()8. My mother ______________ our games but my father ____________ them.

A. don‘t watch, watch

B. doesn‘t watch, watch

C. doesn‘t watch, watchs

D. doesn‘t watch, watches

()9. The little dog ________ born in our house.

A. is

B. are

C. was

D. does

()10. It‘s time _______ a rest.

A. for

B. to

C. of

D. with

()11.---What colour ___________ Miss. White‘s jeans? --- ____________ dark blue.

A. are, It‘s

B. is, It is

C. are, They are

D. is, They are ()12. --- __________ is this skirt? --- It‘s my sister‘s.

A. Who‘s

B. What

C. Which

D. Whose

()13. Kitty goes to see her uncle _________ every Friday evening.

A. /

B. on

C. in

D. at

()14. There isn‘t _______________ in the basket.

A. some bread

B. any tea

C. a meat

D. any pears ()15. Thank you for ______________ me about it.

A. tell

B. to tell

C. telling

D. told

IV. 用所给单词的适当形式填空(5%)

1.How old are those lovely ____________ (baby)?

2.Oh, yes, Ben ____________ (study) in our school.

3.I think the twins love _____________(eat) Chinese food.

4.Do the students always write __________ (good)? Yes, they do.

5.Look! __________ their daughter at the door (be)?

V. 句型转换(5%)

1. Joanna often does some cleaning on Sunday. (改为否定句)


2. The boys don‘t have any erasers. (改为单数形式)


3. The student in the front row is a top student. (划线部分提问)


4. He doesn‘t have a watch. (改为复数形式)


5. My grandmother gave me a treat of some chocolates yesterday. (同义句转换)


VI. 根据上下文意思,正确翻译括号内所给的中文(10%)

The __________ (发明) of the camera goes far into the ___________ (过去). In the 1500s, men were experimenting with cameras that made images. But it was not ___________ (直到) the early 1800s that man ___________ (发现) a way to make the pictures permanent. __________ (甚至) then, photography was a new ____________ (领域). Most _________ (家庭) had their pictures __________ (拍) by a photographer. People did not own cameras ____________ (因为) taking pictures and developing the film were too _____________ (困难).

VII. 完成下列句子(15%)

1. Daniel戴了副眼镜,但他很擅长打电脑游戏。


2. 每天晚上他读英语15分钟吗?


3. 我的新同学对我都很好。


4. 在学校我们一周做两次早操。


5. 你们打算怎样庆祝圣诞?


VIII. 完型填空(10%)

This Chinese boy is Li Lei. He is twelve. He is ___1___ No. 1 High School. He‘s in Class Two, Grade One. ___2___ good friend is Jack. He‘s ___3___ English boy. He‘s in Li Lei‘s class. ___4___ in the same row. ___5____ Read is their English ___6___ in their class now. She‘s a pretty woman. Jack and Li Lei have a ___7___ ------ Jack is their English teacher‘s ___8___. Li Lei always goes to Jack‘s home ___9___ school. But he calls Jack‘s mother ___10___ Read.

( ) 1. A. on B. to C. in D. of

( ) 2. A. He‘s B. His C. Him D. He

( ) 3. A. an B. a C. the D. /

( ) 4. A. They B. Their C. They‘re D. Theirs ( ) 5. A. Mr. B. Miss C. Sir D. Mrs.

( ) 6. A. friend B. doctor C. classmate D. teacher

( ) 7. A. dog B. friend C. book D. secret

( ) 8. A. daughter B. son C. sister D. brother ( ) 9. A. after B. at C. in D. to

( )10.A. Mr. B. Miss C. Aunt D. Uncle

IX. 阅读理解(20%)

( A )

Lucy and Lily are twins. They are students. They are ten. Their father is Mr. White. He is in a red coat. Their mother is Mrs. White. She is in black shoes. Lucy is in a yellow sweater. Lily is in a red sweater. Bob is their brother. He is in a blue hat. Peter is his good friend. The twins and Peter are in a green car. The car is behind the red flowers.

( ) 1. Mr. White is ______________.

A. Lucy‘s uncle

B. Bob‘s father

C. Lily‘s teacher

D. a teacher

( ) 2. Mr. White and Mrs. White have ___________ .

A. one son and two daughters

B. one son and one daughter

C. one daughter and two sons

D. two sons and two daughters.

( ) 3. Mrs. White is _______________.

A. in a yellow sweater

B. in black shoes

C. in a blue hat

D. in a red coat

( ) 4. _____________ isn‘t in the green car.

A. Bob

B. Lucy

C. Lily

D. Peter

( ) 5. Who‘s in red? _______________.

A. Mrs. White and Mr. White

B. The twins

C. Bob and Lily

D. Lily and Mr. White


One day, Tim goes home from school and says to Mother Cat, ―Please take your children to the park near here. You can play there. But don‘t forget there are five cats in the park.‖Mother Cat is very glad. She takes her four children to the park soon. Now they are playing happily.

Mother Cat is counting the number of the cats, ―one, two, three, four …‖ Mother Cat is worried (着急). ―There are five cats here. But now there are only four cats. What can I do?‖Mother Cat is crying (哭). She is looking for the fifth cat. ―Where is it?‖ Oh dear! Where is the fifth cat?

( ) 6. Mother Cat has ____________ children.

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

( ) 7. Tim ________________.

A. goes to the park with the cats

B. lives near the park

C. has four cats

D. a doctor

( ) 8. Mother Cat is crying because (因为) ________________.

A. she can‘t the fifth cat.

B. she can‘t find home.

C. Her children are not in the park.

D. she forgets the time to go home

( ) 9. The fifth cat is _______________.

A. in the river

B. at home

C. Tim

D. Mother Cat

( ) 10. Which one is WRONG?

A. The cats are playing happily in the park.

B. Mother Cat can count the numbers.

C. The cats goes to the park when Tim is at school.

D. Mother Cat is looking for the fifth cat.

X. 书面表达(15%)


要点如下:1. 11月3日早上7:30出发,乘公共汽车去。




IV. 单项选择(15%)

( ) 1. Don‘t miss __________ ―n‖ in the word ―running‖.

A. a

B. the

C. /

D. an

( ) 2. There __________ some milk and some biscuits on the table.

A. are

B. is

C. has

D. have

( ) 3. Uncle Green ___________ Chinese tea.

A. like drinking

B. like drinks

C. likes drinking

D. likes drink

( ) 4. Do you know all those _________________?

A. woman teachers

B. men workers

C. women teacher

D. man workers ( ) 5. Would you like _____________ to drink?

A. buying something

B. to buy something

C. buying anything

D. to buy anything

( ) 6. Does Mr. Lu teach ____________ Art?

A. your

B. hers

C. him

D. they

( ) 7. What did the Blacks do before _____________ to the airport?

A. they start

B. starting

C. started

D. they starting

( ) 8. How much did you ______________ on the new digital camera?

A. spend

B. cost C pay D. take

( ) 9. Peter and I ____________ football.

A. all love

B. love all

C. both love

D. love both

( )10. __________ do you think of my new car?

A. How

B. Which

C. How much

D. What

( )11. In China, some people like the KFC, some like Pizza Hut, and _______ like McDonalds.

A. other

B. the other

C. others

D. the others

( )12. Have you seen the key ________ my bike? I can‘t find it.

A. of

B. to

C. for

D. with

( )13. Please ask ___________. He may know which one is __________.

A. he, your

B. him, yours

C. his, you

D. him, your

( )14. I‘m going to meet him _____ 3:00 ________ th e afternoon ___________ July 5th.

A. at, in, on

B. in, on, at

C. on, at, in

D. at, on, in

( ) 15. __________ the exciting evening, everyone laughed and shouted loudly.

A. At

B. In

C. On

D. For

V. 用所给单词的适当形式填空(5%)

1. I like to play with _____________ (they).

2. Is this ____________ (she) book? It looks like ___________ (she).

3. Let‘s ___________ (sing) this song together.

4. We usually have a party on the ___________ (two) of October.

VI. 句型转换(5%)

1. The girl behind you is his sister. (改为一般疑问句)


2. My friends rush into the classroom. (改为单数形式)


3. I like talking to my classmates at lunchtime. (划线部分提问)


4. It takes me about two hours a day to do my homework. (同义句转换)


5. My favourite sport is volleyball. (同义句转换)


VII. 根据上下文意思,正确翻译括号内所给的中文(10%)

Everybody ________ (有) his own hobbies: some are fond of collecting ___________ (邮票), coins, etc., some like _____________ (游泳), and there are some who like reading or music--- all these are good hobbies. The __________ (最糟糕的) hobbies of all are smoking and gambling (赌博). Smoking _____________ (危害) our ___________ (身体). Some men like to smoke in ___________ (公共的) places, and don‘t ___________ (在意) about other people‘s feelings. Gambling will make you lost everything. You may lose your ____________ (脾气), money and friendship. Friendship is the thing that money can‘t buy. To lose a friend is easy but to ___________ (建立) up a friendship is hard.

VIII. 完成下列句子(15%)

1. 那个树底下的女孩又高又苗条。她是位有礼貌的学生。

__________________________________________________________________________ 2. 在12月24日的晚上你们干什么了?我们举行了聚会。

__________________________________________________________________________ 3. 每个周末,他总是画一个多小时的画。

__________________________________________________________________________ 4. 你的表弟是不是知道许多有关外国节日的事情?

__________________________________________________________________________ 5. 孩子们盼望着装扮成各种动物。


IX. 完型填空(10%)

Little Chad was a shy, __1__ young man. One day he came home and told his mother that he would like to make a present __2__ everyone in his class. Her heart sank (下沉). She thought, ―I wish he wouldn‘t do that!‖ __3__ she had watched the children when they walked home from school, her Chad was always behind them. They laughed and talked to each other. But Chad was never included. However, she still decided she __4__ Chad the paper and glue. For three weeks, night after night, Chad finally made 35 presents. He was __5__ and carefully put them in a bag.

The next morning, Chad went to school __6__. Later in the afternoon, when she heard the children outside, mom looked out of the window. And, as usual, Chad was the __7__ one. He walked a little __8__ than usual. His bag was __9__, she noticed, and when the door opened, she said, ―Mommy has some cookies and milk for you.‖

But he __10__ heard her words. He just walked in. His face was red, and all he could say was: ―Not a one. Not a one.‖Her heart sank. And then he added, ―I didn‘t forget a one, not a single one!‖

( ) 1. A. quiet B. lucky C. noisy D. angry

( ) 2. A. to B. with C. for D. by

( ) 3. A. If B. Because C. Though D. But

( ) 4. A. bought B. will buy C. would buy D. buys

( ) 5. A. exciting B. excited C. boring D. bored

( ) 6. A .suddenly B. sadly C. in hurry D. in a hurry

( ) 7. A. first B. happiest C. shortest D. last

( ) 8. A. fast B. faster C. fastest D. slowly

( ) 9. A. broken B. full C. dirty D. empty

( )10. A. didn‘t B. couldn‘t C. hardly D. almost

X. 阅读理解(20%)


One day Einstein is walking in a street in New York. His friend meets him and says to him, ―Einstein, you should buy anew coat. Look, your coat is very old.‖

But Einstein answers, ―It doesn‘t matter. Nobody knows me here.‖

After a few years, Einstein becomes a famous scientist(科学家). But he still wears the old coat.

His friend meets him again and asks him to buy a new one.

But Einstein says, ―I don‘t need to buy a new one. Everyone knows me here.‖

( )1. Einstein lived in ________.

A. England

B. China

C. America

D. Japan

( )2.Einstein‘s coat is very old. His friend ______________.

A. gives him a new one

B. asks him to buy a new one

C. helps him buy anew one

D. helps him mend the old one

( )3.Einstein doesn‘t want to buy a new one because ____________.

A. nobody knows him

B. he likes the old one

C. he has no money

D. he isn‘t interested in his clothes

( )4.Some years later Einstein _________.

A. buys a new one

B. becomes a great scientist

C. still wears the old coat

D. Both B and C

( )5.The title of the story should be ___________.

A. Einstein and His Friend

B. Einstein and His Old Coat

C. A Famous Scientist--- Einstein

D. A Day of Einstein


Many people have dogs or cats as pets. Mr. Jenkins wanted a different kind of pet, so he bought a lion!

The first night, Mr. Jenkins put the lion in a bedroom and locked the door. The next morning he went to look at his new pet. The lion had broken the bed, eaten a blanket, torn the rug, and chewed a chair.

Mr. Jenkins sold the lion and bought a puppy. He said, ―A puppy is a better pet to have in a house. Lions belong in zoos.‖

( ) 6. Which of the following is Mr. Jenkins‘ new pet?

A. a cat

B. a dog

C. a lion

D. a pig

( ) 7. Mr. Jenkins put his pet in a _________.

A. kitchen

B. cage

C. garage

D. bedroom

( ) 8. Mr. Jenkins kept his pet ___________.

A. for a short time

B. for many years

C. in his car

D. to scare people

( ) 9. The story says that the pet __________.

A. ate the bed

B. tore the rug

C. hid a table

D. bit Mr. Jenkins

( )10. The best title is ______________.

A. A Puppy That Chased a Lion

B. Lions Are Not Good Pets

C. Building a New House

D. A Lion Runs Away

Unit 4---6


need a lot of energy 需要大量的能量want to be a dancer 想要成为一名舞蹈家a healthy diet 健康的饮食keep fit 保持健康

a top student 顶尖学生do some exercise 进行运动

be careful with her diet 当心她的饮食pocket money 零花钱

give advice on …在……给建议/ 忠告free time 闲暇时间

five cartons of milk 五纸盒牛奶 a poor area 贫困地区

a packet of salt 一袋盐how often 多久一次

how long 多久not…any more再也不……

lie on the couch 躺在长沙发上much better 好多了

so many bananas 如此多的香蕉stay healthy 保持健康

ask… for help向……寻求帮助music box 音乐盒

take a look 看一看ask…to do…叫某人干某事

many kinds of 各种各样的never mind 没关系

the same…as…和……一样show around 四处看看

electrical shop 电器商店sports shop 体育商店

flower shop 花店shoe shop 鞋店

invite somebody to…邀请某人到……wait for one‘s turn等着轮到某人

clothes shop 服装商店stay out 不回家、呆在户外

top floor 顶楼 a fashion show 时装表演

look colourful 看上去色彩丰富long red leather boots 红色长统皮靴

dress up in white trousers穿白裤子just a minute 稍等片刻

choose what to wear 选择穿什么make my feet feel hot 使我的脚感到热

be made of 用……做成fast food 快餐

spend… on something在某物身上花(时间或金钱)

wear her hair in a 1990s style 把她的头发扎成20世纪90年代的样式

raise money for Project Hope 为希望工程筹款


1.You never exercise. 你从来不锻炼。I never do any exercise. 我从来不锻炼。

Do you do morning exercises at school? 你们在学校做早操吗?(Unit 2)exercise有动词和名词两种词性。作为动词时,exercise解释为“锻炼”;“为名词时,exercise 解释为“锻炼”(“时,exercise是不可数名词)或“练习”(“时,exercise是可数名词)。如:do morning exercises做早操 ; do eye exercises做眼保健操; do Math exercises做数学练习How often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次?

You must take more exercise. 你必须都进行运动。

2.It?s very easy for me to get tired when I dance. 当我跳舞时,我很容易疲劳。

It is + 形容词+ (for somebody))o do something 的意思是“对某人来说干某时很……”。―如:It is a little difficult for the boy to work out the problem.


It is very happy (for me) to make friends with you. (对我来说),很高兴和你成为朋友。

It is important for everyone to keep healthy. 对每个人来说,保持健康很重要。


如:Please give it to your teacher when you get to school tomorrow.

Will you please buy some juice for me when you go to the shop after school?

I wondered what he would say when he met his wife.

3.I need to keep fit. 我需要保持健康。

need to do something的意思是“需要干某事”,“时的need是实意动词;need do something 的意思是“需要干某事”,“干某事是必要的,此时的need是情态动词。

如:Do they need to take off their shoes? No, they don‘t. 他们需要脱鞋吗?不,不必了。

You need think it over again before you do it. 在你做之前,你有必要在考虑一下。

Must I clean the office at once? No, you needn‘t. 我必须立刻打扫办公室吗?不,你不必。4.How beautiful Sandy is! 桑迪是多么漂亮!

“How + 形容词/ 副词+ 主语+ 谓语+ 其它成分+ !”构“感叹句。感叹句还有一个常用形式是“What + 名词短语(通常含形容词)+ 主语+ 谓语+ 其它成分+ !”。

“们的意思均为“某物或某人多么……啊!”。―如:How sunny the weather is today! 今天的天气多晴朗啊!

How carefully the boy is writing on the blackboard! 那个男孩在黑板上写得多认真啊!

What a sunny day it is today! 今天的天气多晴朗啊!

What tall buildings they are! = How tall the buildings are! 多么高的楼房啊!

5.I don?t eat them any more. 我再也不吃它们了。

not … any more的意思是“再也不……”,“可转换成“no more”。“似的表达方式还有:not … any longer = no longer。

如:I don‘t eat them any more. = I no more eat them.

The baby didn‘t cry any more. = The baby no more cried. 那宝宝再也不哭了。

You are no longer a child. = You are not a child any longer. 你再也不是个孩子了。

The famous doctor didn‘t live in this town any longer.

= The famous doctor no longer lived in this town.那位著名的医生再也不住在这个镇上了。

6.I feel much better now. 我感觉好多了。

“much + 比较级”的“思是“……多了”。―如:much older 老多了;much heavier 重多了;much more expensive 贵多了;

另外,可用于修饰比较级的副词还有:even, far, any及短语a little(a little后也可跟原形)。如:His father is even fatter than him. 他的父亲甚至比他还胖。

This story is far more interesting than that one. 这个故事比那个有趣得多了。

I can‘t run any faster. 我再也跑不快了。

Did you get to school a little earlier today? 你今天到学校早点了吗?




如:人名:Tom、Mr. Smith 称呼:Dad、Uncle Li、Granny 地名:Oxford Street、Queen Road 地理名称:America、Tokyo、Africa

月份、星期、节日和季节:October、Tuesday、Christmas、spring (一般小写,也可大写)可在前面加上冠词the的专有名词:the Great Wall、the Thames、the U.S.A.、the P.R.C.。



doctors, a man worker --- men workers。


如:two pieces of bread 二片面包 a box of tea 一盒茶叶

five cartons of milk 五纸盒牛奶three bottles of water 三瓶水

a glass of juice 一玻璃杯果汁ten bars of chocolate 十块巧克力

8.There be句型与have / has

1)There be 结构表示“某地存在着某人或某物”;―ave / has表示“某人或动物拥有某人或某物”。―如:There is a nice skirt on the bed. 床上有一条好看的短裙。

Lucy has a nice skirt. 露茜有一条好看的短裙。

Are there any basketballs in your school? 你们学校里有篮球吗?

Do you have any basketballs? 你有篮球吗?


There be结构要遵循就近原则。

如:There is a book and some pens on the desk. 在课桌上有一本书和一些钢笔。

There are some pens and a book on the desk. 在课桌上有一些钢笔和一本书。

9.I think you can buy him a football. 我想你可以买只足球给他。

I can buy a yo-yo for him. 我可以买个溜溜球给他。

buy somebody something相当于buy something for somebody, 意思是“买某物给某人”。

―如:My best friend bought me some CDs as my birthday presents. = My best friend bought some CDs for me as my birthday presents. 我的好朋友买了一些CD给我作为我的生日礼物。

The students are going to buy their teachers some flowers. = The students are going to buy some flowers for their teachers. 同学们打算给他们的老师们买写花。

10.The shopkeeper asks Amy to buy a CD for her friend.


ask somebody to do something的意思是“叫/要求某人做某事”。“似的短语还有:tell somebody to do something“告诉某人干某事”。―如:Why do you always ask me to do the same thing? 你为何总叫我做同样的事?

Tell all your classmates to wait here. 告诉你所有的同班同学在这儿等着。



A. 现在正在发生或进行的事件或动作。常用的时间状语有:now, at the moment。

如:What are they doing? They are drinking milk. 他们正在干嘛?他们正在喝牛奶。

Is the little monkey climbing the tree now? 现在那只小猴子在爬树吗?

B. 目前一段时期的活动或现在一阶段正在进行的动作。

如:The Brown family is traveling around the world these days.


Are you learning to drive all the time? 你一直在学开车吗?

C. 有些动词的现在进行时可表达将要发生的动作,一般后接时间状语。如:come、


如:When are we leaving? 我们什么时候出发?

John is arriving here in ten minutes. 约翰十分钟后到这儿。

She isn‘t coming to meet you until five. 她直到五点才会来见你。

12.I can spend 10 more minutes in bed then. 我还可以再睡10分钟。

more 被置于数字后面时,它的意思是“还、再、又”。“有同样用法的还有another。如果another被置于数字前面时,它也具有“还、再、又”的“思。但若another后面的数字为1时,往往不把“1”翻“出来。

如:Could you give us three more days?= Could you give us another three days?


Would you like to eat one more mango? = Would you like to eat another mango?


13.Today we are going to show you clothes from the 1970s to the 1990s.


the 1970s相当于the 70s of the 20th c entury,读作“the nineteen seventies‖,意思是“20世纪70年代”。“常这一短语中的年份都是以0结尾的年份,如1860、2020等。短语中的the或s均不能省略。

如:He was born in the 1740s. 他出生在十八世纪四十年代。

This movie will tell us a story happened in the 1930s.


14.Simon looked colourful. 西蒙看上去(穿得)很艳丽。

look的意思是“看上去”,“于系动词。系动词后面接形容词,不用副词, 而且无被动语态。类似的系动词还有:seem (似乎)、sound (听上去)、smell(闻起来)、taste(尝起来)、feel(感觉)等。

如:Your daughter looks very happy. 你女儿看上去很高兴。

The new song sounds really beautiful. 那首新歌听起来真的悦耳。

Her paintings didn‘t seem very popular. 她的画似乎不是很受欢迎。

Did the old lady feel excited? 那位年长的女士感到兴奋吗?

How does the cake smell? V ery delicious. 蛋糕闻上去如何?很美味。

I think the fish must taste good. 我想这鱼一定尝起来很好吃。

15.I wore a black skirt, long red boots and a red blouse.



“观点--- 尺寸--- 新旧--- 形状--- 颜色--- 产地--- 材料--- 属性+ 名词”“:some expensive small green Australian cotton toys 一些昂贵的澳大利亚小型绿色棉布玩具There is a large old round wooden table in my home. 在我家有一张旧的大圆木桌。

They built a nice little Chinese restaurant 他们建造了一家美丽的中国小餐馆。


用一般过去时时,通常指动作何时发生,而不指动作持续多久。常与之连用的时间状语有yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week, three days ago,just now等。


如:Sam phoned me a moment ago. 萨姆刚才打电话给我了。

Did you meet my mother this morning? 你今天早晨遇到我母亲了吗?


如:My husband smoked forty cigarettes a day when he was young.


How often did you go swimming in the university? 你在大学时多久去游泳一次?


如:We watched the fashion show in the park. 我们在公园里观看了时装秀。

Who forgot to close the door? 谁忘了关门了?



如:Could you pass the cup to me? 你能把杯子递给我吗?

Would you come to my birthday party? 你要来参加我的生日聚会吗?


1.What will you do after you finish all of your math ________? I want to take some _________.

A. exercise, exercise

B. exercise, exercises

C. exercises, exercise

D. exercises, exercises

2.Could you tell me whe n she ________? I don‘t know, but she will call me when she ________.

A. comes, comes

B. will come, comes

C. will come, will come

D. comes, will come 3.Look! Why is this tie _________ expensive than that one?

A. much

B. so

C. so more

D. much more

4.I don‘t like this pair of hair clips. Could you show me __________ pair?

A. more

B. another

C. another one

D. the other

5.Look at the stars in the sky! How ____________ they are!

A. bright stars

B. brightly

C. bright

D. brightly stars

6.How do you like the ______________ sweater? I like it very much.

A. blue smart woolen American

B. woolen American blue smart

C. smart blue American woolen

D. smart American blue woolen

blue是“蓝色”,表示颜色;woolen是“羊毛的”,表示材料;American是“美国的”,表示示产地;smart是“时髦的”,表示说话人的观点。那么,根据形容词的一般排列顺序“观点--- 尺寸--- 新旧--- 形状--- 颜色--- 产地--- 材料--- 属性”,“四个形容词的排列顺序为smart, blue, American, woolen, 故应选答案C。县官行令色国财

7.Mr. Road ________ our city in 1999. Could you tell me if he __________ our city next year?

A. visited, would visit

B. visited, will visit

C. visits, would visit

D. visits, will visit 8.The baby ___________ ill. It should ____________ after well.

A. is looked, be looked

B. is looked, look

C. looks, be looked

D. looks, look 9.The new gloves _________ well. All of them _____________ out this afternoon.

A. sold, sold

B. sold, were sold

C. were sold, sold

D. were sold, were sold

sell well的意思是“卖得好、销路好”,没有被动语态;sell out的意思是“卖光”,有被动语态。故应选答案B。

10.The poor man was made _____________ in the park last night.

A. to sleep

B. sleep

C. sleeping

D. slept


IV. 单项选择(15%)

( ) 1. One sock is on the bed. Where‘s ________________?

A. others

B. the other one

C. another

D. the others

( ) 2. ______________ she is dancing!

A. What beautiful

B. How beautiful

C. What beautifully

D. How beautifully ( ) 3. This room is ________________.

A. Jack and Simon‘s

B. Jack‘s and Simon‘s

C. Jack‘s and Simon

D. Jack and Simon

( ) 4. Mother has made a big cake _____________ her children.

A. to

B. for

C. of

D. on

( ) 5. The manager looks _____________ today.

A. nicely

B. friendly

C. politely

D. kindly

( ) 6. Where can I find a ____________________ box?

A. cheap plastic big

B. plastic big cheap

C. cheap big plastic

D. big plastic cheap

( ) 7. Many roses ____________ on this farm and they ___________ very well there.

A. grow, are grown

B. are grown, grow

C. grow, grow

D.are grown,are grown ( ) 8. Do you think it is _____________ hotter today?

A. very

B. little

C. too

D. much

( ). 9. What is the hat made of ?

A. Last year.

B. In my hometown.

C. Wool.

D. Woolen

( )10. There‘s a discount _____________ these shoes.

A. in

B. on

C. for

D. of

( )11. You were seen ____________ into that restaurant last night.

A. to run

B. run

C. running

D. ran

( )12. It‘s strange. Why ________ the monkey __________ its head all the time?

A. does, shake

B. did, shake

C. is, shaking

D. will, shake

( )13. My cousin, Amy, __________ goes to the cinema. She has been to the cinema only two or three times since she went to school.

A. often

B. never

C. seldom

D. usually

( )14. My bike is broken today. Could you __________ yours to me?

A. lend

B. borrow

C. to lend

D. to borrow

()15. ____________ did the teacher give the students a talk? Once a week.

A. How long

B. How many

C. How

D. How often

V. 用所给单词的适当形式填空(5%)

1.Millie gave an ___________ (interest) talk on ―The Life of a _________ (train)‖.

2.I don‘t think the film is good. I __________ (like) i t.

3.Suzhou is one of the most beautiful ____________ (city) in China.

4.Daniel is the ___________ (good) student in our class.

VI. 用所给动词的适当形式填空(5%)

1.I don‘t have much time __________ (discuss) it with you.

2.Will the boy play computer games after he ____________ (finish) his work?

3.She likes fish, but she doesn‘t like ______________ (eat) meat.

4.--- When ___________ these letters ___________ (send)?

--- You‘d better ___________ (ask) Ms. Liu for her decision.

VII. 根据上下文意思,正确翻译括号内所给的中文(10%)

We _________ (度过) a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers. Our car was _________ (满的) of flowers inside! On the way home we had to stop at ___________ (交通) lights, and there my wife saw the ____________ (书架). It stood outside a furnitu re shop. ―Buy it,‖ she said at once. ―We‘ll __________ (搬) it home on the roof-rack. I‘ve __________ (总是) wanted one like that.‖ What could I do? Ten ___________ (分钟) later I was twenty dollars __________ (更穷), and it was __________ (绑) on to the roof-rack. It was tall and __________ (窄的), quite heavy too.

VIII. 完成下列句子(15%)


______________________________________________________________________________ 2.那些德国人再也不去那儿买书了。

______________________________________________________________________________ 3.在十六世纪四十年代,谁是英国的国王?

______________________________________________________________________________ 4.如果你想要保持健康,你就必须有健康的饮食。

