
更新时间:2023-04-28 19:51:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载








1. What does the man probably mean?

A. The woman’s getting fat.

B. The woman’s losing weight.

C. The woman’s kind to share her chocolate.

2. Where is Mary going tomorrow?

A. To the movies.

B. To a museum.

C. To the hospital.

3. What will Joe do this Sunday?

A. Go hiking.

B. Buy some clothes.

C. Do some housework.

4. What does the woman think of the painting?

A. It’s just so-so.

B. It’s excellent.

C.It’s terrible.

5. How much did the man tip the woman?

A. $100.

B. $10.

C. $1.




6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Good friends.

B. Co-workers.

C. A couple.

7. What is the man’s reason for being absent?

A. He was sick.

B. His wife was sick.

C. He was on vacation.


8. Where is Tanya now?

A. At her desk.

B. In a meeting.

C.At the downtown office.

9. How does the woman suggest contacting Tanya?

A. By calling her cell phone.

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B. By sending her an e-mail.

C. By visiting her office.


10. When did the speakers last see each other?

A. One year ago.

B. Two years ago.

C. Three years ago.

11. What was the woman doing in Asia?

A. Traveling.

B. Studying Japanese.

C. Teaching biology.

12. What do we know about Kathy Morris?

A. She is a Japanese girl.

B. She is the woman’s workmate.

C. She is the man’s wife.


13. What was Uncle Marco’s former job?

A. A solider.

B. A doctor.

C. A government clerk.

14. What happened to Uncle Marco twenty years ago?

A. His grandmother died.

B. He was shot in the leg.

C. He got an award for helping others.

15. What does the woman think of Uncle Marco?

A. A little crazy.

B. Very kind.

C. Quite humorous.

16. How long had Uncle Marco been away this time?

A. For six weeks.

B. For six months.

C. For seven months.


17. What evidence was there that a thief had entered the house?

A. A messy room.

B. A broken window.

C. A mark from a person’s shoe.

18. What is the second step to protecting your home?

A. Hiding your money carefully.

B. Having your neighbors look after your house.

C. Locking all the doors and windows.

19. Where should you never leave a house key?

A. In the neighbor’s house.

B. In a drawer.

C. In the mailbox.

20. What should you do if you hear strange sounds in your house?

A. Seek for the thief.

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B. Call the police.

C. Hide under your bed.




Look at the map of Spain and point at the center. You've located the country's capital and one of Europe's most beautiful cities: Madrid. This popular destination is considered a city of contrasts with its abundant historic sites, resting in the shadows of modern skyscrapers.


This city of over 3 million people is proud of Western Europe's largest royal palace, and some consider it to be Madrid's most beautiful building. Inside the Royal Palace 2,800 rooms are decorated in glory with museum-quality furniture and artworks. Tourists can tour 50 of these large and splendid rooms.


The Internationally respected Prado Museum is the largest and most impressive art gallery in Spain. Opened in 1819, it is filled with works of art that feature the world's most comprehensive collection of Spanish paintings.


Madrid has some of Europe's best shopping, and potential buyers love to look through the stores looking for bargains. But for 500 years, shoppers have gathered to an extremely large outdoor flea market known as the Rastro where they find everything from antiques to CDs.


No trip to Madrid is complete without seeing a performance of Spain's famous art form, flamenco. Every day, flamenco performers sing, dance or play the guitar in small cafes and grand theaters alike. Food

Madrid has a wide variety of restaurants but because the Spanish typically eat late at about 9 or 10 p.m., it's difficult to find good dinner food earlier. If you get hungry before then, the best solution is to try a tapas bar where light snacks are served. Be sure to try the jamon, a kind of dry-cured ham: Spain is famous for it.

21. What do we know about the Royal Palace in Madrid?

A. It has 50 rooms for visit.

B. It can hold 2, 800 people.

C. It's been visited by 3 million people.

D. It is thought to be the largest in Europe.

22. What kind of market is “the Rastro”?

A. For discount.

B. For artworks.

C. To sell various goods.

D. To sell antiques and CDs.

23. What is a must when travelling in Madrid?

A. Having dinner earlier.

B. Enjoying flamenco.

C. Visiting Prado Museum.

D. Drinking in a tapas bar.


高二期中英语试卷第17页(共6页) 17

Robert Spring, a 19th century forger (伪造者), was so good at his profession that he was able to make his living for 15 years by selling false signatures of famous Americans. Spring was born in England in 1838 and arrived in Philadelphia in 1858 to open a bookstore. At first he prospered(繁荣)by selling his small but genuine collection of early US autographs (亲笔签名). Discovering his ability at copying handwriting he began imitating(模仿)the signatures of George Washington and Benjamin Franklin and writing them on the title pages of old books. To lessen the chance of discovery. He sent his forgeries to England and Canada for sale, Forgers have a hard time selling products. A forger cannot approach a respectable buyer but must deal with people who don’t have much knowledge in the field. Forgers have many ways of making their works look real. For example, they buy old books and use the aged paper of the title page, and they can treat paper and ink with chemicals.

In Spring’s time, right after the Civil War, Britain was still fond of the southern states, so Spring invented a respectable young lady known as Miss Fanny Jackson, th e only daughter of General “Stonewall” Jackson. For several years Miss Fanny’s financial problems forced her to sell a great number of letters and manuscripts (手稿) belonging to her famous father. Spring had to work very hard to satisfy the demand. However, all this activity did not prevent Spring from dying in poverty, leaving sharp-eyed experts the difficult task of separating his forgeries from the originals.

24.Robert Spring spent 15 years ________.

A.running a bookstore in Philadelphia B.as owners of old books

C.selling real signatures of famous Americans D.as a forger

25.Why did Spring sell his false autographs in England and Canada?

A.There was less chance that his forgeries would be discovered there.

B.The prices were much higher in England and Canada.

C.There was a greater demand there than in America.

D.Britain was Spring’s birthplace.

26.After the Civil War there was a great demand in Britain for ________

A.Civil War battle plans B.southern manuscripts and letters

C.the signatures of George Washington and Ben Franklin D.southern money

27.Which of the following about Miss Fanny Jackson is TRUE?

A.She was Robert Spring’s customer.

B.She was an imaginary person created by Spring.

C.She was a little-known girl who sold her fa ther’s papers to make money.

D.She was the only daughter of General Stonewall Jackson.


Living abroad to study can certainly be an interesting experience but is that alone a good enough reason for spending years far away from home? To make the experience truly worthwhile, there has to be a goal behind the decision to study abroad. This may be a wish to perfect language skills in a foreign

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language environment, or a clever move in your career development. You must also consider the costs, not just of living and studying abroad, but of applying. Most universities now charge application fees for international students.

If after considering these points you are sure that you want to apply to study abroad, your next step is to choose the right programme of studies. Research your choices and select carefully. You must do your homework well. Most universities have information online but you can also email and ask them to send you more details. You can find a lot of information on school ranking from education websites. But read carefully. Different universities underline different strengths. Don’t just think about the university’s reputation; look for the most suitable for your goals.

Next, you must deal with a large pile of paperwork. This involves filling in application forms, preparing your school records, and getting reference letters. Reading the instructions and requirements of the universities carefully is of great importance. Sadly, many fine applicants get kicked out in the first round, simply because they don’t follow the application procedure properly.

Money is another important consideration. Some scholarships are provided by governments, others by schools and colleges. This information, again, can be found on the Internet. If you find a scholarship that is suitable for you, follow the application procedure carefully; the earlier you apply, the better your chance of getting it.

28.Why does the author think studying abroad is truly worthwhile according to paragraph1?

A.It is a chance to develop your career. B.It is an interesting experience.

C.It is fun to travel around the world. D.All your friends are doing so.

29.What can a school ranking list tell us?

A.The names of all the professors.

B.How good the school is compared to others.

C.How much the courses cost.

D.Where the school is located.

30.What are the three basic steps when you apply?

A.Buy an airplane ticket, read the instructions and requirements, and study.

B.Write a reference letter, do paperwork, and study.

C.Prepare reference letters, prepare school records, and fill in the application form.

D.Prepare school records, do paperwork, and work hard.

31.What does the underlined phrase “get kicked out in the first round” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.lose money in the first round B.get accepted in the next round

C.fail to get to the next round D.get kicked by a professor


For decades, China had wanted a Nobel Prize in science. Tu Youyou, a researcher who helped to develop a malaria(疟疾)medicine, finally won the country that honor.

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In fact, Tu is not the only scientist in China who is catching the world’s attention. In 2016, the Nature journal published a list of the top 10 science stars in China. Gao Caixia and Cui Weicheng are two of them.

Gao Caixia has been devoted to genetic(基因的) engineering for her whole career. She is known for using CRISPR-Cas9, the revolutionary gene-editing technique that is sweeping through biology labs around the world – in crops.

At first, Gao was unwilling to take up gene editing using CRISPR-Cas9 because her lab at the Chinese Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology in Beijing had already created mutations(变异)in 82 genes using an older type of technology. But after thinking carefully about it, she decided to give it a try.

After a year of hard work, her lab finally succeeded. Gao worked on genetic engineering in wheat, a crop that is famous for being difficult to work with. Now she is considered one of the best in the world at engineering wheat.

Cui Weicheng is the developer of China’s record-setting Jiaolong submersible (潜水器). He is now a professor at Westlake University. In 2012, Cui rode inside China’s Jiaolong submersible and reached a depth of more than 7,000 meters in the Pacific.

Thanks to Jiaolong and the 57-year-old developer, China is now one of only a few nations that can explore the deep sea. Jiaolong can travel deeper than any other manned research submersible currently in use, which shows China’s increasing ambition and leadership in deep-sea research.

32.Why is Tu Youyou mentioned at the beginning of the passage?

A.To show one of China’s long-held dreams.

B.To stress the importance of the Nobel Prize.

C.To praise Tu Youyou for her contributions.

D.To introduce more top Chinese scientists.

33.Why did Gao Caixia work on wheat?

A.Because she failed in her attempt to study other crops.

B.Because she was expert at wheat engineering.

C.Because wheat is hard to be genetically engineered.

D.Because wheat is the most widely planted crop in China.

34.What is Cui W eicheng’s biggest contribution to China?

A.He teaches about sea at a university.

B.He developed Jiaolong submersible.

C.He is devoted to genetic engineering.

D.He reached the bottom of the ocean.

35.What is the best title for the passage?

A.China’s Scienc e Stars

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B.China’s Nobel Prize Dream

C.Gao Caixia-China’s Crop Engineer

D.Cui Weicheng-China’s Deep Diver



Traveling alone gives you the freedom to create your own schedule and do as you please.

36 For example, a travel partner can provide practical support and celebrate in the rewards of first-hand experience with unfamiliar locations and cultures. Here are several steps to find a travel partner who will improve your journey.

37 Traveling should be fun. When you are on a trip,you will want to do lots of activities that you enjoy. Preferably, your companion will want to do the same things as you.

Discuss financial plans. Before you travel,you should plan a budget 38 You don't want to be planning an expensive getaway at the same time your friend is looking for budget travel.

Have an honest conversation. If you are thinking about traveling with a companion, take some time to have an open discussion. Schedule a time to sit down and talk. Try saying, "I know we’ve talked about the idea of traveling through Europe together. Let' s have a coffee this week and actually talk that through."

39 You should also talk about your travel style.

Find someone who is flexible. Choose a travel partner who can adjust. 40 Maybe it will rain on the day you planned to visit the Grand Canyon. Or you might not be able to get reservations at that French restaurant you’ve been dying to try.

A. Look for someone with common interests.

B. You should discuss your goals for the trip.

C. Travel with a friend who is pretty easygoing.

D. But traveling with a partner has its benefits,too.

E. Make sure that you are on the same page concerning money.

F. Try to meet your new travel partner in person before your trip.

G. No matter how carefully you plan your trip,it is likely that something will go wrong.


第一节:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分, 满分30分)


Hunter Shamatt lost his wallet while he was on a flight from Omaha to Denver earlier this month. Upon realizing that his wallet was lost, he 41 the airline to see if anyone had turned it in—but fruitlessly. 42 the wallet contained his ID, a signed paycheck, $60 in cash, etc, he feared the worst.

Two days after the flight, however, Hunter was 43 to receive a package in the mail from an anonymous(匿名的)sender. Inside was his wallet —44 an additional $40 in cash. “I found this 45 a flight from Omaha to Denver-row 12, seat F wedged(卡住) between the seat and wall.”

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46 a letter that was enclosed with the package. “Thought you might want it back. All the best. PS: I rounded your cash up to an even $100 so you could celebrate the 47 of your wallet. Have fun!”

Hunter’s mother, Jeannie, posted a photo of the 48 to social media in hopes that they would be able to track down the 49 . All they found out was that the letter was 50 from Applied Underwriters in Omaha and the sender’s initials(首字母签名)were signed “T.B”. The sen der was later 51 as Todd Brown, who was delighted to “have a little fun” with helping out a hard-working stranger.

“I saw he was just a kid, 20 years old. He had a paycheck in there, so I52 ,‘Well, he’s doing his best to make ends meet.’” said Brown. “Hunter was very53 . He told me he has some student loans to pay within two days so the 54 was right,” Brown added, “He55

it was gone forever. So when he opened it, he just started 56 , ‘No way! No way!’”

Brown says that he of ten tries to do good things without any recognition; that’s why he didn’t sign his 57 on the letter, but Jeannie later insisted on 58 him on social media. “I try to teach my children to help people without consideration of the 59 ,” Jeannie wrote on Facebook, “This story is more about rebuilding 60 in people than anything.”

41. A. ordered B. contacted C. caught D. checked

42. A. Though B. While C. Since D. Unless

43. A. shocked B. amused C. anxious D. frightened

44. A. apart from B. except for C. along with D. instead of

45. A. on B. in C. by D. at

46. A. said B. read C. written D. signed

47. A. search B. completeness C. valuable D. return

48. A. sender B. letter C. wallet D. package

49. A. money B. flight C. wallet D. sender

50. A. accepted B. sent C. taken D. collected

51. A. known B. considered C. identified D. introduced

52. A. noticed B. replied C. doubted D. figured.

53. A. thankful B. stressful C. thoughtful D. regretful

54. A. behavior B. number C. timing D. paycheck

55. A. remembered B. thought C. admitted D. imagined

56. A. screaming B. jumping C. dancing D. laughing

57. A. address B. mark C. phone number D. full name

58. A. questioning B. praising C. disturbing D. surprising

59. A. income B. wealth C. reward D. fame

60. A. faith B. ambition C. appreciation D. strength



In the past a gentleman would offer his seat to a lady on a 61.(crowd) bus. But now, he will probably look out of the window or hide behind his newspaper,62.(leave) the lady standing 63.

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someone else gets off. Some ladies still feel they have no choice but 64._________ (blame) the rude man. But time is changing. You can’t entirely blame men for this change in manners. The days are gone when women could 65.(refer) to as the weak. A whole generation has grown up demanding 66._________(equal) with men in jobs, in education and in social life. Hold a door for some women, 67. you are likely to get 68.________angry lecture on treating women as weaklings (弱者).Take a girl out for a meal and she’ll probably insist on paying 69.share of the bill. All these, according to some sociologists, will change men’s attitude towards women and the traditional politeness is perhaps slowly being 70.__(replace) by true consideration for the needs and feelings of women, so that men can see women as equal human beings.


第一节: 单词拼写。根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词, 一空1分,共6分)。

71.The children had a heated a__________ about what game to play.

72.Local people have launched a c_________ to raise money for a new hospital.

73. The rapid __________ (扩张) of cities can cause social and economic problems.

74. ____________(相信) of his own judgment, he stuck to his opinion.

75. He e___________ us for hours with his stories and jokes.

76. Everything was quiet, aside from the___________ (偶然的) sound of a car in the distance.


77. You shouldn’t complain about being poor, many families are much__________ than you.

78. We’ ve managed to __________ the garden __________weeds this year.

79. That is our classroom ______________ a computer and a tape recorder.

80. It is reported that the electricity was ______________ by the terrible storm.

第五部分:写作(共两节, 满分35分)



增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧), 并在此符号下面写出该加的词。


修改:在错的词下划一横线, 并在该词下面写出修改后的词。


2、只允许修改10处, 多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

I was fond of many performances in Argentina. But what impressed me more was the dance performance. I used to dance a lot when I am young,although I never was a good dancer. But Argentinian

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dancers who made dancing so easily that everyone felt like dancing with them. Visit some distant villages also gave me deeper taste of the original Argentinian culture. Among all those place of interest,my favorite one was a mountain. Fortunate ,when I arrived there in a cold winter morning,I couldn’ t see much. However,the unusual peace and snow-blanketed winter views still impressed you a lot.



1. 时间和地点;

2. 有关活动:“歌颂祖国”歌舞晚会、“改革开放成就”图片展…

注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:anniversary周年纪念日reform and opening up改革开放

Dear Henry,

With China’s National Day approaching,____________________________________________

_____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________

Yours sincerely

Li Hua

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1—5 ACCBA 6—10 BACAC 11—15 BCABA 16—20 BCBCB


21-23 ACB 24-27 DABB 28-31 ABCC 32-35 DCBA 36-40 CGADF


41-45 BCACA 46-50 BDBDB 51-55 CDACB 56-60ADBCA


61. crowded 62.leaving 63. until\till 64. to blame 65. be referred 66.equality

67. and 68.an 69. her 70. replaced


71. argument 72. campaign 73. expansion 74. convinced 75. entertained

76. occasional 77. worse off 78. keep…free from 79. equipped with 80. cut off

VI. 短文改错: (满分10分)

1.more改为most 2.am改为was 3.去掉who 考查连词.4.easily改为easy

5.Visit改为Visiting 6.加a 考查冠词.taste指个7.place改为places

8.Fortunate改为Unfortunately 9.in改为on 考查介词.10.you改为me 考查代词.VII.书面表达(满分25分)

Dear Henry,

With China’s National Day approaching, our school will hold some activities in celebration of China’s 70th anniversary. I’m greatly delighted to invite you to join us.

We will appreciate various activities on National Day, Oct. 1st. A singing and dancing evening will be hosted in the school hall to honor our motherland. Besides, there will be a photo display in the school gallery which witnesses the great achievements of China’s reform and open ing up. To our amazement, such activities as speech competitions and Calligraphy exhibitions will be also available.

I believe that it will be a fantastic opportunity for you to further understand China’s development.

I’m looking forward to your coming. Be st wishes!

Yours sincerely

Li Hua

more改为most 考查副词最高级.根据句意:给我印象最深的是舞蹈表演.用副词最高级most.

2.am改为was 考查动词时态.根据主句I used to dance a lot表示的是过去的事情,要

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3.去掉who 考查连词.分析句子结构,that连接两个句子,who不构成定语从句的关系代词,who是多余的,要去掉.

4.easily改为easy 考查形容词.此处是形容词作宾语补足语.

5.Visit改为Visiting 考查动名词.分析句子结构,句中缺少主语,用动名词短语Visiting some distant villages作主语.

6.加a 考查冠词.taste指个人对某事的"喜爱,爱好",此时用作可数名词,单数形式前加不定冠词a表示泛指.

7.place改为places 考查名词复数.place of interest是可数名词,其前有those修饰时用复数形式.

8.Fortuately改为Unfortuately 考查副词.根据句意:不幸的是,当我在一个寒冷的早上到达那里时,我并没有看到许多.用副词Unfortuately.

9.in改为on 考查介词.在特定的某一天用介词on.

10.you改为me 考查代词.根据句意:不寻常的平静和雪覆盖了冬景仍然给我留下许多印象.用代词me.




考查动词词义辨析。句意:一意识到钱包丢了,他就联系了航空公司询问是否有人上交过钱包—但是毫无结果。A. ordered命令;B. contacted联系;C. caught 抓住;D. checked核对。由下文询问是否有人上交钱包可知是联系航空公司。故选B。


考查连词。句意:因为钱包里有他的身份证,一张签过名的薪水支票,60美元的现金等,他担心发生最糟糕的情况。A. Though尽管;B. While然而;C. Since 因为;D. Unless除非。本句与下文“he feared the worst.”成因果关系,since意为“因为”。故选C。


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考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,航班结束的两天后,Hunter很吃惊,收到了一个匿名包裹。A. shocked震惊的;B. amused觉得好笑的;C. anxious不安的;

D. frightened惊吓的。由下文“Inside was his wallet”,可知他收到这个匿名包裹是感到震惊的。故选A。


考查短语词义辨析。句意:里面是他的钱包—还有额外的40美元现金。A. apart from除了;B. except for除…之外;C. along with随着;和……一起;D. instead of(用……)代替……。由下文“an additional $40 in cash”,可知钱包和现金是一起在包裹里的。故选C。


考查介词。句意:我是在从奥马哈到丹佛的航班上发现的,12号座位F,卡在座位和墙之间。A. on在…上;B. in在……里面;C. by通过;D. at在(某地);达。固定搭配,在航班上“on a flight”。故选A。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:随着包裹附上的一封信上写着“我觉得你可能想要找回它。祝你好运。”A. said说;B. read写着;C. written书写;D. signed签名。联系上下文可知,前后句是信上写着的内容。故选B。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:另外:我把你的现金凑成了100美元整,你可以庆祝钱包的回归了。A. search搜索;B. completeness完全;C. valuable 贵重物品;

D. return回来。由常理可知,庆祝的是钱包的失而复得。故选D。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:Hunter的母亲,Jeannie把信的照片放到了社交媒体上,希望能够找到发信人。A. sender发信人;B. letter信;C. wallet钱包;D.

Applied Underwriters in Omaha and the sender’s initials were signed “T.B”.”可知,Hunter的母亲,Jeannie把信的照片放到了网上。故选B。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:Hunter的母亲,Jeannie把信的照片放到了社交媒体上,希望能够找到发信人。A. money钱;B. flight航班;C. wallet钱包;D. sender

高二期中英语试卷第17页(共6页) 17



考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们发现这封信是从奥马哈的Applied Underwriters 发出的,发信人全名的首字母是T.B。A. accepted接受;B. sent发送;C. taken 拿走;D. collected收集。根据句意可知,信是从奥马哈的Applied Underwriters 发出的。故选B。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:这个发信人后来被认出是Todd Brown,他非常高兴能够帮助一个努力工作的陌生人。A. known知道;B. considered考虑;C. identified认出;D. introduced介绍。由上文可知,Hunter的母亲,Jeannie把信的照片放到了社交媒体上,希望能够找到发信人。因此是被认出是Todd Brown。故选C。


考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我看他还是个孩子,才20岁。里边有他的薪水支票,因此我想到,‘哇哦,他尽全力维持收支平衡。’”Brown说到。A. noticed注意;

B. replied回复;

C. doubted怀疑;

D. figured推测。根据下文“‘Well, he’s doing his best to make ends meet.’”,可知这是Brown看到他的薪水支票后推测的内容。故选D。


考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“Hunter内心非常感谢,他告诉我他有一些学生贷款需要两天内支付,因此这个时机很对”Brown补充道。A. thankful感激的;B. stressful有压力的;C. thoughtful思考的;D. regretful后悔的。由下文可知他需要在两天内还学生贷款,所以他收到钱包后十分感激。故选A。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:“Hunter内心非常感谢,他告诉我他有一些学生贷款需要两天内支付,因此这个时机很对。”Brown补充道。A. behavior行为;B. number数字;C. timing时机;D. paycheck薪水支票。由上文可知他需要在两天内还学生贷款,因此收到钱包的时机是很及时的。故选C。


高二期中英语试卷第17页(共6页) 17

考查动词词义辨析。句意:他以为钱包找不回来了。A. remembered记得;B.

thought以为;C. admitted承认;D. imagined想象。根据“it was gone forever”



考查动词词义辨析。句意:因此当他打开它的时候,他开始尖叫,‘不可能!不可能!’。A. screaming尖叫;B. jumping跳跃;C. dancing跳舞;D. laughing大笑。根据下文‘No way! No way!’可知,他尖叫着说‘不可能!不可能!’故选A。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:Brown说他经常做好事,不需要认可;这就是他为什么不在信上写全名的原因。A. address地址;B. mark标记;C. phone number

电话号码;D. full name全名。由上文“the sender’s initials were signed “T.B”.”




questioning询问;B. praising赞扬;C. disturbing打扰;D. surprising使…惊讶。




A. income收入;

B. wealth财富;

C. reward回报;

D. fame名声。根据上文“Brown

says that he often tries to do good things without any recognition;”可知,Brown 教育孩子做好事要不求回报。故选C。


考查名词词义辨析。句意:珍妮在Facebook上写道:“这个故事更多的是关于重建对人的信心,而不是其他任何事情。A. faith信任;B. ambition雄心壮志;C.

appreciation感激;D. strength力量。这个故事加深了我们人与人之间的信任。




高二期中英语试卷第17页(共6页) 17




2.leaving考查非谓语动词。leave sb. doing sth.让某人做某事。


4.to blame考查固定搭配。have no choice but to do sth.除了做某事别无选择。

5.gone考查非谓语动词。the days are gone日子一去不复返。

6.be referred考查被动语态。refer to sb.as...认为某人……





解答 36~40 DAEBG

36.D 考查上下文联系.根据后面的例子

"a travel partner can provide practical support and celebrate in the rewards of first-hand e xperience with unfamiliar locations and cultures"可知,旅行伙伴可以对你提供实际支持,并在你不熟悉的地方帮助你.所以说与同伴旅行有其好处.故选D.

37.A 考查上下文联系.根据"your companion will want to do the same things as you"可知,作者建议要寻找有共同兴趣的人,因为有共同兴趣的人才会想和你做同样的事情.故选A.

38.E 考查上下文联系.根据后面的解释

"You don't want to be planning an expensive getaway at the same time your friend is loo king for budget travel"可知,选择旅行伙伴时,要确保你们的金钱观相同,也就是消费能力相近.故选E.

39.B 考查上下文联系.根据本段中作者的建议

"take some time to have an open discussion.花点时间开展一场讨论",可知作者提议应该讨论一下旅行目标.故选B.

40.G 考查上下文联系.根据后面的

"Maybe it will rain on the day you planned to visit the Grand Canyon"可知,无论你多么小心地计划你的旅行,都很可能会出错.因为也许天公不作美,当你想去大峡谷旅行时却下雨了.故选G.


高二期中英语试卷第17页(共6页) 17

