英文一辩稿 顺境更有利于成才

更新时间:2024-05-07 02:03:02 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载


Favorable circumstance is better for people’s growth

I know this topic have been discussed many times, but we still hope to share with you our views. First let's see some definitions about the topic.Favorable circumstance is a better living environment we faced, opposite with adversity. It is the environment which is good for our growth, good for us to develop a brave mind. Human Growth refers to the process of people from natural to social man, and the full process of socialization. Growth can be showed by two indicators, physical and mental. Although both adversity and favorable

circumstance are the living condition we must faced, we strongly believe that when it compared with adversity, favorable circumstance is better for people to grow.

Firstly, from the perspective of people's physical and mental development, it is obvious that favorable circumstance is better for people's physical

growth ,when it compared with lacking material security, public health services, On the other hand, favorable circumstance is better for mental growth, First and foremost, the people in favorable circumstance could be more thankful for society,

During those people’s growing process, they get profusion of love from his parents and relatives. And the environment around them is warm and harmonious. So his principal feeling of world must be thankful and grateful. On the contrary, the children in adversity might get lots of punishment or can not afford their school fare because of their living condition. They may complain about the society, and think it’s unfair to be treat like this and It is obviously harmful for children’s growth. Although children in adversity can

feel the hardships of life, but they may also easily to gain anxiety and pain, even alienation of others and do not trust. Please try to imagine that when other

children are enjoying their school life, the AC children have to earn money for school. How can they feel happy? And I think some sensitive ones even may hate society, because they think they have been treated unfairly. It is obviously harmful for children’s growth.

Besides, children in favorable circumstance can have a more optimistic

attitude towards life than the children in adversity. Because they grow under a wonderful and warm circumstance, they could easily believe that the world is full of love and kind. When they meet difficulties, they could think it is

temporary and then afterwards there is still bright. Since AC children have suffered so much, they can hardly believe there might be miracles in life and things that can change into perfect. When they face obstacles, they may easily lose confidence or do not have the strength to fight until the last moment. They may believe that the failure and frustration seem to be their destinies.

Second, the socialization process from the person point of view, favorable circumstance is better for people to meet the growing demand for the various stages of life, when we were children, the love of family make we have the confidence and self-consciousness, but If children in the broken family, they will easy to be oversensitive.When young people, prosperity, good education, can make our academic success, earning a proper way, and lack of education,

relying on the temporarily lost growth, loss of life direction. When we came to adult and even in old age, certain of myself in a lifelong the engine of growth, but adversity impact tends to make one depression. favorable circumstance is more conducive to the maturity of social roles, as people grow, favorable circumstance provide a mature space to prevent the process of growth being interrupted.

From the point we talked above, we can easily make a conclusion that favorable circumstance is better for people’ growth. Thank u !

