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教学内容 Unit7 How much? 课时 1 1. 能听懂、会读、会说 shoes, socks, umbrella, fan, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty。 2. 能听懂、会读、会说日常用语Can I help you?、How much is it/are 教学目标 they?、It?s/They?re ... yuan.、Well done。 3. 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述并表演课文。 4. 能初步运用所学单词和日常用语询问价格或进行购物买卖。 能正确理解并朗读对话内容,并在教师的引导和帮助下复述课文教学重点 教学难点 教学准备 内容。 能初步运用本课所学的词汇和日常用语谈论物品的价格。 人物头饰、实物、捐款箱、学生自己准备义卖的东西 二次备课 教 学 程 序 Step 1 Greeting & Warm up 1. Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. S: Hello, … 2. Sing a song T: First, let?s listen to the song. Listen and watch carefully. You may follow it if you want. (播放歌曲一遍) T: What numbers can you see in the song? S: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100. T: Yes, there are some numbers. Twenty, thirty, forty, fifty. You know a lot of numbers. Let?s play a game. First, what food do you know? (PPT呈现food,让学生联想关于食物的英文单词) S: Hamburger, sandwich, noodles, rice … T: What about drinks? S: Milk, juice, tea, coffee … T: Do you know the words about clothes? (PPT呈现clothes) S: Cap, T-shirt, skirt, jacket, shoes, socks. T: Look, they are socks/shoes. (板书socks、shoes并带读) Step 2 Presentation T: Now look, this is my clothes shop. What can you see? S: … T: There are some nice things in the shop. What would you like? S: I?d like a … T: How much is it? (板书How much is it?并带读) S: It?s … yuan. (板书It?s … yuan并带读) T: Today we will learn Unit 7 How much? (揭示课题Unit 7 How much?并带读) T: Look at the shoes. They are very nice. How much are they? (板书How much are they ?并带读) S: They?re … yuan. (板书They?re … yuan.并带读) T: Let?s ask and answer in pairs. Use these sentences: How much is it/are they? It?s /They?re … yuan. (同桌根据图片操练句型,教师请2至3组学生反馈) Step 3 Story time 1. Look and say. T: Look at this picture. Su Hai and Su Yang have a pair of shoes and socks too. They are selling things. What?s on the table? S: There is … T: Yes, there is a fan and an umbrella. (板书a fan、an umbrella并带读) 2. Watch and answer. T: Look! Liu Tao, Yang Ling and Mike are coming. They want to buy things. What do they buy? Let?s watch and answer. (播放课文动画) T: What do they buy? S: They buy a pair of shoes, an umbrella and a pair of socks. T: Well done. 3. Watch and choose T: What would Liu Tao/Yang Ling/Mike like? Let?s watch again. (再次播放课文动画,学生在练习纸上选择填空) T: What would Liu Tao/Yang Ling/Mike like? S: He/She would like … T: Good job! 4. Read and write T: How much are these things? Please open your books and read the story. Try to write down the prices. (学生自读课文,在练习纸上填空) T: How much is the fan/umbrella? How much are the shoes? S: It?s/They?re … yuan. T: How much are they? S: They?re 28. (带读twenty-eight.) T: Su Hai and Su Yang got 28 yuan. What does Miss Li say? S: Well done! (带读Well done!) T: What else can Miss Li say? S: Good job!/Great! … T: The shoes are only five yuan. They are so cheap. Why? S: … T: They are doing a charity sale. The sale is for love. They sell things, and raise the money for poor people. (PPT演示爱心箱) Do you understand ? Step 4 Read the story 1. Listen and read. (听录音读) 2. Read it together. (打开书,全班齐读) 3. Read in groups of six. (六人一组,分角色朗读或表演) 4. Act in groups. (请2至3组学生上台表演) Step 5 Let’s Summarize. T: If you want to know the price, you can ask …How to answer? Step 6 Consolidation T: This is a flea market. At the flea market, we can sell and buy things at low prices. Today let?s make a flea market here. Look! I have a book called Harry Potter. And I have two dolls. Do you like them? (教师出示实物) S: Yes. T: Who wants to come here and buy them? ( 请一位同学上台和老师合作表演) T: Can I help you? S: Yes, I?d like …How much is it? T: It?s … yuan. S: OK. Here you are. T: Thanks. Anything else? S: The …are very nice/cool…How much are they? T: They?re … yuan. … T: Let?s go shopping together. Practice in groups. (学生四人一组,编对话表演,请2-3组学生上台来反馈) T: Boys and girls, we buy some cheap things at the flea market. We are so happy. Let?s share the happiness and love. Because your love will light up the whole world. Homework 家庭作业 1. 听磁带,跟读课文五遍。 2. 和同学们表演课文对话。 3. 试着学两三句有关购物的用语。 板 书 设 计

教 学 反 思 教学内容 Unit 7 How much? 课时 2 1. 进一步熟练掌握本课词汇shoes, socks, umbrella, fan, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty以及日常交际用语Can I help you?、How much 教学目标 is it/are they?、It?s/They?re … yuan.、Well done!。 2. 熟练地运用本课所学的语句谈论价格。 3. 能正确演唱歌曲。 教学重点 教学难点 熟练掌握本课词句并自然、熟练地运用。 有序、有效地参与活动“Guess and say”,在活动中使学生综合运用语言运用能力得到提高。 头饰、表演用的实物道具或图片、学生每人做三张卡片(正面画服饰类图,反面写价格(价格在书P46的八个价格中挑选))。 二次备课 教学准备 教 学 程 序 Step 1 Warm up 1. Free talk T: Hello, Your pencil case is very nice. How much is it? S: It?s … T: Your shoes are very cool. How much are they? S: They?re … 2. Revision T: We know Liu Tao, Yang Ling and Mike buy some things in Story time. What do they buy? S: Shoes, socks and an umbrella. T: Yes. What does Liu Tao/Yang Ling/Mike buy? S: … T: How much are the shoes/socks? How much is the umbrella? S: It?s/They?re … T: How much are they? S: They are twenty-eight yuan. Step 2 Presentation T: Here are some numbers. Can you read them together? (PPT呈现13-19数字和英 文单词) S: … T: Can you find the rules? S: … T: Yes, they all have “teen”. ( PPT出中文) Look at these words. Can you read? (出示20至50) S: … T: Can you find the rules? S: … T: Yes, they all have “ty”. ( PPT出中文) S: … T: So, can you read this number? (先出示数字60、70、80、90,让学生试着说英文) S: … T: Try to read these words. (逐个出示数字21、34、57,68、82和英文,全班齐读) S: … T: Can you find the rules? S: … T: We should use a dash between tens and ones. ( PPT出中文) Can you read this number? (先出示数字24、65、76、42、98,让学生自己试着读出英文) Step 3 Magic eyes T: Let?s play a game. Look and say. Say the numbers as quickly as you can. If you see the bomb, shout ”bomb”, OK ? ( PPT呈现数字,学生快速大声说出数字,呈现炸弹,学生说bomb) Step 4 Guess and say T: We can say the numbers very well. And we can use the numbers to talk about prices. Look at these prices. Let?s read them together. (PPT 出现8个价格,全班齐读) T: Look at the fan. How much is it? Guess! (PPT出现一把扇子) S: It?s … (板书How much is it?、It?s …) T: How much are they? (PPT出现两顶帽子) S: They?re … (板书How much are they?、They?re …) T: Look, I have some things. How much are they? Let?s guess. T: Do you understand? Let?s play the game in groups of four. Ask and answer the prices. Step 5 Song time 1. T: Look at this man, he is a salesman. He has some clothes too. What can you see? S: … T: Are they nice? S: … T: Yes. They are nice. They are very good. How much is it/are they? (PPT出示歌里的售货员,手拿四件物品) S: … T: The skirt is ten yuan. The T-shirt is eight yuan. The shoes are twenty yuan. The socks are five yuan. They are very cheap. (带读cheap) The salesman is selling them. What does he say? (播放歌曲动画) S: He says “You can try them on. You can buy them all”. T: (带读try them on, buy them all) 2. Students read the lyrics by themselves. 3. Sing the song after the tape. 4. Sing after the teacher. (教师示范动作,边做边唱) 5. Sing together. (做动作,全班唱) 6. Change the words and sing in groups of four. (四人一组,换歌词,改编歌曲唱) 7. Sing the new song in groups of four. (四人一组,站起来一起唱小组改编的歌) Step 6 Consolidation 1. 教师示范 T: He is a good salesman. Do you want to be a good salesman? Now I?m a saleswoman. This is my clothes shop. What can you see? S: I can see … T: Do you like them? S: Yes. T: Who wants to come to my shop and buy some clothes? (请一位同学上台和老师一起示范表演对话) T: Good morning. S: Good morning. T: Can I help you? S: I?d like …How much is it? T: It?s … yuan. You can try it on. S: OK. T: Look at the … They are very good. S: How much are they? T: They?re … They are very cheap. You can buy them all. S: OK. Here you are. T: Thank you. (学生两人一组根据示范和PPT呈现的句型编对话,比一比谁是最棒的营业员) 2. Practice in pairs. 3. Show time. (请2至3组学生上台展示,其他学生评价,评选出最佳营业员) Homework 家庭作业 1. 跟着磁带唱一唱自己改编的歌。 2. 抄写Story time下的单词。 3. 根据自己准备的三张图片用How much is it/are they? 编写三组对话。

板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思 教学内容 Unit 7 How much? 课时 3 1. 能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,在教师的引导和训练下,养成良好的阅读习惯。 教学目标 2. 能熟练运用本单元所学的词句购物。 3. 能掌握字母V在单词中的发音。 教学重点 教学难点 教学准备 能正确理解并朗读对话内容。 培养学生养成良好的阅读习惯,提高学生灵活运用语言的能力。 人物头饰, 表演用的实物道具。 二次备课 教 学 程 序 Step 1 Warm up 1. Free talk T: Hello, Your jacket is very nice. How much is it? S: It?s … T: Your shoes are very cool. How much are they? S: They?re … 2. Sing a song T: You have so many nice clothes. Let?s sing the song: The clothes shop. S: (Sing the song) Step 2 Sound time T: Look, there are some clothes too. Whose clothes are they? ( PPT出示书上48页的图,图中的海边有一堆衣服) S: … T: Yes. They are the boys?. They are swimming in the river. (PPT出示river) How many boys are there? S: There are five. (PPT出示five) T: Yes. They live near the river. They love to swim in summer. ( PPT出示live/love) T: Can you read the words together? S: Five, live, river, love. T: Can you find the same letter in these words? S: V. T: What is the letter ?v? pronounced here? S: /v/. ( PPT出示Five men live near the river. They love to swim in summer.) T: Can you read the sentences by yourselves? Practice in groups of four. (四人一组打拍子读句子,请2至3组反馈) T: Look, here are some words. They all have the letter ?v?. Let?s read them. ( PPT出示five , river, live, love,全班齐读) T: Do you know some other words that have /v/ in them? (让学生说出其他含有相同因素的单词,并板书在黑板上读一读) S: Have, seven, eleven, every, fever, glove, evening … T: Let?s choose these words and fill in the blanks. (用总结出来的词,选词填空,完成句子) every, river, gloves, evening Bobby buys eleven ________ this _________. S: Bobby buys eleven _gloves_ this evening . Step 3 Cartoon time 1. Talk about the picture T: Bobby buys eleven gloves this evening. Look! He is in the shop. Mr Pig is a salesman. (PPT出示Cartoon time 中Mr Pig和Bobby的图) Look at his bow tie. Is it nice? S: Yes. (带读bow tie) 2. Read and answer T: Bobby wants to buy some hairgrips. How many hairgrips would he like? Let?s read and answer. (学生自读课文并回答问题) S: He would like ten. T: Bobby buys ten hairgrips. Who are they for? S: They?re for Tina. T: Why does she need ten? S: Her tail is long. T: Yes, her tail is long. So she needs ten hairgrips. (带读Her tail is long.,并翻译) T: Look at Tina. She has ten hairgrips. How beautiful! Is Tina happy? S: Yes, she is. 3. Read the story loudly after the tape (播放录音,学生跟读,并提醒他们注意模仿语调和语气,特别是Sam奇怪的语气和Tina 高兴的语气) 4. 教师带读 5. 教师带领学生表演 6. 四人一组先进行练习 7. 表演Cartoon time (引导学生用道具表演对话,请2至3组上台表演) Homework 家庭作业 1. 听磁带,跟读课文五遍。 2. 和同学们表演课文对话。 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思 教学内容 教学目标 教学重点 教学难点 教学准备 Unit 7 How much? 课时 4 能熟练运用本单元所学的词句谈论价格和购物,并在教师的引导下对自己的学习进行自我评价。 能熟练运用本单元所学的词句谈论价格和购物。 进一步掌握和区分How much is it/are they? 的用法。 人物头饰、表演用的实物道具 二次备课 教 学 程 序 Step 1 Warm up 1. Free talk T: Hello, your jacket is very nice. How much is it? S: It?s … T: Your shoes are very cool. How much are they? S: They?re … 2. Sing a song T: You have so many nice clothes. Let?s sing the song The clothes shop. S: (Sing the song.) Step 2 Revision T: Let?s play a game: Magic eyes. (PPT出示图片的一部分)

What?s this?/What are these? Guess! S: Socks, shoes, a fan, an umbrella. T: What numbers are they? Guess! (PPT出示图片的一部分) S: 23, 31, 47, 54, 68, 20. T: Well done. Can you spell this word? (PPT出示20的图片) Let?s spell it one by one. (请一组同学开火车拼读单词) S: T-W-E-N-T-Y. (同法拼读thirty、forty、fifty、shoes、socks) Step 3 Checkout time T: Look! Here are some socks too. What are these? (PPT出示Checkout time的图片) S: Shoes and umbrellas. T: They are of different prices. Let?s read them together. S: (读图片中的价格) T: How much are the socks, shoes and umbrellas? Let?s listen and choose. (播放录音,核对答案) T: Look at the pictures. Let?s make some dialogues. Discuss in pairs. (根据选出的图片编对话) S: (Talk about the pictures in pairs) T: Now, let?s show your dialogue. (请2至3组学生反馈) Step 4 Summary 1. 总结售货员可以说的话 T: We have learned a lot about shopping in this unit. If you are a salesman or a saleswoman, what can you say? Discuss in groups. S: … (四人一组讨论) T: What can we say? S: … (每小组一个成员反馈,老师在黑板上板书) 1. What would you like? 2. Can I help you? 3. Anything else? 4. They are very cheap/good. 5. You can try them on. 6. You can buy them all. 7. … yuan, please. 8. Here you are. 9. Thank you. 2. 总结顾客可以说的话 T: If you are a customer. What can you say? Discuss in groups. S: … (四人一组讨论) T: What can we say? S: … (每小组一个成员反馈,老师在黑板上板书) 1. I?d like … 2. …, please. 3. How much is it/are they? 4. No, … yuan , please. 5. Thank you. 6. Here you are. 3. 讨论如何成为一名好的售货员 T: If you want to be a good salesman or a saleswoman. What should you do? (PPT出示中文) S: … (四人一组讨论,并反馈) T: Yes. We should smile and we should be polite and patient. (PPT出示中文) 4. 用总结的购物的话,进行表演,比一比谁是最佳售货员 T: We know a lot of sentences about shopping. And we know how to be a good salesman or a saleswoman. Who is the best seller? Let?s act and have a competition. (教师先和一位同学做示范,教师当售货员,学生当顾客) T: Good morning. What would you like? S: I?d like … T: Anything else? S: …, please. T: The … are very nice. You can try them all. S: OK. T: How nice! The … are very cheap too. You can buy them all. S: How much are they? T: They are … yuan. S: What about … yuan? T: OK. You can have them. S: Great. Here is the money. T: Thank you. See you next time. (学生两人一组练习并反馈,选出最佳营业员) Step 5 Ticking time T: Now, it?s ticking time. What can you do after learning this unit? Look at the form. Three stars means very good. Two stars means good. One star means not so good. From learning this unit, we can count from twenty to fifty. (PPT显示中文) Can you do it? Check in pairs. (同桌活动) T: Who has got three stars, hands up? Let?s go on. We can talk about the prices. Can you? Check in pairs. (同桌活动) T: Who has got three stars, hands up? Let?s go on. We know the sound of the letter “v”. How about you? Check in pairs. (同桌活动) Homework 家庭作业 1. 完成补充习题上的练习。 2. 把表演的内容写下来。 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思

