初中英语云南专版教材同步复习:第二十一课时 九年级 Units+13~14

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初中英语云南专版教材同步复习:第二十一课时 九年级 Units 13~14


01 考点扫描

高 频 单 词 和 词 组 【单词】 1.________(v.)乱扔 (n.)垃圾;废弃物 自然 9.________(n.)工业;行业 10.________(n.)法律;法规 11.________(v.)承担得起;买得【词组】 18._________ 对??有害 19.__________ 参加 20.__________关掉 21.________付费;付出代价 22.__________ 采取行动 23._________扔掉;抛弃 24._________ 好好利用某物 25.__________ 拆下;摧毁 26.___________恢复;使想起;归还 2.________(n.)底部;最下部 起 3.________(n.)煤;煤块 4.________(adj.)丑陋的;难看的 5.________(n.)优点;有利条件 6.________(v.)花费 (n.)花费;价钱 7.________(adj.)塑料的 (n.)塑料 8.________(adj.)残酷的;残忍的 学校和学校生活 【单词】 1.________(n.)调查 11.________(n.)水平 12.________(n.)学位;度数 12.________(v.)回收利用;再利用 13.________(n.)大门 14.________(n.)瓶子 15.________(n.)负责人;主席;总统 16.________(n.)作品 17.________(n.)金属 22.____________ 高中 23._________(时间)逝去;过去 24.___________ 信任;信赖 25.___________ 首先 26.___________ 渴望;渴求 27._________.对某人心存感激 28.___________在??前面 29.__________ 连同;除??以外还 2.________(n.)标准;水平 13.________(adj.)渴望的;口3.________(n.)一排;一列;渴的 一行 4.________(n.)键盘;键盘式电子乐器 14.________(n.)任务;工作 15.________(adv.)向前面;在前面 5.________(n.)方法;措施 16.________(adj.)单独的;分6.________(v.)加倍;是??的两倍 (adj.)两倍离的 17.________(n.)翅膀;翼 1

的;加倍的 7.________(modal v.)将要;将会 【词组】 30.__________ 对??有责任;18.____________ 连续几次地 负责任 19.__________ 回首(往事);31.____________ 出发;启程 32.___________ 分离;隔开 8.________(v.)克服;战胜 回忆 9.________(adj.)级别(或地位)高的 10.________(n.)课文;文本 词 汇 拓 展 1.fisherman→(复数形式)________ 2.wood→(木制的;木头的)________ 3.disadvantage→(反义词)________ 4.harm→(有害的)________ 5.science→(科学的;科学上的) ________→(科学家)________ 6.instruct→(指示;命令)________ 7.graduate→(名词)________ 重 点 句 型 1.Everyone in this town should ________ ________ ________ ________ cleaning it up!这个城镇中的每个人都应该参加把它清理干净。 2.So together,our actions can make a difference and ________ ________ a better future! 因此,我们齐心协力就能改善环境,创造美好未来。 20.___________ 弄得一团糟 21._________ 沉住气;保持冷静 8.care→(体贴人的;关心他人的)________→(认真的;仔细的)________ 9.we→(宾格)________→(形容词性物主代词)________→(名词性物主代词)________→(反身代词)________ 10.gentleman→(复数形式)________ 11.congratulation→(动词)________ 12.thank→(感谢;感激)________ 5.Amy is ________ ________ ________ us all.艾米对我们每个人都是一种精神鼓舞。 6.I ________ ________ all of you in Grade 7.我记得在7年级遇到你们所有的人。 7.________ ________ her,I put in more effort and my exam scores ________.因为她,我投入了更大努力,我的测试分数翻倍了。 8.As you ________ ________ ________ your 3.This is ________ ________ cruel,________ new journey,you shouldn't forget ________ you ________ harmful to the environment.这不仅是残酷的,而且对环境是有害的。 4.?no scientific studies ________ ________ that shark fins ________ ________ ________ health.??没有科学上的研究已经表明鲨鱼came from.在新的旅行启程之际,不要忘记你来自哪里。 2

的鳍对健康是有益的。 核心 1.复习动词的时态和语态(现在进行时、一般现在时的被动语态、现在完成时)、情态动词、used 语法 to 2.复习一般过去时、现在完成时、宾语从句、一般将来时、一般现在时、现在进行时

02 课时听力

Ⅰ.听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。 ( )1.A.It was made of old jeans. B.Her mother bought it for her.

C.The woman bought the bag in the shop. ( )2.A.Thursday. B.Friday. C.Wednesday. ( )3.A.The trees must be taken good care of. B.The trees must be watered well. C.The trees must be planted.

( )4.A.She won the writing competition. B.She won the English speaking competition. C.She won the football match. ( )5.A.The life in junior high school. B.The life in senior high school. C.The life in college.


( )6.How old was Jack when he started to go to school? A.Five. B.Six. C.Seven.

( )7.How far was it from his home to school? A.Ten kilometers. B.Three miles. C.Fifty meters.

( )8.What did his mother tell him to do at school? A.To keep quiet. B.To work hard. C.To be a good boy.

( )9.Did he enjoy his first day at school? A.No,he didn't. B.Yes,he did.


C.We don't know.

( )10.Why didn't he want to go to school again? A.He missed his mother. B.He feared his teachers. C.He couldn't do anything there. 03 考点透视

?Yes,we can't afford to wait any longer to take action!是的,我们不能再等待了,行动起来吧!

【题组训练】 Ⅰ.单项选择。

( )1.(2015·景洪三中月考)—We'll make a trip to Hainan Island next weekend.Will you go with us? —No,I can't ________ it at present. A.afford B.save C.offer D.accept

( )2.(2015·重庆)They walked home last night because they couldn't ________to take a taxi. A.leave B.buy C.afford D.allow

( )3.What do you think of the 4G mobile phone?I really like it,but I can't ________ it. A.stand B.afford C.spend D.refuse Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 4.他的妈妈负担不起他的学费。

His mother ________ ________ ________ pay for her child's education. 5.我抽不出一个小时去吃午饭。 I ________ ________ an hour for lunch. 要点速记

afford意为“买得起,支付得起,花得起(时间、金钱、精力等)”或“负担得起(费用、损失、后果等)”,常和情态动词can或be able to连用,作及物动词,后面可接名词、动词不定式作宾语。如: He can't afford (to buy) a car.他买不起一辆车。 I think he will be able to afford a holiday.我想他抽得出时间去度假。 ?You have probably never heard of Amy Hayes,but she is a most unusual woman.你大概没有听说过艾米·海茵斯这个人。但她是一个很不寻常的女士。




( )1.(2015·淄博)The dog ran to the door when it ________ Mr.Morgan's steps. A.saw B.heard C.smelt D.sounded ( )2.(2015·孝感)—Is Jack in the next room?

—Well,it's hard to say.But I heard him ________ loudly when I passed by just now. A.speak B.to speak C.spoken D.speaking

( )3.I thought she was famous,but none of my friends have ever ________ her. A.heard B.heard of C.heard from D.listened Ⅱ.同义句改写,每空一词。

4.I don't know the writers,but I have heard of them. I don't know the writers,but I have ________ ________ them. 5.How often does Li Mei get a letter from her parents? How often does Li Mei ________ ________ her parents? 要点速记

考点 用法 例句 意为“听到”,强调听到的结果或内I hear that you will go to America.我容。hear sb.do sth.听到某人做某事(强听说你要去美国。 hear 调全过程);hear sb.doing sth.听到某I hear someone singing over there.我人正在做某事(强调动作正在进行)。 听到有人正在那边唱歌。 同hear about,意为“听说”,强调Have you ever heard of Li Na?你曾hear of 间接地听说或得知。 听说过李娜吗? She hasn't heard from her mother for a hear 相当于get a letter from,意为“收week.她一周没收到她妈妈的来信from 到??的来信”。 了。 ?I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.我记得在七年级见过你们(所有人)。 【题组训练】 Ⅰ.单项选择。

( )1.(2015·威海)Tony,remember ________ with your mouth full of food. A.to talk B.not to talk C.talking

( )2.(2014·泸州)Please remember ________ your notebook here tomorrow. A.brings B.brought C.bringing D.to bring


( ) 3.—Do you still remember ________ me somewhere in Shanghai? —Yes,of course. Two years ago.

A.too see B.see C.seeing D.saw Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。 4.我记得去年见过她一次。 I ________________ her once last year. 5.当你离开的时候请记住关上窗户。

Please ________________ the windows when you are away. 要点速记

考点 词义 表示“记住要干某事(事情还没有remember to do sth. 做)”。 离开办公室时一定记住要锁门。 Do you remember telling me about 表示“记住已经干了某事(事情已remember doing sth. 经做了)”。 吗?

?It is always hard to separate from those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years.与一起度过三年时光的你们分离总是很难的。

【题组训练】 Ⅰ.单项选择。

( )1.The cake was ________ in to four pieces,so each of the four children could have one piece. A.separated B.divided C.taken D.put

( )2.—Do you share the same room with your brother,Tom? —No,I have a(n) ________ one.

A.tidy B.own C.separate D.nice

( )3.We had to ________ Philip ________ John because they were talking all the time. A.translate;into B.divide;into C.share;with D.separate;from Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。 4.考试分两个部分。


例句 You must remember to lock the door when you leave the office.你that?你记得跟我说过这件事

The exam is ________ ________ two parts. 5.这个病人应该隔离。

The patient should be ________ ________ the others. 【要点速记】

(1)separate用作形容词,意为“单独的;分离的”;用作动词,意为“分开;分离”,侧重表示把原来在一起或靠近的事物分隔开来,分开后的部分具有相对的独立性。它常与介词from连用。如: Our children have their separate bedrooms.我们的孩子有单独的房间。 He separated the big eggs from the small ones.他把大蛋和小蛋区分开来。 (2)divide意为“分开;分散”。 侧重于把一整体分成若干部分。常与into连用。如: The apartment is divided into four rooms.这套房子分为四个房间。 ?cost/spend/pay/take 【题组训练】 Ⅰ.单项选择。

( )1.(2014·楚雄金鹿中学一模)—How long do you ________chatting online a week? —Around five hours.

A.take B.spend C.cost D.pay ( )2.(2015·铜仁)—How much is the dress? —It ________ me 400 yuan.

A.cost B.spent C.took D.paid

( )3.(2015·襄阳)—It's reported that Chinese ________more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat(微信). —It's true.But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time. A.spend B.cost C.pay D.take Ⅱ.按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。

4.(2013·黔西南)She spends an hour reading English every day.(改为同义句) It ________ her an hour to ________ English every day. 5.The white dress cost Miss Smith 180 dollars.(改为同义句) Miss Smith ________ 180 dollars ________ the white dress. 要点速记

考点 词义 固定搭配 7

意为“花费”,主语必须是物或某种cost sth.cost?意为“某物花费??”。 活动。 sb.spend(s)some time/some money on spend 意为“花费”,主语是人。 sth./(in)doing sth.意为“某人花费时间/金钱/做某事”。 pay 意为“付款;支付”,主语是人。 pay for意为“付费”。 It takes sb.some time to do sth.意为take 意为“花费”。 “花费某人多久去做某事”。 ?take part in/join/join in/attend 【题组训练】 Ⅰ.单项选择。

( )1.(2015·十堰)—Jack,Why didn't you answer my phone of 3:00 yesterday afternoon? —Oh,sorry.I ________ a concert at that time.

A.attend B.attended C.was attending D.will attend ( )2.(2015·温州)—Jenny,I hear there will be an art club in our school. —Wonderful! I can't wait to ________ it. A.repeat B.forget C.receive D.join

( )3.(2015·眉山)—Look! ________Smiths are playing basketball. —Let's ________ them.

A.The;join in B.The;join C.A;join in D.A;join Ⅱ.用join,join in,attend,take part in的适当形式填空。 4.My wish is to ________ the army after graduation. 5.Why didn't you ________ in the talk last night?

6.We'll ____________ social activities during the summer vacation. 7.I will ________ the concert with my uncle this evening. 要点速记

考点 含义 例句 指加入某一组织或团体,并成为其 I will never forget the day when I joined join 中一员。 the Party.我永远也忘不了入党的那一天。 join in 表示参加,其后一般接表示竞赛、Can I join in the game?我可以参加这个游8

娱乐、游戏的那个活动的名词。 戏吗? They all join in singing the song.他们一起唱这首歌。 Several presidents attended the meeting.好 attend take part 指出席会议、到场等。 几位总统参加了这次会议。 Will you take part in the English evening?指参加群众性活动、会议、游行等。 同我们一起参加英语晚会好吗? in

04 写作指导





1.It's important for us to live a low-carbon life to protect the environment. 2.The environmental pollution is more and more serious today.

3.People's health has been greatly affected by air pollution,noise pollution and water pollution. 4.In order to live a better life,we must try our best to protect our world.

5.We should recycle,reduce and reuse things,for this saves money and reduces pollution. 6.I think saving paper is necessary,so I often make full use of paper. 【谚语积累】

1.Dirty air slays sooner than the sword.污浊的空气杀人比刀还快。 2.When the wells dry,we know the worth of water.井枯方知水珍贵。 三、话题常用句式模仿

1.Adult pandas spend more than 12 hours a day eating about 10 kilos of bamboo. 【spend time doing sth.花费时间做某事】 【翻译】我们应该每天花费两小时清理河流。

________________________________________________________________________ 2.As far as I know,there are no man-made objects as big as this. 【as far as I know 就我所知】




3.The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. 【give up doing sth.放弃做某事】 【翻译】我们从不放弃拯救地球。


4.Not only can the art bring happiness to others,but it also shows that even cold,hard iron can be brought back to life with a little creativity.

【not only?but also?不但??而且;not only放句首时,其所引导的分句部分要用倒装】 【翻译】我们不但要多种树,而且要节约用纸。

________________________________________________________________________ 四、范例作文模拟


1.环保措施和美化城市的措施(各2条); 2.你的希望。 注意:


2.文章的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 3.80词左右。 Dear friends,













Thank you!

Wang Dong





3.最后要写出自己对环境保护的意见与想法。 4.时态以一般现在时为主;80词左右。 【佳作赏析】 Dear friends,

In order to make the environment more beautiful,we should do what we can to protect it.1.首先,我们应该植更多的树和种更多的花使我们的城市更加美丽。 Also,always remember not to throw rubbish or pour waste water everywhere.2.众所周知,水变得越来越少了,因此节约用水是很有必要的。 For example,turn the tap off after washing.Last but not the least,we'd better ride a bike or walk when going out instead of driving a car.

In my opinion,if everyone tries his best to protect the environment,our city will become nicer and cleaner! Thank you! Wang Dong


1.________________________________________________________________________ 2.________________________________________________________________________ 05 整合集训

Ⅰ.单项选择。 A)词语释义。

( )1.—How many stamps have you collected? —I've collected 200 up__to__now.

A.so far B.as well C.after all D.far away

( )2.Now Chinese government takes action in reducing__the air pollution. A.cutting in B.cutting offC.cutting down D.cutting out

( )3.As you set__out on your new journey,you shouldn't forget where you are from. A.set off B.establish C.start D.build ( )4.To__start__with,let's listen to a new CD.

A.First B.Firstly C.At the beginning of D.At last

( )5.__You're__in__the__pink after the holiday.I'm sure you have enjoyed yourself. A.Your skin is pink B.You look tired C.You're a little shy D.You look fine B)单项填空。

( )6.—I'm very ________.Could you pass me some water to drink?


—Of course.Here you are.

A.hungry B.full C.empty D.thirsty

( )7.Although there is a long way to go ________ us,we never give up. A.ahead of B.across from C.in front D.doubt with

( )8.Mike,along with his brother,________ playing football in their free time. A.enjoy B.enjoys C.enjoying D.enjoyed ( )9.Time ________,and good friendships may be lost. A.goes by B.go lost C.go out D.go down ( )10.—Did they win the game yesterday? —________.They looked sad.

A.I think so B.I hope so C.You're right D.I'm afraid not Ⅱ.完形填空。

Getting good results in your studies comes from developing good habits of studying.The best__11__ to study is a comfortable room with good lighting. The best chair for studying should be one which would make you feel comfortable,but not so comfortable that you may __12__ on it after a while! Before you study,look for a(n) __13__ environment with no distractions (分心的事物).If you find your home too noisy for studying,try the library or community center __14__.

When you study,__15__ realistic goals for yourself to achieve.For example,do not aim to study five chapters (章) of Geography in one sitting __16__ you know that it takes you more than an hour to read one chapter.And remember not to __17__ yourself too hard.When you have studied for a long time,take a short break __18__ taking a short walk or listening to some music for a while. If you begin to feel sleepy when studying,do not make yourself go on as you may not concentrate.Studying for a long time may be bad for your __19__.It may be a good idea to __20__ your eyes away from your books sometimes.Looking at something at a distance or at greenery can help make your eyes feel comfortable.

( )11.A.way B.place C.time D.chance

( )12.A.fall ill B.keep healthy C.fall asleep D.stay awake ( )13.A.clean B.dirty C.quiet D.unhappy ( )14.A.yet B.too C.either D.instead ( )15.A.set B.give C.hit D.reach

( )16.A.unless B.when C.because D.so that ( )17.A.teach B.pull C.protect D.push


( )18.A.by B.on C.about D.with ( )19.A.arms B.ears C.hands D.eyes ( )20.A.open B.close C.lift D.test Ⅲ.阅读理解。


Now many boys wear the same clothes as girls,and some of them have long hair.So sometimes it's difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls.

One Sunday morning,I went for a walk with my grandfather in the park near my house.After a while,my grandfather was tired,so he sat down on a bench near the pool.

“Oh,” my grandfather said to the person with long curly hair next to him on the bench.“Can you see the person with long hair on the other side of the pool?Is it a boy or a girl?”

“Which one?” asks the person with long curly hair.

“The one who is eating a hamburger near the pool.” said my grandfather.“He is a boy,” said the person,“he's my son,Han Han.”

“Oh,” my grandfather said,“I'm sorry,I don't know you are his mother.” “No,I'm not his mother.I'm his father.”

根据短文内容,判断以下句子的正误。正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”。 ( )21.The writer's house is near a clothes store.

( )22.One Sunday morning,the writer's grandfather went for a walk. ( )23.Han Han's father has long curly hair. ( )24.The writer is eating a hamburger.

( )25.The writer's grandfather is sure that Han Han is a boy at first.


This is a tale of two friends-one is blind,the other has no arms.On their own,the two are “disabled”.But together,they are a powerful team that has changed part of their village in North China's Hebei Province into a rich,green forest.Meet 53-year-old Jia Haixia and Jia Wenqi!

Their story began in 2000,when Haixia,who was already blind in his right eye,lost his left one after an illness.Wenqi lost his arms in an accident when he was just three.Neither could find a job,so the two decided to team up.They rented some poor land and began to plant trees.In return,the local officials paid them a small fee.

Haixia and Wenqi never imagined that they would end up creating an environmental paradise.Their forest now has over 10,000 trees,hundreds of birds and many other wild animals.In addition,it saves the village from


river flooding during the rainy season.

When the friends work together,they focus on their strengths not their disabilities.Their day begins at 7 a.m.when the sightless Haixia carries Wenqi across the river to get to their worksite.Since they cannot afford to buy young trees to plant,the two use branches from existing trees.Haixia climbs to the tree-top and with Wenqi's direction,selects the perfect branch.He then digs a hole and carefully plants it.Finally Wenqi waters the area.

Though hard-working,the men don't make much money.But as Wenqi puts it,“We stand on our own feet,so the fruits of our work taste sweeter.”

Neither Haixia nor Wenqi cares about money.Together,they already have everything they need-a perfect pair of eyes,two strong hands,and the best friendship in the world!

( )26.Why did Haixia and Wenqi start working together? A.Haixia needed someone to help him. B.They both needed a way to make money. C.They wanted to improve the environment. D.They were required to do so by local officials.

( )27.Haixia and Wenqi's forest has helped the village by________. A.stopping floods in the rainy season B.increasing the number of tourists C.making the villagers richer D.providing more farmland

( )28.Why do Haixia and Wenqi plant tree branches? A.They are easy to get. B.They do not cost money. C.They can grow very quickly. D.They are preferred by animals.

( )29.In Paragraph 5,when Wenqi says “We stand on our own feet,so the fruits of our work taste sweeter”,he means that “________”.

A.they hope to make the forest even better B.the fruits from their trees are very sweet C.they are proud not to depend on others D.they are able to do any difficult work ( )30.What can we learn from this story?


A.Never give up and you will succeed. B.We should help the disabled to work. C.Try your best when facing difficulties. D.We can achieve more with teamwork. Ⅳ.词语运用。


31.Stop smoking because it is ________ to your health.(harm) 32.The number of the boys in our class ________ 26.(be)

33.It's necessary for everyone to know the ________ of environmental protection.(important) 34.After three-year study in the school.I've become better at ________ English.(speak) 35.She built ________ a house out of rubbish.(she) B)将下列句子中的汉语译成英语。

36.Everyone in our country should ________________ protecting the environment.(参与) 37.It's not easy to ________________ this maths problem,but she made it.(做出) 38.She was a woman who ________________ power.(渴望)

39.You shouldn't ________________ in your room.(制造混乱,搞得一团糟) 40.________________,I think that we must believe in ourselves.(首先) Ⅴ.书面表达。

假如你叫Jackson,是美国的一名华侨学生,春节期间回国探亲并进行乡村游。但是你在观赏乡村美景的同时,发现人们在街道、店铺前后或田间地头随意丢垃圾及塑料袋,严重影响当地的环境。于是你给当地的报纸写了一封倡议书,呼吁人们能够保持卫生干净整洁。80 词左右。倡议书的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 Dear my friends,






Yours sincerely,



第二十一课时 九年级 Units 13~14

考点扫描 高频单词和词组 自然

1.litter 2.bottom 3.coal 4.ugly 5.advantage 6.cost 7.plastic 8.cruel 9.industry 10.law 11.afford 12.recycle 13.gate 14.bottle 15.president 16.work 17.metal 18.be harmful to 19.take part in 20.turn off 21.pay for 22.take action 23.throw away 24.put sth.to good use 25.pull?down 26.bring back


1.survey 2.standard 3.row 4.keyboard 5.method 6.double 7.shall 8.overcome 9.senior 10.text 11.level 12.degree 13.thirsty 14.task 15.ahead 16.separate 17.wing 18.in a row 19.look back at 20.make a mess 21.keep one's cool 22.senior high(school) 23.go by 24.believe in 25.first of all 26.be thirsty for 27.be thankful to sb 28.ahead of 29.along with 30.be responsible for 31.set out 32.separate from


1.fishermen 2.wooden 3.advantage 4.harmful 5.scientific;scientist 6.instruction 7.graduation 8.caring;careful 9.us;our;ours;ourselves 10.gentlemen 11.congratulate 12.thankful


1.play a part in 2.lead to 3.not only;but also 4.have shown;are good for 5.an inspiration to 6.remember meeting 7.Because of;doubled 8.set out on;where

课时听力 Ⅰ.1—5 AABBB Ⅱ.6—10 ABCAC 考点透视 ?Ⅰ.1-3 ACB

Ⅱ.4.couldn't afford to 5.can't afford ?Ⅰ.1-3 BAB

Ⅱ.4.heard about 5.hear from ?Ⅰ.1-3 BDC


Ⅱ.4.remembered seeing 5.remember to close ?Ⅰ.1-3 BCD

Ⅱ.4.divided into 5.separated from ?Ⅰ.1-3 BAA

Ⅱ.4.takes;read 5.paid/spent;for/on ?Ⅰ.1-3 CDB

Ⅱ.4.join 5.join 6.take part in 7.attend 写作指导

三、1.We should spend two hours cleaning up the river every day. 2.As far as I know,we are short of water in China. 3.We never give up saving the earth. 4.Not only should we plant more trees,but also we should save paper

四、1.First,we should plant more trees and flowers to make our city more beautiful. 2.As we all know,water is becoming less and less.So it's quite necessary to save water.


Ⅰ.A)1—5 ACCBD B)6—10 DABAD Ⅱ.11—15 BCCDA 16—20 BDADC Ⅲ.21—25 FTTFF 26—30 BABCD

Ⅳ.A)31.harmful 32.is 33.importance 34.speaking 35.herself

B)36.play a part in 37.work out 38.was thirsty for 39.make a mess 40.First of all Ⅴ.One possible version: Dear my friends, I'm Jackson from America.I was deeply attracted by the beautiful scenery in hometown during the Spring Festival.But I saw much litter in the street,at the corner of the shop or in the fields.It's harmful to bodies.People may be sick because of this.

Why not keep the street clean and tidy? Good environment needs your help.Would you please put the trash in the right place? If there's no trash at all,everyone will feel comfortable and there are more foreigners visiting here.They'll feel fun,too.

Let's go and get rid of the trash.Let's try our best to make everyone live in a clean and tidy place.

Yours sincerely, Jackson



