水利水电工程专业英语 - 水电站与水轮机篇 - 图文

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水利水电工程专业英语——水电站与水轮机篇 1. Energy and Power of Water Flow 1. 水流的能量和功率

As may be recalled from mechanics of fluids, the energy and power of a quantity of water in steady flow from A to B can be determined using Bernoulli’s theorem for specific energy. From the principle of conservation of energy it follows that the energy eA at A equals the energy eB at B plus the energy eAB released as the water flows from A to B. Assuming that the weight of the water is 1N, Bernoulli’s equation, which in effect expresses the law of conservation of energy, may then be written as










+?????? (1)

回顾流体力学,可以使用伯努利定理的比能来确定从A 到 B的一定量的稳定水流的能量和功率。根据能量守恒定律,A点的能量eA等于B点的能量eB加上水流从A到B的能量损失eAB。假设水体的质量是1N,那么实际上表述能量守恒的伯努利方程可以写作:











+?????? (1)

Where ???? and ???? are respectively the elevations above a datum plane O-O of the centers of gravity of the stream cross sections at A and B(m), ????and ???? are respectively the pressures at the centers of gravity of the cross sections at A and B(Pa), ?? is the water density (kgm-3), ???? and ???? are respectively the average velocities of water at A and B(ms-1), g is the free fall accelerations (ms-2), and ???? and ???? are numerical coefficients accounting for a non-uniform velocity distribution over the cross sections (they are always larger than unity and generally range between 1.03 and 1.1).

其中????和????分别表示A和B处水流断面重心在基准面O-O以上的高程(m),????和 ????分别是A和B处水流断面重心的压力(Pa),??是水的密度(kgm-3),???? 和 ????分别是A和B处水的平均速度(ms-1),g是自由落体加速度,且????和????是考虑断面非均匀分布速度的数字系数(它们通常比单位的大,且通常范围为1.03-1.1)。

The first terms, z, on either side of Eq.(1), known as the elevation heads or potential heads, define the specific potential energy of water due to the elevation with respect to the selected datum. The second terms, ????, called the pressure heads, define the specific potential energy of water due to the respective pressure. The total specific potential energy may, therefore, be written as e=z+. It is the same for any point of a cross section, since an increase in z always



produces a matching decrease in ????. Accordingly, the potential energy at a cross section may be evaluated in terms of the elevations of the points lying on the free surface of that cross section, assuming that ???? and e=h (where h is the elevation of the points on the free surface above the datum plane). Finally, the third terms, 2??, referred to as the velocity heads, define the specific 2????



kinetic energy of the quantity of water at the respective sections. Obviously, all the terms of Eq.(1) are measured in meters.










Re-writing Eq.(1) for the free surface (with ????=0) yields







+?????? (2)

Then, the lost head (or friction head) is given by


In reality, the difference












is negligibly small. So,

??????=?????????=HAB (4)

Here, HAB is the difference in elevation between the beginning and end of the portion AB (customarily referred to as the cross-head). If it is sea level (the elevation being Δ0) that is chosen as the datum plane, then hA=ΔA, hB=ΔB, and eAB=ΔA-ΔB=HAB.














+?????? (2)











??????=?????????=HAB (4)

此处,HAB是AB段开始和结束处的高程差(习惯上称之为水头差)。如果被选作参考平面的是海平面(高程为Δ0),那么hA=ΔA, hB=ΔB,且 eAB=ΔA-ΔB=HAB。

When the total energy of flow is desired, the respective terms in the above equations should be multiplied by the weight of the flowing fluid which depends on the discharge Q(m3s-1), meaning that over a time interval t the section A will let in, and the section B will let out, a quantity of water equal to Qt. Obviously, the weight of that volume of water is equal to Qt ??g, so the total energy (in joules) released as the water flows from A to B will be

EAB=HABQt ??g (5)

Power NAB, or the energy released per second, will be given by



HABQ ??g (6)

如果需要水流的全部能量,上述方程各项应该乘以取决于流量(m3s-1)的流体重量,意为在一个t的时间间隔内断面A处将流入、且断面B处将流出质量等于Qt的水量。很明显,该水体的重量等于Qt ??g,所以水流自A到B处释放的所有能量(单位为焦耳)将为

EAB=HABQt ??g (5)




HABQ ??g (6)

Since the total energy is in joules, the dimension of power is the watt (W). However, the watt is too small a unit. So, in power engineering, use is most commonly made of its multiples, such as the kilowatt(1kW=1000W) and the megawatt (1MW=1000kW=106W).


Considering that g=9.81m2s-1 and ??=1000kgm-3 (for pure fresh water), the power in kilowatts may be written as

NAB=9.81QHAB (7)

In power engineering, the common unit of measure for energy is the kilowatt-hour (1kWh=3600J). If the time interval T in question is expressed in hours, then the energy ?????? in kilowatt-hours will be given by

EAB=9.81QHABT (8)

Giving per year (T=8760h)


??????=85936QHAB (9)

考虑g=9.81m2s-1 且??=1000kgm-3(对于纯鲜水),单位为千瓦的功率可以写作

NAB=9.81QHAB (7)


EAB=9.81QHABT (8)



??????=85936QHAB (9)

Eqs. (7) and (9) are used to determine the potential of a watercourse in terms of its power or annual energy found on the basis of the average discharge through several years of record. The theoretical hydroelectric potential of a watershed, a region, or a country is evaluated by dividing the area in question into suitable sections and adding together the power and annual energy found for each section. Naturally, it seldom happens that all of the water bodies in a region can be used for power generation. The common practice is to locate the water courses (or their portions) that can be used by the industry and to determine what may be called their technical hydroelectric potential. Part of the technical potential whose development is economically advisable at a given time is termed the economic hydro potential. Of course, the last-mentioned quantity depends on the demand and overall economic situation and is, therefore, subject to certain variations.



2. Intake Structures 2. 取水建筑物

An intake structure is an arrangement by which water is satisfactorily diverted for the required use. Thus as shown is Figure 1, the intake is an arrangement which allows for water to be taken from its source and then discharged into the conveyance system from which it is led to the desired use. The desired use of water may be for domestic water supply, flood or irrigation discharge out of a dam through outlet outsluices, or for the purposes of generating electricity. 取水建筑物是通过其就可以将需要使用的水满足要求地调动的建筑物。正如图1中所示,进口就是允许从水源取水的建筑物,且随后排放到引向期望用途的输水系统内。水的期望用途可能是用作生活供水、大坝通过出水口的洪水或灌溉放水,或者是用于发电的目的。

Figure 1 Diagrammatic sketch of function of intake

图1 取水建筑物功能示意图

Irrespective of the desired use an intake structure should fulfill the following requirements: (1) assured water supply; (2) suitable quality of water; (3) control over supply of water.

The requirements of assured water supply would fix the location of the intake in (1) plan so that water is always available; (2) elevation so that the invert level of the intake is at such a location that the minimum water level is always above this invert level.

不管期望用途如何,一个取水建筑物都应该满足一下要求: (1)确保供水; (2)合适的水质; (3)控制供水。


The quality of water required would depend upon the use which the water is desired to be put to. In hydroelectric development general requirement for the quality of water will be that it should be free from debris, trash, ice and silt. In case of an irrigation scheme it may be desirable that the water is free from undesirable salts and other industrial effluents which harm the crop.



An intake structure should always have an arrangement by which it may be possible to control the flow of water. This arrangement is generally provided for by introducing hydraulic gates and sometimes valves in the intake structure.


Thus, according to the operating head the intake may be classified into: (1) low head intake, (2) medium head intake, and (3) high head intake.


Taking into account the conveyance system they may be grouped under: (1) canal intake, (2) dam intake, and (3) tunnel intake.


3. Penstocks 3. 压力管道

A penstock is defined as a pressure pipe whose function is to supply water directly to hydraulic turbine.


Penstocks are intended to handle high stream velocities (up to 12 ms-1) and to resist dynamic loads imposed by water hammer. Therefore, they are commonly made of steel pipe. Other constructions, such as steel/reinforced-concrete penstocks, reinforced-concrete penstocks, reinforced-concrete penstocks or wood penstocks, are used far less frequently.


We have already mentioned that penstocks may be of the embedded, buried, and open (exposed) types. Let us now discuss each type in detail.


Embedded penstocks are made of steel pipe 7 to 10m in diameter, built in a concrete dam or directly in rock. When embedded in concrete, the pipes are reinforced with strong steel hoops. The gap between the penstock and the rock is packed with cement grout or filled with plain concrete or reinforced concrete.


Buried penstocks are made of steel or reinforced concrete pipe laid on a gravel or a concrete cushion in backfilled trenches. Reinforced concrete penstocks which are used most commonly may be up to 6 m in diameter (sometimes, even larger). Steel penstocks whose

diameter never exceeds 3 m are employed very seldom, because they are rather inconvenient for inspection and maintenance.


Open (exposed) penstocks are, in effect, welded steel pipelines up to 9 m in diameter, installed on concrete supports placed directly along the slope. There also exist reinforced concrete and wood constructions, but these are used less frequently. Open penstocks may be either of the continuous (rigid) type or of the split multispan type. Continuous penstocks are rigidly fixed at the two ends by anchorage supports and, therefore, suffer considerable stresses as they expand or contract under temperature variations. This can readily be avoided by splitting the penstock into several spans each of which is fixed by anchorage supports of its own. An expansion joint is installed in each span to allow the penstock to expand or contract under temperature variations without giving rise to any additional stresses. Between the anchorages, the pipes rest on a number of intermediate supports designed to carry the weight of the filled penstock only and to provide for the free movement of the pipe caused by thermal expansion or contraction.


4. Water Hammer in Penstocks 4. 压力管道中的水击

When the flow of water through, say, a penstock is stopped too rapidly, the water pressure suddenly rises above the normal level and might cause the penstock to burst. Quite appropriately, this phenomenon has come to be known as the water hammer.


Picture to yourself a conduit of length L and cross-sectional area F through which water uniformly flows at a velocity v(Figure 1). Assume also that a gate installed at the end of the conduit (or wicket gates in the case of a penstock) has closed instantly and brought the water to a sudden stop. Following the stop, the kinetic energy of the water vanishes, resulting in an equivalent increase in its potential energy, which manifests itself in a pressure rise Δph.


Since the conduit walls possess certain elastic properties, the pressure rise cannot propagate instantaneously throughout the conduit. Over a time interval dt, the pressure riseΔph will travel a distance dl. Within dl, the walls will expand and the conduit will “swell” as shown schematically in Figure 1(a). As this process goes on, the pressure wave travels up the conduit to the forebay at a velocity a. The velocity of the pressure wave depends on the elastic characteristics of the conduit and water and would be equal to the velocity of sound in water (1425ms-1) if the conduit walls were absolutely rigid. Under real conditions, however, it is determined as


1425 1+??0



where ??0 is the modulus of elasticity of water (2×103MPa),E is the modulus of elasticity of the wall material (2×105MPa for steel), ?? is the wall thickness, and D is the conduit diameter. For steel conduits, a is approximately adopted as 1000 ms-1.



1425?? 1+??0



其中??0是水的弹性模量(2×103MPa),E是壁材料的弹性模量(钢材2×105MPa),??是壁厚,且D是输水管直径。对于钢输水管,a近似采用1000 ms-1。

Figure 1 Water hammer in a penstock

(a) forward pressure wave; (b) backward pressure wave.

图1 压力管道中的水击


Following the sudden closure of the gate, Δph reaches its ultimate value Δpul which can be found by equating the change in water momentum over a time dt to the impulse of the associated force






Considering that dl/dt=a, we may write for the ultimate pressure rise and the ultimate water-hammer head

????????=(g)??g (2) ??H????=

???? g????

The second line in Eq.(2) is called the Zhukovsky formula.






????????=()??g (2)





???? g方程(2)中的第二行被称作茹科夫斯基公式。

Let us now consider what happens as the positive pressure wave resulting from the water hammer travels up the penstock to the forebay. Upon reaching the forebay, it is reflected back from the open end of the penstock as a negative pressure wave which has the same magnitude and travels back at the same velocity a as the positive wave (Figure 1b). As soon as the backward negative wave reaches the closed gate, it is again reflected back to the open end as a positive wave. This process goes on until the waves gradually die out because of the inevitable losses of energy taking place under real conditions. The time of one round trip of the wave is called the time of one interval or the critical time of the pipe. It is expressed in seconds as

tcr=a (3)


tcr=a (3)

Under real conditions, the gate is never closed instantly, so the negative pressure wave finds itself superimposed on the positive wave, which to a certain extent relieves the pipe of the water hammer. As a result, Δph is always smaller thanΔpul.



5. Surge Tanks 5. 调压井

The simplest means of eliminating positive (or negative) water-hammer pressure and improving speed-regulation conditions is to provide a bypass to take the rejected flow. This may be accomplished by what are known as surge tanks. Surge tanks are generally installed either at the lower end of a pressure diversion conduit to link the diversion conduit to the penstocks or at the lower end of long penstocks leading from a dam to an isolated power house. Surge tanks may also be provided at the upper end of a long tailrace diversion system. Whether or not a conduit requires a surge tank depends on its Tw. As a rule, the need for a surge tank arises when

Tw>3 to 6 (1)


Tw>3 to 6 (1)

Figure 1 principle of operation of surge tank

1—pressure gradient when surge-tank level is a maximum; 2—pressure gradient when surge-tank level is a minimum. 图1 调压井的运行规则

1—当调压井级别最高时的压力梯度; 2—当调压井级别最低时的压力梯度。

图1 调压井运行原则

1-当调压井水位最高时的压力梯度; 2-当调压井水位最低时的压力梯度。

Let us discuss the principle of operation of a surge tank (Figure1). When the turbines

operate at a constant velocity and a uniform discharge, the free-surface level of the tank is by ????????=+


lower than the static headwater level, where ???????? is the head lost in the diversion

system. When the wicket gates are closed and the turbine is unloaded, the flow through the penstocks comes to a standstill, and the water arriving with the initial velocity is rejected into the surge tank, thereby raising its level. As this takes place, the kinetic energy of the flowing water is converted into the potential energy of the water stored above the normal surge-tank level.





The pressure wave which is reflected from the free surface cannot propagate into the conduit and is eventually suppressed, resulting in an appreciable decrease inζ. When all of the kinetic energy of the rejected water is converted into potential energy, the tank level becomes by Zm higher than the head water level. At this instant, the velocity of stream flow through the diversion conduit equals zero. However, this state is by no means stable, and the water soon begins to flow out of the tank into the conduit.


The accompanying pressure fluctuations are eventually damped by the friction between the water and the walls of the conduit and the surge tank. After the fluctuations have been suppressed completely, the water in the tank attains a new level corresponding to the new load on the turbine or equal to the static headwater level if the gates have been closed to zero. Assuming the cross-sectional area of the tank as ????, the cross-sectional area of the diversion conduit as ????????, and the length of the conduit as L, the period of pressure fluctuations may be developed as

??=2?? ?????? (2)







When the load on the turbines is suddenly increased, the tank level falls by, and similar pressure fluctuations take place. The analysis of this situation should be based on the lowest headwater level. The thing is that the pressure gradient following the drop in tank level will give the elevation above which the diversion conduit ought not to be laid if it is to be protected against vacuum.


energy. The second type is a reaction turbine, which develops power from the combined action of pressure energy and kinetic energy of the water. Reaction turbines can be further divided into several types, of which the principal two are the Francis and the propeller.


9.1 Impulse Turbines 9.1 冲击式水轮机

The impulse turbine is frequently called a Pelton wheel after one of its early developers, Lester Pelton. The potential energy of water flowing from a fore bay through a penstock is transformed into kinetic energy in a jet or jets of water striking the single or double bowl-shaped buckets of the impulse runner. The jet of water strikes the runner tangentially to a circular line of the pitch diameter of the buckets and acts at atmospheric pressure.

冲击式水轮机通常被叫做佩尔顿式水轮机,以其早期开发者之一的Lester Pelton的名字命名。流过压力管道的前池水流的势能被转换为射流的动能,作用在冲击转轮的单个或两个碗状的斗叶上。射流沿着斗叶的节圆直径的圆圈切线防线并以大气压力作用在转轮上。

The water striking the buckets of the runner is regulated through the use of a bulb-shaped needle in a nozzle. The position of the needle determines the quantity of water striking the runner. A deflector arrangement in more sophisticated designs is used to direct the water away from the turbine buckets when there is a load rejection to reduce hydraulic torque on the generator.


Impulse turbines are usually high head units and used at locations where heads 1000ft or more. They are also used at lower heads for small-capacity units. The ratio of the wheel diameter to the spouting velocity of the water determines the applicability of an impulse turbine.


The impulse or Pelton turbines have advantages for high-head installations, for installations with abrasive matter in the water, and for long-penstock installations where water hammer is critical. Some impulse runners are made with individually bolted buckets and others are solid cast. Double-overhung installations are made with a generator in the center and the runners positioned in the two overhanging ends of a single shaft.


Another design of an impulse turbine is the Turgo Impulse turbine invented by Eric Crewdson of Gilkes and Co. Ltd. Of England in 1920. The turbine is designed so that the jet of water strikes the buckets at an angle to the face of the runner and the water passes over the buckets in an axial direction before being discharged at the opposite side. The buckets are constrained by a rim on the discharge side of the runner. The advantage claimed for the type of

unit is that a larger jet can be applied, resulting in a higher speed with a comparatively smaller machine.

冲击式水轮机的另外一种设计是由Gilkes的Eric Crewdson和英格兰公司在1920年发明的Turgo冲击式水轮机。水轮机的设计为射流以与转轮面成某一角度作用在斗叶上,且水流在在对面排出前以轴向通过斗叶。斗叶受到转轮出水侧的边缘的限制。这种形式机组的优点是可以应用一个更大的喷口,从而得到一个更高的速度和一个相对较小的机械。

9.2 Mixed-Flow Reaction Turbines 9.2 混流式反击水轮机

In the operation of reaction turbines, the runner chamber is completely filled with water and a draft tube is used to recover as much of the hydraulic head as possible. Three conditions of flow determine the designs of reaction wheels. If the flow is perpendicular to the axis of rotation, the runner is called a radial-flow turbine. An early type of radial-flow machine was the Fourneyron turbine, in which water flow was radially outward. Many early reaction wheels were radially inward-flow runners. If the water flow is partially radial and partially axial, it is called a mixed-flow turbine. The most common mixed-flow turbine was developed by James B. France and bears his name. Francis turbines have a crown and band enclosing the upper and lower portions of the buckets, while a propeller-type runner has blades projecting from the hub.

在反击式水轮机的运行中,水流完全充满转轮室,且尾水管被用来回收尽可能多的水头。三种水流条件确定了反击式水轮机的设计。如果水流与转动轴向相垂直,那么该转轮被称为径向流动水轮机。径向流动机械的早期类型是Fourneyron水轮机,其中水流径向流出。很多早期的反击式水轮机都是径向入流式水轮机。更常用的混流式水轮机是James B. France开发的并以他的名字命名。弗兰西斯水轮机有一个上冠和下环封装着斗叶的上部和下部部分,而一个螺旋桨式转轮有从轮毂伸出的叶片。

Another type of mixed-flow reaction turbine is the diagonal turbine or Deriaz turbine. The runner blades are set at an angle around the rim of a conical hub. There is no band around the blades. The blades are adjustable and can be feathered about an axis inclined at 45°to the axis of the shaft. The units have been developed for use as reversible pump turbines. They have the advantage of maintaining good efficiency over a wide range of flow, higher-strength attachment of the runner blades to the turbine hub, and the arrangement allows higher permissible operating heads than an axial-flow Kaplan or adjustable blade unit.


9.3 Axial-Flow Reaction Turbines 9.3 轴流式反击水轮机

The direction of flow for most propeller turbines is axial, parallel to the axis of rotation; thus they are classified as axial-flow turbines. Early developments utilized propeller unit vertical shafts. More recent developments utilize a horizontal shaft. Propeller turbines can have the blades of the runner rigidly attached to the hub; these are called fixed-blade runners. The blades of the runners can also be made adjustable so that the turbine can operate over a wide range of flow

conditions at better efficiencies. A propeller turbine with coordinated adjustable blades and gates is called a Kaplan turbine after its inventor, Viktor Kaplan. A propeller turbine with adjustable blades and fixed gates is sometimes referred to as semi-Kaplan. The automatic coordination of the movement of runner blade and adjustment of the gate positions provides optimum hydraulic performance and has made such units more efficient for variable flow and low-head applications. 大多数螺旋桨式水轮机的水流方向是轴向,与转动轴向方向相平行;因此它们被分类为轴流式水轮机。早期开发利用螺旋桨机组垂直轴。较近的开发使用水平轴。螺旋桨式水轮机可能有刚性地连接到轮毂的转轮叶片;这些被称为固定叶片式转轮。转轮叶片也可以被制成可调式,这样水轮机就可以以更好的小路在一个更宽的水流条件下运行。配有协调可调式叶片和导水叶的螺旋桨式水轮机被以其发明者Viktor Kaplan的名字命名为卡普兰水轮机。配有可调整叶片和固定导水叶的螺旋桨式水轮机被称为半卡普兰式。转轮叶片运动的自动协调和导水叶位置调整提供了最佳水力性能,且对于可变化水流和低水头应用情况使得这样的机组效率更高。

Recent developments utilizing axial-flow runner have included arranging the runners in specialized configurations sometimes referred to as tubular-type turbines. Basically, the units are arranged to minimize the change in direction of flow, to simplify the mounting of the generator, and to provide the best hydraulic characteristics for the water moving through the hydropower plant. TUBE turbine is a registered trademark of the Allis-Chalmers Corporation for a type of unit in which the generator is mounted outside the water passage with direct or gear drive connection to the generator. These units are now being produced in standardized sizes.


Bulb hydropower units include propeller turbines that drive a generator encapsulated and sealed to operate within the water passage. The generator design is such that all mechanisms are compressed into a diameter that is approximately equal to the propeller diameter. The very compact nature tends to provide some advantages in powerhouse design and in pattern of water flow. It does require special cooling and air circulation within the generator bulb. This type of unit is being manufactured by several companies.


10. Turbine Cases 10. 水轮机蜗壳

A turbine case may be defined as a water passage surrounding a turbine. Its primary function is to distribute uniformly the water around the stay ring, the wicket gates, and the runner. To vertical-shaft turbines the water is conveyed from one side, so their cases are made

spiral in shape with the outer wall completely or partially embracing the staying ring. Quite appropriately, turbine cases of this configuration have come to be known as spiral cases. The basic parameter of a spiral case is the volute angle Фvol made by the planes passed through the throat and the small end.


There exist two basic types of spiral cases, namely concrete cases with a volute angle of 180°to 270° and metal cases with a volute angle of 345° to 360°. Concrete spiral cases are used under heads up to 80m. They may be symmetrical in radial cross section or have an extended lower or upper portion. When the head on the turbine exceeds 50m, concrete cases are lined with metal. As a rule, concrete cases are used for adjustable-blade propeller (Kaplan) turbines, although, on some rare occasions, they are employed for low-head Francis turbines.

螺旋型蜗壳有两种基本类型,即角度为180°到 270°的混凝土蜗壳,以及角度为345°到 360°的金属蜗壳。混凝土螺旋型蜗壳应用于水头低于80米的情况。它们可以是径向横截面对称的或有一个延长下部或上部结构。当水轮机水头超过50米时,混凝土蜗壳就用钢板做内衬。按规定,混凝土蜗壳被用于可调整叶片式螺旋桨(卡普兰)水轮机,尽管在很少的情况下,它们也用于低水头的弗兰西斯水轮机。

For large vertical-axis turbines, semi-spiral or reinforced concrete spiral cases are used. The advantage of the semi-spiral case is lower head loss. The head loss is also lower for an open-flume arrangement than for more sophisticated spiral casings. For large-, medium-, and high-head turbines the spiral case is usually fabricated from steel plate. Older installations sometimes had cast steel or cast iron spiral cases. The water passageways are different for various types of turbines.


Metal spiral cases are an excellent choice for Francis and high-head Kaplan turbines operating under heads ranging from 40 to 500 m. They are traditionally circular in cross section throughout, and are made of welded plate steel, or under higher heads, of cast iron or cast steel. 对于在在40到500米之间水头下运行的弗兰西斯和高水头卡普兰水轮机来说,金属螺旋型蜗壳是一个非常好的选择。它们通常在全断面上都是圆形,并用焊接钢板制就,或者在更高的水头下用铸铁或铸钢制就。

Water velocities and uniformity of flow are primary engineering concerns. Water velocities in the spiral casing as a rule of thumb, according to Brown (1970), should, for low-specific-speed turbines, be approximately

??=0.14 2???? (1)

and for high-specific-speed turbines,

??=0.20 2???? (2)

where v= water velocity at cross sections normal to the radius and at entrance to spiral case, ft/sec; h=design net head, ft.

水流速度和均匀度是设计的首要考量。根据Brown (1970)的经验,对于低比转速的水轮


??=0.14 2???? (1)


??=0.20 2???? (2)


Generally, there should be no deceleration of water as it flows from the penstock to and through the spiral case. Special requirements as to shape, dimensioning, and velocity are needed for different kinds of turbines.


11. Draft Tubes 11. 尾水管

Draft tubes are the final components of the water passages of hydropower plants. A draft tube may serve the double purpose of (1) allowing the turbine to be set above tailwater level, without loss of head, to facilitate inspection and maintenance, and (2) regaining, by diffuser action, the major portion of the kinetic energy delivered to it from the reaction-turbine runner.


Draft tubes usually consists of steel sections which change shape from circular to rectangular in cross section. The sections expand in cross-sectional area to decrease the water velocity with a minimum occurrence of vortexes and maintain a nearly uniform velocity at any section. The draft tube is usually formed in reinforced concrete. The principal engineering problems are determining the water velocity at the exit to the draft tube and determining the controlling dimensions of the draft tube.


As regards the shape of a draft tube, the best performance could be obtained with the conical tube. Unfortunately, its length would be great in terms of throat diameter, and therefore, for large machines it would require a considerable amount of excavation. For this reason, it is used only relatively small machines, the draft tube for large vertical-shaft turbines being mostly of the elbow construction. In fact, the elbow type of tube is now used with most turbine installations. With this type, the vertical portion begin with a conical section which gradually flattens in the elbow section of elaborate shape and then discharges horizontally through substantially rectangular diffuser section to the tailrace. One or two vertical piers are placed in the horizontal portion of the tube for structural reasons. The basic dimension of any draft tube is the height h. Obviously, the greater the height of the draft tube, the better the turbine

performance. On the other hand, higher draft tube call for more concrete, thereby building up the cost of the power house. For this reason, an optimum must be found that would be economical of materials and still ensure an acceptable performance, as too low draft tubes have proved to be very little help.


Empirical relations and experience curves have been developed to make preliminary determinations for Francis turbines draft tube design. The turbine discharge diameter, D3 and specific speed, ns are used as reference parameters for developing the appropriate controlling dimensions according to de Siervo and de Leva(1976). The absolute velocity at the inlet to the draft tube is given by the following equation:


??3=8.74+ ????where ??3=water velocity at the draft tube inlet section, m/sec; ????=turbine specific speed.



??3=8.74+ ????其中??3=尾水管进口处的水流速度,米/秒; ????=水轮机比转速。

As the specific speed increases, there is a tendency for controlling dimensions to be increased because the amount of kinetic energy within the draft tube relative to the potential energy is larger, but countering that is the higher cost for the civil works to accommodate the larger dimensions. The experience curves tend to indicate that the civil works cost limitations control the relative size at higher values of specific speed.


12. Synchronous Generators 12. 同步发电机

Converting water energy to electric energy at hydropower plants is possible through the

operation and functioning of electrical generators. The phenomenon of producing an electrical current in a conductor, discovered by Michael Faraday, involves moving a copper coil through a stationary magnetic field or moving a magnet through a copper coil. In the practical generator, an induced voltage is caused by the magnetic field of a rotor sweeping by the coils of the stator. The rotor of an electrical generator in the case of hydropower developments is driven by the rotation of the turbine. Usually, the turbine and generator are directly connected on a common shaft. Most generators used in hydropower developments are alternating current (AC) synchronous generators. These require excitation current which is usually provided by a small auxiliary generator that supplies direct current to create the magnetic field of the rotor.


The basic components of generators as used with hydraulic turbines are (1) supporting frame, (2) shaft that transmits the rotating motion of the turbine, (3) exciter, (4) assembly of the built-up rotor, (5) rotor poles, (6)stator and its component coils, (7) stator coil supports, (8) air cooler, (9) thrust bearings for vertical shaft machines, and (10) brake.


The stator contains the armature in conventional ac generators and consists of windings of coils pressed into slots in a symmetrical pattern. The core of stator is composed of laminated steel sheets to reduce power losses by eddy currents.


The rotor contains the coils that make up the electromagnets or field winding. The windings surround the individual poles that are mounted on structure that makes up a wheel attached to the rotary shaft. If the windings surround each pole in a symmetrical fashion and are wound individually around a pole that extends out from a cylindrical surface, they are termed salient-pole fields.


The number of coils, the wire size and number of turns in a coil, and the number of slots in a stator are design considerations by which size and capacity of the generator are varied. These windings may be connected in series or parallel to achieve the desired voltage or current ratings. For actual functioning of the generator, it is then necessary to have twice the number of coils per phase per pair of poles.


The field winding magnetic circuit and rotor consists of poles that are duplicates of each

other that they are arranged alternately north and south magnetically. A full cycle of alternating current is developed for each pair of magnetic poles swept by the winding, that is, one cycle per two poles. The fixed number of poles is provided in a full circle and must be an even-integer number of poles, because a north pole must exist for each south pole. The following fundamental formula must be met:


120where f=frequency, Hz(=cycles/sec); ????=number of poles; n=speed, rpm.





There are only a limited number of frequencies used for ac power frequencies. The usual ones are 25, 50, 60, and 400Hz. The most common frequency used with hydropower generators in North America is 60 Hz.



13. Speed Control and Governors(1) 13. 调速与调速器(1)

Much equipment connected to a hydroelectric system is sensitive to frequency variation. Therefore, speed control of the system is a necessity. Regulating the quantity of water admitted to the turbine runner is the usual means of regulating and maintaining a constant speed to drive the generator and to regulate the power output. This is done by operating wicket gates or valves. Such action requires a mechanism to control the wicket gates, which is the governor or governor system. At decreasing load, the speed tends to rise, and the governor has to close the wicket gates to such an extent that the torque created by the turbine equals the torque offered by the electrical load on the generator and the speed returns to the desired synchronous speed. As the wicket gates open, the speed adjustment is lowered and the inherent tendency of the turbine unit is to pick up additional load in response to a decrease in system speed.


The function of the governor is to detect any error in speed between actual and desired values and to effect a change in the turbine output. This is done so that the system load is in equilibrium with the generating unit output at the desired speed.


The governor system of the turbine acts as an opening, closing, and gate-setting mechanism for starting, stopping, and synchronizing the turbine which allows for matching output to the system load to maintain the system frequency and creates the necessary adjustment on Kaplan turbine blade angles for optimum operation at synchronous speed.


Governor systems can be classified as either mechanical-hydraulic governors or electro-hydraulic governors. The three elements of operation are (1) the speed-responsive system for detecting changes in speed, (2) the power component for operating the wicket gates, and (3) the stabilizing or compensating element that prevents runaway speed in the turbine and holds the servomotor in fixed position when the turbine output and the generator load are equalized. The servomotor is the oil pressure system and piston arrangement used to operate the wicket gates.


A mechanical-hydraulic governor is a unit in which a mechanical centrifugal pendulum acts as a sensor. The flyballs of the pendulum move outward with increasing speed and inward with decreasing speed. The movement of the flyballs is transferred by means of a rod and links to the pilot valve of the governor, which in turn operates the servomechanism for changing the position of the wicket gates. In a Kaplan turbine, the propeller blades are controlled by a separate servomotor with a series of cams or a microprocessor to maintain a position relative to the head and gate position. The flyball mechanism does not have power output necessary to move the wicket gates on a hydraulic turbine. The power for moving the wicket gates is normally supplied by a hydraulic system controlled by the flyball action.


14. Speed Control and Governors(2) 14. 调速与调速器(2)

The power component of the entire governor system and gate operating system consists of (1) the servomotor, a fluid-pressure-operated piston or pistons to move the wicket gates; (2) the oil pressure supply, which furnishes the power for the action of the servomotor; and (3) a control valve, which regulates oil pressure and flow of oil in the servomotor.


The sequence of governor operation consists of the action of flyballs, which respond to the speed change and transmit motion through the system of floating levers to the pilot valve. The pilot valve equipped with relay valves causes oil pressure to be transmitted to one side or the other of the servomotor. The action of the piston of the servomotor in turn opens or closes the turbine wicket gates and regulates the flow of water to change the speed.


The speed of a turbine will deviate from normal synchronous speed for a certain percentage of load change. The amount of deviation of speed will depend on (1) the time required to alter the flow of the hydraulic oil in the governor system to correspond with action necessitated by the change in load, (2) the amount of flywheel effect of the entire rotating mass of the turbine and generator, and (3) the time required for the water flow to respond to action caused by the change in the turbine operating point.


The simple governor and control system is an isochronous governor. The isochronous governor is inherently unstable, and although some stabilization results from the characteristics of the turbine and connected load, these are generally inadequate and an additional means of stabilization effect of the inertia of the water flow in the penstock. The necessary stability is provided by feedback from the servomotor, which, by means of the dashpot, temporarily restores the control valve toward the null position, and dampens the servomotor movements. The dashpot functions with a spring-loaded valve that is mechanically linked to the servomotor and controls from the pilot valve and the flyball mechanism.


To control the turbine speed, the governor must sense the system speed and compare it to a standard. In the case of a mechanical governor, the flyball mechanism is driven by a permanent magnet generator (PMG) attached to the generator shaft, or by a potential transformer (PT) so that any change in system speed results in a change in the flywheel mechanism’s position. In an electronic governor, the frequency may be sensed directly from a potential transformer or the output frequency of a speed signal generator (SSG) attached to the generator. The output

frequency is compared to a standard and the difference is processed electronically to drive a transducer-operator control valve.


15. Auxiliary Equipment 15. 辅助设备

15.1 Oil-handling facilities 15.1供油设备

Present-day hydroelectric plants require a good deal of insulation oil to be poured into transformers and circuit breakers and turbine oil to be used as a working fluid in speed regulation systems and as a lubricant and a coolant for thrust and guide bearings. Basically, the oil-handling system for each grade of oil incorporates three tanks (for fresh, pure, and used oil), a system of headers, and control equipment. The headers are connected to oil-purifying installations which make it possible to purify the oil by pumping it from tank to tank or by circulation within the same tank. For purification, use is commonly made of centrifuges, filter presses, zeolite sieves, or their combinations.


The oil-handling facilities may be located within the power house (generally, under the erection site) or in an isolated building. Sometimes, the tanks may be placed outdoors.

The convey the oil to the turbo-generators and transformers, oil conduits are laid along the power house.



15.2 Air-supply equipment 15.2供气设备

Hydroelectric plants require much compressed air to be supplied under various pressures for quite number of purposes. For instance, the oil-pressure systems of the turbo-generators and air-blast circuit breakers call for compressed air to be delivered under 2 to 6.3 MPa pressure. Also, the air-operated brakes, de-icing facilities, and air-operated tools need compressed air under 0.8 MPa pressure.

水电站由于很多原因须要提供大量的不同压力下的压缩空气。 比如,涡轮发电机的油压系统和空气断路器需要提供在2到6MPa压力之下的压缩空气。同事,风动闸、除冰设施以及风动工具需要在0.8MPa压力以下的压缩空气。

There is a typical air supply system. Here, the sources of high pressure are compressors which provide an ample supply of air under 7MPa pressure in air receivers. The working pressure (4 MPa for the oil-pressure systems, 2 MPa for the air-blast circuit breakers, and 0.8 MPa for the brakes and other consumers) is produced by pressure reduction as the air is passed through electromagnetic relief valves actuated by electric contact pressure gauges when the pressure falls down to 4 and 0.8 MPa in the air receivers and down to 2 MPa in the air-supply line. In the course of pressure reduction, the air is dried, whick is important for the trouble-free operation of the equipment.

有一个典型的供气系统。此处,高压的来源是压缩机,它能够提供储气罐中7MPa压力以下的广泛的空气供应。工作压力(油压系统为4 MPa、空气断路器为2 MPa,制动器和其它使用方为0.8 MPa)是通过空气的降压过程产生的,因为当储气罐中的压力降至4~0.8兆帕和供气管道压力降至2兆帕时,由电接点压力计控制驱动的电磁卸载阀才会动作并输送压缩空气。在压力减小的过程中,空气变干燥,这对于设备的无故障运行很重要。

In some designs, high- and low-pressure circuits are isolated from each other and have compressors of their own.


An isolated air-supply system is generally used to drive the water out of the runner envelope when a turbo-generator is to work as a synchronous compensator. To this end, air compressed in an air receiver is rapidly discharged into the envelope of the runner which rotates at no-load with the wicket gates shut. The air cushion thus created causes the water level to fall, thereby eliminating the losses due to friction between the runner and the water.


Sometimes, it may pay to arrange air receivers in metal-lined cavities left in the concrete structure of the power house, or use for this purpose long pipes 1.5 to 3.0m in diameter. 有时,可能要花费于厂房混凝土结构中金属内衬腔内设置储气罐,或者以此目的使用直径为1.5到3米的长管。

15.3 Process water supply 15.3自流供水系统

At major hydropower plants, the total discharge of water for cooling generators, transformers, turbine bearing lubrication, etc. may run into several cubic meters per second. For normal operation, the water pressure should be within 0.3 to 0.5 MPa, so it is not always possible to use a process water supply system in which the water flows by gravity, especially where water is supplied under head. At a low head, the pressure of water is raised by pumps. Where the head exceeds 200 to 250m, pumps are used to take water from the lower pool. At a head of 50 to 250m, use is generally made of water-jet ejectors. With the last-mentioned approach, water supplied under the existing head is passed through an ejector whose diffuser creates a vacuum. Owing to the vacuum, an additional amount of water is drawn in from the lower pool. The water

pressure at the ejector outlet is somewhat lower than at the inlet.


The basic process water supply equipment consists of water intake structures (built in the piers, abutments, or spiral-case walls), filters, pumps (or ejectors), and pipelines conveying the water to the circular headers of the turbo-generators and other consumers. Waste heated water is discharged into the lower pool. Process water supply systems differ in layout from plant to plant. Sometimes, a single pump may be used to deliver water via trunk pipelines to consumers throughout the plant. In alternative designs, and individual turbo-generators may have a water supply system of its own with isolated water intakes and pumps.


15.4 Unwatering system 15.4排水系统

For maintenance and repair, the water passageway through a turbine, which is isolated from the upper and lower pool by bulkhead gates, must be appropriately unwatered. For this purpose, hydroelectric plants are equipped with suitable pumps which can unwater the passageway through a turbine in a mere four hours. The amount of water Vt in the passageway may approximately be found using experience curves. The required pump capacity (in m3s-1) is given by





3600??Where Vt is the volume of the water passageway through the turbine (m3), T is estimated time of pumping-out (h), and q is the inflow discharge due to seepage through the gate adopted as 0.2*10-3 to 0.5*10-3s-1 per meter run of the gate seal.

其中Vt是通过水轮机水流通道水的体积(立方米),T是估计的抽出时间(小时),且q是由于闸门渗流而流入的流量,采用闸门密封处0.2*10-3 to 0.5*10-3s-1每米。

Multiunit hydropower plants erected on a spread foundation usually have an unwater gallery running through the entire power house. The gallery is connected by pipelines to all the draft tubes into which water is discharged from the spiral cases. The pipelines are closed by hydraulically operated valves or gates placed in a dry gallery. When a turbine needs to be


unwatered, the valves are opened and the water is discharged into the gallery. As a result, the water level in the passageway rapidly falls, which facilitates the sealing of the gates. When the unwatering gallery is filled full, pumps installed in the power-house abutments are actuated, and the water is discharged into the lower pool.


As the water leaves the turbine, the passageway is filled with air coming in through aeration pipes provided in the unwatering gallery. The aeration pipes are brought out above the upper or lower pool level and are designed to handle a maximum air speed of 40 to 50 ms-1.

随着水轮机的水的排出,通道通过排水廊道中提供的通风管进气。通风管位于上游或下游水位以上,并被设计为控制40 to 50 ms-1的最大空气速度。

When the power-house structure is too shallow to accommodate an unwatering gallery, a way out is to use a pipe header or to install pumps in the pits between the turbo-generators to take care of several units at the same time.


