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Specialty in Computer Science & Technology
Ⅰ. Educational Objectives
This program is designed to provide a thorough grounding in the theoretical principles and knowledge of information retrieval, transformation, processing and application. It remains committed to systematic education for high-level researchers and doers, who have the personality of innovation and the desire for international competition.
Students shall be equipped with a professional education of principles and technology in the field of computer hardware & software. Moreover, the proficiency in engineering practice and the ability in development of hardware & software are required. Students with good command of English and personality of innovation shall be expert in one or two of the following fields: Computer Science, Embedded Systems, Operating System, Automatic Control, Computer Network, Information Security, Software Engineering, Information Processing and other related fields. Students can be prepared for any professional role they might choose-education, research & design, practice in research institutes, universities, industries, the professions and other community groups.
Ⅱ. Skills Profile
1.掌握扎实的数学、物理等自然科学和一定社会科学基础理论知识,具有较强的外语应用能力; 2.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有获取信息的能力;
4.掌握必要的相关专业基础知识,包括网络工程、信息安全和软件工程等方面的基本知识; 5.了解计算机科学与技术的发展动态和计算机的有关法规;
Students are expected to gain:
1. Sound grounding in both mathematics and physics, attainment in principles of social science, skills to use English;
2. Ability in document searching, data querying and thesis writing;
3. Skills to understand the principles and technology of program language, Operating System, hardware, database and network;
4. Principles of information science, electronics and computer science;
5. Skills to understand the development and trend in the computer discipline; 6. Attainment in humanities & art, cooperative and organizational skills; 7. Sense of creation and innovation.
三、主干学科、主要课程与主要实践性教学环节 Ⅲ. Major Disciplines, Main Course in Specialty, Main Internship and Practical Training
Major Disciplines: Computer Science & Technology Main Course in Specialty: Introduction to Computer Science, Programming & Problem Solving(I-II), Data Structure & Algorithm, Operating System, Database System, Discrete Mathematics, Computer Organization, Computer Network(Bilingual), Computer Architecture, Algorithmic Design & Analysis, Java Programming (Eng. Edi.), SCM Principle and Interface Technology, Compiling Principle, Embedded System, etc.
Main Internship and Practical Training: Basic Computer Operation, Course Project of Data Structure & Algorithm, Course Project of Computer Principle, Course Project of Operating System, Course Project of Database System, Course Project of Computer Network, Course Project of Compiler Principles, Course Project of Embedded System, Productive Practice, Graduation Design, etc. The total weeks of internship and practical training shall not be less than 36.5.
Main Experiments: Programming & Problem Solving, Essentials of Circuit Analysis, Analogue Electronics, Digital Logic, Data Structure & Algorithm, Database System, Operating System, Java Programming, Algorithmic Design & Analysis, Computer Organization, Computer Network, SCM Principle and Interface Technology, Digital Signal Processing, Embedded System, etc.
Ⅳ. Graduation Criterion
1. Meet the needs of educational objectives.
2. Minimum Total Credits( including: Public Compulsory Course, Foundational Compulsory Course, Specialized Compulsory Course, Limited Optional Course, Free Optional Course, General Education Optional Course, Practical Section, Extracurricular Education, etc.): 199.
3. Meet the needs of undergraduate physical criterion.
Ⅴ.Length of Schooling and Degree
标准修业期限:四年 授予学位:工学学士 Duration: 4 years
Degrees Conferred: Bachelor of Engineering
Ⅵ. Table of Teaching Schedule (See Attached List I) 七、专业培养计划总学时、学分统计表(详见附表二)
Ⅶ. Table of Total Hours and Credits Statistics (See Attached List II) 八、本专业供辅修的核心课程(详见附表三)
Ⅷ. Minor Course provide by this program (See Attached List III)
附表一(Attached List I)
Table of Teaching Schedule for Computer Science & Technology (Required) 学 时 分 配 主 要 课 程 课 代 码 程 Main Course Code Course ClassCou-ified rses 课 程 类 别 Hours Distribution 各 学 期 学 时 分 配 学 分 Hours Distribution in Each Semester 课 程 名 称 Course Name 课程 总 计 讲 授 上机 数 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 验 Cur. 课课Required 外 Credits 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th Credits Total Tuit. Exp. Pract-内 Extra- ce Class Cur. 48 40 8 3 48 实 实践 Operation 应 修 学 分 思想道德修养与法律基础 BG9001 Morals & Ethics & Fundamentals of Law BG9002 公 共 BG9004 必 修 BG9005 课 Pub-lic Com-puls-ory Cou-rse 马克思主义基本原理 Basic Theory of Marxism 48 40 8 3 48 中国近现代史纲要 Survey of Modern Chinese 32 History 32 2 32 形势与政策 Current Affairs and Policy 8 24 8 24 0.5 8 1.5 24 40.5 BG9006 就业指导 Careers Guidance 毛泽东思想与中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 BG9008 General Introduction to Mao 88 Zedong Thought and Socialist Theory with Chinese Characteristics College English (Ⅰ—Ⅳ) Physical Education (Ⅰ—Ⅳ) Career Planning 72 16 5.5 88 大学英语Ⅰ—Ⅳ ★ BG6301-04 体育Ⅰ—Ⅳ BG7113-16 256 256 128 128 16 64* 64* 64* 64* 8 32 32 32 32 职业生涯与发展规划 BG9009 & 16 16 1 16 Development 公共必修课小计 Subtotal for Public Compulsory Course 648 616 32 40.5 基 础 必 修 BJ70011 BJ3515 计算机科学导论 Introduction Science to Computer 40 32 48 80 176 8 8 2.5 40 3 48 30.5 线性代数A Linear Algebra (A) 48 课 ★ BJ3511-12 程序设计与问题求解Ⅰ—Ⅱ 112 Programming&Problem Solving Foun高等数学AI—AII 176 -dati★ BJ70441-51 Advanced Maths AI—AII onal 大学物理B BJ70582 64 Physics (B) Com概率论及数理统计 -puls BJ7165 Probability and Mathematics 48 -ory Statistic Cou-rse 32 32 7 56* 56* 11 88* 88* 4 3 64 48 48 16 48 基础必修课小计 Subtotal for Foundational Compulsory Course 488 432 16 56 56 72 48 46 10 48 72 48 44 64 48 8 40 40 30.5 3.5 3.5 4.5 3 50.5 BT00072 BT00082 电路分析基础B Essentials of Circuit Analysis B 56/ /56 72* 模拟电子技术B Analogue Electronics (B) ★ BT3709 专业 基础★ BT3708 必修 BT3520 BT3114 BT3522 离散数学 Discrete Mathematics 数字逻辑 Digital Logic 48/ /56 80* 56 汇编语言程序设计 Assembly Programming Language 56 12 12 3.5 16 16 5 数据结构与算法 Data Structure & Algorithm 80 56 72 40 64 64 48 56 40 课 ★ BT3521 Spe-ciali-zed com- puls-ory cour-se 数据库系统原理 Database System 计算机组成原理 Computer Organization 8 8 3.5 4.5 60 12 32 48 48 48 56 40 72* 40 BT3604 ★ BT3523 BT3524_2 BT3120 算法设计与分析 Algorithmic Design & Analysis 8 8 2.5 16 16 16 16 4 4 3 3.5 2.5 操作系统 Operating System 64* 64 48 计算机网络(双语教学) Computer Network(Bilingual) 计算机体系结构 Computer Architecture ★ BT3529 BT3908 编译原理 Compiling Principle 56* 40 软件工程 Software Engineering 专业基础必修课小计 Subtotal for Specialized Compulsory Course 808 702 30 76 76 50.5 必修课合计 Total for Compulsory Course 1944 1750 46 32 116 116 121.5 352 400 416 368 240 144 24 121.5 注:表中有★的课程为主要课程,学时带*的为考试课程,学时带()的为课外学时。“X/”为上半学期开课,“/X”为下半学期开课。
主管校长:古天龙 教务处长:景新幸 学院领导:黄廷磊
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