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- 现代数据库理论与技术推荐度:
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1. 考虑用二元联系(图1)对三元联系(图2)的表示:
图A 1
图1 A
RC C C 1) 分别给出图1中E,A,B,C,RA,RB和RC的一个实例,这些实例不对应图2中A,B,C和R的任何实例;
2) 更改图1中的ER图,引入适当的约束以确保满足约束的E,A,B,C,RA,RB和RC的任何实例都对应于A,B,C和R的一个实例; 3) 更改以上的转化以表示在三元联系上的全参与约束;
1) 令 E = {e1, e2}, A = {a1, a2}, B = {b1}, C = {c1}, RA = {(e1, a1), (e2, a2)},Rb={(e1,b1)}, Rc={(e1,c1)};
可以看出,由于元组(e2,a2)的原因,不存在任何实例对应于E,Ra,Rb,Rc 2) 如下图所示:通过引入E 和关系 Ra , Rb , Rc之间的全部参与的约束条件,以便在 E 中的每个元组都和A ,B,C有关系。
3) 假设A全部参与关系R,则在A和Ra之间引入全部参与约束
4) 将 E看作弱实体集,而将Ra,Rb,Rc看作标志联系集。如下图所示
2. 分别判断下列图中G1和G2是否互模拟(bisimulation),并说明理由
a a c
b c
G1 a
c d
d a G2
b c d
解: (1)在图中标出各点的状态,我们构造关系S={(P0,Q0),(P1,Q1),(P2,Q1),(P3,Q2),(P4,Q3)}
S+1={( Q0, P0),(Q1, P1),(Q1, P2),(Q2, P3),(Q3,P4)}
是否可模拟,在G2中Q0有一个a变换可对应到G1中2个变换,即(Q1,P1)∈S-1, (Q1,P2)∈S-1。但Q1有两个变换b,c,而在G1中公存在只有b或只有c的状态点,可知G1和G2不能互模拟。
S={(P0,Q0),(P1,Q1),(P1,Q2),(P2,Q3),(P2,Q4), (P3,Q5)},
S+1={( Q0, P0),(Q1, P1),(Q2, P1),(Q3, P2),(Q4,P2),(Q5,P3)},
3. 什么是可恢复调度?为什么要求调度的可恢复性?存在要求允许出现不可
4. 设关系r1(A,B,C),r2(C,D,E)有如下特性:r1有200 000个元组,r2有
45 000个元组,一块中可容纳25个r1元组或30个r2元组。试估算以下每一种策略计算r1|><|r2所需存取的块数:
1) 嵌套循环连接 2) 块嵌套循环连接 3) 归并连接 4) 散列连接
解:r1需要8000个块,r2需要1500个块。假设有一个存储器有M页。如果M>1500,那么使用平坦嵌套循环,通过1500+8000次磁盘存取就可以很容易的完成连接操作。因此我们只考虑M<=1500的情况。 (a) 嵌套循环连接:
使用r1作为外关系,我们需要进行200 000×1500+8000=300,008,000次磁盘存取。如果r2是外关系,那么我们需要45 000×8 000+1 500=360 001 500次磁盘存取。 B. 块嵌套循环连接:
5. 设关系r1(A,B,C),r2(C,D,E)和r3(E,F),其主码分别为A,C,E。
1) 试估计r1|><|r2|><|r3的大小;
2) 给出一个有效计算r1|><|r2|><|r3的策略
答:1)因为连接具有结合律和交换性,所以不管我们怎样连接r1,r2和r3,最终连接r1,r2和r3得到的结果都是一样的。因此,我们只考虑基于((r1 r2)r3)连接策略下的大小。因为C为r2的关键字,所以连接r1和r2产生至多包含1500个元组的关系。同样,把前面得到的结果和r3进行连接,将产生至多包含1500个元组的关系,因为E为r3的关键字。因此,最终关系最多包含有1500个元组。 2)计算这个连接的一个有效的策略是为关系r2上的属性C和关系r3上的属性E创建索引。然后对于r1中的每个元组,我们按照下面锝 方法作:
6. 设一个嵌入式SQL应用程序中80%的时间花在运行SQL代码上,20%的时间花在运行主语言代码上。如果只对SQL代码实施了并行,那么可以期望得到多大的加速比?说明理由。
7. 假设一个系统运行三种类型的事务:A类事务以50/s的速度运行,B类事务
1) 如果A、B、C三类事务之间互不干扰,系统的平均事务吞吐量是多
1) 什么因素会使不同类型事务之间产生相互干扰,导致计算出的平均
2) 如果不同类型事务之间相互干扰的因素非常复杂,那么用什么方法
相反,如果A类型的事务和B类型的事务是大量消耗磁盘资源的事务,而C类型事务时大量消耗CPU资源的事务,那么观察到的事物吞吐量将会比计算到吞吐量大。 封锁竞争也会导致死锁,在这种情况下一些事务将不得不被终止。事务的终止和重启将会导致观察到的吞吐量比计算出来的吞吐量要小。 数据结构大小的限制,事务管理器事务记录函数花费时间的变化情况等因素都会导致观察到的吞吐量和计算出来的吞吐量之间的不同。
8. 对于下列每一种任务,哪一种并行形式(查询间并行、操作间并行、操作内并
1) 提高一个执行许多小的查询的系统吞吐量;
2) 在磁盘和处理器数目都很大的情况下,提高一个执行少量大的查询
9. 给定如下数据图(Data Graph):
试分别给出其DataGuide 图和1-Iindex索引图 如图:
DataGuide 图
10. For the DTD, XML, and XQUERY given below, answer the questions listed
The Document Type Definition myfriend.dtd:
< !ELEMENT myfriends (person*)>
< !ELEMENT person (id, name?, cell-phone*, children?)> < !ELEMENT children (child*)> < !ELEMENT child (name,toys*)> < !ELEMENT name ( #PCDATA)> < !ELEMENT toys ( #PCDATA)> < !ELEMENT id ( #PCDATA)> ... ] < !ELEMENT employees (emp*)>
< !ELEMENT emp (id, work-phone, (contact|address)> < !ELEMENT address (city,zip,street)> < !ELEMENT id ( #PCDATA)>]
< !ELEMENT contact ( #PCDATA)> ... ]
The XML Document friends.xml:
The XML Document employees.xml:
The XQUERY expression:
FOR $outer in (friends.xml)//person, LET $child := $outer/children
WHERE ($outer/cellphone > 2000 )
RETURN $outer/id
FOR $inner IN (employees.xml)/employees/emp[id=$outer/id] RETURN {
$outer/cellphone $child/child
$inner/workphone $inner/address/city }
1) List the XML output that the XQUERY expression would generate when
applied to the given XML input documents.
2) Design a relational schema to store the two given XML data files.
3) List the SQL query that you would generate to execute the given XQUERY
expression on your relational database. State what final computations would remain to be done by the XQUERY processor beyond executing your SQL statement, if any.
2) person(pid, cellphone, name) child(cid, parentid, name) toy(tid, cid, toy_name) emp(pid, workphone, contact, city, zip, street) 3) person(pid, name, cellphoneSet MultiSet(cellphones), ChildSet MultiSet(children)) cellphones(cellphone)
children(name, toySet MultiSet(toys)) toys(toyname)
emp(pid, workphone, contact, city, zip, street) 4) select person.cellphone,
array( select child.name child.toy form child
where child.parentid=person.pid) as child_array,
emp.workphone, emp.city from person, child, emp
where person.pid=emp.pid AND person.cellphone>2000
11. Suppose you have to represent the information about parts. Each part has a name
(unique),and a textual description. Parts may be simple or complex. A simple part has a color but no children subparts. A complex part has a number of children subparts (which can be simple or complex), each of which may be repeated. (E.g., a car has 4 wheels.) You can assume that each part can be a child subpart of at most one other part (so each part, together with its subparts, can be viewed as a tree). Do not assume any fixed number of levels of part composition.
1) Define the schema of XML documents containing part information using
2) Give an example of a document instance which is valid under the DTDs. 3) Write the following queries in XQuery: (a) find the names of all the yellow parts.
(b) find all the parts that have at least 5 distinct children subparts. (c) find all the parts containing a descendant subpart named “spoke\and not containing a descendant subpart named “tire\.
]> 2)
(a) for $p in //part
where $p[color=”yellow”] return $p/@name (b) for $p in //part
where count($p/subpartinfo)>=5 return $p
(c) for $p in //part
Where ($p//name=”sopke”)and(not($p//name=”tire”)) Return $p
12. Consider the relation PARTS, which has Part# as hash key and which includes
records with the following Part# values: 2369, 3760, 5046, 4871, 5659, 2222, 1821, 1074, 7115, 1620, 2428, 3943, 4750, 3157, 6975, 4981, 9208. The hash function uses 8 buckets, numbered 0 to 7. Each bucket is one disk block and holds two records.
1) Load these records into the file in the given order using the hash function
h1(K)=K mod 8. Calculate the average number of block accesses for a random retrieval on Part#. 2) Now load the records into expandable hash files based on linear hashing. Start with a single disk block, using the hash function h2(K)= K mod 2, and show how the file grows and how the hash functions change as the records are
inserted. Assume that blocks are split whenever an overflow occurs, and show the value of n at each stage. 解:
平均查找代价:(8+6*2+3+3+3)/ 17=1.71 2)
13. Consider a hash-join of two relations R and S having B(R) = 1000 and B(S) =
500. The values in R and S are skewed such that the hash function assigns three times as many tuples to even-numbered hash buckets as to odd-numbered buckets.
1) How much memory would be required to perform the join in two passes? 2) What is the performance of the hash-join given the skewed hashing? 3) How would the performance of using the hash-join compare to using a sorted-merge algorithm?
4) 解: 5) 1。散列连接要用两趟完成,则需要递归划分,对关系s的划分所需趟数估计为
6) 对关系r进行划分所需趟数估计为logM?1(b(r))?1,且2?logM?11000?1,M=11。 7) 因为散列算法要求内存满足小的操作对象,所以需要8.9*4KB=35.6KB的内存。 8) 2. 增加分区的个数,使得每个分区的大小(包括该分区上的散列索引在内)小于内存容量。 9) 3.基于散列的算法使用一个散列函数将操作对象分割到桶中,然后操作被分别应用到桶和桶对上能被内存所容纳。基于排序归并连接的算法可对大于内存的关系进行排序,可知在关系以排序的情况下,归并连接是比较可取的。散列和排序在某种意义下是对偶的,因为能用散列实现的连接也可用排序来实现,反之亦然。基于散列的算法常常优于基于排序的算法,我们假设内存能容纳100个块,则用散列连接对S划分为5个划分,则代价为3(1000+500)=4500次块传输,用排序归并对R的排序需
14. Assume that the following relation is fragmented horizontally by plant-number:
employee (name, address, salary, plant-number)
Assume that each fragment is stored at the corresponding plant site. Describe a good processing strategy for the following queries issued at the San Jose site.
1) Find all employees at the New York plant.
2) Find the highest-paid employee at New York, Boston, Toronto,
3) Find the average salary of all employees.
答:1)a.纽约节点发送查询 ;
2)a.分别向NewYorl,Boston,Toronto发送查询最高工资员工的请求; b.在所有的节点上计算查询; c.向San Jose返回结果。
3)a.向所有的节点发送查询员工平均工资和人数的请求; b.各个节点将计算结果返回到San Jose;
c.在San Jose对各个节点返回的结果进一步求所有员工工资的平均值; d.返回计算出的结果。
15. Consider a relation T(A, B) that contains 10000 records partitioned onto 5 disks
according to the following strategies:
? Round robin.
? Hash-partition based on hash function (A mod 5)
? Assume the 5 disks corresponding to has values 0, 1, ?, 4 contain
3000, 1500, 1500, 2000, 2000 tuples respectively.
? Range-partition based on vector on B [20, 40, 60, 80]
? Assume the disk responsible for <20 has 1000 records, the one for
[20, 40) has 2000 records, and the other disks in this order have 2000, 2000, 3000 records, respectively.
? No index is created. Assume processing one tuple takes 1ms for any
What are the costs of processing the following queries using each of the above strategies?
1) select * from T
2) select * from T where A = 20
3) select * from T where 20 < A < 30 4) select * from T where 70 < B < 85 Round robin Hash-partiton Range-partition 1 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 4 2 3 3
16. Consider the following log where the DPT represents the Dirty Page Table
and TT represents the Transaction Table
Answer the following questions (using the ARIES-like algorithm we studied in class):
1) What is the smallest LSN accessed during the Analysis phase. 2) Fill in the contents of the Dirty Page Table and the Transaction
Table at the end of the Analysis phase. (you may not need all the space we give you)
3) At which LSN does the Redo phase begin?
4) What entries (specify only LSNs) do get undone as part of the
Undo phase?
1)the smallest LSN accessed during the Anaylsis phase is 10 2)see this PageID 1 3 5 8 3)10 4)40, 10
RecLSN 10 40 50 70 XID T1 Status abort LastLSN 90
17. Consider the following natural language description:
John Smith is the author of \John Smith's agent is Mary Jones. John Smith is 35 years old.
The son of Bob Smith is John Smith.
Represent the information in this description as RDF triples . Use the RDF graph format to represent the triples, with labeled ovals and labeled directed arcs. That is, you do not need to use XML syntax to describe the RDF statements. Use sensible label names, but your labels do not need to be in URI syntax.
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