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7B Unit 5 Water 单元总复习

一 单项选择

1 Water drops from the clouds as rain and then runs into rivers A jumps B falls C flows D runs

2 We promise t make less rubbish and never pollute the Earth A make…clean B make…dirty C make… sad D make..happy 3 Remember not to leave your homework at home A Don’t forget B Forget C Be sure D Think of

4 Chinese women bought a large quantity of gold as a way of investment(投资) A a large number of B many C a good many D plenty of 5 Dora was brushing her teeth with the tap on in the bathroom A open B turn on C switch on D running

6 There is_______ milk in the friddge . Would you please buy______this afternoon? A a little , any B little ,any C switch on D running

7 Nancy spoke so quietly that________students in our class heard her A all B many C few D most

8 Sorry , I can’t answer your question. I know_________about the subject A a little B little Cfew D a few

9 I have quite_______ books and you can borrow some if you like A a little B little C few D a few

10 You are making ______noise. I can’t hear the radio A too many B much too C too much D a lot

11 _________top students made______ mistakes in the exam,so they nearly got full marks

A Few , a few B A few , a few C A few , few D few ,many

12 There are only new words in the article. It is not hard for me to understand it A a little B a few C few D lots of

13 __________ is your new watch?----About 300 yuan

A How many B How much C How long D How far 14 How many_______are there on the table?

A bottle of orange juice B bottles of oranges juice C bottles of orange juice D bottle of orange juice 15 I don’t like winter because it is _________cold

A too much B far more C much too D much more

16 Paul has__________friends except me,and sometimes he feels lonely A many B some C more D few

17----Shall we leave now?---Don’t hurry. We still have_______ minutes left A little B a little C few D a few

18--- Would you like_______more chicken?---No ,thanks. I had________ A any ,enough B some ,enough C any ,many

19--- Shall we leave for the station now?---- Yes .Hurry up. We have______time left (little) 20--- How many students are there in the classroom? There is_______

A no one B nobody C none D nothing

21 How much_________ do you need to cook orange beef? A onions B oranges C cooking oil D peppers

22 Shenzhen is________ people from different places of China A made of B made from C made up of D made int 23 I can’t hear the speaker in the TV clearly .Please________ A turn up it D turn it on C turn it down D turn it up

24 She always speaks in a low__________. It___________like a fly making some___around you

A voice , hears , sound B sound , sounds , noise C voice ,sounds ,noise 25 As a girl of 25, she is_________to make decision by herself A enough old B too old C old enough D very old 26 There goes the bell. It is time ________class A to B with C of D for

27 Rivers will__________ if it doesn’t rain any more A clean up B dry up C tidy up D use up

28 Finishing homework on time is just ____________________our study A a part of B part of C the part of D parts of

29 I am __________ hungry. Could you get me_________ food to eat?

A a bit , a bit B a little, a bit C abit of , alittle D alittle , abit of 30 Having a bath uses about twice___________ taking a shower A as many water as B as much as water C as many water as D as much water as

31 ____________ is not easy_________ groundwater that is clean and safe to drink A it,finding B That ,to find C It , to find D This , to find

32 Women teachers make up_______ of all the teachers in our school A four five B four fifth C four fifths D fourths ,five

33 After shopping , little Tom was happy to get some_________as pocket money A changes B change C food D drink 34----- How long will you stay here?

---- I think I will be here for______ more days A few B a few C little D alittle

35 We should __________the lights and_____the doors when we leave our classroom A turn on , turn off B turn off , close C close , turn off D turn off , turn on 36 We should stop factories from_______ waste water into rivers and lakes A pour B to pour C poured D pouring

37 I want to be your team member.Please_______my name__________list A put …on B turn…into C change…to D add …to

38--- Where is the new student in our class_________?-- I am not sure, but I heard that he_________the UK

A from ,came from B comes from , from C is from , come from D from ,comes from

39___________does it take you to drive from Shenzhen to Guangzhou?

A How often B How far C How long D How soon

40 He looked around and found______ in the classroom. They all went to join in the Sunshine Sports Activities

A anyone B everyone Cno one D none

