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U1 L1-3

词形变化 nation n.-- national adj.- nationality n.—international adj. Australia n. Australian adj./n.

country-复数-countries, study v.n. -- 复数 studies monitor n.班长, monitress女班长surf- surfs (三单),act v. active adj. activity n.(活动) n. actor ,actress(演员)usual a. usually ad.反 unusual fun n. funny a. discuss discussion

French France Frenchman / Frenchmen Frenchwoman / Frenchwomen child (复数)children terrible a. terribly adv. server = waiter / waitress serve service ( services ) manage v. n. manager, health n. healthy a. unhealthy 反

1. at the school gate .(=at the gate of the school )

2. What nationality are you?=What’s your nationality?你的国籍是什么?

3. Which country are you from?= Where are you from? =where do you come from?

4. come on 快点,赶快,走吧,跟我来(常用语祈使语气)

5 telephone n./v. =call, phone, ring, call up

6 money n. 钱,货币 make money =earn money 赚钱 save money 节省钱waste money 浪费钱、 pocket money 零用钱 7 introduce vt.介绍 introduce A to B, 把A介绍给B , introduce oneself 自我介绍 introduce myself (我)作自我介绍 Introduction n. 介绍 self-introduction 自我介绍

8 Teach oneself 自学enjoy oneself 玩的开心 help oneself to 随便吃by oneself 自己,一个人干,独自地

9 English Corner 英语角 in English 用英语交流

10 after school 放学后after class下课后after breakfast 早饭后 after work 下班后

11 make friends (用复数)with 与…交朋友

12 for the first time 第一次

13 What about you?=How about you ?=And you ? What about=how about +n./doing?

14 He is monitor of my class .当用来表示职务、头衔、称呼时,使用零冠词。(表个体,特指一班班长时可用the .The monitor of Class One is going to take part in the long jump on the Sports Day.)

This is Mr.Li,manager of our company.

15 表示在某个年级和班级时,介词用in ,先班级后年级

I’m in Class One ,Junior Two. Class Two ,Grade Three三(2)班.

16 It’s time to do sth.该干….的时候了 /It’s time for sth. 到….的时候了。

It’s time for class.=It’ s time to go to class/have a class.

It’s time for bed =it’s time to go to bed .该去睡觉了。

17 Price n. What’ s the price of sth?=How much is sth?

价格高低用high/low 不用expensive/cheap

18 What’s your age?=what age are you? =How old are you?你几岁了? 19 welcome party :a welcome party for …一个为…举办的欢迎会 at a welcome party 在欢迎会上

20 keep in touch with sb. by email /letter/telephone

21 Of course/ Certainly/Sure

22 British adj. n. the British 总称英国人,一个英国人用an Englishman

23 favourite :like …best My favourite season is summer= I like summer best.

24 activity –复数activities take part in/join in the after-school activities 参加课外活动

25 help sb. with sth. =help sb. (to)do sth

I sometimes help my mother with the housework .=I sometimes help my mother (to)do the housework .

26 be good at =do well in

I am good at maths .= I do well in maths.

She is good at singing and dancing=She does well in singing and dancing .

27 What’s your name ?= May I know your name ?

28 Are you American?=Are you from America?= Do you come from America?

29 other/others/the other/the others /another

30 given name =first name ,family name =last name =surname

31 like prep/v (反义词)unlike, dislike

32 a/an 的用法 a university an uncle, a useful book

33 at the back of 在…的后面、部(内部), behind (外部)/in front of(外部) /in the front of (内部)

34 both…and Both Jim and Jack are good at football.

35询问某人的工作回答:I am a/an ...


1. by the way/in this way以这种方法/ on the/one’s way

2. get off/get out of 下车 get on/ get into 上车

get on 登上,骑上 (反)get off e.g. He got on his bike/horse/ the train

get into 上…(车)(反) get out of e.g. get into the car/taxi

3. get to/ arrive at (in)/reach

4. how long 多久 How far /much/often

5. be the same as/be different from

Go to school /go to the school

6. a lot (许多,常用来修饰动词)/a lot of /lots of (后跟名词的复数或不可数名词,一般用于肯定句中)

7. learn v. learned/learnt, learned/learnt n. learner

Learn sth. from sb./sth. 向某人学习

Learn (of/about)sth. 获悉,得知,认识到

Learn to do sth. 学习做某事

8. help sb. with sth/help sb. (to) do sth

9. feel, look, sound , smell, taste +a. /like +n.

10. 时间表达法(1) 整点 :five o’clock

(2) 半小时及以内用past 8: 25 twenty-five past eight

(3)半小时以后 用to 9:55 five to ten

特殊表达:15分钟 :a quarter past 4:15 a quarter past four

30 分钟 half past 9:30 half past nine 45分钟 a quarter to 5:45 a quarter to six

11. quiet/quite keep quiet

This is a quite comfortable house.

12. hand in 反hand out/give out

13. absent a. absence n. be absent from 缺席,不在

14 maybe ad.=perhaps, possibly 注意与may be 的区别。

15 turn on/off/down/up

16 return vt.=give back 归还 e.g. He returned her book.

vi.=come back, go back 回来 e.g. return home, return to Beijing.

17 empty a. ______emptier, 比较急_______emptiest.最高级 反:full

18 here and there =everywhere

19 put up put your hands up! Put up a notice

20 be late for / on time /in time

21 tell sb. to do/ tell sb. not to do

22 --May I …? --Yes, you may. --No, you can’t. / mustn’t.

--Must I …? --Yes, you must. --No, you needn’t (don’t have to).

mustn’t 表禁止、不允许


1) 用作情态动词,用于否定句和疑问句中。

a) --Need I …? --Yes, you must. / No, you needn’t.

b) need + do sth. 变否定句:needn’t do sth. 变疑问句:Need sb. do sth.?

2) 用作实义动词 need + to do sth.

变否定句:don’t /doesn’t /didn’t + need to do sth.

变疑问句:Do /Does /Did sb. + need to do sth.?

Yes, sb. do /does /did. No, sb. don’t /doesn’t /didn’t.


1. can = be able to 2. must = have to 3. needn’t = don’t have to 4. need do sth. = need to do sth.

23. show sb. sth= show sth. to sb. He showed me his pictures.=He showed his picture to me .

24. show sb. around =take sb. to visit some place

25 lift /elevator (A.E.) give sb. a lift

26 on the right/ left of

27 also/too/either Jim also likes watching TV

Jim likes watching TV, too

Lucy can’t dance well, either.

28 on the campus 在校园里 in the school, in the gymnasium 在健身房

29 walk to school= go to school on foot

Have a walk take a walk , go for a walk ,

Ten minutes’ walk

30 ten minutes late迟到十分钟 ten minutes later 十分钟后

31 in front of在…的前面(反:behind ) /in the front of 在…的前部(反:at the back of )

32 感叹句 What a modern school it is!=How modern the school is!

Weather 为不可数名词,还有:information, advice, progress, news, fun, music, work,

33 see sb. do/doing

34 关于含有how的几个疑问句:

how far/how long /how soon/ how often

They are only from school. 用how far 提问

35 可数名词的复数。名词变复数的规则。








G. 名词变复数的规则。 – s seats bags friends –s . –x .-ch ,-sh add –es dresses brushes watches boxes 以辅音字母+y y-ies stories flies boys toys –f / -fe ves knives wives . thieves . halves –o potatoes tomatoes heroes (有生命的) zoos , radios ( 无生命的) –man men Germans walkmans 不规则形式。tooth –teeth foot – feet child-children mouse-mice

H 单复同形 chinese Japanese sheep deer fish


1 expensive = dear cheap expense

bright = clever / wisdom dark foolish /stupid

quick quickly fast slowly

taste tasty / spice spicy

2 Let’s …/ shall we …. ? = would you like to do … ? / how about / what about doing sth ?/ why not do sth ? / Why

don’t you do sth ?

答语: That is great ! / That would be fine / Ok . That ‘s a good idea . / That sounds good / All right . Let’s go 3 Taste / look / sound / smell /feel + adj / like+ n.

Eg. Bread tastes nice / delicious / good with jam .

4 need v. don’t need + n / to do sth.

5 May I have ….. ? Ok . Here you are / sorry

Would you like … ? No , thanks

6 I like sth because …..

7 discuss =talk about discussion n. sale n. sell v.

discuss ( sth ) with sb = have a discussion on / about sth with sb .

8 all over the world = throughout the world

9 expensive / cheap This digital TV is quite expensive . = The price of this digital TV is high

10 have breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner

have a / an + adj breakfast / lunch / supper / dinner

have dinner have a bigger dinner

11 would like ( to do ) sth . = want / like ( to do ) sth

Would rather do sth . = prefer to do sth .

what would you like . sth or sth ? / = would you like sth or sth ?

12. one / ones

13. be good for对…有益 --- be bad for = be harmful to = do harm to

be good at --- be bad at (=be poor in )

be in good health身体好 be in poor health 身体不好 keep healthy=keep fit

14. too much / too many / much too a few/ few /a little/ little

15 altogether = in all总计 all together 同时,一起

16. bright 近义词clever, wise 反义词dark, foolish, stupid ,

17 quick a.(近fast, swift, clever) quickly ad. 近义词fast /swiftly 反义词 slowly

18 Do you like singing or dancing?= What do you like, singing or dancing?

19 How much is …?= How much does … cost?=what’s the price of …?

20 try it on/ take it off /put them on /take it down/put them up…

21 sell 反buy on sale减价出售 for sale待售 salesman./saleswoman推销员

22. movie(美)=film (英) go to the movie= go to the cinema= go to see a film

23 on New year’s Day

Children’s Day Teachers’ Day National Day, the Spring Festival , the Lantern Festival, the Mid-autumn Festival 24 No smoking= Don’t smoke= You mustn’t smoke.

25 anyone =anybody , someone= somebody, no one = nobody

I didn’t see anyone in the office. = I saw nobody/ no one in the office.

26 look forward to +n./ doing sth I’m looking forward to seeing you again.

27 have a good time-= have a wonderful time = enjoy oneself

28. on the weekend(美)=at the weekend(英) 在周末

on weekends(美)=at weekends (英) 在每个周末

29. –Would you like to…?—Sure, I’d love to. Sure= Of course= Certainly

30. ask/ tell/ want sb. (not) to do sth.

ask me to join them ask the boy not to play football

31. be interested in = do sth with interest = have / show an interest in +n./doing

语法:Tenses :

1. Simple future tense 一般将来时:结构will+动词原形

A. Will do / there will be be going to do / there is going to be

won’t do / there won’t be

will do ? / will … there be ?

时间状语:(1) tomorrow, today, tonight (2) next spring/week/month/ year (3)during this summer (4) first, next

(5)when l grow up (6)soon, in +时间(three weeks)… / if it doesn’t rain .

2. Simple past tense一般过去时态

did …… / there was / were didn’t do / there wasn’t / weren’t

always did = used to do didn’t use to do

there was / were = there used to be there didn’t use to be

时间状语: yesterday last year three days ago just now in 1978 in the past

last+ 时间单位 ten years ago 时间段+ ago


直接加 -ed played listened turned fixed looked

以e 结尾的 只加 d liked agreed danced skated

以辅音字母加y 结尾的变y 为I 加 ed cried studied carried

以重读闭音节结尾的双写结尾的辅音字母再加ed stopped preferred referred regretted

3. present perfect tense 现在完成时 have / has done haven’t / hasn’t done have / has ….. done ?

时间状语 :already just yet never ever recently these days since 1980 for three years in the past two years

