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出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别



Task 1

If the school received a barrel of money, what do you wish it will be spent on? A sports gym, a laboratory or a scientific research facility?

参考答案:If my school received a barrel of money, I'd wish the money be spent on building a gym for the following reasons. First, it's so much better to be able workout indoors. We can workout no matter what the weather conditions are. For example, we can play the badminton when it's windy outside. Also, we can workout during anytime of the day. For example, I have the habit of staying late in the library. If there were a gym in my school, I'll have somewhere to run in after all my works are done. Last, indoor activities are usually less intensive, which means it's less likely for us to get injured from exercising.

Task 2

Some people believe that it is important for young people to have a part-time job as a working experience, while others think they should spend more time on their studies. What is your opinion and why?

参考答案:I think it's extremely important for students to have a part-time job for the following reasons. First of all, students can get real world experience from working off campus. Take myself for example, I waited tables part-time while I was in university. I learned a lot about how to deal with different kinds of people on that job. Also, working off campus means that students can get in touch with people that aren't students. Students have a chance to establish a professional network before leaving school. For example, some schools require students to intern at a local business as part of the graduate requirements. And I know people who have secured permanent positions at these firms even before they graduated.

Task 3

【讲座主题】school plans to require all medical school students to intern at the capital hospital during summer

【原 因】(1)students get a chance learn more about the job;(2)there won't be any scheduling conflicts

【学生态度】woman agrees with the plan

【同意原因】(1)students gets to put what they learned in class to practice, they can get some real world

experiences before they leave school;(2) there won't be any scheduling conflict for her. She stays in the lab working till late in the evening. But she can work during summer.

Task 4


【内容讲解】diversion is the divided attention of an individual or group from the chosen object of attention onto the source of distraction

【1个例子】two politicians debates about the idea of building a park beside the city park, and budgeting for the project. Politician A stands against the idea, and he presents numbers and statistics to support why he think the project is too expensive for the city. Politician B however supports the project. But he doesn't mention money at the debate at all. He talks about he used to spend time with his parents beside the river when he was a child. The sight of boats in the river was beautiful. He says more people will be able to enjoy the great view if there is a park by the lake. People like the idea of the view, so they voted for him. But they are distracted from the fact that building the park might be too expensive for the city.

Task 5

【一个问题】the man's problem is he's got really bad tooth ache

【解决方案】(1)go to his own dentist, have everything checked out,but he can only go next morning because the doctor is not currently available;(2)go to another clinic,he can have the problem checked out as soon as possible. But he might miss Physics class. He really wants to go to the lecture because he's not good at Physics.

Task 6

【讲座主题】two ways to capture and eliminate CO2 pollutions

【2种方式】(1)chemical treatment that deals with the problem before the CO2 even leaves the factory. A coal factory uses a chemical to neutralize the CO2 in-house;(2)some factories choose to deal with polluted air at a later stage. For example: a factory plants great number of trees around the factory. The trees do a wonder job.





您当前的位置 ? 智课教育官网 ? 托福 ? 托福机经 ? 文章正文

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别






Task 1

Now more and more people buy things on the Internet, how do you think the advantage of shopping online .

Task 2

Should college students attend extracurricular activities the first week of classes or after two semesters, why?

Task 3

【讲座主题】学校决定为student提供electronic reading device,方便student获得学校的材料

【1个观点】girl in the conversation 表示agreed

【2个理由】(1)The girl can save more money。她是学art history,要买a lot of books,文学课的student要read 很多novels、生物课的student要看很多资料图片什么的,这些东西都很expensive,有了electronic device 就可以save money。(2)The girl 认为这样会 more convenient。她 live off the campus,每次都要背many books,很heavy,还得挤bus,胳膊都要累残了,有了electronic reading device,就很convenient。

Task 4

【讲座主题】behavior contract

【内容】为了encourage、help小孩养成良好的behavior,teacher会和student订立一个contract,来让student做出desirable behavior。

【1个例子】Teacher举了一个他自己的例子。他年轻的时候教小孩子,每次提问,她们不rise hand就开始

yelling,这样会disturb other students,有一个小孩更是这样,teacher通过了解知道这个小孩十分like play

computer,teacher就和他签订了contract,如果他连续今天都能rise hand to answer the question,没有disturb other students,teacher就让他玩10 minutes computer。于是慢慢的,他养成了rise hand的好习惯。

这篇口语跟TPO21中Question 4 of 6 “Questioning Awareness of Effect”的一篇口语差不多,大家可以参考一下)

Task 5


【解决方案】There are two solutions:(1)去附近的一家Italian restaurant 庆祝,但是很expensive,会cost a lot of money;(2)Tell everyone wear more clothes, but 这样会很uncomfortable。

Task 6

【一个问题】Ants 如何提高foraging strategies,find more food?

【2种方法】(1)change direction。举了个例子,Army ant在第一次foraging过程中会的方向north from the nest, the next time will go to east to forage,这样就可以 avoid cover same places。(2)work together。举了个例子是ants发现了一块fruit,如果把fruit






您当前的位置 ? 智课教育官网 ? 托福 ? 托福机经 ? 文章正文

出国英语考试有哪些 雅思6.5是什么水平 雅思阅读评分标准 托福阅读评分标准 雅思和托福的区别



2012年10月14日托福考试完全重复ML 2012.3.24



Task 1


Task 2


Task 3

【讲座主题】学校要办一个clean up in campus的活动,让同学们意识到保持学校整洁的重要性。

【学生态度】student agree

【理 由】(1)看到你的同学在捡垃圾,你在扔垃圾的时候就会think twice;(2) have fun ,attracts more students 做志愿者, 还可以socialize, enjoy the music。

Task 4





Short-term memory: a temporary storage of information. 两个特征:decay (not being used) 和interference (new information).

For example, you are out with your classmate and you want to dial someone cell phone’s number which you don’t know. So you ask you classmate and call your friend. But after two hours when your friend are not with you, since the number has been used after that, you couldn’t remember and recall the number again because it has fade away. That’s decay.

The professor uses his own experience to illustrate interference. He went to the bookstore and made a list of the books he wanted, but he forgot to take it with him and left it in his car, but he thought he could remind himself of the books listed. However, when he ran into his friend in the bookstore and talked for a while, all he could remember is the booked his friend mentioned that were quite interesting. The new information interfered with the original one. That’s interference.

Task 5




In the conversation, the man has a problem. He lent his mathematic book to his friend Ted, but the book got ruined, all soaked out when left outside.

There are two possible solutions. The first one is to ask Ted to buy a new copy for him. The second one is to use the copy in the library as the professor put the material on reserved for them

Task 6

【讲座主题】一个教授讲动物间的social interaction

【相关例子】阐述的是:complex social interaction。例子:Elephants生病了,其他的会照顾他,但是鱼们不能感知他们间有interaction,甚至他们都不知道原来大家都是species鱼。


