复习教案 unit 7

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复习导学案 unit 7(2课时)

一. 复习内容和要求:

unit7:1本单元复习物品的颜色和价格,重点掌握如何询问价格和购物,会使用How much? 2.有关颜色的单词, 学生会写, 并且会询问颜色.3有关数字的单词,要求会写.4.有关服装的单词,要求会写.要求学生会谈论服装.并感谢他人.


三.复习方法: 讲解并练习


Step 1.Revision

1. Revise the words about color: red green yellow blue white black brown grey pink purple

2. Revise the words about clothes: shirt T-shirt short pants sweater socks bag hat skirt

3. Revise the Cardinal numbers from 1 to 100. And then revise how to change them to the Ordinal numbers .

4. Revise the months of a year: January February…

5. Revese the sentence patterns:

A. How much is the…? How much are the…?

It is …Yuan/dollar. They are … Yuan /dollars. Ask students to hold their things to ask and answer. And then revise this/that, these/those.

B. When is your/her/his/your…’s birthday? My/Her/His birthday is…/ It’s …

Step 2 Do excises:

Unit 7 How much are these pants?

I. 翻译下列词语:

1. 8美元 2. 多少钱

3. 两件白色T恤 4. 一双黑短袜

5. 两条蓝色短裤 6. 四个小包

II. 用代词it, they, this, that, these, those和be动词is, are填空:

1. How much _______ ________ white bag? ______ ______ 9 dollars.

2. How much _______ ________ black pants? ______ _______ 10 dollars.

3. How much _______ ________ apples? _______ ________ $ 5.

4. How much _______ ________ socks? _______ _______ $ 2.

5. How much _____ the ice cream? ______ _______ $ 2.

III. 写出下列数字的英文形式:

21 20 34 49

94 40 57 100

IV. 改写句子:

1. These shorts are $60. (变一般疑问句) _____________________________

2. These shorts are $60(.对画线部分提问)_________ ____________________

3. This bag is 20 yuan. (变成复数句)_______________________________

V. 单项选择:

1. My brother’s shoes _____ black. A. am B. is C. are D. be

2. ----How much is the T- shirt? ----It’s _______.

A. 50 dollar B. 50$ C. $50 D. dollar 50

3. ----What color is it? ----_______________.

A. It’s a green car. B. It’s a green

C. It’s green D. It’s green car.

4. ----What color are Jim’s shoes? ----_______ black.

A. It is B. They are C. His is D. These are

复习导学案Unit 8(2课时)

Unit8: 1本单元复习日期的表达法.要求学生会对自己和别人的生日进行提问和回答.2 要求学生会写从1-31的序数词,并掌握其使用方法.3要求会写并掌握12个月份.4复习询问,表达年龄的句型.


三.复习方法: 讲解并练习

1 . How old is /are he/she /you? He/She is …/I am…/We are…

6.Revise the events: school day art festival Chinese Contest Music Festival English party

Unit 8 When is your birthday?

I. 写出12个月份的英语单词:

1 __________________ 2 ____________________ 3 ________________

4 __________________ 5 ____________________ 6 ________________

7 __________________ 8 ____________________ 9 _________________

10 _________________ 11 ___________________ 12 ________________

II. 翻译下列词组:

1. 一月十七日 2. 我爸爸的生日

3. 学校上课日 4. 篮球赛

5. 艺术节 6. 英语演讲比赛

7. 郊游

III. 写出下列数字的基数和序数词:

数字 基数词 序数词

1 2 3 5 8 9 11 12 13

20 21 32 43 100

IV. 请根据回答提出问题:http://www.77cn.com.cn

1. Q: ___________? A:My birthday is April 22nd.

2. Q: ____________? A: I’m sixteen.

3. Q: _______________? A: My brother’s birthday is May 16th.

4. Q: __________________? A: The concert is May 31st.

5. Q: _________________? A: My mother is forty-three.

V. 单项选择:

1. When ______ the party? A. is B. are C. do D. does

2. ----When is the basketball game? ----It’s ____ March.

A. in B. on C. at D. for

3. When is ______ birthday party?A. David B. David’s C. you D. him

4. The basketball game is ____ June and the volleyball game is ____ September.

A. in; in B. 不填;不填 C. in; 不填 D. 不填; in

Step 3 讲解练习


一、 语音、音标(写出下列单词的音标)

1、i:/aI/ like fries ; /I/ broccoli chicken dinner

2、ur hamburger

3、ce/s/ ice

4、ea/i:/ cream eat

5、ea/e/ breakfast healthy

6、oo/u:/ food

7、ear/e / pear

8、ar/a:/ star

9、a/æ/ apple have salad carrot /a:/tomato


二、 知识点


可数名词 1、可以计数的名词


3、有复数形式 复数形式 一般加S bananas,hamburgers,pears,eggs,apples,carrots, carrots,runners,stars

以s,x,ch,sh结尾+es classes,buses,boxes,watches,tomatoes

以福音字母加y结尾改y为i+es family—families dictionary---dictionaries


不可数名词 1、不可以计数的名词


3、没有复数形式 broccoli, chicken, ice cream, salad, French fries, food, fruit

2、许多many后接可数名词复数形式lots of=a lot of后既可接可数名词复数形式又可接不可数名词

3、well是副词,修饰动词e.g. play well; eat well; study well

good是形容词,修饰名词e.g. good students; good girls

4、for作为e.g. for breakfast作为早餐 for dessert 作为甜食

二、 重点句型

1、I like apples/an apple. 1.我喜欢苹果。

2. They like hamburgers/a hamburger. 2.他们喜欢汉堡包、

3. Jim and Tom like tomatoes. 3.吉姆和汤姆喜欢西红柿。

4. My parents like broccoli. 4.我父母喜欢花椰菜。

5. Her friends like strawberries. 5.她朋友喜欢草莓。

6. Mike likes some ice cream. 6.迈克喜欢一些冰欺凌、

7. She likes an English book. 7.她喜欢英语书。

8. It likes many oranges. 8. 我喜欢一些桔子。

9. The girl likes five watches. 9.女孩喜欢5个手表。

10. My uncle likes chicken. 10.我叔叔喜欢鸡肉。

11. We eat tomatoes every day. 11.我们每天吃西红柿。

12. Alice eats bananas every morning. 12.爱丽丝每天早晨吃香蕉。

13. Her parents eat pears every evening. 13.她的父母每天晚上吃梨。

14. They have some French fries. 14.他们吃一些薯条。

15. Her grandparents have some oranges. 15.她祖父母吃一些桔子。

16. His cousins don’t like eggs. 16、他的表兄弟不喜欢鸡蛋。

17. Gina doesn’t like two pictures. 17.吉娜不喜欢两张图片。

18. My cousin doesn’t eat an apple. 18、我的表姐不吃苹果。

19. Do you have many tomatoes? 19、你吃许多西红柿吗?

20.Do your daughters like ice cream?Yes, they do. 20、你的女儿们喜欢冰欺凌吗?

21. Does his brother like ice cream? No, he doesn’t. 21、他的哥哥喜欢冰欺凌吗?

22. Runner eats well. 22、跑步者吃得好。

23. Running star Alice eats lots of healthy food every day.


24. For breakfast/lunch/dinner, she likes eggs, bananas, and apples.


25. For dessert, she likes ice cream. 25、作为甜食,她喜欢冰欺凌。


1、David____(like) tomatoes very much.

2、Tom often____(watch) TV.

3. ___her parents___(eat) two____(strawberry)?

4、Let me___(have) some French fries.

5、Lily’s father and uncle___(not eat) carrots.

6、Her friends like____(草莓),but we like____(苹果)

7、We have____/’hel I / food every day.

8、Do you like v____ ?No, I like fruit.

9、Liu Xiang is a great r____ star.

10、Jim is a ___(good) student. He studies very____ (good).




1、/e / _______________ 2、/ u /_________________

3、/aI/________________ 4、/ d /________________

5、/z/ _________________ 6、/ æ /________________

7、/eI/_________________ 8、/ t∫/__________________

9、/ ð /________________ 10、/ /__________________

Unit 10复习导学案(2课时)

一、 语音、单词(在单词下面写出音标)

1、ir/3:/ shirt skirt thirteen thirty

2、or(our)/ :/ shorts short store afford fourteen yourself

3、ee/i:/ thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen see

4、o / / sock dollar long anybody from sorry

5、o/Λ/ come other / / welcome


1、how much 用来提问某物的价钱a、how much is… b、how much are…

2、W hat’s the price of …=How much is…

at a very good price以一个很合适的价格

The price of the sweater is 20 Yuan.

3、Can I help you?=What can I do for you?

4、----Thanks/Thank you.

----You are welcome.

1. Welcome: ①不必客气② 受欢迎的;欢迎

2. E.g. welcome to Beijing! 欢迎到北京来!

3. E.g. welcome to my home. 欢迎到我家。

5、I’ll take it.= I’ll buy it.

6、at①在、、、地方e.g. at Huaxing Clothes Store; at Huaxing’s great sale

②以、、、价格 e.g. at a very good price

7、for ①表用途 e.g. bags for sports=sports bags

②表对象 e.g. for girls; for boys for yourself

③表交换价值 e.g. for only 18 dollars

8、 in +颜色 e.g. T-shirts in red= red T-shirts

in all colors各种颜色的… e.g. sweaters in all colors

9、have a look at=look at 看一看

E.g. Have a look at Zig Zag’s Clothes Store.

10、on sale 大甩卖;廉价销售;特价


1、How much is the red sweater? 这件红毛衣多少钱?

It’s 8 dollars ($8). /30 yuan (¥30). 8美元/30元

2、How much are these black pants? 这些黑色的裤子多少钱?

They are 10 dollars($10). 他们10美元。

3、The black shorts are 9yuan. 这些黑短裤9元。

4、These shoes are 10 yuan. 这些鞋10元。

5、This yellow shirt is 9dollars. 这个黄衬衫9美元。

6、What color do you want? Red. 你想要什么颜色? 红色

What color does your mother want? Blue. 你的妈妈想要什么颜色?蓝色

What color is that sweater? It’s red. 那件毛衣什么颜色?它是红色。

What color are those shoes? They are black. 那些鞋什么颜色? 他们是黑色的。

7、The clerk wants the blue T-shirt. 这个职员想要蓝色的体恤衫。

Does she want this skirt? 她想要这个裙子吗?

They don’t want those pants. 他们不想要那些裤子。

8、Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing’s great sale.来华兴大甩卖现场买你的衣服 Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store 亲自来华兴衣服店看看。

Come to Mr. Cool’s Clothes Store. 来Cool先生的衣服店。

9、We have sweaters at a very good price.我们有价钱很合适的毛衣。

10、Do you need bags for sports?你需要运动包吗?

11、For girls, we have T-shirts in red for only 18yuan.


12、That’s not all.. 那不是所有的。

13、Here you are. 给你

Here is my book. 这是我的我的书。

Here are my two books.这是我的两本书。


E.g. He buys cheap socks from Beijing.

②Sell…to… 销售、、、给、、、

E.g. She sells lots of jackets to students.

③sell well 畅销

E.g. The book sells well.

15、The green shorts are on sale for 25 dollars.


yellow, chick, have, zero, with, photo, my, watch, table, just, age, thank, his, sell, family, cake, like, close, thing, that

1、/e/_______ 2、/ u /_________

3、/aI/__________ 4、/d3/_____________

5、/z/_________ 6、/ e /_________

7、/eI/__________ 8、/ t∫/__________

9、/ ð /_________ 10、/ /___________


1、/au/ A. how B.know C. sport D. boy

2、/ : / A. black B. water C. box D. book

3、/d3/ A. much B. egg C. just D. yes

4、/3:/ A. color B. about C. sister D. circle

5、/eI/ A. great B. read C. high D. hear

6、/ / A. nine B. find C. thank D. morning

7、/ u / A. our B. old C. now D. chair

8、/z/ A. this B. desk C. please D. class

六、1、Do you like these red_________(毛衣)

2、How much are these__________(短袜)

3、The p_____ of this is 25 dollars.

4、These shorts are on _____/seIl/.

5、You can come and see for _____.

6、The p____ of the jacket is 20 dollars.

7、This book is very ----------(难的)

8、What do you have for------------(早餐0

9、I have ------------(十九)books in my desk.

10、He eats lots of ----------(健康的)food every day.

11、I am sorry. My book is------------/lost/

12、I want to buy some--------/fru:ts/







6、Alice 的婶婶想要什么颜色?-----------------------------------


1、These tomatoes are 10 dollars.(划线部分提问)-------- -----------

2、She likes white. (划线部分提问)-------------------------

3、It’s a tomato.(改为复数形式)----------------------------------

4、What can I do for you?(同义句转换)---------------------

5、My shoes are on the bed. (划线部分提问)----------- ------------


假如你有一家自己的服装地“Huanyu Clothes Store”, 试着为你的商店做一则广告,宣传你商店里的各种款式的服装。(首句已给出)

