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高 三 英 语

命题、审核:高三英语备课组 2015.10



请听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the man probably do? A. A reporter. B.A driver. C.A singer. 2.What’s the weather like today? A. Sunny. B. Cloudy. C. Rainy. 3.What made the man unable to sleep well last night? A. The noise from the restaurant. B. The neighbor’s dog. C. His headache.

4.How will the man go to the Chinese restaurant? A. By taxi. B. By bus. C. By car. 5.When did the woman lose her bag?

A. When she was sleeping on the plane. B. When she was shopping at the airport.

C. When she was talking with the security guard. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

请听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 请听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。

6.What was the woman probably doing when Clare yelled at her? A. Running. B. Driving. C. Walking. 7.What happened to the woman? A. She almost got into an accident. B. She got stuck in a traffic jam. C. She was hit by a man.

请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8.What does the man want to do?


A. Go to the post office. B. Get his mailbox key. C. Fetch his driver’s license. 9.Where does the man live? A. At 2386 King Street East. B. At 212 Barton Street North. C. At 215 King Street North.


10.What will the woman have before the main course? A. Fried tomatoes. B. Fruit salad. C. Green olives. 11.What soup and side dish does the woman order? A. Split pea soup and brown rice.

B. French onion soup and baked potato. C. Split pea soup and beans in cream sauce. 12.What drink will the woman have? A. Coffee. B. Tea. C. Soda water. 请听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.In which course does the man want a tutor? A. Spoken English. B. English literature. C. English composition. 14.On which day does the man only have morning classes? A. Monday. B. Tuesday. C. Wednesday. 15.How long does the tutoring session last every time? A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours. 16.What should the man bring to his tutoring session? A. Textbooks. B. A syllabus. C. Class notes. 请听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。

17.What do we know about Ranulph Fiennes and Mike Stroud? A. They both came first.

B. They came from New York. C. They didn’t break the record. 18.Why were the fans disappointed? A. They didn’t watch the whole race.

B. The winners didn’t turn up at the celebration. C. Fiennes suffered a heart attack before the race. 19.What will Fiennes do next week? A. Return to work. B. Have an operation. C. Have a check-up. 20.What program will be broadcast after the news report? A. A talk show. B. A football game. C. A marathon. 二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

21. It is not yet pretty well understood ________ made the rainforests disappear year by year.


A. what B. which C. that D. how

22. It is the ________ of this shop that if you spoil any material, you have to pay for it out of your piece work earnings. A. practice B. tradition C. custom D. habit 23. —Mr Zhang, I’m here to report that I’ve finished the task — the document.

—Good, and ________ you go home or stay in the office, you mustn’t let out the secret. A. whenever B. wherever C. whether D. whatever

24. Zhang Lin works very hard at his lessons. He didn’t get the first place in the exam, ________. A. however B. yet C. although D. though

25. Most Europeans refuse to accept GM food ________ Americans regard it as the fruit from high tech. A. when B. while C. during D. as 26. —Shall I go and buy more food and drinks for the party?

—No. We’ve prepared a fridge of all those, which ________ be quite enough. A. can B. may C. might D. ought to 27. The school children are walking along the country road, ________ a small red cap. A. each wearing B. wearing C. each wears D. they each wears 28. —I hear Li Keqiang, the premier, started his visits to the three European countries yesterday. —How can ________ be? I saw him speak at an important meeting held this morning on TV. A. he B. it C. this D. him

29. Some experts predict that tourism in South Korea needs more time to recover because of the MERS ________ last June, causing at least 15 deaths. A. occurred B. occurring C. being occurred D. to occur

30. Baidu, the online search giant, launched its own Siri-like virtual assistant on Tuesday ________ is able, for instance, to place takeout orders. A. what B. whose C. which D. whom

31. The engine of the plane was out of order and the thunderstorm ________ the helplessness of the pilot in the sky. A. appealed to B. led to C. added to D. submitted to 32. President Xi Jinping presents commemorative medals to veterans (老兵) for their ________ China's victory against Japanese aggression. A. authority over B. prescription with C. attendance at D. contribution to 33. The doctors in Taiwan, where reports say there are about 10,000 cases, are trying their best to reduce the tourists’ fear ________ they might be affected by the disease called Dengue Fever. A. that B. when C. whether D. which

34. Queen Elizabeth II, who has reached a major milestone by becoming the longest-reigning


monarch, has ________ her international travel and lightened her work load somewhat, but still carries out many royal duties. A. made up for B. given way to C. cut back on D. got down to 35. ________ it not been for Running Man, a reality show on Zhejiang Satellite TV, Zheng Kai ________ unknown to many audiences now. A. Should; would remain B. Had; would remain C. Had; would have remained D. Should; would have remained 三、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)

When Aerial Wilson received an email from Ganon Baker Basketball saying, “Congratulations! You have been selected to come to our Live NCAA College Coach-National Girls Event ...” the 11-year-old, the only Canadian invited, jumped for joy.

Unaware of the great talent in the Deep South, Aerial’s goal was to ___36___ from the experience. The weekend ___37___ an abundance of skill training, testing and game experience, and a ton of basketball knowledge.

Aerial, a Grade 7 student at R.A. Riddle School, is in love with basketball and already has a(n) ___38___ in mind -- to ___39___ in the Women’s National Basketball Association.

“I’m gonna dunk(灌篮),” said the ___40___ youngster.

David Omerod of Saltfleet District High School organizes the Ganon Baker Basketball camp every year.

“The Ganon Baker Basketball camp is the ___41___,” said Aerial. “It gives me a(n) ___42___ and tough basketball mentality. It makes me a bigger threat on court with more ___43___ and moves.”

Aerial said that on the first day of the camp, which took place in Atlanta, GA, she couldn’t stop thinking about how big the other girls were, ___44___ she decided not to let her ___45___ influence her performance.

“I played aggressively and ___46___, she said. “I gave my best on both ends of the court ___47___ trying to be a part of the play. I had some moments and a lot of room to ___48___.”

“Playing alongside some of the top-ranking players in the nation was a(n) ___49___,” said Aerial. “I’ve met so many ___50___ people and learned a lot from this camp. Playing ___51___ these girls has made me jump higher, run faster and pound harder. This experience has shown me what I ___52___ to do to accomplish my goal and realize my dream.”

During the ___53___, a series of tests was conducted to ___54___ the athleticism of the girls. Aerial was ranked ninth out of 130 athletes ___55___. 36. A. learn B. escape C. come D. recover 37. A. collected B. charted C. promoted D. provided 38. A. duty B. ambition C. promise D. choice 39. A. mature B. cheer C. play D. survive 40. A. disturbed B. ashamed C. amazed D. determined


41. A. broadest B. best C. safest D. tightest 42. A. calm B. urgent C. new D. valid 43. A. knowledge B. comfort C. humour D. attention 44. A. or B. nor C. and D. but 45. A. restriction B. arrangement C. height D. disability 46. A. tensely B. confidently C. familiarly D. busily 47. A. always B. instead C. thus D. again 48. A. debate B. think C. grow D. relax 49. A. coincidence B. custom C. award D. honour 50. A. generous B. friendly C. honest D. great 51. A. beyond B. for C. against D. after 52. A. need B. remember C. tend D. like 53. A. break B. time C. meeting D. holiday 54. A. distinguish B. reward C. analyze D. ensure 55. A. left B. hired C. required D. examined 四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)


Join us for the second annual The Amazing Foot Rally! The Forks Edition. Teams of up to four participants will compete in an all-day race. On foot, the Amazing Foot Rally is a green and healthy way to see Winnipeg, earn points and contribute to the building of a new home for a family in need.

Money raised through fundraising and sponsorships goes directly to help Habitat for Humanity Manitoba build more affordable homes that create more opportunities and brighter futures for families in need.

Date: Saturday, June 7,2014 Registration: 9:00 am

Address: Delta Winnipeg, 350 St. Mary Avenue Team Information:

? Teams can include up to 4 members.

? At last 1 team member must be over the age of 18. The minimum age to participate is 13 years of age.

? The registration fee is $120 per team and the registration fee should be paid at the time of registering.

? Teams are asked to fund-raise a minimum of $200 in order to confirm their ability to participate.

? The highest individual fundraiser will win a stay at Lakeview Hecla Resort.

? The team that raises the most money will receive either a two-night tent site at Anicinabe Park and the use of 2 canoes ($250 value); or a day of rock climbing ($400 value) compliments of Green Adventures.



Each team member or their parent, as part of the registration process will be asked to agree with the Official Rules. It is recommended that you refer to these documents prior to registration. Registration deadline is May 30, 2014.

56. According to the passage, the Amazing Foot Rally is mainly ____.

A. an entertainment organization B. a charity activity

C. a body-building activity

D. a house-building organization 57. According to team information, ____.

A. school children can organize their own team B. each team has at least four members

C. individual registration fee may be different

D. the team raising the most money can stay at Lakeview Hecla Resort


If you glance at the Facebook page of General Motors(GM), it seems like business as usual at the Detroit automakers, even though the company is struggling to cope with the recalls of 1.6 million cars that it has linked to 12 deaths.

GM’s page promotes jobs at the once-bankrupt company, congratulates the winner of a Chevy photo contest and shows off the antislip technology on the new Camaro Z28.

However, dig into the comments on those posts, and you will find customers like Donna Genader, whose daughter died due to GM’s problematic car. You will also see dozens of messages back from GM customer service representatives trying to answer their questions about the recall and engage them in private messages to iron out individual problems.

GM’s dual (双重的) approach reflects the company must depend on social media like Facebook and Twitter, where a customer’s opinion about a brand is shaped by both what the company does and what other people say about it.

“This issue cannot define GM going forward,” said Dave Evans, vice president for social strategy at Lithium Technologies. “They really have the opportunity to fundamentally redefine themselves, as an open and listening organization.”

Lauren Munhoven turned to Twitter after wasting an hour on the phone with GM trying to get help with her 2006 Saturn Ion, which was recalled in February because of a defective(有缺陷的) ignition switch.

“Your agents keep telling me to take my car to GM dealer for the recall, after I’ve explained I live on an island in Alaska! Help!!!” she wrote in a public tweet.

After a series of private messages with a member of GM’s Twitter team the company agreed to pay the $600 cost of a round-trip ferry to ship Ms. Munhoven’s car to the nearest dealer and pay for a rental car for the time she is without the Saturn.


Amrit Mehta, GM’s director of customer and relationship services, said the company’s social media team tried to reach out to people like Ms. Munhoven to understand and resolve their specific concerns.

Roland Rust, a professor at the University of Maryland, said that GM’s responsiveness online was “absolutely the right thing to do.” A healthy public response is critical to the company’s future profits.

Despite the outpouring of headlines about federal investigations into GM’s decade-long failure to issue the recall, overall sentiment about GM and its brands on Twitter has remained the same since the crisis began.

Consumers are not tweeting much about the recalls. But car owners are using social media to trade tips and put public pressure on the company on issues like giving affected customers loaner cars until their vehicles can be fixed.

58. We can learn from the first two paragraphs that ______.

A. GM’s business continues as normal even though many cars of GM have to be recalled. B. GM pretends to be calm in the face of the problematic cars. C. GM’s new technology is worth attention. D. GM is cold towards human lives.

59. The underlined word “define” in Paragraph 5 can best be replaced by “______”.

A. lead to B. witness C. account for D. prevent 60. The example of Lauren Munhoven is meant to show ______.

A. GM is willing to help its customers

B. GM would like to be kept an eye on by the public

C. social media has become an accepted marketing tool of GM D. social media is an important tool for GM to help customers out 61. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. GM has succeeded in solving a brand crisis.

B. GM’s future profits aren’t influenced by recalls at this time C. The author thinks every coin has two sides as to social media.

D. The author thinks some customers didn’t make full use of social media.


Every year, people with extraordinary memory skills compete at that definitive(有权威的) memory event: the World Memory Championships. They are required to do these tasks: looking at and reciting a two-page poem, recollecting a page of 40-digit numbers, remembering the order of 52 cards in a deck, memorizing the names of 110 people after looking at their pictures, etc. Completing any of these tasks may seem impossible for the average person, but scientific evidence seems to show that even someone with average skills can be transformed into a memory champion through training.

One memory champion explained his method of recalling the order of the cards in deck.


He used a memorable image and linked a person, an action, and a thing to each card in the deck.

Still even having created images for each group of three cards, it is difficult to keep them in order. This is done using the method of loci (轨迹). First, imagine a path that is well known to you. Along the path there need to be landmarks that you know well. Into each landmark, you mentally put one of the vivid images you created. Then, in your mind, go back and follow the path, stopping at each land mark along the way. With practice, you’ll be able to remember a deck of cards in order.

The 2006 World Memory Championships were held at Oxford University in England. The winner, Clemens Mayer from Germany, is the perfect example of how someone with an average memory can improve it. Just three years before, Mayer had seen another memory champion on television, memorizing the order of cards in a deck. Mayer was a champion runner, without any special memory skills. Still, he thought he could do it, and he began to work hard at training his memory. He spent two hours a day practicing, and succeeded.

Don’t be satisfied with limited memory power. By using the methods of grouping, lining to vivid images, and the method of loci, we can all improve our memories. You might even become the next World Memory Champion!

62. Which memory task is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Remembering the order of the cards. B. Remembering a drawing. C. Memorizing a poem. D. Memorizing names.

63. Why is the method of loci useful for memorizing a deck of cards in order?

A. It makes images even more vivid. B. It lets you go back again if you forget.

C. It allows landmarks to be more easily remembered. D. It helps create images for each group of three cards.

64. According to the passage, what do we know about Clemens Mayer?

A. He won the championship in 2004.

B. He learned memory skills from watching TV. C. His running skills helped his memory training. D. He developed excellent memory skills by training.

65. The author’s main purpose in writing this passage is to ______.

A. praise World Memory Champions

B. explain a good memory is a matter of training

C. show the history of the World Memory Championships D. recommend some special people with great memory skills


Survey the world’s campaigns to reduce poverty and improve people’s lives, and a


common thread emerges: people in wealthy countries feel it’s important that people in poor countries stay at home. Development organizations in Africa, in particular, receive billions of dollars each year to oversee programs designed to make “life at home” better for Africans.

One could go further and argue that if Africans in one particular state or region migrate(移民) or want to migrate, then development in that area hasn’t worked. In his 2007 paper “Keeping them in their place: the ambivalent relationship between development and migration in Africa”, the International Migration Institute’s Oliver Bakewell wrote that “from its earliest roots, development practice has commonly seen a reduction in migration as either an aim of intervention(干预) or an indicator of a program’s success.”

But a fascinating new paper from the World Bank turns this logic on its head. “Does migration promote exports?” has a title with an unnecessary question mark. According to the authors, migration does indeed promote exports in Africa, and in numbers large enough to catch the attention of development and policy leaders worldwide. Their findings “suggest that one additional migrant creates about 2,100 dollars a year in additional exports for his country of origin.”

African countries tend to have weak legal institutions and therefore loose enforcement(实施) of the rule of law, and African migrants living abroad play an especially important role in addressing these challenges. The migrants create an “enforcement channel”, the authors write.

If, for instance, a shop owner in the United Kingdom wants to purchase and resell Ghanaian(加纳的) fabrics, a member of the Ghanaian diaspora living in London can help ensure--- if not by law then by the threat of shame in his native community--- that the dealer doesn’t get tricked by sellers from an unfamiliar culture a continent away.

Indeed, the loss of human capital is often used as an argument against the concept of migration as a form of development. But the Center for Global Development’s Michael Clemens has shown that rather than create a void(真空), African health professionals leaving home may actually encourage more people to attempt to duplicate their success by becoming health professionals themselves.

Back in 2007, Bakewell argued that international development has been shaped by one of the annoying elements of colonialism, which depended heavily on controlling the movement of locals for the benefit of European migrants to Africa.

In a study for the Overseas Development Institute, Priya Deshingkar and Sven Grimm made a similar argument. They wrote, “Policymaker have tended to regard migration largely as a problem, presenting a threat to social and economic stability, and have therefore tried to control it, rather than view it as an important livelihood option for the poor.”

“The paper would thus suggest that through migration, trade barriers hampering African trade could be further reduced,” wrote the authors.

66. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A. What stops Africa’s brain drain(人才流失)?


B. The brain drain originates from a better cultural understanding C. Why can the brain drain actually benefit African countries?

D. The brain drain is a realistic way developed countries help developing countries 67. We can learn from the passage that ________. A. the more successful an African migrant is, the more he is helpful B. African people are intelligent and will create great wealth for the world C. African migrants can help enforce the rule of law of their home countries D. African migrants will feel ashamed if sellers in their home countries fool dealers 68. The underlined word “duplicate” in Paragraph 6 can best be replaced by “________”. A. prove B. copy C. guarantee D. create 69. Policymakers in Africa should ________. A. cooperate with African migrants very often B. reflect on existing policies C. keep a record of the information about African migrants D. work on reducing poverty

70. What’s the passage’s attitude towards Africa’s brain drain? A. Supportive. B. Subjective. C. Unknown. D. Critical. 五、任务型阅读(共10空;每空1分; 满分10分)

There are many variables (变数) that can keep you from achieving your goals, which is why your focus is absolutely needed. But all the focus will be of little good unless you have the motivation and direction you’ll need to succeed. What we’re going to discuss here are simple strategies you can employ to help you reach goals you’ve set for yourself.

To achieve any goals, you must first start with learning what it takes to reach your goals. Stating a desire to simply accomplish this or achieve that gives you direction, which is what you’ll need to succeed. Your goals must be specific so you can make a plan to reach them, otherwise you’re just dreaming, which is far different from establishing a clear-cut plan to reach your goals. Without having a solid and realistic plan, to reach goals is much like trying to hit a target without seeing it.

You’ll never be able to reach goals of any sort unless you have a burning desire to make them your reality, therefore you must be passionate about this. The process of making your dreams come true typically involves several activities or tasks that may seem mundane (平淡的) or even boring. It is primarily for this reason that many people quit and walk away before they taste success. On the other hand, if you really possess a burning desire to accomplish what it takes to live your dreams, losing your motivation will not be an issue.

No matter what your goals may be, it’s quite likely that somebody has already achieved what is now the point of your focus. Following their path and even modifying their approaches to suit your purpose can only make sense and may be all you’ll need to succeed. Quite often we find ourselves trying to reinvent the wheel to get the same results others have gotten but as you


can hopefully understand, there is little point in doing so. If the answers are sitting right there in plain sight, why spend the time and effort to try and find new ones? Of course, the accomplishment of others and your own goals are the same.

As the discussion above clearly implies, whatever you set out to achieve will require a bit of planning as well as your focus and effort. Failure to take the time and diligence (勤勉) your preparations and efforts demand will simply result in your own frustrations and unfulfilled goals.

State your desire and learn about

your (72) ______.

Goals must be (71) ____

Make your plan clear-cut, solid and

(73) ______.

Never (75) ______ when involved

in activities or tasks.


Possess (74) _______ strategies for

Having a burning desire and you achieving goals

will be (76) ______.

Make (78) ______ approaches to

success for yourself.

(77) ______ successful


(79) ______ reinventing the wheel

when answers are just there.

Plan, be (80) ____ and make efforts and you will achieve your Conclusion



Only children are happier than those with brothers or sisters, according to new research. The new research shows sibling rivalry (手足之争) can have a negative effect on a child’s emotional well-being. Over half of the children who were surveyed said they had been bullied (伤害) by a sibling, and one in three said that they had been hit, kicked or pushed occasionally. Others complained of name-calling (辱骂) and having their belongings stolen.


A study by the Institute for Social and Economic Research concluded that happiness declines in a household where there are more siblings.

“Other reasons for only children being happier include not having to compete for parental attention or share bedrooms with a sibling,” said Gundi Knies, a researcher on the project.

Dr. Ruth Koppard, a child psychologist, said, “In an average home, the more children, the less privacy for each child. Some share a bedroom with a sibling but they would rather choose to do it than have to do it.” [写作内容]



(1)就“独生子女是否更幸福”这一话题谈谈你的看法; (2)列举2—3个理由支撑你的观点。




2015.10质量检测参考答案 一、听力

1-10 BACCA CABAC 11-20 CACBB CAACB 二、单项填空

21-25 CBABC 26-30 CBDBA 31-35 ACABA 三、完形填空 36-40 CBDBA 41-45 CABCD 46-50 ABDAC 51-55 BADCA 四、阅读理解 56-57BA 58-60ADA 61-65DCCCA 66-70CADBA 五、任务型阅读

1. knowledge 2. prepare 3. must 4. believe 5. Tips/Suggestions/Advice 6. effort 7.cautious / careful

8. Importance/Significance/Benefits/Functions/Value 9. advance 10. succeed 六、书面表达 ①Summary:

Ready to get aboard, an old man suddenly got fainted, head bleeding. The rest of the passengers, including the airline employee walked past except Dona, who accompanied him until an ambulance came to his rescue. ②略.符合题干要求即可


