
更新时间:2023-09-13 21:03:01 阅读量: 教学研究 文档下载


1. She kept insisting her innocence. 2. His statement turned out to be false.

3. The law applies to all European countries, Britain is no exception. 4. The police arrived right at the moment of the explosion. 5. His promises don’t count for much.

6. You seem to know your way around Guangzhou.

7. The Chinese set a new world record in the hurdle race. 8.Will our team qualify for the second round?

1. 任何一个教练员都会对你说,运动员一生气就会犯错误。 2. 预赛三跳中的第一跳,我踏过起跳板几英寸,犯了规。

3. 我没有告诉隆格是什么在“困扰”找,但他却好像知道我心里有气,便竭力安慰我。

4. 结果,卢茨打破了他自己以前的纪录。

5. 我记得我最后一跳着地的那一瞬间——那一刻我创造了26 英尺5 又1/16 英寸的奥运会纪录——他来到我旁边,向我祝贺。 1. This is the worst accident this year. 2.We must do more with less money. 3. She has more time than me.

4. Nothing is more unpleasant than finding insects in your bath. 5. Which is the longest river in China?

6. She was determined to work harder in future. 7. You speak English more fluently than the others. 8. Who arrived (the) earliest of all? 9. She behaved most generously.

10. She sings as sweetly as a nightingale.

222222222222222222222222222222222222222222 1. Her success is closely linked to her efforts. 2. I wonder whether he will attend the meeting.

3. Learning of his absence on illness, we expressed our deep regret. 4. China has a long history of trade with the US.

5. He has made great achievements in the field of film industry. 6. Their friendship started with a football match.

7. The establishment of the organization has brought great benefits to the local people.

8. The court has appointed his son to administer his property.

1. 1895年,诺贝尔立下最后一份遗嘱,将大部分财产作为基金设立诺贝尔奖。 2. 那家报纸继续报道,介绍了他的年龄、国籍及其他有关他的生意的信息。 3. 诺贝尔在最合适不过的时刻发明了他的炸药。

4. 当人们获悉他的遗产安排时,都非常惊讶:诺贝尔生前决定,每年在物理学、化学、医学、文学和和平领域给予奖励。

5. 阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔创立了诺贝尔奖,现在,全世界的人按照他所希望的评价怀念他,铭记他:阿尔弗雷德·诺贝尔,一个致力于和平事业的人。 1. It takes less time to go there by plane than by train. 2. He was more lucky than clever.

3. She’s actually a good deal older than she looks. 4. It was one-fourth cheaper than the market price.

5. To them, music is more a way of life than just an interest. 6. It’s a mile, more or less, from here to the station.

7. You ought to know better than to go out without an overcoat on such a cold day.

8. He was going to answer me back, but he thought better of it. 9. I don’t speak half as (so) well as you. 10. Let’s talk more another time.

333333333333333333333333333333333333333 1.We hope to gain from our investment.

2. This job needs you to be hard-working, humorous, and above all, self-confident.

3. I wouldn’t dream of studying abroad in the near future. 4. The young should care about the old. 5. That book really knocks me out.

6. I always take your suggestions seriously. 7. They are ill provided with food.

8. This is the house where the great man was born.

1. 然而,如果我们记住大海实际上是由水滴构成的,每一滴水都很重要,那我们每个人就可


2. 我们不是这个星球上唯一具有个性、思维,最重要的是,情感的生物。 3. 如果人人都能开始进行微小的改变,只要是为子孙后代考虑,我们就能做出具有实际意义

的改变,这也是我们应该做的。 4. 要想把握现在,就得了解过去。

5. 看不见的创伤远比看得见的能被医治的创伤更加令人痛苦。 1. I can’t promise anything, but I’ll do want I can. 2. That can’t be Mary—she’s in hospital. 3. What can she be doing at this time? 4. May I use your phone?

5. They may be waiting at the station.

6. The team may well have won the football match, but I don’t know because I wasn’t there.

7. Oxford may have changed a lot in recent years, but it’s still a beautiful city.

8. If that’s the case, I may as well try.

9. The police are stopping all cars. They must be looking for the escaped prisoner.

10. I must remember to go to the bank today.


1. Her actions manifested a complete disregard for personal safety. 2. Release the dog. He has been chained up for hours.

3. Tell us what’s worrying you—don’t bottle it up!

4. These incidents could seriously undermine support for the police. 5. She released the rabbit from the trap.

6. The deficiencies in the system soon became obvious.

7. The film aroused public sympathy for victims of the disaster. 8. He was afraid she would reject him because he was a foreigner

1. 事实上,压力是外部任何要求作用于身体时身体的总体反应,无论这些事情是让人愉悦还是让人悲伤,是情感上的还是生理上的。

2. 但当挑战超出了我们的能力范围而无法应付,同时极大的压力对我们的影响又以不同的方式显露出来的时候,压力就会对我们造成伤害。它会对我们的行为造成潜在的伤害,逐渐损害身心健康。

3. 冥想让我们在保持机警的同时获得内心的极度的平静与安详

4.. 很多时候,我们自诉的颈部、肩部和背部的疼痛都是由于姿势不对和心理紧张造成的。

5. 一旦确认了由压力导致的问题,你可以想出一系列可能的解决办法,排除那些凭你的经验就知道没有用的办法。

1. You ought to visit your parents more often. 2. They should have stopped at the traffic lights.

3. You needn’t come to the meeting if you’re too busy. 4. She dare not say what she thinks.

5. I will give you a definite answer tomorrow. 6. Where shall we go for our holiday?

7. My mother used to go to the countryside during the summer holidays. 8. If you pour oil on water, it will float. 9. You needn’t have come so early. The evening party will not begin until 8 o’clock.

10. The manager was so hot-tempered that no one dare tell him the bad news.


1. What he said suggested that he would not attend the meeting. 2. He was determined to help the poor.

3. No matter how I explained, she would not believe me. 4. Many things are connected with each other.

5. He achieved an ideal score in the competition by means of hard work. 6. Do not interfere in the peaceful life of the professor. 7. He advertised his products by means of Internet. 8. He always tries his best to fulfill his promise. 1. 好莱坞意味着魅力,是那些崇拜明星的年轻人运气够好便能实现梦想的地方。 2. 加利福尼亚南部一年四季的阳光与温和宜人的气候,使好莱坞成为电影拍摄的理想场所。

3. 当年的好莱坞曾像磁铁一般吸引着来自世界各地的青年男女。 4. 他最初只是一名替身骑手,日后一跃成为早期西部片的巨星之一。

5. 如果某演员是因为扮演牛仔或坏蛋而一举成名,那他就会不断担任同样的角色。

1. If we were men, we would be doing something now. 2.We should have checked the time before we left. 3. I could have earned something if I had meant to. 4. She told me that she might go to Hawaii this winter. 5. You must have been thinking of something. 6. The water ought to have boiled by now.

7. She needn’t have come in person—a letter would have been enough. 8. She can’t be telling the truth.

9. If the pain should return, take another of these pills. 10. She could not have been more than six then. 66666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 1. Constant dropping wears away a stone.

2. Wherever this tactic was applied, victory was achieved.

3. The factory which produces plastic bags is going to be bankrupt. 4. The custom of worshipping ancestors is prevalent among these people.

5. I owe a lot to my wife and children.

6. The rise of pop music can be traced back to the early last century. 7. The Beatles influenced a generation or even generations of people. 8. Several younger artists have come and gone on stage very quickly. 1. 随着摇摆舞音乐的流行,爵士乐团也进入了繁盛时期。

2. 披头士乐队为流行音乐设立了标准,而且“披头士的”已经变成了一个正式的形容词。

3. 然而埃尔顿·约翰是这个时期出现的最伟大的流行音乐歌手兼钢琴家。 4. 一群年轻的男歌手因为漂亮的长相被聚集起来,他们演唱让人容易记住的歌曲,安排各种活动,以此来获得名气。

5. 自从2000以来,靠演唱实力的大牌明星屈指可数。 1. The three words are pronounced in the same way. 2. The novel was written by Lu Yao. 3. When will the project be completed?

4. She didn’t expect that she would be invited. 5. The case is being investigated.

6. These ancient buildings are being renovated. 7. She hasn’t been told about it yet.

8. I heard that she had already been sent to hospital. 9. This can’t be done in a short time. 10. Glassware must be handled with care.

777777777777777777777777777777777777777777777 1. She always sticks to her belief.

2. His failure results mainly from his lack of confidence. 3. In spite of her advanced years, she is learning to drive. 4. I encountered many old friends in America. 5. He became more mature after his failure.

6. The factory took measures to cope with this problem.

7. He rejected the opportunity to have a promotion. 1. 然而,除了这些优势外,你也会遇到许多挑战。 2. 这些标志或线索包括我们熟悉的日常生活。 3. 他就像一条离开了水的鱼。

4. 文化冲击对不同的人有不同程度的影响。

5. 所有的困难和问题都忘记了,只留下家乡的美好回忆。

6. 新的经历可能让你轻松愉快,你也许会重新感受到最初的蜜月阶段的甜蜜。 1. It is reported that they have discovered a new star. 2. She didn’t like to be treated as a child.

3. He didn’t wish the subject to be mentioned in the letter. 4. There are a lot of things to be discussed.

5. He shut himself in the room so as not to be disturbed. 6. It’s an honor to be allowed to study here.

7. His dream was to be admitted to a good university. 8. She couldn’t bear being treated like that. 9. The building being erected is a concert hall. 10. Go and get your hair cut.

88888888888888888888888888888888888888 1. No one will despise you.

2. You must take steps to keep down expenses. 3. I propose resting for half an hour.

4. Some American words have no British equivalents.

5. The characters in the film are just stereotypes with no individuality. 6.We made plans for a visit, but subsequent troubles with the car prevented it.

7. Our neighbor said that if we made any more noise he’d complain about us to the police.

8. Because he did not like me he ignored me when we met.

1. 拥有全球最雄厚的经济实力和最强大的军事实力,美国已经采取了大量的措施来说服世界上其他国家在思想和行动上都效仿它。

2. 尽管这些食物受人欢迎不可否认,但因注重深度油炸,近来受到营养师的责难,被认为是不健康食品,会导致肥胖。

3. 这些好莱坞人使得我们崇拜在赌场里抽着雪茄的硬汉们、身材苗条双腿细长的女人们,并向往有大多数电影结局时的经历——从贫民一跃成为富翁。

4. 我们不应该忽视美国在对互联网的发展以及后续控制方面所表现出来的举足轻重的影响。

5. 然而,像棒球和美式橄榄球等其他运动还没有能像篮球那样容易被其他国家的人接受。

1. If he were here, everything would be all right.

2. You wouldn’t have caught cold if you had put on more clothes. 3. Without music, the world would be a dull place. 4. I would rather they came tomorrow.

5. I propose that we (should) set a deadline for handing in the plans. 6. It is necessary that he (should) be sent there at once.

7. The orders were that we stay where we were. 8. It is high time that we stopped this practice. 9. I wish you hadn’t told me all this.

10. It is necessary that this plan be carried out immediately.

