新东方雅思VIP写作教研组-朱瑞红-考试范文:2013.09.21 criteria of ideal country

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一、考试时间:2013-09-21 二、考试整体概述:

Task 1: 线图 Task 2: report


Task 1: The graph below shows the number of students from UK, USA and Australia who attended university in other countries from 2002 to 2007. 60,00050,00040,00030,00020,00010,0000200220032004200520062007The USAThe UKAustralia The number of students 题目分析:线图,动态图,重点写趋势,以及三条线之间的对比。 范文: The line chart above illustrates the yearly number of international 雅思考试机经

university students who came from the USA, UK and Australia from 2002 to 2007. The USA was the country where school leavers were the keenest on overseas tertiary education among the three countries. In 2002, there were 50,000 school graduates registering a foreign university. In spite of a slight fall in 2005 to about 45,000, the figure bounced to slightly higher than its original level in 2007. The UK shared a similar trend during this 5-year period of time, decreasing from nearly 30,000 to 25,000 in 2005 before it rose back to its previous figure. However, the scale of UK obviously could not compare with that of USA. In comparison to the other two countries, the same period witnessed a modest growth in the trend of Australian university students who studied offshore. Fewer than 10,000 students chose international study in 2002 with the number increasing to 10,000 in the end of 2004, followed by a stable tendency till 2007. But Australians were the least interested in receiving higher education in another country. In general, the numbers of students from these three countries studying 雅思考试机经

overseas had not experienced any significant change during these 5 years. 相关练习素材及备考建议:线图是非常经典的小作文题目,同学们可以参考剑5 test 1,剑6 test1的第一部分做练习。今天的题目没有交叉,相对简单,更像剑6test1. Task 2: What is the most important element you think to make a perfect society? What do people do to achieve an ideal society? 话题分类:文化与传统—经济与传统 题型分类:report 7分范文: 提纲: Ideal society criteria Economy, education, crime rate, health care, environment, democracy The most important Education: element 1 培养人才,支持经济持续发展 2 降级犯罪率 3提高公民环保意识 4 提高健康意识 5 参政意识 What do people do 1 study for life time 2 keep healthy 雅思考试机经

3 protect the environment 4 abide by the law 5 vote An ideal society, which though does not exist in practice, means more than just one factor if a definition needs to make. It should involve the following elements, high living standard, low crime rate, beautiful natural environment, sufficient health care and education resources, and democratic political system. Among these factors, I believe that education is the fundamental criterion to judge whether a country is successful or not. (定语从句,条件状语从句,宾语从句) Education determines whether a country can succeed economically in a sustainable way. Without high quality of education, there would be deficient high quality of labour force to ensure a long term economic boom which in modern high-tech and information society requires much more well-educated professionals with the spirit of innovation and creation than in industrial society. Education also makes incredible contribution to other important sectors. It helps lower the crime rate and increase public awareness to the environment, health and politics. (宾语从句,双重否定句,定语从句) 雅思考试机经

To construct a perfect society, what we should do first should be to realize the significance of education and live a learning life. By learning I mean not only academic knowledge but also keeping open to the changing world to allow constant improvement in all aspects of ourselves. Learning abilities including critical thinking, imagination and innovation are crucial because they determine whether we can keep pace with the times. (主语从句,非谓语,原因状语从句,宾语从句) Meanwhile there are many other things that we can do to establish a harmonious society. We should protect the environment to make sure that our next generation can keep living on the earth. To keep healthy is also a contribution to the community because a taxpayer supports himself and the society as well by work, without consuming any medical budget. In addition, to abide by the laws and rules, we maintain a safe country and to vote for a party, we are engaged in promoting democratic politics. (there be 句型,定语从句,宾语从句,原因状语从句,动名词做宾语,并列句) 话题词汇及素材补充: 1. 2. 3. 词汇/短语 in practice definition deficient 词义 实际上 定义 不足的 词性 n a 雅思考试机经

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. sufficient democratic political system criterion economic boom innovation sector constant critical thinking keep pace with harmonious medical budget. vote for/ against abide by well-educated professional 充裕的 民主政治体系 标准 经济繁荣 创新 部门 不断的 批判性思维 跟上 和谐的 医疗预算 投票选举 遵守 受过良好教育的 专业人士 a n n n a a v v a n increase public awareness to 提高大众意识 be engaged in 从事

