更新时间:2023-07-17 17:47:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载
- 中国十大帅哥城市推荐度:
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When enjoying a city break anywhere in the world, there are always a lot of sights to take in, historic cultural and even human, according to one online travel guide.
An American website has put together a list of the cities where tourists can spot the hottest men, with surprising Stockholm, in Sweden, coming out top。
The city, which has given the world Alexander Skarsgard from popular vampire series True Blood and the country's finest football export, Freddie Ljungberg, topped a list of the top ten places for the attractiveness of male locals。
While the Swedish capital is praised for its good genes and plenty of European destinations make the hotlist, not a single British city is included。
The second spot goes to the popular city break destination of New York, with suave metropolitan men waiting on every block, according to 。
It is closely followed by Amsterdam in the Netherlands, where beautiful boys cycle elegantly between the famous canals, offering a desirable date that is a far cry from the seedy pleasures on offer in the red light district。
Portugal is also recognised, with Lisbon winning the hearts of many a curious female holidaymaker。
And Buenos, Aires, the city associated with the most passionate dance on the planet, tango, rounds off the top five。
Sydney offers up a different type of fellow at number six, where fun-loving, blond-streaked surfer dudes will be more than happy to take the globe-trotting girls for a stroll on Bondi Beach。
Its back to smouldering sophistication in seventh place, as gorgeous Spanish stallions reap the reward for seducing women over tapas and a glass of red wine。
The fair-haired intellectuals of Germany come next - and where better to meet a handsome man than in while soaking up the nightlife of buzzing Berlin?
Italian stallions just make it into the top ten, in ninth position, with their swarthy good looks winning over women from around the world, while sleek
Tel-Aviv takes tenth position. Based on the beach and bathed in sunshine, it is no surprise that the Israeli city is home to toned, tanned and trendy men。
安乐死 辩论10-25
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