Module 5 My school day Unit 2We start work at nine o’clock

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What time is it?

It’s nine o’clock.

What time is it? It’shalf past five.

What time is it? It’sten to eight.

What time is it? It’s twenty-five to eleven.

Lessons begin at eight.

When do you start work We start work (开始工作 /学 ? 习) at eight. (开始工作 /学习)

Talk about your school day 1.When do you get up(起床)? 2.When do you have breakfast(吃早 饭)?

3.When does your school day start?4.When do you have lunch(吃午饭)?

5.When do you have dinner(吃晚饭)?

1.How many lessons are there in the evening(晚上)?

2.When do you go home?4. What are your favourite lessons?

3.What do you do at home in the evening?

5.What is your favourite sport?

Alex Greenall

We start work at nine o’clock.

Important words & expressions(表达)go to school 上学 weekday 工作日 get up 起床 吃早餐 have breadfast house 房子 休息一会儿 have a break 回家 go home 在晚上 in the evening 看电视 watch TV 吃晚饭,吃正餐 have dinner 做家庭作业 do homework go to bed 上床睡觉 go to sleep 入睡

Please recite (背诵) them quickly.

have lunch leave school go to bed

play football

start work

have breakfast

Read the passage and put the pictures in order(排顺序).a






have breakfast start work

have a break

have lunch

go home

go to bed

Read the passage and find the time.7:30 9:00 11:00

have breakfast start work12:30 3:30

have a break10:00

have lunch

go home

go to bed

Read again and underline the correct expressions1 I get up /start work at half past seven. P1 2 We have a break / have lunch at half past twelve. P4 3 I go home / watch TV in the evening. P6 4 I do my homework / see my friends in the evening. P6 5 I go home / go to sleep at ten o’clock. P6

get up go to school start lessons have lunch go home do my homework have dinner go to bed


I’m Alex Greenall. I _______ get up at half past seven ___ in the morning. I go to school at ______________ start at nine half past eight and lessons _____ o’clock. We have _____ three lessons in the morning. We have ___________ a break at eleven o’clock. I don’t like ________. football We have lunch at ______________. half past twelve Lessons start in the afternoon at _____________. half past one We have ____ two lessons in the afternoon. We _________ go home at half past three. I go to bed at _____ ten o’clock.

B. 汉译英: get up 1. 起床__________________________ at half past seven 2. 在7点30分_____________________ have breakfast 3. 早餐__________________________ next to 4. 在…旁边______________________ go to school 5. 去上学________________________ have lessons 6. 上课__________________________ have a break 7. 课间休息______________________ talk to my friends 8. 与我的朋友交谈_______________ go to the playground 9. 去游乐场______________________ play football 10. 踢足球__________________


