新世纪大学英语教程-复旦大学出版社-第2册教案1 - 图文

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教师: 序号: 授课时间 授课班级 学习内容 上课地点 课时 8 Unit 1 Time Management 1. Basic linguistic elements of phonetics ,grammar and vocabulary; 专业能力 2. Basic reading, speaking, reading, writing and translating skills; 3. Basic knowledge of culture. 教学目标 1. Learn how to study and work. 方法能力 2. Develop the ability to continuous development and to solve problems creatively. 社会能力 Learn to co-exist and to be a man with responsibilities for society. The aims of this term are to cultivate the students’ study methods and the potential 群体 abilities for further study. 目标教学环境 教学方法 Multimedia Room Task-based approach,Interaction 教学过程设计 Listening & Speaking(2 periods) I. Listen to the upcoming short talk and complete the related statements below accordingly. Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful. (10minutes) 1) We can’t gain more time for ourselves with technology: time is , so it’s not something that we can lose. 2) We often have the feeling that “time flies” because we are in terms of pace. 3) We can learn how to pick up the right skills and tools . II. Listen to the short talk again and fill in the blanks below with the missing words. (15minutes) Hello class, There goes the bell! Time for class, everybody. Class begins 1) because otherwise we would have to run over time. And no one would like that, would you?! Can you imagine what our lives would be like 2) ? Hard to imagine, isn’t it? We humans may have invented time, but we’ve never been able to actually 3) . Technology can’t help us gain more time for ourselves either because in fact time is 4) . So it’s not something we can either gain or lose. “Time” as we know it results from our impression of the 5) . Because time can not be created, only spent, we humans have 6) into time-conscious beings. This sensitivity often leads us, unfortunately, to the feeling that “7) ,” that too much time has passed by before 8) . You know why? It’s partly because we value life and don’t want to see it end. But it’s also partly because our living pace is getting 9) with every passing year.

By that I mean we are living 10) . As a result, most of us are becoming multitaskers — we write emails while talking on the phone, eat while driving, or cook dinner with the TV on, etc. You didn’t think you’re the only one doing that kind of stuff, did you? For sure, no: we are all just the same. So today we 11) to manage time. If we can pick up the right skills and tools to 12) , our experience of life will be that we have more time — even if that’s not literally so. III. Cherie and Victor are talking about time. Listen to their conversation and then decide whether the conversation-based statements below are true (T) or false (F). Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful. (15minutes) ______1) Neither Cherie nor Victor wants to be a slave to time. ______2) Something can be done about the clock, as suggested by Cherie. ______3) According to Victor, life is about how many things you can do. IV. Listen to the conversation again and answer the following questions. (15minutes) 1) What are Cherie and Victor talking about? __________________________________________ 2) What are time slaves? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3) Why does Victor think that being a time slave is “an issue of choice”? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4) What does Victor mean when he says that we can do something about ourselves? _________________________________________________ 5) What is life all about according to Victor? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ V. Dennis and Belle are talking at lunch. Listen to their conversation and then answer the questions below by choosing the best response. Getting to know the following useful language first might be helpful. (15minutes) 1) Where is this conversation most probably taking place? A) Because she is a slow eater. B) Because she eats fast. C) Because she is sick. D) In an eating place. 2) Why is Belle leaving so much of her lunch? A) In a shop. B) In a library. C) In a classroom. D) Because she is in a hurry. 3) What is Dennis trying to do? A) A sweetheart. B) A liar(撒谎者). C) A slow eater. D) To pace Belle. 4) What does Dennis think Belle is? A) To finish lunch as soon as possible. B) To lunch with Belle. C) To eat less at lunch. D) A time slave. 5) What is Dennis trying to say? A) Talk less and eat more. B) Lunch is late. C) Life is hard. D) To enjoy lunch is to enjoy life. 二、Preview new words (15minutes) 三、Homework (5minutes) Recite new words. Feedback Text A & Exercise (4 periods) I. Warm-up(5minutes) II. To learn the words of text A. (15minutes) III. To Explain the language points of text A(90minutes) 1. Time-Out: This word has different meanings in different contexts. As the title of the text, it means “a brief suspension of activity; intermission or break.” The author believes that people try to do too much at the same time, but accomplish less, and with less good results. She suggests we “take a break” (time-out) from such overloading, and take a true, merited “time-out” only when an appropriate amount of the main task has been completed. 2. create vt. make (sth.) happen or exist 创造 e.g. The new factory is expected to create more than 400 new jobs. 3. You can only control your own actions and what you are going to do with the time you have. 你只能用你有的时间来控制自己的行动和你准备做的事情。句中动词control后有两个宾语:your own actions和what you are going to do。 what you are going to do的意思相当于things that you are going to do。 4. turn in: hand in 上交 Eg. The professor let the students study the traffic problems last week and is now waiting for them to turn in their papers. 5. clue n. 线索;提示 e.g. I haven’t a clue what I’ll give George for his birthday next year. This gave me a clue as to the source of the problem. Her clothes may give us a clue to her age. 6. work on: try hard to improve or achieve (sth.) 努力改善;努力完成 Eg. You need to work on your pronunciation a bit more. John has been working on an English textbook with Prof. Lee. 7. advice n. an opinion or a suggestion about what sb. should do in a particular situation 忠告;建议;意见 e.g. You should really listen to the doctor’s advice and eat less. 你应该听医生的忠告,少吃些。 Most foreigners have now left the country on the advice of their governments. 大多数外国人现在都已根据他们政府的建议离开了这个国家。 8. Suggest vt. put forward (an idea or a plan) for other people to think about 建议 e.g. I suggest you tell him there was a mistake in his plan. 我建议你告诉他,他的计划中有一个错误。 They had little choice but to agree to what he suggested. 他们几乎没有选择,只能同意他的建议。 9. priority n. sth. that you think is more important than other things and should be dealt with first 优先考虑的事 e.g. Working on your time management skills should be a top priority. 努力改善你的时间管理技能应当成为最优先考虑的事情。 He says setting priorities is of great importance. 他说确定轻重缓急很重要。 10. … it really depends on your personal preferences and what feels right. ……这确实取决于你个人的偏爱和是否觉得合适。 depends on后面有两个宾语:your personal preferences和what feels right。第二个宾语what feels right相当于anything that feels right。 11. figure out: think about (sb./sth.) until you understand them/it 弄懂;想清楚;弄明 eg. No one could figure out how he got to be so wealthy. 12. magical a. containing magic; wonderful 有魔力的;奇妙的 e.g. Harry Potter is a boy with magical powers. 哈里·波特是一个有魔力的男孩 I’ll never forget that magical evening we spent together. 我永远都不会忘记我们共同度过的那个奇妙的晚上。 13. depend vi. 视…而定,取决(于);依靠(on,upon)

