高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
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高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
高三英语第一轮复习教案Senior Book I Unit 3 – Unit 4 张锦堂
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
1. consider – consideration 2. simply – simplify – simplification
3. nature – natural – naturally4. base – basic – basically
5. similar – similarity6. response – responsibly – responsibility
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
7. combine – combination 8. particular – particularity 9. forget – unforgettable 10. scare – scared 11. fright – frighten – frightened
12. agent -- agency
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
Words and expressions.
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
1. consider vt. 考虑; 认为 (pro) n. v-ing consider vt. 考虑 + wh- + to do clauseconsider vt. 认为 + (pro) n. + (to be) n. (to be) adj. as to have done
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
I am considering going abroad(出国).We are considering how to improve our living conditions(如何提高我们的生活水平). They have considered whether they’ll take the advice(他们是否接受这个建议). We consider him (as / to be) one of our best friends(我们的好朋友之一).
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
Do you consider it (is) wrong to tell lies(说谎是错误的)?
Charles Babbage is generally considered to have invented the first computer(发明了 第一台电脑)We consider that the driver is not to blame (这不是司机的过错).
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
2. means n. 方法;方式;手段 So far every possible means has been tried (都尝试了), but none has worked. So far all possible means have been tried (都尝试了), but there was no result. 短语:by all means (当然可以), by no means (决不), by any means (无论如何), by this means (用这种方法), by means of (借助于)
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
He climbed the tree by means of a ladder.You cannot do it other than by this means. --- May I use your dictionary? --- Yes, by all means. in this way --- Am I wrong? with this method --- No, by no means. Could you by any means lend me some money? By no means should he be left alone.
in no way, at no time, on no account, in / under no circumstances
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
3. strike 1) 打,击,敲 The stone struck me on the side of the head. 2)(钟)敲响. The clock has just struck twelve 3) 划. He struck a match and lit a cigarette. 4) 打动. 引起. His words struck fear in the listeners. 5) 罢工. go on strike; be on strike 6) 迷住、吸引. I was struck by the beauty of the West Lake. 7) 想起. A good idea struck me.
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
4. separate v. 分离;分开;分手 adj. 单独的;各自的 separately adv. Will you please separate the two boys who are fighting (把那两个打架的孩子拉开)? The two friends separated at the crossings (在 十字路口分手). They have gone to separate places (不同的地方). The children sleep in separate beds (分别睡在各 自的床上). It’s hard to get them together because they live separately (他们住得分散).
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
Cf. separate … from… ,divide … into …
The teacher always divide his students into several groups in class. Can you separate the good apples from the bad ones?
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
5. as well as 和…一样好; 同,和,并,既…又…
plays volleyball as well as you (排球打 得和你一样好).It is important for you as well as for me (不仅对于我而且对于你). She is clever as well as good-looking (既漂 亮又聪明). E-mail, as well as telephones, is playing an important part in daily communication.
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
Cf. as well as / as well 也He is good at playing basketball, and playing the piano as well . This book tells about Lu Xun’s life as well as his writings. Lucy is not only a student in a university but a teacher in a middle school as well. If that is the case, we may as well try.
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
6. seize v. 逮住;抓住;占领;理解;(疾病)侵袭 The spy has been seized by our soldiers (被我们 的士兵逮住了). The enemy army seized the town (攻取了小镇). I don’t quite seize your meaning (不太明白你的 意思). At that time he was seized with the flu (患流感). In frights(惊恐中), she seized him by the arm (抓住他的膀子). seize an opportunity 抓住机会 take, hold,catch, lead,
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
Cf. seize / catch / take How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger’s lair? They took control of the business from the others. Seize the day, seize the hour.seize 表示突然,迅速地用力 “抓住”又表示 夺取政权或抓住时机. catch 表示 “抓住或发觉”某种难以捉摸,不 易抓获的东西, 其喻义是 “理解” take 则表示 “拿,抢或获得”
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
7. experience n. C 经历(的事) U 经验 v. 体验;经历 experienced adj. I had a pleasant experience (一次愉快的经 历) in Tibet. She has twenty years’ experience in teaching (二十年的教学经验). Mr. Zhang is an English teacher with rich experience (有丰富的经验). He is an experienced doctor (有经验的医 生).
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 4
Key points
高三英语第一轮复习教案 Senior Book I Unit 3 - Unit 407-29
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