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In or der to e nsur e normal tea chi ng or der, prote cting st ude nts ' healt hy growt h, ensuri ng that nati onal (pr operty) is not l ost, to prevent or minimize the occurrence of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, e nsure safety and reduce l osses" pri nci ple, a ccor ding t o the l ocal conditi ons, make t he manageme nt system. 1, t he pri nci pal is t he responsi bility of school safety, school secur ity under the leader shi p of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he lea dershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the accounta bility system. 2, school mont hly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on should be diversified i n the form every safety educati on for students of classes per week should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd mut ual rescue k nowledge. Emergency calls (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common sense in e ducation. 3, t he esta blishment of major a ccide nt reporti ng system. School st ude nts re port major accide nt within a n hour of educati on; student r un a nd disa ppe arance s to re port ; report of the accide nt to a written re port i n tripli cate, a corre ctional centre, a police station, a tow nship people's Gover nment shall not concea l the a cci de nt. 4 w eek, tea chers are on duty system, esta blish and improve the le adership values; strengt hen the e ducation, manageme nt of tea chi ng activitie s in schools to ensure normal tea chi ng or der; re sponsible for school safety lea dership alway s maintai ned close conta ct and di strict poli ce stations, canva ssing support from the police station on school safet y a nd help. 5, strengthe ning teachers ' moral education, e stablish a dedi cated l ove, impr oving e ducation quality, observe t he st ude nts ' psychologi cal cha nges at a ny time and take preventive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert cor poral punishment o n st udents, st ude nt out of the cla ssroom, schools may not be. 6, units or de partments use student Street propaganda or participate i n the celebrati ons, as well a s partici pating i n other social work, without approval of the Corre ctional Ce ntre, school pri nci pals consent, without organi zation. Without the a ppr oval of relevant departments, may organize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fig hting, di saster relief and so on. 7, school s shoul d educate st ude nts to obey the school rules a nd reg ulations, on time, on time home t o prevent a cci dent s. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regular basis, found hi dde n in time, a nd in severe ca ses, it is hard to elimi nate immediately cl ose d, and reported to the local pe ople's Gover nment, education, and rule of law secti on. 9, t he school shoul d always check t he inter nal walls, retaining wa lls, ponds, raili ngs, handrails, doors, Window s, stairca ses a nd a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilitie s such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately re pair and demoliti on to ensure that teachers a nd st ude nts work , learn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia ping e lementary school Mar ch 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng primary school fire safety systems to en hance fire safety, protecti on of publi c pr operty a nd the life and pr operty safety of teachers a nd st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day manageme nt, is developing the following fire safety system. 1, stre ngthe n fire safety educati on of the whole school. A cc ording to t he requirements of the Fire Servi ces Act, so that every one has of keeping fire control safety, prote cting fire control facilitie s, fire preventi on, re ports of fire

lectricity li nes, e qui pment inspe ctions, found hi dde n in time for rectification, maintena nce, and se curity. 9, do not use an ope n flame in the classr oom, prohibit burni ng stove, l it candles, mosquito re pelle nt, no smoki ng, a nd banning messy wiri

ng. Without usi ng any househ old a pplia nce s is not a llowed. 10, live on campus faculty members, must lea d by example, a nd e ducate families and childr en ready t o fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to master pr oper usage, pay attention to the leak -pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closi ng valve after use to ensure se curit y. 12, dini ng room must be qualifie d, and annual testi ng of pressure ve ssels, to regularly che ck, the cante en w orkers must be certified, strictly by operati on operation, gas ta nk and stove safety di stance of 1.5 meters, t o prevent a cci de nts. 13, t he adver se consequences caused by ig nori ng fire safety regulations, will be puni she d, until inv estigate d for legal responsibility. S ong Li n Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016 Xia ng Liu Jia ping eleme ntary school, pine slopes surrounding safety management system 1 tea cher s and student s, the surrounding are a of the school governa nce covers per sonal and food hygie ne, cultural events a nd other a spe cts, i

ntegrated gover nance shall obtain w ide support a nd f ull cooperation of the community. On the surrounding environment in schools should be closely monit ored. 2, school w ork at the same time, s hould pay attention to the safety management of school environment, shoul d take the i nitiative to conta ct the district poli ce stati on, t he village Committee, Correcti ona l Centre, ow nship gover nment, busine ss manageme nt and ot her de partments t o do a good j ob ma nagement. 3, teacher on duty with t he exce ption of inspe ctions in schools, shoul d also pay attenti on to environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found that t he jobless migrants from rural area s, for example, harassment of students a nd a variety of accide nts, a ccording t o different sit uations reported school officials or t he police station i n a timely manner, t o prote ct the safety of stude nts. 4, every day before school, tea chers remi nd st ude nts, pay atte ntion t o traffic safety. 5, should e ducate stude nts to respect social ethi cs, a nd vari

ous r egulations, mai ntaini ng publi c order, a nd fight the bad g uys, a nd grasp the corre ct ways and means of maintaini ng and improvi ng student s ' self-care ability. 6, the esta blishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on hig h alert a nd depl oyed. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia ping el ementary school M arch 2016 song Lin Xia ng Li u Jia ping primary school teachers and stude nts organi zations out of safety management system organizati on a ctivities betwee n teachers a nd st ude nts, to draw up a pre cise plan and security measures must be sig ned by the school officials to revie w the programme of activities agreed upon Correcti onal Center agreed to im pl ement. Organi zation to the fiel d relatively far or activitie s require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of se curit y. 2, ea ch a ctivity shoul d have a specific responsibility, pay attenti on to t he per sons age, physical match. Route 3, activitie s, location, field surveys should be carrie d out i n adva nce. 4, activities for t he means of transport shoul d explai n the situation to the school to compl y with vehicl e, safety requir ements, before the li ne for repairs. 5, each activity must have se curit y, emergency response pla n for accide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attenti on to fire preve ntion, food poisoning , preventi on of fall accidents 7, t he activitie s near the rivers, reserv oirs, no measure s or do not meet the security requirements of the Organi zation a nd not let stude nts into t he water


In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ensure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s the re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, managem nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng primary school fire safety systems to e nha nce fire safety, protecti on of public pr operty a nd the life and property safety of teachers a nd st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing t he followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengt hen fire safety educat ion of the w hol e school. Accor ding to t he requirements of the Fire Service s Act, so that everyone ha s of keepi ng fire control safety, protecti ng fire control facilities, f ire preventi on, re ports of fire

lectricity li nes, equipment i nspecti ons, found hidden in time for re ctification, mainte nance, a nd security. 9, do not use an open flame i n the classroom, prohibit bur ning stove, lit candles, mosquito r epell ent, no sm oking, and ba nni ng messy wiri ng. Wit hout usi ng any house hol d appliances is not allowed. 10, l ive on cam pus faculty member s, must lea d by exam ple, a nd e ducate families a nd chil dren rea dy to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, t o master pr oper usage, pay attenti on to t he leak -pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualified, and annua l testing of pressure vessels, t o reg ularly check, t he cantee n workers m ust be certified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, t o preve nt accide nts. 13, the adverse consequences caused by ignoring fire safety regulati ons, will be punished, until investigated for l egal responsibility. S ong Lin Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng eleme ntary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang Liu Jia pi ng elementary school, pine sl opes surroundi ng safety management sy stem 1 teachers and students, the surrounding area of the school gover nance covers personal and food hygie ne, cultural eve nts and ot her aspects, integrated gover nance shall obtain wi de support a nd full co operation of the comm unity. On t he surroundi ng envir onme nt in schools shoul d be closely monit ored. 2, school work at t he same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to conta ct the di strict polic e station, the village Committee, Correcti onal Centre, ow nshi p gover nment, busi ness ma nagement a nd other departments t o do a good job manageme nt. 3, tea cher on duty with t he exce ption of inspe ctions in school s, should al so pay attenti on to environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found t hat the joble ss migrants from rural area s, for example , harassme nt of students a nd a variety of a cci dents, accordi ng to different sit uations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a timely manner, t o prote ct the safety of stude nts. 4, every day before school, teachers remi nd st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, should e ducate students t o respect social et hics, and various regulations, maintai ning public order, and fight the ba d guys, and grasp t he cor rect ways a nd mea ns of maintaini ng and improvi ng students ' self-care a bilit y. 6, the establi shme nt of emergency re scue teams of teachers i n schools, on high al ert and de ploye d. Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng elementary school March 2016 song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng primary school teachers a nd students organizati ons out of safety management system orga nization activitie s betw een tea cher s and students, t o draw up a preci se pla n and se curity measures must be sig ned by the school officials to revi ew the programme of activitie s agreed upon Correcti onal Center agre ed to im plement. Organizati on to t he field re latively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity should have a spe cific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age , physical match. Route 3, a ctivities, l ocati on, fiel d surveys shoul d be carried out in a dvance. 4, a ctivities for the mea ns of transport should ex plain t he situati on to t he school to comply wit h vehi cle, safety req uirements, before the line f or repairs. 5, each activity must have se curity, emergency re sponse pla n for acci dent s. 6, pi cni cs, hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attention to fire preve ntion, food poi soning, preventi on of fall accide nts 7, the activities near the rivers, reservoir s, no measure s or do not meet the se curity requirements of the Or ganization and not let st ude nts into t he water


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《二》屏;该显示屏采用单元板 箱体组装,整屏由(长)16单元板×(高)16个共256张单元板,P5表贴三合一参数: 序号

项目名称 参数及指标



像素间距 5mm 2

像素组成 1R1G1B 3 像数密度 40000(点/㎡) 0.32*4.45934㎡*40000=57079.

12800元/平方米 模组(长宽)


单元板尺寸 160×160(mm ) 2

单元像数点数 32×32(点) 3 峰值功耗 1200(≤W/㎡)

In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ens ure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s t he re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, manageme nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016

song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protecti on of publi property and the life and property safety of teachers and st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is dev eloping the followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. Accordi ng to the requireme nts of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, prote cting fire control facilities, fire prevention, report of fire LED 电子显示屏设计方案


lectricity line s, equi pment inspe ctions, found hidden in time for rectification, mainte nance, and secur ity. 9, do not use an open flame in the classroom, prohibit burni ng stove, lit candle s, mosquito repe llent, no smoking, and banning messy wiring. Without using any household applia nce is not allowed. 10, live on campus facult y members, must lead by example, and educate families and chil dren ready to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the leak-pr oof, explosi on-pr oof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure se curity. 12, dini ng room must be qualifie d, and annual testing of pressure vessel s, to regularly che ck, the cantee n workers must be certified, strictly by operation operati on, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent acci dents. 13, the adverse conse quen ces caused by ignoring fire safety regulations, will be punished, until investigated for legal responsi bilit y. Song n Xiang u Jia ping elementary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang u Jia ping elementary school, pi ne slo pes surroundi ng safety management system 1 teachers and students, the surroundi ng area of the school governa nce covers persona and food hygiene, cultural events and other aspects, integrated gover nance shal obtain wi de support and full cooperation of the communit y. On the surroundi ng environment in schools shoul d be closely monitore d. 2, school work at the same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, should take the initiative to conta ct the district police station, the village Committee, Corre ctional Centre, Townshi p government, busi ness manageme nt and other department to do a good job management. 3, teacher on dut y with the exception of inspecti ons in school s, should also pay attention to environmental inspe ctions near the campus, found that the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassment of students and a variety of accidents, accor ding to different situations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a timely manner, to prote ct the safety of students. 4, every day before school, teachers remind stude nts, pay attention to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate stude nts to respe ct socia ethics, and various regulations, maintaini ng public or der, and fight the bad guys, and grasp the correct ways and means of maintaining and improving students self-care ability. 6, the establishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on high alert and de ploye d. Song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school teachers and students organi zations out of safety management system organization activitie betwee n teachers and students, to draw up a pre cise pla n and se curity m easures must be sig ned by the school officials to review the programme of activities agreed upon Corre ctional Center agreed to implement. Organizati on to the field relatively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity shoul d have a specific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physi cal match. Route 3, activities, locati on, field survey should be carrie d out in adva nce. 4, activities for the means of transport shoul d explain the situati on to the school to comply with vehi cle, safety requireme nts, before the line for repairs. 5, each activity must have securit y, emergency response pla n for accide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, picnic to pay attention to fire prevention, food poisoning, preventi on of fall accident7, the activities near the rivers, reservoirs, no measures or do not meet the security requir ements of the Organizati on and not let

students into the water LED 显示屏技术文档 3 -

4 平均功耗500(≤W/㎡)


1 屏幕亮度1800cd/平方

2 亮度调节手动软件可调


1 可视角度120度(左右视角均可达60度)

2 显示模式1024*768或800*600

3 最佳距离20米

4 盲点率≤0.0002

5 显示颜色

6 灰度等级无

7 换帧速度≥60(帧/秒)

8 最大刷新频率大于120HZ

9 驱动电压(V) 5.0~5.5

10 扫描方式1/8

11 驱动方式5026

12 控制方式与计算机监视器同步或异步

13 供电要求AC220V

14 屏幕寿命≥10万小时

15 控制接口DVI或RS232

16 系统工作环境温度-10℃~50℃

17 系统工作环境湿度10%~90%RH



In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ensure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s the re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student

report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, managem nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a

participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016

song Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng primary school fire safety systems to e nha nce fire safety, protecti on of public pr operty a nd the life and property safety of teachers a nd st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing t he followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengt hen fire safety educat ion of the w hol e school. Accor ding to t he requirements of the Fire Service s Act, so that everyone ha s of keepi ng fire control safety, protecti ng fire control facilities, f ire preventi on, re ports of fire














lectricity li nes, equipment i nspecti ons, found hidden in time for re ctification, mainte nance, a nd security. 9, do not use an open flame i n the classroom, prohibit bur ning stove, lit candles, mosquito r epell ent, no sm oking, and ba nni ng messy wiri ng. Wit hout usi ng any house hol d appliances is not allowed. 10, l ive on cam pus faculty member s, must lea d by exam ple, a nd e ducate families a nd chil dren rea dy to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, t o master pr oper usage, pay attenti on to t he leak-pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualified, and annua l testing of pressure vessels, t o reg ularly check, t he cantee n workers m ust be certified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, t o preve nt accide nts. 13, the adverse consequences caused by ignoring fire safety regulati ons, will be punished, until investigated for l egal responsibility. S ong Lin Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng eleme ntary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang Liu Jia pi ng

elementary school, pine sl opes surroundi ng safety management sy stem 1 teachers and students, the surrounding area of the school gover nance covers personal and food hygie ne, cultural eve nts and ot her aspects, integrated gover nance shall obtain wi de support a nd full co operation of the comm unity. On t he surroundi ng envir onme nt in schools shoul d be closely monit ored. 2, school work at t he same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to conta ct the di strict polic e station, the village Committee, Correcti onal Centre, ow nshi p gover nment, busi ness ma nagement a nd other departments t o do a good job manageme nt. 3, tea cher on duty with t he exce ption of inspe ctions in school s, should al so pay attenti on to environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found t hat the joble ss migrants from rural area s, for example, harassme nt of students a nd a variety of a cci dents, accordi ng to different sit uations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a

timely manner, t o prote ct the safety of stude nts. 4, every day before school, teachers remi nd st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, should e ducate students t o respect social et hics, and various regulations, maintai ning public order, and fight the ba d guys, and grasp t he cor rect ways a nd mea ns of maintaini ng and improvi ng students ' self-care a bilit y. 6, the establi shme nt of emergency re scue teams of teachers i n schools, on high al ert and de ploye d. Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng elementary school March 2016 song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng primary school teachers a nd students organizati ons out of safety management system orga nization activitie s betw een tea cher s and students, t o draw up a preci se pla n and se curity measures must be sig ned by the school officials to revi ew the programme of activitie s agreed upon Correcti onal Center agre ed to im plement. Organizati on to t he field re latively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity should

have a spe cific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physical match. Route 3, a ctivities, l ocati on, fiel d surveys shoul d be carried out in a dvance. 4, a ctivities for the mea ns of transport should ex plain t he situati on to t he school to comply wit h vehi cle, safety req uirements, before the line f or repairs. 5, each activity must have se curity, emergency re sponse pla n for acci dent s. 6, pi cni cs, hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attention to fire preve ntion, food poi soning, preventi on of fall accide nts 7, the activities near the rivers, reservoir s, no measure s or do not meet the se curity requirements of the Or ganization and not let st ude nts into t he water

In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ens ure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s t he re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, manageme nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016

song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protecti on of publi property and the life and property safety of teachers and st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is dev eloping the followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. Accordi ng to the requireme nts of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, prote cting fire control facilities, fire prevention, report of fire LED 电子显示屏设计方案


lectricity line s, equi pment inspe ctions, found hidden in time for rectification, mainte nance, and secur ity. 9, do not use an open flame in the classroom, prohibit burni ng stove, lit candle s, mosquito repe llent, no smoking, and banning messy wiring. Without using any household applia nce is not allowed. 10, live on campus facult y members, must lead by example, and educate families and chil dren ready to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the leak-pr oof, explosi on-pr oof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure se curity. 12, dini ng room must be qualifie d, and annual testing of pressure vessel s, to regularly che ck, the cantee n workers must be certified, strictly by operation operati on, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent acci dents. 13, the adverse conse quen ces caused by ignoring fire safety regulations, will be punished, until investigated for legal responsi bilit y. Song n Xiang u Jia ping elementary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang u Jia ping elementary school, pi ne slo pes surroundi ng safety management system 1 teachers and students, the surroundi ng area of the school governa nce covers persona and food hygiene, cultural events and other aspects, integrated gover nance shal obtain wi de support and full cooperation of the communit y. On the surroundi ng environment in schools shoul d be closely monitore d. 2, school work at the same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, should take the initiative to conta ct the district police station, the village Committee, Corre ctional Centre, Townshi p government, busi ness manageme nt and other department to do a good job management. 3, teacher on dut y with the exception of inspecti ons in school s, should also pay attention to environmental inspe ctions near the campus, found that the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassment of students and a variety of accidents, accor ding to different situations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a timely manner, to prote ct the safety of students. 4, every day before school, teachers remind stude nts, pay attention to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate stude nts to respe ct socia ethics, and various regulations, maintaini ng public or der, and fight the bad guys, and grasp the correct ways and means of maintaining and improving students self-care ability. 6, the establishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on high alert and de ploye d. Song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school teachers and students organi zations out of safety management system organization activitie betwee n teachers and students, to draw up a pre cise pla n and se curity m easures must be sig ned by the school officials to review the programme of activities agreed upon Corre ctional Center agreed to implement. Organizati on to the field relatively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity shoul d have a specific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physi cal match. Route 3, activities, locati on, field survey should be carrie d out in adva nce. 4, activities for the means of transport shoul d explain the situati on to the school to comply with vehi cle, safety requireme nts, before the line for repairs. 5, each activity must have securit y, emergency response pla n for accide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, picnic to pay attention to fire prevention, food poisoning, preventi on of fall accident7, the activities near the rivers, reservoirs, no measures or do not meet the security requir ements of the Organizati on and not let

students into the water LED 显示屏技术文档 5 -






·二、三维动画:采用目前的通用软件,3DAX COOL3D XARA等制

作,通过ACDSEE IC5H 上屏播放。














In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ensure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s the re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student

report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, managem nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a

participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016

song Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng primary school fire safety systems to e nha nce fire safety, protecti on of public pr operty a nd the life and property safety of teachers a nd st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing t he followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengt hen fire safety educat ion of the w hol e school. Accor ding to t he requirements of the Fire Service s Act, so that everyone ha s of keepi ng fire control safety, protecti ng fire control facilities, f ire preventi on, re ports of fire


2)、ANI4.0和3D STUDIO MAX2.5是通用的二维三维动画制作软件,流行国际市场,具有3建模、渲染、多种材料库选择,

















lectricity li nes, equipment i nspecti ons, found hidden in time for re ctification, mainte nance, a nd security. 9, do not use an open flame i n the classroom, prohibit bur ning stove, lit candles, mosquito r epell ent, no sm oking, and ba nni ng messy wiri ng. Wit hout usi ng any house hol d appliances is not allowed. 10, l ive on cam pus faculty member s, must lea d by exam ple, a nd e ducate families a nd chil dren rea dy to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, t o master pr oper usage, pay attenti on to t he leak-pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualified, and annua l testing of pressure vessels, t o reg ularly check, t he cantee n workers m ust be certified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, t o preve nt accide nts. 13, the adverse consequences caused by ignoring fire safety regulati ons, will be punished, until investigated for l egal responsibility. S ong Lin Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng eleme ntary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang Liu Jia pi ng

elementary school, pine sl opes surroundi ng safety management sy stem 1 teachers and students, the surrounding area of the school gover nance covers personal and food hygie ne, cultural eve nts and ot her aspects, integrated gover nance shall obtain wi de support a nd full co operation of the comm unity. On t he surroundi ng envir onme nt in schools shoul d be closely monit ored. 2, school work at t he same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to conta ct the di strict polic e station, the village Committee, Correcti onal Centre, ow nshi p gover nment, busi ness ma nagement a nd other departments t o do a good job manageme nt. 3, tea cher on duty with t he exce ption of inspe ctions in school s, should al so pay attenti on to environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found t hat the joble ss migrants from rural area s, for example, harassme nt of students a nd a variety of a cci dents, accordi ng to different sit uations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a

timely manner, t o prote ct the safety of stude nts. 4, every day before school, teachers remi nd st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, should e ducate students t o respect social et hics, and various regulations, maintai ning public order, and fight the ba d guys, and grasp t he cor rect ways a nd mea ns of maintaini ng and improvi ng students ' self-care a bilit y. 6, the establi shme nt of emergency re scue teams of teachers i n schools, on high al ert and de ploye d. Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng elementary school March 2016 song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng primary school teachers a nd students organizati ons out of safety management system orga nization activitie s betw een tea cher s and students, t o draw up a preci se pla n and se curity measures must be sig ned by the school officials to revi ew the programme of activitie s agreed upon Correcti onal Center agre ed to im plement. Organizati on to t he field re latively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity should

have a spe cific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physical match. Route 3, a ctivities, l ocati on, fiel d surveys shoul d be carried out in a dvance. 4, a ctivities for the mea ns of transport should ex plain t he situati on to t he school to comply wit h vehi cle, safety req uirements, before the line f or repairs. 5, each activity must have se curity, emergency re sponse pla n for acci dent s. 6, pi cni cs, hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attention to fire preve ntion, food poi soning, preventi on of fall accide nts 7, the activities near the rivers, reservoir s, no measure s or do not meet the se curity requirements of the Or ganization and not let st ude nts into t he water

In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ens ure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s t he re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, manageme nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016

song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protecti on of publi property and the life and property safety of teachers and st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is dev eloping the followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. Accordi ng to the requireme nts of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, prote cting fire control facilities, fire prevention, report of fire LED 电子显示屏设计方案


lectricity line s, equi pment inspe ctions, found hidden in time for rectification, mainte nance, and secur ity. 9, do not use an open flame in the classroom, prohibit burni ng stove, lit candle s, mosquito repe llent, no smoking, and banning messy wiring. Without using any household applia nce is not allowed. 10, live on campus facult y members, must lead by example, and educate families and chil dren ready to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the leak-pr oof, explosi on-pr oof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure se curity. 12, dini ng room must be qualifie d, and annual testing of pressure vessel s, to regularly che ck, the cantee n workers must be certified, strictly by operation operati on, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent acci dents. 13, the adverse conse quen ces caused by ignoring fire safety regulations, will be punished, until investigated for legal responsi bilit y. Song n Xiang u Jia ping elementary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang u Jia ping elementary school, pi ne slo pes surroundi ng safety management system 1 teachers and students, the surroundi ng area of the school governa nce covers persona and food hygiene, cultural events and other aspects, integrated gover nance shal obtain wi de support and full cooperation of the communit y. On the surroundi ng environment in schools shoul d be closely monitore d. 2, school work at the same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, should take the initiative to conta ct the district police station, the village Committee, Corre ctional Centre, Townshi p government, busi ness manageme nt and other department to do a good job management. 3, teacher on dut y with the exception of inspecti ons in school s, should also pay attention to environmental inspe ctions near the campus, found that the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassment of students and a variety of accidents, accor ding to different situations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a timely manner, to prote ct the safety of students. 4, every day before school, teachers remind stude nts, pay attention to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate stude nts to respe ct socia ethics, and various regulations, maintaini ng public or der, and fight the bad guys, and grasp the correct ways and means of maintaining and improving students self-care ability. 6, the establishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on high alert and de ploye d. Song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school teachers and students organi zations out of safety management system organization activitie betwee n teachers and students, to draw up a pre cise pla n and se curity m easures must be sig ned by the school officials to review the programme of activities agreed upon Corre ctional Center agreed to implement. Organizati on to the field relatively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity shoul d have a specific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physi cal match. Route 3, activities, locati on, field survey should be carrie d out in adva nce. 4, activities for the means of transport shoul d explain the situati on to the school to comply with vehi cle, safety requireme nts, before the line for repairs. 5, each activity must have securit y, emergency response pla n for accide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, picnic to pay attention to fire prevention, food poisoning, preventi on of fall accident7, the activities near the rivers, reservoirs, no measures or do not meet the security requir ements of the Organizati on and not let

students into the water LED 显示屏技术文档7 -















In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ensure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s the re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student

report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, managem nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a

participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016

song Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng primary school fire safety systems to e nha nce fire safety, protecti on of public pr operty a nd the life and property safety of teachers a nd st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing t he followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengt hen fire safety educat ion of the w hol e school. Accor ding to t he requirements of the Fire Service s Act, so that everyone ha s of keepi ng fire control safety, protecti ng fire control facilities, f ire preventi on, re ports of fire






















lectricity li nes, equipment i nspecti ons, found hidden in time for re ctification, mainte nance, a nd security. 9, do not use an open flame i n the classroom, prohibit bur ning stove, lit candles, mosquito r epell ent, no sm oking, and ba nni ng messy wiri ng. Wit hout usi ng any house hol d appliances is not allowed. 10, l ive on cam pus faculty member s, must lea d by exam ple, a nd e ducate families a nd chil dren rea dy to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, t o master pr oper usage, pay attenti on to t he leak-pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualified, and annua l testing of pressure vessels, t o reg ularly check, t he cantee n workers m ust be certified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, t o preve nt accide nts. 13, the adverse consequences caused by ignoring fire safety regulati ons, will be punished, until investigated for l egal responsibility. S ong Lin Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng eleme ntary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang Liu Jia pi ng elementary school, pine sl opes surroundi ng safety management sy stem 1 teachers and students, the surrounding area of the school gover nance covers personal and food hygie ne, cultural eve nts and ot her aspects, integrated gover nance shall obtain wi de support a nd full co operation of the comm unity. On t he surroundi ng envir onme nt in schools shoul d be closely monit ored. 2, school work at t he same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to conta ct the di strict polic e station, the village Committee, Correcti onal Centre, ow nshi p gover nment, busi ness ma nagement a nd other departments t o do a good job manageme nt. 3, tea cher on duty with t he exce ption of inspe ctions in school s, should al so pay attenti on to environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found t hat the joble ss migrants from rural area s, for example, harassme nt of students a nd a variety of a cci dents, accordi ng to different sit uations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a

timely manner, t o prote ct the safety of stude nts. 4, every day before school, teachers remi nd st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, should e ducate students t o respect social et hics, and various regulations, maintai ning public order, and fight the ba d guys, and grasp t he cor rect ways a nd mea ns of maintaini ng and improvi ng students ' self-care a bilit y. 6, the establi shme nt of emergency re scue teams of teachers i n schools, on high al ert and de ploye d. Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng elementary school March 2016 song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng primary school teachers a nd students organizati ons out of safety management system orga nization activitie s betw een tea cher s and students, t o draw up a preci se pla n and se curity measures must be sig ned by the school officials to revi ew the programme of activitie s agreed upon Correcti onal Center agre ed to im plement. Organizati on to t he field re latively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity should

have a spe cific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physical match. Route 3, a ctivities, l ocati on, fiel d surveys shoul d be carried out in a dvance. 4, a ctivities for the mea ns of transport should ex plain t he situati on to t he school to comply wit h vehi cle, safety req uirements, before the line f or repairs. 5, each activity must have se curity, emergency re sponse pla n for acci dent s. 6, pi cni cs, hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attention to fire preve ntion, food poi soning, preventi on of fall accide nts 7, the activities near the rivers, reservoir s, no measure s or do not meet the se curity requirements of the Or ganization and not let st ude nts into t he water

In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ens ure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s t he re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, manageme nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016

song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protecti on of publi property and the life and property safety of teachers and st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is dev eloping the followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. Accordi ng to the requireme nts of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, prote cting fire control facilities, fire prevention, report of fire LED 电子显示屏设计方案


lectricity line s, equi pment inspe ctions, found hidden in time for rectification, mainte nance, and secur ity. 9, do not use an open flame in the classroom, prohibit burni ng stove, lit candle s, mosquito repe llent, no smoking, and banning messy wiring. Without using any household applia nce is not allowed. 10, live on campus facult y members, must lead by example, and educate families and chil dren ready to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the leak-pr oof, explosi on-pr oof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure se curity. 12, dini ng room must be qualifie d, and annual testing of pressure vessel s, to regularly che ck, the cantee n workers must be certified, strictly by operation operati on, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent acci dents. 13, the adverse conse quen ces caused by ignoring fire safety regulations, will be punished, until investigated for legal responsi bilit y. Song n Xiang u Jia ping elementary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang u Jia ping elementary school, pi ne slo pes surroundi ng safety management system 1 teachers and students, the surroundi ng area of the school governa nce covers persona and food hygiene, cultural events and other aspects, integrated gover nance shal obtain wi de support and full cooperation of the communit y. On the surroundi ng environment in schools shoul d be closely monitore d. 2, school work at the same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, should take the initiative to conta ct the district police station, the village Committee, Corre ctional Centre, Townshi p government, busi ness manageme nt and other department to do a good job management. 3, teacher on dut y with the exception of inspecti ons in school s, should also pay attention to environmental inspe ctions near the campus, found that the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassment of students and a variety of accidents, accor ding to different situations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a timely manner, to prote ct the safety of students. 4, every day before school, teachers remind stude nts, pay attention to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate stude nts to respe ct socia ethics, and various regulations, maintaini ng public or der, and fight the bad guys, and grasp the correct ways and means of maintaining and improving students self-care ability. 6, the establishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on high alert and de ploye d. Song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school teachers and students organi zations out of safety management system organization activitie betwee n teachers and students, to draw up a pre cise pla n and se curity m easures must be sig ned by the school officials to review the programme of activities agreed upon Corre ctional Center agreed to implement. Organizati on to the field relatively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity shoul d have a specific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physi cal match. Route 3, activities, locati on, field survey should be carrie d out in adva nce. 4, activities for the means of transport shoul d explain the situati on to the school to comply with vehi cle, safety requireme nts, before the line for repairs. 5, each activity must have securit y, emergency response pla n for accide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, picnic to pay attention to fire prevention, food poisoning, preventi on of fall accident7, the activities near the rivers, reservoirs, no measures or do not meet the security requir ements of the Organizati on and not let

students into the water LED 显示屏技术文档9 -


















In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ensure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s the re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, managem nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng primary school fire safety systems to e nha nce fire safety, protecti on of public pr operty a nd the life and property safety of teachers a nd st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing t he followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengt hen fire safety educat ion of the w hol e school. Accor ding to t he requirements of the Fire Service s Act, so that everyone ha s of keepi ng fire control safety, protecti ng fire control facilities, f ire preventi on, re ports of fire










lectricity li nes, equipment i nspecti ons, found hidden in time for re ctification, mainte nance, a nd security. 9, do not use an open flame i n the classroom, prohibit bur ning stove, lit candles, mosquito r epell ent, no sm oking, and ba nni ng messy wiri ng. Wit hout usi ng any house hol d appliances is not allowed. 10, l ive on cam pus faculty member s, must lea d by exam ple, a nd e ducate families a nd chil dren rea dy to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, t o master pr oper usage, pay attenti on to t he leak-pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualified, and annua l testing of pressure vessels, t o reg ularly check, t he cantee n workers m ust be certified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, t o preve nt accide nts. 13, the adverse consequences caused by ignoring fire safety regulati ons, will be punished, until investigated for l egal responsibility. S ong Lin Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng eleme ntary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang Liu Jia pi ng elementary school, pine sl opes surroundi ng safety management sy stem 1 teachers and students, the surrounding area of the school gover nance covers personal and food hygie ne, cultural eve nts and ot her aspects, integrated gover nance shall obtain wi de support a nd full co operation of the comm unity. On t he surroundi ng envir onme nt in schools shoul d be closely monit ored. 2, school work at t he same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to conta ct the di strict polic e station, the village Committee, Correcti onal Centre, ow nshi p gover nment, busi ness ma nagement a nd other departments t o do a good job manageme nt. 3, tea cher on duty with t he exce ption of inspe ctions in school s, should al so pay attenti on to environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found t hat the joble ss migrants from rural area s, for example, harassme nt of students a nd a variety of a cci dents, accordi ng to different sit uations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a timely manner, t o prote ct the safety of stude nts. 4, every day before school, teachers remi nd st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, should e ducate students t o respect social et hics, and various regulations, maintai ning public order, and fight the ba d guys, and grasp t he cor rect ways a nd mea ns of maintaini ng and improvi ng students ' self-care a bilit y. 6, the establi shme nt of emergency re scue teams of teachers i n schools, on high al ert and de ploye d. Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng elementary school March 2016 song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng primary school teachers a nd students organizati ons out of safety management system orga nization activitie s betw een tea cher s and students, t o draw up a preci se pla n and se curity measures must be sig ned by the school officials to revi ew the programme of activitie s agreed upon Correcti onal Center agre ed to im plement. Organizati on to t he field re latively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity should have a spe cific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physical match. Route 3, a ctivities, l ocati on, fiel d surveys shoul d be carried out in a dvance. 4, a ctivities for the mea ns of transport should ex plain t he situati on to t he school to comply wit h vehi cle, safety req uirements, before the line f or repairs. 5, each activity must have se curity, emergency re sponse pla n for acci dent s. 6, pi cni cs, hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attention to fire preve ntion, food poi soning, preventi on of fall accide nts 7, the activities near the rivers, reservoir s, no measure s or do not meet the se curity requirements of the Or ganization and not let st ude nts into t he water

In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ens ure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s t he re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, manageme nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016

song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protecti on of publi property and the life and property safety of teachers and st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is dev eloping the followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. Accordi ng to the requireme nts of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, prote cting fire control facilities, fire prevention, report of fire LED 电子显示屏设计方案


lectricity line s, equi pment inspe ctions, found hidden in time for rectification, mainte nance, and secur ity. 9, do not use an open flame in the classroom, prohibit burni ng stove, lit candle s, mosquito repe llent, no smoking, and banning messy wiring. Without using any household applia nce is not allowed. 10, live on campus facult y members, must lead by example, and educate families and chil dren ready to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the leak-pr oof, explosi on-pr oof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure se curity. 12, dini ng room must be qualifie d, and annual testing of pressure vessel s, to regularly che ck, the cantee n workers must be certified, strictly by operation operati on, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent acci dents. 13, the adverse conse quen ces caused by ignoring fire safety regulations, will be punished, until investigated for legal responsi bilit y. Song n Xiang u Jia ping elementary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang u Jia ping elementary school, pi ne slo pes surroundi ng safety management system 1 teachers and students, the surroundi ng area of the school governa nce covers persona and food hygiene, cultural events and other aspects, integrated gover nance shal obtain wi de support and full cooperation of the communit y. On the surroundi ng environment in schools shoul d be closely monitore d. 2, school work at the same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, should take the initiative to conta ct the district police station, the village Committee, Corre ctional Centre, Townshi p government, busi ness manageme nt and other department to do a good job management. 3, teacher on dut y with the exception of inspecti ons in school s, should also pay attention to environmental inspe ctions near the campus, found that the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassment of students and a variety of accidents, accor ding to different situations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a timely manner, to prote ct the safety of students. 4, every day before school, teachers remind stude nts, pay attention to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate stude nts to respe ct socia ethics, and various regulations, maintaini ng public or der, and fight the bad guys, and grasp the correct ways and means of maintaining and improving students self-care ability. 6, the establishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on high alert and de ploye d. Song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school teachers and students organi zations out of safety management system organization activitie betwee n teachers and students, to draw up a pre cise pla n and se curity m easures must be sig ned by the school officials to review the programme of activities agreed upon Corre ctional Center agreed to implement. Organizati on to the field relatively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity shoul d have a specific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physi cal match. Route 3, activities, locati on, field survey should be carrie d out in adva nce. 4, activities for the means of transport shoul d explain the situati on to the school to comply with vehi cle, safety requireme nts, before the line for repairs. 5, each activity must have securit y, emergency response pla n for accide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, picnic to pay attention to fire prevention, food poisoning, preventi on of fall accident7, the activities near the rivers, reservoirs, no measures or do not meet the security requir ements of the Organizati on and not let

students into the water LED 显示屏技术文档11 -

















In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ensure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s the re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student

report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, managem nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a

participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016

song Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng primary school fire safety systems to e nha nce fire safety, protecti on of public pr operty a nd the life and property safety of teachers a nd st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing t he followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengt hen fire safety educat ion of the w hol e school. Accor ding to t he requirements of the Fire Service s Act, so that everyone ha s of keepi ng fire control safety, protecti ng fire control facilities, f ire preventi on, re ports of fire














lectricity li nes, equipment i nspecti ons, found hidden in time for re ctification, mainte nance, a nd security. 9, do not use an open flame i n the classroom, prohibit bur ning stove, lit candles, mosquito r epell ent, no sm oking, and ba nni ng messy wiri ng. Wit hout usi ng any house hol d appliances is not allowed. 10, l ive on cam pus faculty member s, must lea d by exam ple, a nd e ducate families a nd chil dren rea dy to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, t o master pr oper usage, pay attenti on to t he leak-pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualified, and annua l testing of pressure vessels, t o reg ularly check, t he cantee n workers m ust be certified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, t o preve nt accide nts. 13, the adverse consequences caused by ignoring fire safety regulati ons, will be punished, until investigated for l egal responsibility. S ong Lin Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng eleme ntary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang Liu Jia pi ng

elementary school, pine sl opes surroundi ng safety management sy stem 1 teachers and students, the surrounding area of the school gover nance covers personal and food hygie ne, cultural eve nts and ot her aspects, integrated gover nance shall obtain wi de support a nd full co operation of the comm unity. On t he surroundi ng envir onme nt in schools shoul d be closely monit ored. 2, school work at t he same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to conta ct the di strict polic e station, the village Committee, Correcti onal Centre, ow nshi p gover nment, busi ness ma nagement a nd other departments t o do a good job manageme nt. 3, tea cher on duty with t he exce ption of inspe ctions in school s, should al so pay attenti on to environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found t hat the joble ss migrants from rural area s, for example, harassme nt of students a nd a variety of a cci dents, accordi ng to different sit uations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a

timely manner, t o prote ct the safety of stude nts. 4, every day before school, teachers remi nd st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, should e ducate students t o respect social et hics, and various regulations, maintai ning public order, and fight the ba d guys, and grasp t he cor rect ways a nd mea ns of maintaini ng and improvi ng students ' self-care a bilit y. 6, the establi shme nt of emergency re scue teams of teachers i n schools, on high al ert and de ploye d. Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng elementary school March 2016 song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng primary school teachers a nd students organizati ons out of safety management system orga nization activitie s betw een tea cher s and students, t o draw up a preci se pla n and se curity measures must be sig ned by the school officials to revi ew the programme of activitie s agreed upon Correcti onal Center agre ed to im plement. Organizati on to t he field re latively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity should

have a spe cific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physical match. Route 3, a ctivities, l ocati on, fiel d surveys shoul d be carried out in a dvance. 4, a ctivities for the mea ns of transport should ex plain t he situati on to t he school to comply wit h vehi cle, safety req uirements, before the line f or repairs. 5, each activity must have se curity, emergency re sponse pla n for acci dent s. 6, pi cni cs, hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attention to fire preve ntion, food poi soning, preventi on of fall accide nts 7, the activities near the rivers, reservoir s, no measure s or do not meet the se curity requirements of the Or ganization and not let st ude nts into t he water

In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ens ure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s t he re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, manageme nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016

song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protecti on of publi property and the life and property safety of teachers and st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is dev eloping the followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. Accordi ng to the requireme nts of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, prote cting fire control facilities, fire prevention, report of fire LED 电子显示屏设计方案


lectricity line s, equi pment inspe ctions, found hidden in time for rectification, mainte nance, and secur ity. 9, do not use an open flame in the classroom, prohibit burni ng stove, lit candle s, mosquito repe llent, no smoking, and banning messy wiring. Without using any household applia nce is not allowed. 10, live on campus facult y members, must lead by example, and educate families and chil dren ready to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the leak-pr oof, explosi on-pr oof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure se curity. 12, dini ng room must be qualifie d, and annual testing of pressure vessel s, to regularly che ck, the cantee n workers must be certified, strictly by operation operati on, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent acci dents. 13, the adverse conse quen ces caused by ignoring fire safety regulations, will be punished, until investigated for legal responsi bilit y. Song n Xiang u Jia ping elementary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang u Jia ping elementary school, pi ne slo pes surroundi ng safety management system 1 teachers and students, the surroundi ng area of the school governa nce covers persona and food hygiene, cultural events and other aspects, integrated gover nance shal obtain wi de support and full cooperation of the communit y. On the surroundi ng environment in schools shoul d be closely monitore d. 2, school work at the same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, should take the initiative to conta ct the district police station, the village Committee, Corre ctional Centre, Townshi p government, busi ness manageme nt and other department to do a good job management. 3, teacher on dut y with the exception of inspecti ons in school s, should also pay attention to environmental inspe ctions near the campus, found that the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassment of students and a variety of accidents, accor ding to different situations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a timely manner, to prote ct the safety of students. 4, every day before school, teachers remind stude nts, pay attention to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate stude nts to respe ct socia ethics, and various regulations, maintaini ng public or der, and fight the bad guys, and grasp the correct ways and means of maintaining and improving students self-care ability. 6, the establishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on high alert and de ploye d. Song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school teachers and students organi zations out of safety management system organization activitie betwee n teachers and students, to draw up a pre cise pla n and se curity m easures must be sig ned by the school officials to review the programme of activities agreed upon Corre ctional Center agreed to implement. Organizati on to the field relatively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity shoul d have a specific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physi cal match. Route 3, activities, locati on, field survey should be carrie d out in adva nce. 4, activities for the means of transport shoul d explain the situati on to the school to comply with vehi cle, safety requireme nts, before the line for repairs. 5, each activity must have securit y, emergency response pla n for accide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, picnic to pay attention to fire prevention, food poisoning, preventi on of fall accident7, the activities near the rivers, reservoirs, no measures or do not meet the security requir ements of the Organizati on and not let

students into the water LED 显示屏技术文档13 -


















In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ensure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s the re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, managem nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng primary school fire safety systems to e nha nce fire safety, protecti on of public pr operty a nd the life and property safety of teachers a nd st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing t he followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengt hen fire safety educat ion of the w hol e school. Accor ding to t he requirements of the Fire Service s Act, so that everyone ha s of keepi ng fire control safety, protecti ng fire control facilities, f ire preventi on, re ports of fire


* 显示屏体由单元箱体组成,为标准模块设计,整个屏体由完全相同的单元模块组成,可以互换,方便安装、调试、维护;


* 屏幕背后留有维修通道,方便安装、维护;

* 控制系统的计算机网络设备和相关弱电设备集中在控制室,方便日常操作和设备维护。


* 显示屏设计为计算机CRT同步,使显示屏可随计算机的发展而发展;

* 显示屏采用开放的计算机局域网技术,能将当今成熟的数字技术引入大屏幕;

* 标准化的接口设计,可方便联网,包括局域网和广域网;




lectricity li nes, equipment i nspecti ons, found hidden in time for re ctification, mainte nance, a nd security. 9, do not use an open flame i n the classroom, prohibit bur ning stove, lit candles, mosquito r epell ent, no sm oking, and ba nni ng messy wiri ng. Wit hout usi ng any house hol d appliances is not allowed. 10, l ive on cam pus faculty member s, must lea d by exam ple, a nd e ducate families a nd chil dren rea dy to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, t o master pr oper usage, pay attenti on to t he leak-pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualified, and annua l testing of pressure vessels, t o reg ularly check, t he cantee n workers m ust be certified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, t o preve nt accide nts. 13, the adverse consequences caused by ignoring fire safety regulati ons, will be punished, until investigated for l egal responsibility. S ong Lin Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng eleme ntary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang Liu Jia pi ng elementary school, pine sl opes surroundi ng safety management sy stem 1 teachers and students, the surrounding area of the school gover nance covers personal and food hygie ne, cultural eve nts and ot her aspects, integrated gover nance shall obtain wi de support a nd full co operation of the comm unity. On t he surroundi ng envir onme nt in schools shoul d be closely monit ored. 2, school work at t he same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to conta ct the di strict polic e station, the village Committee, Correcti onal Centre, ow nshi p gover nment, busi ness ma nagement a nd other departments t o do a good job manageme nt. 3, tea cher on duty with t he exce ption of inspe ctions in school s, should al so pay attenti on to environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found t hat the joble ss migrants from rural area s, for example, harassme nt of students a nd a variety of a cci dents, accordi ng to different sit uations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a timely manner, t o prote ct the safety of stude nts. 4, every day before school, teachers remi nd st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, should e ducate students t o respect social et hics, and various regulations, maintai ning public order, and fight the ba d guys, and grasp t he cor rect ways a nd mea ns of maintaini ng and improvi ng students ' self-care a bilit y. 6, the establi shme nt of emergency re scue teams of teachers i n schools, on high al ert and de ploye d. Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng elementary school March 2016 song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng primary school teachers a nd students organizati ons out of safety management system orga nization activitie s betw een tea cher s and students, t o draw up a preci se pla n and se curity measures must be sig ned by the school officials to revi ew the programme of activitie s agreed upon Correcti onal Center agre ed to im plement. Organizati on to t he field re latively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity should have a spe cific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physical match. Route 3, a ctivities, l ocati on, fiel d surveys shoul d be carried out in a dvance. 4, a ctivities for the mea ns of transport should ex plain t he situati on to t he school to comply wit h vehi cle, safety req uirements, before the line f or repairs. 5, each activity must have se curity, emergency re sponse pla n for acci dent s. 6, pi cni cs, hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attention to fire preve ntion, food poi soning, preventi on of fall accide nts 7, the activities near the rivers, reservoir s, no measure s or do not meet the se curity requirements of the Or ganization and not let st ude nts into t he water

In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ens ure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s t he re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, manageme nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016

song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school fire safety systems to enhance fire safety, protecti on of publi property and the life and property safety of teachers and st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is dev eloping the followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengthen fire safety education of the whole school. Accordi ng to the requireme nts of the Fire Services Act, so that everyone has of keeping fire control safety, prote cting fire control facilities, fire prevention, report of fire

LED 电子显示屏设计方案


lectricity line s, equi pment inspe ctions, found hidden in time for rectification, mainte nance, and secur ity. 9, do not use an open flame in the classroom, prohibit burni ng stove, lit candle s, mosquito repe llent, no smoking, and banning messy wiring. Without using any household applia nce is not allowed. 10, live on campus facult y members, must lead by example, and educate families and chil dren ready to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, to master proper usage, pay attention to the leak-pr oof, explosi on-pr oof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure se curity. 12, dini ng room must be qualifie d, and annual testing of pressure vessel s, to regularly che ck, the cantee n workers must be certified, strictly by operation operati on, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, to prevent acci dents. 13, the adverse conse quen ces caused by ignoring fire safety regulations, will be punished, until investigated for legal responsi bilit y. Song n Xiang u Jia ping elementary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang u Jia ping elementary school, pi ne slo pes surroundi ng safety management system 1 teachers and students, the surroundi ng area of the school governa nce covers persona and food hygiene, cultural events and other aspects, integrated gover nance shal obtain wi de support and full cooperation of the communit y. On the surroundi ng environment in schools shoul d be closely monitore d. 2, school work at the same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, should take the initiative to conta ct the district police station, the village Committee, Corre ctional Centre, Townshi p government, busi ness manageme nt and other department to do a good job management. 3, teacher on dut y with the exception of inspecti ons in school s, should also pay attention to environmental inspe ctions near the campus, found that the jobless migrants from rural areas, for example, harassment of students and a variety of accidents, accor ding to different situations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a timely manner, to prote ct the safety of students. 4, every day before school, teachers remind stude nts, pay attention to traffic safety. 5, shoul d educate stude nts to respe ct socia ethics, and various regulations, maintaini ng public or der, and fight the bad guys, and grasp the correct ways and means of maintaining and improving students self-care ability. 6, the establishment of emergency rescue teams of teachers in schools, on high alert and de ploye d. Song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping elementary school March 2016 song n Xia ng Liu Jia ping primary school teachers and students organi zations out of safety management system organization activitie betwee n teachers and students, to draw up a pre cise pla n and se curity m easures must be sig ned by the school officials to review the programme of activities agreed upon Corre ctional Center agreed to implement. Organizati on to the field relatively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity shoul d have a specific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physi cal match. Route 3, activities, locati on, field survey should be carrie d out in adva nce. 4, activities for the means of transport shoul d explain the situati on to the school to comply with vehi cle, safety requireme nts, before the line for repairs. 5, each activity must have securit y, emergency response pla n for accide nts. 6, picnics, hiki ng, picnic to pay attention to fire prevention, food poisoning, preventi on of fall accident 7, the activities near the rivers, reservoirs, no measures or do not meet the security requir ements of the Organizati on and not let

students into the water

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In or der to e nsure normal teaching order, prote cting st ude nts ' healthy growth, e nsuring that national (property) is not lost, to preve nt or mi nimize the occurre nce of safety accide nts, foll ow the "prevent, rescue each ot her, ensure safety and reduce losses" pri nci ple, a ccordi ng to the local conditi ons, make t he manag ement system. 1, the principal i s the re sponsibility of school safety, school se curity under t he lea dership of Presi dent security work lea ding gr oup. The hea d teacher to t he leadershi p team is responsi ble for, impleme ntation of the a ccountability system. 2, school monthly st udent knowle dge about safety education, educati on shoul d be diversified i n the form every safety education for student s of cla sses per we ek should be targeted. o carry on emergency issues deali ng with e ducation in General, self-help a nd m utual rescue knowledge. Emergency call s (such as 110, 119, 122, 120, and so on) use common se nse i n educati on. 3, t he establi shment of major a cci dent re porting system. School student report major a cci dent within an hour of education; st ude nt run and disa ppearances to re port; re port of the accident to a writte n report in tripli cate, a correcti ona l ce ntre, a police station, a tow nshi p people's Governme nt shall not conceal t he accident. 4 week, tea chers ar e on duty sy stem, establi sh and improve t he lea dership values; stre ngthe n the e ducation, managem nt of teaching a ctivities in schools to e nsure normal teaching or der; re sponsi ble for school safety leadership al ways maintained close contact a nd district poli ce stations, canvassing support from the poli ce stati on on school safety and hel p. 5, stre ngthe ning tea chers ' m oral education, esta blish a de dicate d love, im proving e ducation quality, observe the students ' psychologi cal cha nges at any time a nd take preve ntive measures, no corporal punishment a nd covert corporal puni shment on st ude nts, st ude nt out of the classr oom, school s may not be. 6, unit s or departments use student Street pr opaga nda or partici pate in t he celebrations, a s well a participati ng in ot her social w ork, wit hout appr oval of the Correcti onal Centre, school pri ncipals consent, wit hout organizati on. Without the a pproval of relevant de partments, may orga nize st ude nts to parti cipate i n fire fighting, di saster relief and so on. 7, schools should e ducate students t o obey the school rule s and regulations, on time, on time home to preve nt accide nts. 8, school to school inspe ctions on a regul ar basi s, found hidden i n time, and i n severe case s, it is har d to eliminate immedi ately closed, a nd re porte d to the l ocal people's Gover nment, educati on, a nd r ule of law section. 9, the school should alway s check the interna l walls, retai ning wall s, ponds, raili ngs, handra ils, door s, Window s, stairca ses and a variety of sports, extracurricular activitie s, facilities such as fire safety, i nfrastruct ure se curity, unsafe facility to immediately repair and demoliti on to ensure that tea che rs and st ude nts work, l earn, live ve nue s and facilities are safe and reli able. S ong Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng eleme ntary school March 2016 song Lin Xiang Liu Jia pi ng primary school fire safety systems to e nha nce fire safety, protecti on of public pr operty a nd the life and property safety of teachers a nd st ude nts, school fire safety into day-to-day management, is developing t he followi ng fire safety system. 1, strengt hen fire safety educat ion of the w hol e school. Accor ding to t he requirements of the Fire Service s Act, so that everyone ha s of keepi ng fire control safety, protecti ng fire control facilities, f ire preventi on, re ports of fire




lectricity li nes, equipment i nspecti ons, found hidden in time for re ctification, mainte nance, a nd security. 9, do not use an open flame i n the classroom, prohibit bur ning stove, lit candles, mosquito r epell ent, no sm oking, and ba nni ng messy wiri ng. Wit hout usi ng any house hol d appliances is not allowed. 10, l ive on cam pus faculty member s, must lea d by exam ple, a nd e ducate families a nd chil dren rea dy to fire. 11, household use of gas in schools, t o master pr oper usage, pay attenti on to t he leak-pr oof, explosion-proof, fireproof, closing valve after use to ensure security. 12, di ning r oom must be qualified, and annua l testing of pressure vessels, t o reg ularly check, t he cantee n workers m ust be certified, strictly by operation operation, gas tank and stove safety distance of 1.5 meters, t o preve nt accide nts. 13, the adverse consequences caused by ignoring fire safety regulati ons, will be punished, until investigated for l egal responsibility. S ong Lin Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng eleme ntary school Mar ch 2016 Xiang Liu Jia pi ng elementary school, pine sl opes surroundi ng safety management sy stem 1 teachers and students, the surrounding area of the school gover nance covers personal and food hygie ne, cultural eve nts and ot her aspects, integrated gover nance shall obtain wi de support a nd full co operation of the comm unity. On t he surroundi ng envir onme nt in schools shoul d be closely monit ored. 2, school work at t he same time, should pay attention to the safety management of school envir onme nt, shoul d take the i nitiative to conta ct the di strict polic e station, the village Committee, Correcti onal Centre, ow nshi p gover nment, busi ness ma nagement a nd other departments t o do a good job manageme nt. 3, tea cher on duty with t he exce ption of inspe ctions in school s, should al so pay attenti on to environmental i nspecti ons near the campus, found t hat the joble ss migrants from rural area s, for example, harassme nt of students a nd a variety of a cci dents, accordi ng to different sit uations reported school officials or the poli ce station in a timely manner, t o prote ct the safety of stude nts. 4, every day before school, teachers remi nd st ude nts, pay attenti on to traffic safety. 5, should e ducate students t o respect social et hics, and various regulations, maintai ning public order, and fight the ba d guys, and grasp t he cor rect ways a nd mea ns of maintaini ng and improvi ng students ' self-care a bilit y. 6, the establi shme nt of emergency re scue teams of teachers i n schools, on high al ert and de ploye d. Song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng elementary school March 2016 song Li n Xia ng Li u Jia pi ng primary school teachers a nd students organizati ons out of safety management system orga nization activitie s betw een tea cher s and students, t o draw up a preci se pla n and se curity measures must be sig ned by the school officials to revi ew the programme of activitie s agreed upon Correcti onal Center agre ed to im plement. Organizati on to t he field re latively far or activities require approval by the Deputy Director of the Educati on Burea u in charge of security. 2, each activity should have a spe cific responsi bility, pay attention to the persons age, physical match. Route 3, a ctivities, l ocati on, fiel d surveys shoul d be carried out in a dvance. 4, a ctivities for the mea ns of transport should ex plain t he situati on to t he school to comply wit h vehi cle, safety req uirements, before the line f or repairs. 5, each activity must have se curity, emergency re sponse pla n for acci dent s. 6, pi cni cs, hiki ng, pi cni c to pay attention to fire preve ntion, food poi soning, preventi on of fall accide nts 7, the activities near the rivers, reservoir s, no measure s or do not meet the se curity requirements of the Or ganization and not let st ude nts into t he water

