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项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

Hygienic Conditions

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

AcknowledgmentI am mostly grateful to the head of English Department without whose support and patience this project would not even have got off the ground. I am also grateful to my teammate for their time spent on brainstorming and panel discussions with me. I am also grateful to my schoolmate for answering the questionnaire. No amount of thanks will be adequate for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would have remained on paper. Last but not least, big thanks go to my mother and my family who have shared with me my worries, frustrations, and hopefully my ultimate happiness in eventually finishing this project.

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

AbstractIt presents a detailed report of the project implemented to solve the problem that our hygienic conditions in our campus are terrible in many aspects. It is hypothesized that high pressure cleaner,electric sweeper and cleaning spray gun can improve the hygienic conditions. The hypothesis is verified by four buildings, all the toilet and the classroom where we have class in our school. Among the methods of scientific investigation used are analytic method,Socratic dialogue, cause analysis, questionnaire, and brainstorming.

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

Main Headings of the Project ReportProject objective Project hypothesis Project rationale第一PPT模板网,

Correction work design Control and target groups

Project implementation

Project evaluationProject findings and discussion

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

ReferencesAppendix A: The timetable of the projectAppendix B: The methods of problem analysis Appendix C: Questionnaire and results 第一PPT模板网, Appendix D: The information of advanced machines Appendix E: Chatting records with sellers Appendix F: Students’ handouts

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

Problem Identification:First, I identify a problem based on our school’s hygienic condition. That is: although many people are concerned with this phenomenon. We examined my problem scientifically to see whether it is researchable. I discussed and agreed the problem with David. At the same time, i worked out the timetable of my project.(to see Appendix) 第一PPT模板网, Second I used several methods of problem analyze the problem.(to see Appendix) They are the analytic method, cause analysis and brainstorming. Through the problem analysis, i came to know that the major causes to the worrying phenomenon is mainly due to the look the awareness of students and school leaders. I have made up my mind to solve the problem.

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

1. Project objectiveTo improve the hygienic condition on our campus

2. Project hypothesisIt is hypothesized that self-discipline, 第一PPT模板网, high pressure cleaner,electric sweeper and cleaning spray gun can improve the hygienic conditions.

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3. Project rationale(1)The role of environment If the environment is suitable enough students can be more active to study and blend in the class atmosphere. On the opposite, if our school’s Hygienic con

dition is bad the students can not be concentrated on the course because of the dirty ground or bad smell. (2)The role of students We all know 第一 that protecting environment is the basic duty to everyone. If PPT模板网, students pay no attentions to the environment then the cleaners’ efforts will be in vain. The usual phenomenon is that the students threw away the rubbish, such as plastic bags,tissue and so on in the classroom or the ground. (3)The treatment of environment It’s not students’ duty to protect the school environment. The cleaners can do well by themselves. If the students take care to protect the Hygienic condition but the cleaners don’t fulfill their duty,then the Hygienic condition will still be terrible.

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

4. Correction work designI designed an adequate amount of activities(cover 4 weeks of investigation) to test the hypothesis. If the environment can be better protected,then the people in the school will be more glad. In my project,I decide to improve the environment in 4 ways:I would first give out the questionnaires;second organize a field visit ;third have a conversazione;and last we chat with Tao Bao sellers to ensure the equipment’s price.第一PPT模板网,

Week 1: Activity 1:give out the questionnaires Purpose:know some oppions about the environment from the people in the school. Procedure:We give out the questionnaires to the cleaners,the students,the teachers and the leaders.After they finished them,we collected all the questionnaires and get a result.

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

Week 2: Activity:organize a field visit Purpose:measure the length and width of the pond,the classroom and the toilet. Procedure:Using professional tools to measure these areas. Week 3: Activity:have a conversazione Purpose:feed back these detail problems about the environment to the school leaders. Procedure:We choose one day hand in our research statistics to the school 第一PPT 模板网, leaders in the conversazione. We need to let them know the true situation about the school. Week 4: Activity:chat with Tao Bao sellers Purpose:to ensure the equipment’s price Procedure:We search for the equipment we may need in Tao Bao.Then we chat with the sellers to ensure the equipment’s price.Also,we need to be sure if these equipment is suitable for our bad hygienic condition.

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

5. Control and target groupI set up control and target group.The implementation of the project takes four weeks. In each week our group will take activities in accordance with the plan.This will show whether the hygienic condition can be improved by self-discipline, 第一 PPT模板网, high pressure cleaner,electric sweeper and cleaning spray gun.

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

6. Project ImplementationFirst,our group hold several meetings to discuss the theme.We choose school’s pool, classroom and the public toilet as our cases, the goal of us is to find some kinds of cleaning machines to solve our schools’ hygienic problems. Second,we also

make a questionnaire to research students and teachers’ attitude about the hygienic conditions in our campus. More than 200 students PPT模板网, and more than 第一 30 teachers replied our surveys. What’s more after we analyzed the survey’s result,we decide to report these terrible conditions to the staffs of our school.Our group member attended the our school’s meeting which theme is problems in campus’ hygienic condition,and give many suggestions. Our group members find 3 kinds of cleaning machine online.We had asked many questions about the machine’s details.

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

7.Project EvaluationThe problem: Hygienic Conditions The methods used in problem analysis: The analytic method Firstly,on the way to classroom,we walk along the pond. The water in the pond is very dirty. It stinks. Moreover,sometimes you can see dead fishes. Secondly,when we have a lesson in A1N312,there is a toilet beside our classroom. It smells terrible. Thirdly,there is a lot of rubbish in the desks,so that we couldn’t put our bags in it. 第一 PPT模板网, And so on. So we want to discuss about this project: Hygienic Conditions. Socratic dialogue Our hygienic conditions in our campus are terrible in many aspects. Q1: In which aspects? Many aspects.Such as toilets,pond,river,dinning hall. Q2:What causes those bad situations? The equipment is not perfect or practical;Cleaning is not in time;Many areas need to be cleaned. It leads to the shortage of cleaner.

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

Q3:Why don’t our school leaders improve it? They don’t pay enough attention to it. Besides,it is really difficult to make some changes. The project objective:To deal with the problems in our school’s hygienic conditions The project hypothesis:People in our school are satisfied with hygienic conditions The project rationale:Our school hygienic conditions are bad in many aspects. 第一 模板网, First,the water in the PPT pond is dirty.Second, the toilet is odorous.Third,in our dinning hall,the desk and ground is dirty. Thirdly ,our school is large, it’s difficult for people to clean the large areas. Fourthly, school leaders and students pay no attention to the hygienic conditions. The last but not least, the cleaning facilities are poor. The project design: The aim is to cope with the bad hygienic conditions. The hypothesis is people in our school are satisfied with the hygienic condition. However, the fact is opposite.

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

① High pressure cleaner Price:398RMB Pipes length:6m-10m This kind of machine can be used to clean the pond in front of A1 building.There are our group member’s chatting record with the online shop. ② Electric sweeper Price:2850 Type:KM92/40 第一can PPT模板网, This kind of machine be used to clean students’ classrooms and teachers’ offices,and the machine can clean 2000㎡ in an hour. There are our group member’s chatting record with the online shop. ③ Cleaning spray gun Price:76.50 Type:Leo-jr2001 Th

is kind of machine can be used to clean public toilet,and the pipe’s length is 1.2m to 3m. There are our group member’s chatting record with the online shop.

项目设计 保护校园环境为主题

8.Project findings and discussionWe see that the civility of most students in our school are good,but there are still some students’ civilized manners which needs to be corrected. The negative influence of social environment on college students can not be ignored. The two is then impact of peer groups, groups due to its proximity to the age, interests, hobbies and other aspects of the same age, each other to imitate. Uncivilized idea, behavior can easily penetrate each other and influence in college, which is an important to cause some uncivilized phenomenon on campus. 第一PPTfactor 模板网, First , the phenomenon is caused by it that students often neglect their own ide ological and moral cultivation. Second,the influence of family education. Parents are the first teachers of their children.Now most families have only one child, so parents treat their children as "a pearl in the palm" Third , school education neglect the civilization education.

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References1./d_p.aspx?id=NSTLQK_NSTL_QKJJ027212908 Prospective technologies and equipment for sanitary–hygienic measures for life support systems I.V. Shumilina 第40卷 第11期 2007年1月

2./d_p.aspx?id=NSTLQK_NSTL_QKJJ0213845192 Measurement technology the hygienic area around the process saves rather than creates 第一PPTin 模板网, costs Tim Schrodt Daniela Storrer 第20卷 第suppl. 1期 2009年1月3./d_p.aspx?id=NSTLQK_NSTL_QKJJ0229269215 Longterm performance and operational strategies of a poultry slaughterhouse waste stabilization pond system in a tropical climate Nery, V.D. Damianovic, M.H.Z. Pozzi, E. De Nardi, I.R. Caldas, V.E.A. Pires, E.C. 第71卷2013年1月

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Appendix A :The timetable of the project


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