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浙江大学2006–2007学年_秋冬 季学期

《计算机网络基础 》课程期末考试试卷

开课学院: 软件学院 ,考试形式:闭卷,允许带_____________入场

考试时间:_2007_年__1__月_16_日,所需时间: 120 分钟,任课教师_________ 考生姓名: _____学号: 专业: ________ 题序 得分 评卷人 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 总 分 注意:请把答案写在第1页、第2页的答题纸对应的题号内,答题纸内的答案将作为评分依据;

一. Please select the best choice for following questions. (80 points)

题号 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-75

答 案 A B B C C D D A B C 得分 A C A D C B A C B A C D A C D A A D C D C B A D A C A D B C A D C D A B D C B C C C D A D B D D A B B A C D A A D C C B D A B A A 1

二. Please choose true(T) or false( F) for the following questions. (20 points)

题号 1-10 T F T F 答 案 T F F T T F 得分

一. Please select the best choice for following questions (80 points)

==================== 7 chap 1 ========================== 1. Which one is not the protocol layer of OSI model?

A. host-to-network B. session C. application D. transport Answer: A

2. A notebook computer which connects to Internet via ADSL is . A. not wireless and not mobile B. not wireless but mobile C. wireless and not mobile D. wireless and mobile Answer: B

3. There are two types of transmission technology that are in widespread use. They are Broadcast links and . A. end-to-end links B. Point-to-point links. C. peer-to-peer links D. token ring links. Answer: B

4. The collection of communication lines and routers (but not hosts) form the . A. LAN B. routing algorithm. C. subnet D. switching device Answer: C

5. is a standard for high bandwidth wireless WANs.

A.802.11 B. 802.3. C. 802.16 D. 802.5 Answer: C

6. Connectionless Services is also called . A. virtual circuit service B. Acknowledged datagram service C. client-server service D. datagram service Answer: D

7. is not a kind of connection-oriented networks.

A. X.25 B. Frame Relay C. ATM D. 802.11 LAN Answer: D

================== 10 chap 2 physical layer ======================


8. A noisy channel has a bandwidth of 3 KHZ, its S/N ratio is 2047, then its maximum data rate will be . A. 33 kbps B. 66 kbps C. 132 kbps D. 4 kbps Answer: A

9. coaxial cable is commonly used for analog transmission and cable television.

A. 50-ohm B. 75-ohm C. 300-ohm D. 120-ohm Answer: B

10. which one is not a key component of optical transmission system?

A. LED B. fiber optical cable C. gateway D. optical receiver Answer: C

11. Which description is false for microwave transmission system?

A. microwaves don't travel in a straight line. B. multipath fading is a serious problem.

C. microwaves can not pass through buildings easily. D. microwaves at about 4 GHZ is easy to be absorbed by rain. Answer: A

12. The two-wire connections between each user's telephone and the end office are known as

the . A. trunk B. local loop C. PCM D. digital trunk Answer: B

13. PCM, full name is ________ Code Modulation. A. Pulse B. Packet C. Point D. Peer Answer: A

14. Different Fourier components propagate at different speed, this leads to . A. attenuation B. crosstalk C. thermal noise D. Delay distortion Answer: D

15. is not a modulation technology in MODEM.

A. Amplitude modulation B.Frequency shift keying C. PCM D. Phase modulation Answer: C

16. A connection that allows traffic either way, but only one way at a time is called .

A. full duplex B.half duplex C. simplex D. QPSK Answer: B

17. An E1 channel contains 32 PCM signals, its data rate is . A. 2.048 Mbps B.1.544 Mbps


C. 64kbps D. 2.5 Gbps Answer: A

18. does not use store-forward technology. A. Message Switching B.Packet Switching C. Circuit Switching D. Router Answer: C

============== 6 chap 3 data link ================================ 19. Which service is never provided by data link layer? A. Unacknowledged connectionless service B. Data fragmenting service

C. Acknowledged connectionless service

D. Acknowledged connection-oriented service Answer: B

20. Which framing method is not used by data link layer? A. feedback_based flow control B. character stuffing C. Bit stuffing

D. Physical layer coding violation Answer: A

21. Bit string 0101111110 will become after bit stuffing. A. 01011110110 B. 0101111110 C. 01011111010

D. 01011111100 Answer: C

22. Current sending window covers sequence numbers 3-6 and the sending window size is 4, sequence number takes 3 bit. After frames with sequence number 3 and 4 are sent and both are acknowledged, which frames can be sent? A. frames with sequence number 3,4,5,6 B. frames with sequence number 5,6,7 C. frames with sequence number 5,6 D. frames with sequence number 5,6,7,0 Answer: D

23. A HDLC frame includes fields flag, address, control, data and . A. checksum B. protocol C. LCP D. NCP Answer: A

24. LCP and NCP are sub-protocols of . A. SDLC B. HDLC C. PPP D. IPX Answer: C

============== chap 4 MAC ================================


25. is not a method of static channel allocation. A. FDM B. TDM C. WDM D. CSMA Answer: D

26. In pure ALOHA system, the maximum throughput occurs at G=0.5, with S= . Here G is the generated mean frame numbers per frame time, S is the successfully transmitted frames per frame time. A. 0.184 B. 0.368 C. 1 D. 0.5 Answer: A

27. When a station has data to send, it first listens to the channel, if the channel is busy, the station waits until it becomes idle, then it transmits the frame. If the channel is idle, the station transmits it immediately. Such carrier sense protocol is called . A. 1-persistent CSMA B. Nonpersistent CSMA C. p-persistent CSMA D. ALOHA Answer: A

28. CSMA/CD protocol is not used in . A. 10Base-2 network B. 10Base-T network C. 10Base-5 network D. Wireless LAN Answer: D

29. Which is not the feature of Manchester encoding?

A. A binary 1 bit is sent by having the voltage set high during the first interval and low in the second one.

B. Every bit period has a transition in the middle. C. Using +1 volts for a 1 and -1 volts for a 0.

D. It requires twice as much bandwidth as straight binary encoding. Answer: C

30. Ethernet has the ability of . A. unicast B. multicast, C. broadcast D. all of above Answer: D

31. Which type of connector is used to connect thin coaxial cable to 10Base-2 network adapter card?

A. RJ-11 B. RJ-80 transceiver C. BNC T-connector D. repeater Answer: C

32. IEEE’s standard for fast Ethernet is ?

A. 802.3ab B. 802.3u C. 802.3 z D. 802.3 i Answer: B

33. Carrier extension is a feature of Gigabit Ethernet to .


A. increase the transmission distance B. increase the data rate C. enhance the reliability D. buffer incoming frames Answer: A

34. 802.11 Frame includes address fields.

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 Answer: D

35. When a transparent bridge receives a frame, and the frame’s destination host locates on the same LAN segment where the frame is received, the bridge will . A. discard the frame B. forward the frame C. use flooding to broadcast the frame D. store the frame Answer: A

36. Which device can split an Ethernet into several broadcast domains? A. hub B. switch C. router D. transparent bridge Answer: C

37. Which device works in physical layer?

A. hub B. switch C. router D. bridge Answer: A

38. VLAN can be identified according to .

A. switch port B. MAC address C. layer 3 protocol D. all of above Answer: D

============== chap 5 network layer ================================

39. IP addresses is a class ________ address. A. A B. B C. C D. D Answer: B

40. A ________ message is sent when a packet is dropped because its “Time To Live” count reached zero.


41. The RIP protocol is a distance vector protocol while the OSPF protocol is a ________ protocol.

A. link state B. flooding C. static routing D. Ad Hoc Answer: A

42. In a TCP/IP network, which part of the IP address does a router use to determine the destination network? A. Network ID B. Host ID C. subnet-mask D. Network ID and subnet ID


Answer: D

43. Which one is not the work of a router?

A. Forwarding datagram

B. Filling and updating the route table

C. broadcasting datagram to all interfaces (except the receiving interface) D. exchanging information with other router Answer: C

44. Which step is not included in link state routing algorithm?

A. Discovering router’s neighbors and learn their network address B. Constructing a link state packet

C. Computing the shortest path to every other router D. Sending routing table to all neighbors Answer: D

45. The source and destination hosts are on the same type of network, but there is a different network in between. We can use technique to transfer packet between the source and destination hosts. A. tunneling B. Fragmentation C. NAT D. CIDR Answer: A

46. BGP is a .

A. Interior Gateway Protocol B. Exterior Gateway Protocol C. static routing protocol D. link state routing protocol Answer: B

47. is not a field in the header of IP datagram.

A. Time to live B. protocol C. Total length D. Timestamp Answer: D

48. Router A’s routing table is shown in table 1. When router A receives a packet with destination address, the packet will be forwarded to next router . A. B. C. D. Answer: C Table 1. Router A’s routing table Destination network Subnet mask Outgoing interface Next router Serial3/2 7

Serial3/0 Serial3/1 Ethernet0/0 Ethernet0/0 Serial3/1 Direct connected

49. According to table 1, when router A receives a packet with destination address, the packet will be forwarded to next router . A. B. C. D. Answer: C

50. According to table 1, when router A receives a packet with destination address, the packet will be forwarded to next router . A. B. C. D. Answer: C

51. According to table 1, when router A receives a packet with destination address, the packet will be forwarded from interface . A. Serial3/2 B. Serial3/0 C. Ethernet0/0 D. Serial3/1 Answer: C

52. An IP address could include 3 parts: network number, subnet number, and host number, CIDR can use part of to extend host number. A. subnet number B. subnet mask C. network number D. host number Answer: C

53. connect two or more areas.

A. Backbone routers B. AS boundary routers C.Internal routers D. Area border routers Answer: D

54. is not a legal IPV6 address.

A. B. 8300::1382:4567:89AB:CDEF C. :: D. 6C00:0000:0000:0000:0123:4567:89AB:CDEF Answer: A

============== chap 6 transport layer ================================ 55. Which problem does the three-way handshake protocol solve?

A. data loss B. congestion C. synchronization D. delayed duplicate TPDUs Answer: D,C

56. Which one is not the primitive for a simple transport service?

A. listen B. gethostbyname C. connect D. receive Answer: B

57. In the socket programming model, which one is used to block the caller until a connection


attempt arrives?

A. socket B. bind C. listen D. accept Answer: D

58. In the process of transport connection release, two-army problem tells us that .

A. Handshake of two-way can solve this problem. B. Handshake of three-way can solve this problem. C. Handshake of four-way can solve this problem. D. No protocol exists to solve this problem. Answer: D

59. is based on UDP.


60. RTP has . A. flow control B. no error control C. retransmission D. acknowledgement Answer: B

61. Which is not the feature of TCP connections? A. full-duplex B. It supports broadcasting. C. It is a byte stream. D. point-to-point Answer: B

62. If the congestion window size is 20KB, and the receive window size is 50KB, what is the maximum bytes the TCP entity can transmit?

A. 20KB B. 50KB C. 70KB D. 30KB Answer: A

============ chap 7 application layer ================================

63. The resolver in DNS client sends a UDP packet to a _____, which then looks up the name and returns the ip address to the resolver. A. proxy name server B. authoritative name server C. local name server D. top-level name server Answer: C

64. The resource record type _____ specifies the name of the host prepared to accept e-mail for the

specified domain. A. HINFO B. A C. SOA D. MX Answer: D


65. The Movie information in a email will be encoded as MIME message and its MIME type/subtype is _____ . A. Video/Mpeg B. Image/gif C. Message/rfc822 D. Multipart/mixed Answer: A

66. SMTP uses server port _____ .

A. 25 B. 80 C. 1021 D. 110 Answer: A

67. When a user clicks on a hyperlink,, the browser carries out a

series of steps in order to fetch the page pointed to. Which one is not among these steps? A. The browser asks DNS for the IP address of

B. The browser makes a TCP connection to port 80 on C. The server sends the file /home/index.html. D. A plug-in is removed from the browser’s memory. Answer: D

68. is not a technology used by web server to speed up the page file access.

A. disk cache B. multithread C. helper application D. server farm Answer: C

69. _____ could not be used as protocol part of URL(Uniform Resource Locator) .

A. file B. http C. smtp D. ftp Answer: C

70. HTML tag _____ is used to define a hyperlink .

A. B. C. D. <img src=”…” > Answer: B </p><p>71. In HTML we can use “form” to input data and submit them to web server , _____ is not a legal built-in type for the <input> tag. A. checkbox B. radio C. text D. cgi Answer: D </p><p>72. A web server can provide to client computer’s browser along with the requested page, which is then stored in the client computer. A. cookie B. form C. cgi-bin D. base64 </p><p> </p><p>10 </p><p></p><p>Answer: A </p><p>73. could not be used to generate dynamic content on the server side. </p><p>A. PHP script B. Applet C. Java Server Pages D. Active Server Pages Answer: B </p><p>74. Several programming technologies could be used to generate client-side dynamic web pages, among them runs faster of all. A. ActiveX controls B. Java Applet C. Java script D. CGI script Answer: A </p><p> </p><p>75. is not the feature of WAP 2.0. </p><p>A. Support for ActiveX controls B. Push model C. Multimedia messaging D. Support for plug-ins in the browser Answer: A </p><p>76. In ARPANET, the subnet would consist of minicomputers called connected by 56-kbps transmission lines. A. proxy server B. bridges C. IMPs D. NAT gateway Answer: C </p><p>77. allows programs to call procedures located on remote hosts, and has become the </p><p>basis for many networking applications. A. C/S mode B. RTCP C. RPC D. RTP Answer: C </p><p>78. Connections are established in TCP by means of the . </p><p>A. two-way handshake B. three-way handshake C. stop-and-wait D. Symmetric release Answer: B </p><p>79. XML describes Web content in a structured way and second, describes the formatting independently of the content. A. FORM B. ASP C. XSL D. JSP Answer: C </p><p>80. To solve the problem of World Wide Wait, researchers have developed various techniques for improving performance, these technologies include caching, server replication, and . A. CDN B. Redirection C. CIDR D. subnet Answer: A </p><p> </p><p>11 </p><p> </p><p>二. Please choose true(T) or false( F) for the following questions. (20 points) </p><p>1. ( ) In 802.11 LAN, if station X received RTS, but did not receive CTS, then X can transmit its data and will not interfere with other stations. ( T) </p><p>2. ( ) The baud rate is the number of samples/second, each sample sends one symbol, so the baud rate is equal to bit rate. ( F) </p><p>3. ( ) In a Go-Back-n protocol of data link layer, the sequence number takes 4 bit, then the maximal sending window size will be 15. ( T) </p><p>4. ( ) SLIP and PPP do not provide any form of authentication. ( F) </p><p>5. ( ) V.90 modem provides for a 33.6-kbps upstream channel (user to ISP), but a 56 kbps downstream channel (ISP to user) because there is usually more data transport from the ISP to the user than the other way. ( T) </p><p>6. ( ) According to IEEE 802.1Q, the computer which originally sends the frame will add a VLAN tag to the frame. ( F,T) </p><p>7. ( ) In a datagram subnet, the route is chosen only when the connection is established. ( F) </p><p>8. ( ) In IPv6, More attention has been paid to real-time data. ( T) </p><p>9. ( ) Clark’s solution solves the problem of silly window syndrome, it prevents the receiver from sending a window update for 1 byte. ( T) </p><p>10. ( ) At present, transmission line noise is the main cause of losing packet. ( F) </p><p>11. ( ) Technology literatures of TCP/IP are released by a series of technical reports called protocol stack, they are stored on-line and are numbered in chronological order of creation. </p><p>(F) protocol stack ? RFCs </p><p> </p><p>12 </p><p>12. ( ) The range of frequencies transmitted without being strongly attenuated is called the broadband network, which is the frequencies range of signal to be permitted to pass in transmission media. </p><p>(F) broadband network? bandwidth </p><p>13. ( ) If the fiber's diameter is reduced to a few wavelengths of light, the fiber acts like a wave guide, and the light can propagate only in a straight line, without bouncing, such optical fiber is called single-mode fiber. (T ) </p><p>14. ( ) DMT is another transmission approach of ADSL, it divides the available 1.1 MHz spectrum on the local loop into 256 independent channels of 4312.5 Hz each. (T ) </p><p>15. ( ) Protocols in which the sender sends one frame and then waits for an acknowledgement before proceeding are called Go-back-N Protocols. (F ) Go-back-N ? stop-and-wait </p><p>16. ( ) In PPP, a link control protocol is used for bringing lines up, testing them, negotiating options, and bringing them down again gracefully when they are no longer needed. This protocol is called LCP. (T ) </p><p>17. ( ) MAC is the upper half of the data link layer in LAN. (F ) MAC ?LLC </p><p>18. ( ) Problems with wireless LAN include hidden station problem and exposed station problem . (T ) </p><p>19. ( ) Every incoming packet is sent out on every outgoing line of router except the one it arrived on, such routing algorithm is called dynamic routing. (F ) dynamic routing ? flooding </p><p>20. ( ) Internet protocol ARP allows a newly-booted workstation to broadcast its Ethernet address and say: My 48-bit Ethernet address is Does anyone out there know my IP address? The corresponding server sees this request, looks up the Ethernet address in its configuration files, and sends back the requester’s IP address. </p><p>(F ) ARP ? RARP </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> 13 </p><p></p> <p>本文来源:<a href=""></a></p><span class="doc-download-e"></span> </div> <script type="text/javascript">s("download_bottom");</script> <div class="related_article"> <div class="related_top"><code>相关文章:</code></div> <ul><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="网络基础06秋冬试卷(含答案)">网络基础06秋冬试卷(含答案)</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="网络基础06秋冬试卷(含答案)">网络基础06秋冬试卷(含答案)</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="06材料科学基础试卷A(答案) - 图文">06材料科学基础试卷A(答案) - 图文</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="网络基础(含答案)-网络管理员考试">网络基础(含答案)-网络管理员考试</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="神经网络试卷(A卷)(含答案)">神经网络试卷(A卷)(含答案)</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="网络基础试卷">网络基础试卷</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="主题五网络技术基础(含答案)">主题五网络技术基础(含答案)</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="计算机网络基础习题(含答案)">计算机网络基础习题(含答案)</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" title="主题五网络技术基础(含答案)">主题五网络技术基础(含答案)</a></li><li><a href="" target="_blank" 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