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2013年高考模拟系列试卷 英语试题【新课标版】



例:It’s so nice to hear from her again. , we last met more than thirty years ago. A.What’s more B.That’s to say C.In other words D.Believe it or not 答案是D。

21.Buy two CDs and get completely free. A.other B.the other C.another D.all

22.She came in for coffee and told me traffic kept her awake last night. A.a, the B.a, 不填 C.the, the D.the, 不填 23.It’s an old car, it’s very reliable. A.so B.but C.or D.and

24. increasing the distance of your walks, you may lose more weight. A.By B.From C.On D.For 25.Put on your coat! I you down to the doctor. A.take B.am taking C.took D.have taken

26.He collected information on 1,000 people, whose IQ when they were ten years old. A.is tested B.has tested C.would test D.had been tested 27.--- Haven’t I told you that you should be home earlier? --- Yes, but I home earlier than I usually do. A.was coming B.will come C.came D.had come 28.From the dates on the gold coin, we know that it was made 500 years ago. A.marking B.marked C.to mark D.to be marked 29. a little money, Jane was able to buy her mother a lovely new watch. A.To save B.Saving C.Saved D.Having saved 30.The government has taken measures air quality. A.to improve B.improved C.being improved D.to be improved 31.--- Mary I smoke here?

--- If you , choose a seat in the smoking section. A.should B.could C.must D.may

32. most parents care about is to provide the best education for their

children. A.What B.That C.How D.Whether 33.In 1963 we moved to New York, my grandparents lived. A.which B.where C.why D.what

34.When his dad died, he felt his world had turned upside – down. A.in case B.as if C.so that D.even though 35.If you had seen a doctor, you much better now. A.are B.will be C.would be D.would have been

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第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


I grew up poor – living with six brothers, my father and a wonderful mother. We had 36 money and few worldly goods, but plenty of love and attention. I was 37 and energetic. I understood that no matter how poor a person was, they could 38 afford a dream.

My dream was to be a 39 . When I was sixteen, I could crush a baseball, throw a ninety – mile – per – hour fastball. I was also 40 : my high – school coach was Ollie Jarvis, who 41 me the difference between having a dream and showing strong belief. One particular 42 with him changed my life forever. It was a summer and a friend recommended me for a summer 43 . This meant a chance for my first income – cash for a new bike and new clothes, and the 44 of savings for a house for my mother. The opportunity was attracting, and I wanted to 45 at it.

Then I realized I would have to 46 summer baseball to handle the work schedule, and that meant I would have to tell Coach Jarvis I wouldn’t be playing. I was 47 about this.

When I told Coach Jarvis, he was as 48 as I expected him to be. “You have your whole life to work,” he said. “Your 49 days are limited. You can’t afford to waste them.”

I stood before him with my head 50 , trying to think of how to explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house and having money in my pocket was worth 51 his disappointment in me.

“How much are you going to make at this job?” he demanded. “$ 3.25 an hour,” I replied.

“Well, is $ 3.25 an hour the price of a 52 ?” he asked.

That 53 laid bare for me the difference between wanting something right now and having a goal. I devoted myself to 54 that summer, and within the year I was offered a $ 20,000 contract. I signed with the Denver Broncos in 1984 for $ 1.7 million, and bought my mother the 55 of my dreams. 36.A.some B.little C.no D.much 37.A.happy B.lovely C.angry D.noisy 38.A.only B.ever C.still D.almost 39.A.teacher B.coach C.doctor D.sportsman 40.A.lucky B.satisfied C.hopeful D.surprised 41.A.taught B.asked C.told D.trained 42.A.match B.story C.moment D.incident 43.A.job B.camp C.holiday D.course 44.A.cause B.start C.need D.amount 45.A.stand B.call C.look D.jump 46.A.take out B.cut off C.put on D.give up 47.A.excited B.curious C.anxious D.disappointed 48.A.mad B.puzzled C.regretful D.discouraged

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49.A.working B.playing C.learning D.shining 50.A.shaking B.hanging C.holding D.nodding 51.A.feeling B.suffering C.facing D.expressing 52.A.dream B.game C.chance D.life 53.A.offer B.price C.question D.order 54.A.study B.sports C.homework D.business 55.A.clothes B.bike C.house D.goods 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题,每题2分,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)



Obama Still Smokes in Secret

US President Barack Obama has just made life more difficult for cigarette makers. He has just signed a law that will set tough new rules for the tobacco industry. The new law gives the US Food and Drug Administration the power to strictly limit the making and marketing of tobacco products.

At a White House signing ceremony Monday, Obama said that he was among the nearly 90% of smokers who took up the habit before their 18 th birthday.

Obama, who has publicly struggled to give up smoking, said he still hadn’t completely kicked the habit. Every now and then he still smokes in secret.

“As a former smoker I struggle with it all the time. Do I still smoke sometimes? Yes. Am I a daily smoker, a constant smoker? No.” Obama said at a news conference.

“I don' t do it in front of my lads.I don ?t do it in front of my family.I would say that I am 95% cured, but there are times when I mess up, \.

\is exactly why the law is so important.The new law is not about me, it' s about the next generation of kids coming up.What we don ' t want is kids going down that path,\said. Nearly 20% of Americans smoke and tobacco use kills about 440,000 people a year

in the United States due to cancer, heart disease, and other serious diseases. 56.The new law makes life difficult for . A.Obama B.tobacco industry C.White House D.US Food and Drug Administration 57.What do we know about Obama? A.He no longer smokes. B.He still smokes as usual. C.He began to smoke at eighteen. D.He is trying hard to give up smoking.

58.According to the passage, Obama is most concerned about . A.children B.officials C.his

family D.businessmen


Thanks a Million, Dad

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I was born disabled.A difficult birth, feet first, my head stuck.By my first birthday, I couldn't stand or walk.

When I was three, the doctor told dad I had cerebral palsy (脑瘫).A loss of oxygen to my brain had destroyed brain signals to the right side of my body.

But no son of my dad' s was going to be disabled.Every morning before breakfast and every evening before bed, my dad placed me on the bedroom floor to exercise my right leg.The muscles were shrunk and twisted together.Back and forth up and down, my dad pushed and pulled the muscles into shape.

But my dad' s exercise of passion didn't stop there.For my 13th birthday, he threw me a special party.When everybody was gone, he brought me to open a large box, it was a-set of boxing gloves.We put them on.My dad kept on beating me mercilessly.Each time I tried to get up, leather kissed my nose, eyes and jaw.I \him to stop. He said he beat me to get me ready for the tough world.

That same year, I was the only kid in my neighborhood that wasn't picked for Little League. Two weeks later.Dad started the Shedd Park Minor League, and every kid played.Dad coached us and made me a pitcher (棒球投手).

The power of my dad' s love guaranteed I walked and more.In high school, I became a football star.

In 1997, a brain surgeon in San Jose told me I didn’t t have cerebral palsy after all.He explained how and where the doctor' s forceps (镊子) at birth had damaged my brain.

My dad never knew the whole truth since he passed away years ago.But all that counts is the bottom line.After all his madness, on this Father' s Day, like every Father' s Day, I' m no longer disabled.

59.What caused the author' s disability? A.A failed operation. B.The doctor's forceps. C.An accident in a game. D.Shrunken and twisted muscles. 60.What do we learn from the passage? A.The author has a talent for boxing. B.The author achieved a lot thanks to his father' s love. C.The author became a baseball star with the help of his father. D.The author doesn't think his father should be so strict with him. 61.Paragraph 3 suggests that the author' s father____. A.wouldn't give up hope easily B.believed his son was a normal child C.blamed the doctors for his son' s disability D.couldn't accept the truth that his son was disabled 62.The author wrote the passage to ____. A.remember his father B.encourage disabled children C.show the difficulty the disabled face D.give advice to the parents of disabled children


I live in the land of Disney, Hollywood and year - round sun.You may think

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People ,n such an attractive, fun - filled place are happier than others.If so you have some mistaken ideas about the nature of happiness.

Many intelligent people still think fun equals happiness.The truth is that fun and happiness have little or nothing in common.Fun is what we experience during an act.Happiness is what we experience after an act.It is a deep, long-lasting emotion.

Going to an amusement park or a ball game, watching a movie or television are fun activities that help us relax, temporally forget our problems and maybe even laugh.But they do not bring happiness, because their positive effects end when the fun ends.

I have often thought that if Hollywood stars have a role to play, it is to teach us that happiness has nothing to do with fun.They have constant access to exciting parties, fancy cars, expensive homes, everything that spells \(回忆录) after memoir, they expose Ac unhappiness hidden beneath all their fun: depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, broken marriages and loneliness.

Ask a bachelor why he resists marriage even though he finds dating to be less and less satisfying.If he is honest, he will tell you that he is afraid of making a commitment.For commitment is in fact quite painful.The single life is filled with fun, adventure and excitement.Marriage has such moments, but they are not its most distinguishing features.

Similarly, couples that choose not to have children are deciding in favor of painless fun over painful happiness.They can dine out whenever they want and sleep as late as they want.Couples with babies are lucky to get a whole night' s sleep.I don't know any parent who would choose the word fun to describe raising children.

Understanding and accepting that true happiness has nothing to do with fun is one of the most liberating realizations we can ever come to.It liberates time: now we can devote more hours to activities that can truly increase our happiness.It liberates money: buying that new car or those fancy clothes that will do nothing to increase our happiness now seems pointless.And it frees us from envy: we now understand that all those rich and famous people we were so sure are happy because they are always having so much fun actually may not be happy at all. 63.What is the passage mainly about? A.Fun and happiness. B.Success and satisfaction. C.Marriage and commitment. D.Entertainment and responsibility. 64.The author probably agrees that ____. A.fun creates long - lasting satisfaction B.long - standing fun may lead to happiness C.fun is short-lived while happiness is long-lasting D.fun provides enjoyment while pain leads to happiness 65.What does the author think of marriage? A.It ends in pain. B.It means commitment. C.It affords greater fun. D.It leads to raising children. 66.If one gets the real meaning of happiness, he ____. A.will start a business B.won' t place too much value on money C.will seek for freedom D.won't devote himself to his family

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Time and how we experience it have always puzzled us.Physicists have created fascinating theories, but their time is measured by a pendulum (钟摆) and is not psychological time, which leaps with little regard to the clock or calendar.As some-one who understood the distinction observed, \it seems like a minute, but when you sit on a hot stove, a minute seems like two hours.\Psychologists have long noticed that larger units of time, such as months and years, fly on swifter wings as we age.They also note that the more time is structured with schedules and appointments, the more rapidly it seems to pass.For example, a day at the office flies compared with a day at the beach.Since most of us spend fewer days at the beach and more at the office as we age, an increase in structured tune could well be to blame for why time seems to speed up as we grow older.

Expectation and familiarity also make time seem to flow more rapidly.Almost all of us have had the experience of driving somewhere we’ve never been before. Surrounded by unfamiliar scenery, with no real idea of when we’ll arrive, we experience the trip as lasting a long time. But the return trip, although exactly as long, seems to take far less time. The novelty of the outward journey has become routine. Thus taking a different route on occasions can often help slow the clock.

When was become as identical as identical as beads(小珠子)on a string, they mix together, and even months become a single day. To counter this, try to find ways to interrupt the structure of your day—to stop time, so to speak.

Learning something new is one of the ways to slow the passage of time. One of the reasons the days of our youth seems so full and long is that these are the days of learning and discovery. For many of us, learning ends when we leave school, but this doesn’t have to be.

67.The underlined sentence in Paragraph 1 is used to show . A.psychological time is quite puzzling B.time should not be measured by a pendulum C.physical time is different from psychological time D.physical theory has nothing to do with the true sense of time 68.Why do units of time fly faster as we grow older? A.Our sense of time changes. B.We spend less time at the beach. C.More time is structured and scheduled. D.Time is structured with too many appointments. 69.In Paragraph 3 “novelty” probably means . A.excitement B.unfamiliarity C.imagination D.amusement 70.The purpose of the passage is to . A.give various explanations about time B.describe how we experience time psychologically C.show the different ideas of physicists and psychologists on time D.explain why time flies and how to slow it down psychologically 第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)

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A 7.0 magnitude(级)earthquake killed more than 230,000 people in Haiti. Then an 8.8 magnitude quake killed more than 900 people in Chile. And few weeks later, a 6.0 magnitude quake struck rural eastern Turkey, killing at least 57 people.

The earthquakes kept coming hard and fast. 71 It’s not. The problem is what’s happening above ground, not underground, experts say.

72 They’re rapidly putting up buildings that can’t stand up to earth quakes, scientists believer.

And news reports and better earthquake monitoring make it seem as if earth quakes are increasing all the time.

On average, there are 134 earthquakes a year that have a magnitude between 6.0 and 6.9. So far this year there have been 40 earthquakes—more than in most years for that time period. But that’s because the 8.8 quake in Chile caused a large number of strong aftershocks.

Also, it’s not the number of quakes, but their destructive effects that gain attention. The death is largely due to building standards, 73 Paul Earle, a US seismologist, called for better building standards in the world’s big cities.

Of the 130 cities worldwide with populations of more than I million, more than half are likely to be hit by earthquakes. 74 “If you have a problem feeding yourself, you’re not really going to worry about earthquakes,” said Paul.

The earthquakes made everyone start to think 75 “People are paying attention to the violent planet we’re always lived on. Come back an another six moths if there has been no earthquakes, most people will have forgotten it again,” said US disaster researcher Dennis Mileti.

A.But it won’t last.

B.More people are moving into big cities. C.Earthquakes don’t kill people, buildings do.

D.There have been more deaths overt the past decade from earthquakes.

E.Many people began to wonder if something terrible is happening underground. F.While it seems as if the are more earthquakes occurring, there really aren’t. G.But developing nations with growing populations don’t pay attention to earthquake



1—5 BBBCA 6—10 BBBAC 11—15 ACBBA 16—20 CBACC 21—25 CABAB 26—30 DCBDA 31—35 CABBC

36—40 BACDA 41—45 ADABD 46—50 DCABB 51—55 CACBC 56—60 BDABB 61—65 AAACB 66—70 BCCBD 71—75 EBCGA

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