
更新时间:2024-04-23 18:49:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载








1. — Everything in my life has fallen to pieces. My life is such a mess!

— _______. I know how you feel. A. By no means

B. I can’t agree more C. I’ve been there D. I can’t find

any reasons

2. France is a main destination for U.S. travelers, _______ second only to the United

Kingdom, according to_______ Commerce Department report. A.不填; a

B. 不填; the C. a; a

D. the; the

3. If I had ever feared death before, it was _______ compared to how I felt as the roller coaster moved fasterand faster.

A. anything

B. something

C. everything

D. nothing

4. Many memories of old times were _______ by the conversation we had together that evening. A. called up B. turned up C. taken up

D. kept up

5. People sometimes think that shy people are cold and uninterested in other people _______

actually theyarejust afraid to meet them.

A. since

B. unless

C. when

D. until

6. Jack, to his _______, refused to get involved although his friends insisted on his trying the drug.

A. preference

B. surprise

C. credit D. opinion

7. I wanted to _______ them the trouble of buying me a present. So I didn’t tell them


about my birthday party. A. dismiss B. spare C. remove D. submit 8. — Can I go now, sir?

— If you _______ leave, do it quietly.

A. will B. may C. shall D. must

9. Mom told him he was forbidden to watch TV for a month. _______, he stormed out of the room. A. In response advance 10.

The hotel was terrible, and not at all what we _______ to expect in the advertisement.

B. had been led C. had been leading

D. would be led

B. In turn

C. In return



A. had led 11.

In some countries, many students participate in various programs, _______ they learn

about the sense ofresponsibility by volunteering their services. A. which 12.

B. when

C. where

D. that

I don’t know how he made his money _______. I only know now he is really rich.

B. originally

C. apparently D. permanently

A. steadily



Easy as the problem is _______, I’m still worried about _______ another breakdown.

B. to work out; there being D. to be worked out; it being

A. worked out; there is C. working out; it is

14. That night, trapped alone in the mountain, she felt cold, hungry and scared. She


A. should have cried B. might cry C. would cry D. could have

cried 15.

He took away my key saying he was not about to let me sit _______ the wheel of a

couldn’teven walk straight.

B. between

C. above D. beneath

vehicle when I

A. behind

16. — I will go to the party if I don’t have to dress up.

—Well, actually, it doesn’t matter _______ you’re dressed.

A. what

B. whether

C. how

D. when


He hadn’t been asked to the party and was feeling very _______.

B. broken down

C. stressed out

D. left out

A. turned down


_______, the house isn’t big enough, though you can get a good view of the park.

B. On the contrary C. To be honest D.

A. Above all

Generally speaking 19.

The carbon content of steel largely determines its usefulness for _______

applications. A. typical 20.

B. tough

C. fantastic

D. specific

— Linda apologized to me yesterday.

— Impossible! _______. I know what kind of person she is.

A. I wasn’t born yesterday

B. Good for you

C. You can never tell D. That’s for sure 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)



